Jitka Jonova | Palacky University, Olomouc (original) (raw)
Papers by Jitka Jonova
Canons adam Count Potulicki and sigismund Wenzel Count halka- ledóchowski rank among prominent ca... more Canons adam Count Potulicki and sigismund Wenzel Count halka-
ledóchowski rank among prominent canons of Polish origin who served in the olmütz metropolitan Chapter at the turn of the 20 th century. While Count Potulicki was not perceived very positively, as a (repeatedly) unsuccessful candidatefor the archbishop’s throne, who saw his service in the archdiocese of olmütz as a means of material security, sigismund Wenzel Count halka-ledóchowski, in contrast, did not seek the archbishop’s throne; instead, he tried to support the appointment of canon antonín Cyril stojan in the archbishop’s election in 1920. Both canons were linked by their Polish origin and canonry in the olmütz Chapter; their activities here were, however, quite different.
Slavica Slovaca, 2024
In response to the establishment of the Czechoslovak Church (in January 1920), which introduced u... more In response to the establishment of the Czechoslovak Church (in January 1920), which introduced using the vernacular language in the liturgy, the Czech and Moravian bishops requested permission to extend the use of the vernacular language in the liturgy and, following the Cyril and Methodius tradition, to allow the celebration of the Old Slavonic liturgy. The Holy See allowed some extension of the use of the vernacular language in the liturgy and the celebration of the Old Slavonic liturgy in selected places on selected days (approved in May 1920). This was done especially for apologetic reasons, to prevent a greater exodus of the faithful to the Czechoslovak Church. This permission was also meant to be an example of the Holy See's friendliness towards Czechoslovakia. St. Cyril and Methodius; Slavonic liturgy; vernacular language in liturgy; Czechoslovakia; Czechoslovak Church; Holy See
Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte, 2023
The establishment of an independent Czechoslovakia put the Catholic Church in a new situation. Th... more The establishment of an independent Czechoslovakia put the Catholic Church in a new situation. The close connection between church and state during the monarchy, the so-called union of the throne and the altar, left a difficult legacy. Shortly after the establishment of Czechoslovakia, strong anti-Catholic tendencies emerged, as well as the demand for strict separation of church and state. These fears did not come true and the new republic soon established diplomatic relations with the Holy See (1920). Bishops appointed under pressure from the Viennese government (Huyn and Skrbenský) also found themselves in a difficult position, while in the case of Huyn, the Holy See agreed with his resignation, it rejected the government’s request for Skrbenský’s resignation (Skrbenský soon resigned at his own discretion on the grounds of health). The relationship between the Catholic Church and the state went through various moments of crisis (the celebrations of Jan Hus or the Marmaggi affair), however, the relationship was consolidated to such a high extent that the state was able to conclude a Modus Vivendi (1928) agreement with the Holy See. The state allowed the church to operate freely and the church respected the interests of the state.
Soon after his appointment to the Archiepiscopal See (1892) the Archbishop of Olomouc Theodor Koh... more Soon after his appointment to the Archiepiscopal See (1892) the Archbishop of Olomouc Theodor Kohn (1845-1915) sought to economically consolidate his diocese, which also meant trying to ensure that no-one "carried out illegal business activities" on the archbishop's land. Kohn was involved in several legal disputes over property, and one particularly famous dispute with a farmer called Dubják, who utilized anticlerical circles to attack the church and its representatives, lasted several years. Other events put further pressure on Archbishop Kohn, and his case was even debated in the Austrian Parliament (April 1903). The only person to "back" Kohn in the press was Josef Svatopluk Machar. The case of Archbishop Kohn was utilized to great effect in anticlerical campaigns (e.g. in newspaper articles and the pamphlet "the tyranny of Archbishop Kohn and the nature of clericalism"). All of these factors eventually contributed to the resignation of Theodor Kohn from the Archiepiscopal See in Olomouc (1904).
Lekarz i duchowny na prowincji - Lékař a duchovní v provincii, 2022
In the 19th century, the clergy were an important intellectual elite, especially in the country a... more In the 19th century, the clergy were an important intellectual elite, especially in the country and in small towns. While their main task was the spiritual care of their parishioners, wome of them waw their task in "intellectual ministry" as well. Karel Dostál-Lutinov, who strove to improve the quality of the Czech Catholic literature, was one of them. In his activities he was faced with the lack of understanding of his superiors, who considered his literary and intellectual work as secondary or as enterainment. The society, too, expected priests to be first and foremost "priests:" their intellectual, social, and political activities were not always positively received.
Zprávy památkové péče, 2022
This article deals with the period after 1949, when the state took over supervision of the manage... more This article deals with the period after 1949, when the state took over supervision of the management of church property,
including movable and immovable heritage properties. The existing Archdiocesan Heritage Council ceased to function, although
the Sacrosanctum Concilium called for the establishment of a diocesan commission for sacred art. The restoration of many sacred
buildings was carried out on a self-help basis, and similarly the modification of liturgical space in the context of introduced
liturgical reform could not be sufficiently consulted. The Ordinaries did issue their official opinion, but the consultation was
complicated. In Olomouc, the unofficial consultant was a former member of the Archdiocesan Heritage Council, Leopold Chvostek,
then from the 1980s onwards it was architect Tomበâernou‰ek (due to the hostility of the regime, the consultations had to be secret).
Although the Ordinary issued his opinion, the main decision was in the hands of the state. It was only after 1989 that a diocesan
commission for sacred art was established, which is an advisory commission to the Ordinary also in the field of care of sacred
art heritage properties.
Studia historica Brunensia
Prohra s fatálními důsledky. Politický vývoj po prusko-rakouské válce z pohledu vídeňského nuncia... more Prohra s fatálními důsledky. Politický vývoj po prusko-rakouské válce z pohledu vídeňského nuncia Loss with fatal consequences. Political developments after the Prussian-Austrian War from the point of view of the Viennese Nuncio Jitka Jonová /
Resumé Konkordát mezi Svatým stolcem a Rakouskem z roku 1855 zaručoval katolické církvi výsadní p... more Resumé Konkordát mezi Svatým stolcem a Rakouskem z roku 1855 zaručoval katolické církvi výsadní postavení v oblasti školství (dozor nad školami i učebními knihami). Po roce 1866 byly postupně vydávány školské zákony, které porušovaly práva zaručená konkordátem. To vyvrcholilo tzv. Hasnerovým zákonem z roku 1869. Samotný konkordát byl ze strany Rakouska vypovězen v roce 1870. Klíčová slova Katolická církev, školství, konkordát.
The Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium specifically contains provisions concerning liturgy but a... more The Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium specifically contains provisions concerning liturgy but also the preservation of historical monuments and issues of sacred art. There is an urgent question in connection with the development of modern art as to which type of art is suitable for the sacred, liturgical space and which is not. This begs the question as to how to define sacred art. Another problem is raised, however, in connection with the preservation of historic buildings (esp. churches), that being how to reconcile the requirements of church and those of state heritage preservation? Specific questions are presented by disused churches, their sale and subsequent use. There is also the issue of the formation of candidates for the priesthood and priests concerned with preservation of historical monuments and sacred art. The issue will be discussed on the basis of church documents (general and particular) and selected relevant examples. The paper focuses on the Sacrosanctum Concilium 44-46, 122-129 in connection not only with preservation of historic church buildings, but with the issue of sacred art (modern art in the Church, sacred furnishings, the commission for sacred art) and that of unneeded "redundant" churches: the use of church buildings for other/ secular purposes.
Kdo vyšívá, nehřeší. Liturgické textilie z darů českých šlechtičen, 2021
A noble origin was an advantage even for xoung men aiming at the clerical career and gave them be... more A noble origin was an advantage even for xoung men aiming at the clerical career and gave them better prospects for career advancement. This process was closely connected with the family´s wishes (both in joining the clergy or leaving it to ensure the family´s continuity). The nobles often became canons (some chapters accepted nobles only) and bishops; a career at the papal court was an interesting opportunity.
The question of patronage rights and duties was closely associated with the noble tittle. The nobleman, as well as another owner of a domain, was obliged to financially support the maintenance of the church (or parish office, etc.). In return, the patron received special privileges such as an influence in the appointment of the religious administrator, a special place in the church, prayers for the patron, etc. These privileges were mostly honorary, although the care for the parish church was in the patron´s interest who could use these activities for his self-presentation.
Pensar Fátima, leituras interdisciplinares - Volume I , 2021
The Fatima revelation received more attention in the Czech press after the official approval by t... more The Fatima revelation received more attention in the Czech press after the official approval by the Catholic Church. After the approval in the Czechoslovak press (especially those Catholic) the Fatima revelation was finally popularised and introduced to Czech readers. The situation changed after the Communist coup in February 1948. The Communist regime did not have the slightest interest in promoting the Catholic Church or even the Fatima revelation and its message. The Fatima revelation for the Communist press was an example of deception and the endeavour to deceive poor pious people. From the point of view of Communist power, it was undesirable to pay no attention to, for example, the visits of the Popes to Fatima. But it was also necessary to bring it into line with Communist ideology. What the public received from the official press was very distorted information about Fatima until 1989.
Römische Quartalschrift , 2021
“Mons. František Zapletal and the foundation of the Bohemian, later Czechoslovak College in Rome”... more “Mons. František Zapletal and the foundation of the Bohemian, later Czechoslovak College in Rome” – František Zapletal aimed to become a priest, but since there was a surplus in his home Archdiocese of Olomouc, he joined the seminary in Prague. During his theological studies in Prague, Zapletal was elected to finish his studies in Rome. Rome then became decisive for his future career. Although being a junior priest he was appointed Vice Rector of the newly founded Bohemian College and became responsible for the organisation of daily life and spiritual guidance for priest candidates. He also managed the affairs of the Bohemian-Moravian episcopate at the Holy See. Upon return to his homeland and especially after the establishment of an independent Czechoslovakia, he still supported church affairs in Rome, in particular for the Bohemian College, which has been expanded following the dissolution of the Habsburg Monarchy and had become the Czechoslovak College, Nepomucenum.
Studia theologica
Již Tridentský koncil usiloval o reformu kapitul, upřesnil požadavky na kanovníky, odmítl kumulac... more Již Tridentský koncil usiloval o reformu kapitul, upřesnil požadavky na kanovníky, odmítl kumulaci beneficií a zdůrazňoval povinnost rezidence. Tato ustanovení žel mnohdy nebyla dodržována. 1 Někteří kanovníci byli coby příslušníci šlechty zvyklí, že jim to bylo tolerováno. Ovšem co bylo běžné v době habsburské monarchie, se stalo netolerovatelným po vzniku samostatného Československa. Jedním z případů nedodržování povinnosti rezidence byla kauza Josefa, svobodného pána Grimmensteina. 2 Ten velmi často dlel mimo diecézi a přijížděl si většinou jen převzít příjmy z beneficia, což vyvolávalo velké pohoršení. To se setkávalo s kritikou olomouckých arcibiskupů i kněžstva. Po vzniku samostatného Československa už bylo toto jednání naprosto neudržitelné, arcibiskup Prečan to odmítal a usiloval o jeho rezignaci na kanonikát, se kterou se však Grimmenstein celkem pochopitelně nehodlal jen tak smířit, zejména z důvodu zajištění finančních prostředků pro svůj nákladný život. Grimmenstein byl sice k rezignaci donucen, ale neustále si stěžoval na svoji špatnou finanční situaci a neúspěšně usiloval o svoji rehabilitaci. Grimmensteinův případ provázel arcibiskupa Prečana po celý jeho episkopát. * Studie vznikla v rámci projektu IGA_CMTF_2018_002 Česká náboženská a kulturní identita s akcentem na sté výročí vzniku Československa. Při zpracování této studie byly využity poznatky získané v rámci stipendijních pobytů v Českém historickém ústavu v Římě.
Studia Theologica, 2013
Negotiations on the Occupation of the Archiepiscopal See in Olomouc after the Resignation of Arch... more Negotiations on the Occupation of the Archiepiscopal See in Olomouc after the Resignation of Archbishop Leo Cardinal Skrbenský of Hříště from the View of the Holy See
In December 1919 Archbishop Leo Cardinal Skrbenský of Hříště sent his resignation to the Holy See, with this having been justified due to his health problems. Pope Benedict XV accepted his resignation. The question of Skrbenský's successor had to be resolved. The first question was a clarification of how the successor would be designated, whether elected by the Chapter or appointed by the Holy See. With regard to the voluntary resignation of Skrbenský submitted to the Pope, it was preceded by the appointment by the Holy See. Canon Stojan emerged as the most suitable candidate and was consequently appointed Archbishop of Olomouc. Stojan enjoyed great popularity among the clergy and people of both nations and was also acceptable for the government.
Jak se u nás podvádělo: za monarchie i za republiky, 2019
Zjevení ve Fátimě se v českém tisku (a v dalších publikacích) dostalo více pozornosti až po círke... more Zjevení ve Fátimě se v českém tisku (a v dalších publikacích) dostalo více pozornosti až po církevním uznání pravosti Fátimského poselství. Slibnému ohlasu a možnému rozvoji poutí však zabránilo vypuknutí Druhé světové války. Po jejím skončení se opět objevily zprávy o Fatimě včetně podvodném zjevení na Slovensku (velmi podobné Fatimským událostem). Po nástupu komunistické moci v Československu v únoru 1948 se čas od času dostalo Fatimským zjevením pozornosti v komunistickém tisku. Ale bylo to primárně v rámci komunistické propagandy a to jako příkladu podvodů katolické církve, Vatikánu a nástroj na podvodné ovládání chudých věřících. Propagace Fatimského poselství nebyla v žádném případě z pohledu komunistické vlády žádoucí.
Po pádu komunistického režimu v Československu v listopadu 1989 pak mohla vyjít řada publikací k Fatimskému zjevení, která se snažila referovat věcně bez potřeby znevažovat toto poselství a církev.
Církve, náboženství a politika v Československu a Rakousku ve 20. století., 2019
V rámci Prvního vatikánského koncilu (1869-1870) byl plánován k projednání obsáhlý soubor problém... more V rámci Prvního vatikánského koncilu (1869-1870) byl plánován k projednání obsáhlý soubor problémů (českomoravský episkopát navrhoval např. otázku rozšíření dovolení používání lidového jazyka v liturgii). Vzhledem k tomu, že do té doby poslední ekumenický koncil byl tridentský v 16. století, těšil se tento koncil velké pozornosti. Koncilu se samozřejmě účastnili i biskupové z Čech a Moravy (kromě těch, kterým to nedovolil věk nebo zdravotní stav), kteří však nepatřili mezi zastánce vyhlašování nových dogmat. Obávali se jak negativních postojů společnosti, tak také reakcí ze strany státní moci. Již před zahájením koncilu „visela ve vzduchu“ otázka papežské neomylnosti, a její vyhlášení jako dogmatu. K hlavním odpůrcům vyhlášení nového dogmatu patřil pražský arcibiskup a kardinál Friedrich Schwarzenberg, který se stal neoficiálním „doyenem“ tzv. minority. Ve svém slavném projevu 18. 5. zdůraznil, že úcta a oddanost k papeži je velká, ale nové dogma způsobí zbytečný odpor.
Biskupové „minority“ se rozhodli závěrečného slavnostního zasedání nezúčastnit (ani jeden z českých a moravských biskupů nehlasoval ve prospěch nového dogmatu). 18. července 1870 byla při slavnostním hlasování přijata dogmatická konstituce Pastor Aeternus. Nakonec tak na koncilu převážila strana, která vyhlášení dogmatu prosazovala (nepřijetí neomylnosti označovali jako ústupek církve liberalismu).
Z důvodu Prusko-Francouzské války byl koncil přerušen a posléze odročen na „sine die“ (neurčito). Ačkoliv kardinál Schwarzenberg se rozhodnutí I. vatikánského koncilu podřídil, otálel s vyhlášením koncilních dokumentů ve své diecézi, důrazně jej na povinnosti zveřejnit dokumenty upozornil vídeňský nuncius. Kardinál Schwarzenberg stejně jako všichni čeští a moravští biskupové postupně zveřejnili. Obavy kardinála Schwarzenberga nebyly bezdůvodné. Po vyhlášení dogmatu vyvstala ostrá kampaň antiklerikálního tisku a vznikla tzv. starokatolická církev. Ale i v habsburské monarchii bylo nově vyhlášené dogma využito v neprospěch katolické církve, rakouský císař František Josef I. jej použil jako záminku pro jednostranné vypovězení konkordátu se Svatým stolcem z roku 1855.
Studia Theologica, 2019
Josef Grimmenstein, thanks to his noble origin and the favor of the Habsburg‑Lorraine ruling fami... more Josef Grimmenstein, thanks to his noble origin and the favor of the Habsburg‑Lorraine ruling family, became a canon of the Metropolitan Capital of Olomouc, although he never worked pastorally in the Archdiocese. He neglected his duties as a canon, and was mostly outside the Archdiocese. He justified his absence (his neglect of residence obligations) by health problems. In addition, reports appeared from time to time about his debts or non‑ priestly behavior. Archbishops Cardinal Skrbenský and Stojan urged him to adhere to the residence, but the change did not occur. Archbishop Leopold Prečan did not want to continue to tolerate Grimmenstein’s neglect of the discipline when Grimmenstein asked for a two‑ -year dispensation from the duty of residence for health reasons (1924), Prečan refused to grant the dispensation, stating that Rome would have to decide. Rome, in light of Grimmenstein's previous deliberations, ordered a resignation and a proposed retirement. Grimmenstein tried to defend himself and did not hesitate to use various means including a number of influential friends. The Congregation confirmed their decision, however, and he finally received a raise of pension from 10,000 CZK to 20,000 CZK, thanks to the generosity of the Chapter which paid the pension (due, however, to outstanding debts part of his pension was confiscated by the bank). He also asked for further financial help in the following years, arguing for his poor financial status (he did not add, however, that he had incurred it himself). He stayed in Paris and then in Rome, where Prečan regularly sent him not only confirmation of his priesthood (celebret), but especially financial help. After the onset of Nazism and the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, he travelled more likely to the Protectorate or the Nazi Reich and did not hesitate to engage in negotiations with the Nazi authorities.
Studia Historica Brunensia, 2017
The Austro-Prussian War (1866) marked a new development in the European power struggle. While Pru... more The Austro-Prussian War (1866) marked a new development in the European power struggle. While Prussia demonstrated that it was one of the strongest powers, Austria's defeat revealed the problems in its internal-political as well as international position. Italy exploited Austria's weakness to make territorial gains. In his reports, the nuncio in Vienna mentioned some important issues: the ongoing national controversies within the monarchy, the danger from German communities wishing to join with Germany, and the spectre of a European war. In many cases his concerns would become reality.
Kościół i Prawo, 2018
During the episcopate of Archbishop Stojan the Czechoslovak government very strongly interfered i... more During the episcopate of Archbishop Stojan the Czechoslovak government very strongly interfered in the resolution of the so-called question of the Olomouc Chapter. Afterwards the issue was perceived primarily as an internal affair of the Church, and negotiations took place between the Archbishop of Olomouc together with the Chapter and the Holy See. The Chapter could not ignore the provisions of the new Code of Canon Law, but did not want to renounce its existing privileges, also because the canons “had sworn by the old statutes”. On the other hand, the number of vacant canonical posts had increased and Prečan, the archbishop of Olomous, managed to effect the appointment of new canons according to the provisions of the Code. The State did not influence those appointment. The nationality of the Chapter members was an important issue.
The issue of new statutes for the Chapter remained unsolved. The requirement of the Holy See from 1923 to review the Statutes in accordance with the new Code was not fulfilled even in the next 70 years. The Chapter, in colaboration with the Archbishop, drafted revised statutes in 1933, but ultimately they were not approved. Also, Archbishop Josef Karel Matocha called the Chapter to submit new statutes for approval after World War II, but yetagain the Chapter argued that the time was “inopportune”. The onset of the Communist regime in 1948 made the situation so difficult that the Olomouc Chapter did not have its new approved Statutes until 1994.
Canons adam Count Potulicki and sigismund Wenzel Count halka- ledóchowski rank among prominent ca... more Canons adam Count Potulicki and sigismund Wenzel Count halka-
ledóchowski rank among prominent canons of Polish origin who served in the olmütz metropolitan Chapter at the turn of the 20 th century. While Count Potulicki was not perceived very positively, as a (repeatedly) unsuccessful candidatefor the archbishop’s throne, who saw his service in the archdiocese of olmütz as a means of material security, sigismund Wenzel Count halka-ledóchowski, in contrast, did not seek the archbishop’s throne; instead, he tried to support the appointment of canon antonín Cyril stojan in the archbishop’s election in 1920. Both canons were linked by their Polish origin and canonry in the olmütz Chapter; their activities here were, however, quite different.
Slavica Slovaca, 2024
In response to the establishment of the Czechoslovak Church (in January 1920), which introduced u... more In response to the establishment of the Czechoslovak Church (in January 1920), which introduced using the vernacular language in the liturgy, the Czech and Moravian bishops requested permission to extend the use of the vernacular language in the liturgy and, following the Cyril and Methodius tradition, to allow the celebration of the Old Slavonic liturgy. The Holy See allowed some extension of the use of the vernacular language in the liturgy and the celebration of the Old Slavonic liturgy in selected places on selected days (approved in May 1920). This was done especially for apologetic reasons, to prevent a greater exodus of the faithful to the Czechoslovak Church. This permission was also meant to be an example of the Holy See's friendliness towards Czechoslovakia. St. Cyril and Methodius; Slavonic liturgy; vernacular language in liturgy; Czechoslovakia; Czechoslovak Church; Holy See
Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte, 2023
The establishment of an independent Czechoslovakia put the Catholic Church in a new situation. Th... more The establishment of an independent Czechoslovakia put the Catholic Church in a new situation. The close connection between church and state during the monarchy, the so-called union of the throne and the altar, left a difficult legacy. Shortly after the establishment of Czechoslovakia, strong anti-Catholic tendencies emerged, as well as the demand for strict separation of church and state. These fears did not come true and the new republic soon established diplomatic relations with the Holy See (1920). Bishops appointed under pressure from the Viennese government (Huyn and Skrbenský) also found themselves in a difficult position, while in the case of Huyn, the Holy See agreed with his resignation, it rejected the government’s request for Skrbenský’s resignation (Skrbenský soon resigned at his own discretion on the grounds of health). The relationship between the Catholic Church and the state went through various moments of crisis (the celebrations of Jan Hus or the Marmaggi affair), however, the relationship was consolidated to such a high extent that the state was able to conclude a Modus Vivendi (1928) agreement with the Holy See. The state allowed the church to operate freely and the church respected the interests of the state.
Soon after his appointment to the Archiepiscopal See (1892) the Archbishop of Olomouc Theodor Koh... more Soon after his appointment to the Archiepiscopal See (1892) the Archbishop of Olomouc Theodor Kohn (1845-1915) sought to economically consolidate his diocese, which also meant trying to ensure that no-one "carried out illegal business activities" on the archbishop's land. Kohn was involved in several legal disputes over property, and one particularly famous dispute with a farmer called Dubják, who utilized anticlerical circles to attack the church and its representatives, lasted several years. Other events put further pressure on Archbishop Kohn, and his case was even debated in the Austrian Parliament (April 1903). The only person to "back" Kohn in the press was Josef Svatopluk Machar. The case of Archbishop Kohn was utilized to great effect in anticlerical campaigns (e.g. in newspaper articles and the pamphlet "the tyranny of Archbishop Kohn and the nature of clericalism"). All of these factors eventually contributed to the resignation of Theodor Kohn from the Archiepiscopal See in Olomouc (1904).
Lekarz i duchowny na prowincji - Lékař a duchovní v provincii, 2022
In the 19th century, the clergy were an important intellectual elite, especially in the country a... more In the 19th century, the clergy were an important intellectual elite, especially in the country and in small towns. While their main task was the spiritual care of their parishioners, wome of them waw their task in "intellectual ministry" as well. Karel Dostál-Lutinov, who strove to improve the quality of the Czech Catholic literature, was one of them. In his activities he was faced with the lack of understanding of his superiors, who considered his literary and intellectual work as secondary or as enterainment. The society, too, expected priests to be first and foremost "priests:" their intellectual, social, and political activities were not always positively received.
Zprávy památkové péče, 2022
This article deals with the period after 1949, when the state took over supervision of the manage... more This article deals with the period after 1949, when the state took over supervision of the management of church property,
including movable and immovable heritage properties. The existing Archdiocesan Heritage Council ceased to function, although
the Sacrosanctum Concilium called for the establishment of a diocesan commission for sacred art. The restoration of many sacred
buildings was carried out on a self-help basis, and similarly the modification of liturgical space in the context of introduced
liturgical reform could not be sufficiently consulted. The Ordinaries did issue their official opinion, but the consultation was
complicated. In Olomouc, the unofficial consultant was a former member of the Archdiocesan Heritage Council, Leopold Chvostek,
then from the 1980s onwards it was architect Tomበâernou‰ek (due to the hostility of the regime, the consultations had to be secret).
Although the Ordinary issued his opinion, the main decision was in the hands of the state. It was only after 1989 that a diocesan
commission for sacred art was established, which is an advisory commission to the Ordinary also in the field of care of sacred
art heritage properties.
Studia historica Brunensia
Prohra s fatálními důsledky. Politický vývoj po prusko-rakouské válce z pohledu vídeňského nuncia... more Prohra s fatálními důsledky. Politický vývoj po prusko-rakouské válce z pohledu vídeňského nuncia Loss with fatal consequences. Political developments after the Prussian-Austrian War from the point of view of the Viennese Nuncio Jitka Jonová /
Resumé Konkordát mezi Svatým stolcem a Rakouskem z roku 1855 zaručoval katolické církvi výsadní p... more Resumé Konkordát mezi Svatým stolcem a Rakouskem z roku 1855 zaručoval katolické církvi výsadní postavení v oblasti školství (dozor nad školami i učebními knihami). Po roce 1866 byly postupně vydávány školské zákony, které porušovaly práva zaručená konkordátem. To vyvrcholilo tzv. Hasnerovým zákonem z roku 1869. Samotný konkordát byl ze strany Rakouska vypovězen v roce 1870. Klíčová slova Katolická církev, školství, konkordát.
The Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium specifically contains provisions concerning liturgy but a... more The Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium specifically contains provisions concerning liturgy but also the preservation of historical monuments and issues of sacred art. There is an urgent question in connection with the development of modern art as to which type of art is suitable for the sacred, liturgical space and which is not. This begs the question as to how to define sacred art. Another problem is raised, however, in connection with the preservation of historic buildings (esp. churches), that being how to reconcile the requirements of church and those of state heritage preservation? Specific questions are presented by disused churches, their sale and subsequent use. There is also the issue of the formation of candidates for the priesthood and priests concerned with preservation of historical monuments and sacred art. The issue will be discussed on the basis of church documents (general and particular) and selected relevant examples. The paper focuses on the Sacrosanctum Concilium 44-46, 122-129 in connection not only with preservation of historic church buildings, but with the issue of sacred art (modern art in the Church, sacred furnishings, the commission for sacred art) and that of unneeded "redundant" churches: the use of church buildings for other/ secular purposes.
Kdo vyšívá, nehřeší. Liturgické textilie z darů českých šlechtičen, 2021
A noble origin was an advantage even for xoung men aiming at the clerical career and gave them be... more A noble origin was an advantage even for xoung men aiming at the clerical career and gave them better prospects for career advancement. This process was closely connected with the family´s wishes (both in joining the clergy or leaving it to ensure the family´s continuity). The nobles often became canons (some chapters accepted nobles only) and bishops; a career at the papal court was an interesting opportunity.
The question of patronage rights and duties was closely associated with the noble tittle. The nobleman, as well as another owner of a domain, was obliged to financially support the maintenance of the church (or parish office, etc.). In return, the patron received special privileges such as an influence in the appointment of the religious administrator, a special place in the church, prayers for the patron, etc. These privileges were mostly honorary, although the care for the parish church was in the patron´s interest who could use these activities for his self-presentation.
Pensar Fátima, leituras interdisciplinares - Volume I , 2021
The Fatima revelation received more attention in the Czech press after the official approval by t... more The Fatima revelation received more attention in the Czech press after the official approval by the Catholic Church. After the approval in the Czechoslovak press (especially those Catholic) the Fatima revelation was finally popularised and introduced to Czech readers. The situation changed after the Communist coup in February 1948. The Communist regime did not have the slightest interest in promoting the Catholic Church or even the Fatima revelation and its message. The Fatima revelation for the Communist press was an example of deception and the endeavour to deceive poor pious people. From the point of view of Communist power, it was undesirable to pay no attention to, for example, the visits of the Popes to Fatima. But it was also necessary to bring it into line with Communist ideology. What the public received from the official press was very distorted information about Fatima until 1989.
Römische Quartalschrift , 2021
“Mons. František Zapletal and the foundation of the Bohemian, later Czechoslovak College in Rome”... more “Mons. František Zapletal and the foundation of the Bohemian, later Czechoslovak College in Rome” – František Zapletal aimed to become a priest, but since there was a surplus in his home Archdiocese of Olomouc, he joined the seminary in Prague. During his theological studies in Prague, Zapletal was elected to finish his studies in Rome. Rome then became decisive for his future career. Although being a junior priest he was appointed Vice Rector of the newly founded Bohemian College and became responsible for the organisation of daily life and spiritual guidance for priest candidates. He also managed the affairs of the Bohemian-Moravian episcopate at the Holy See. Upon return to his homeland and especially after the establishment of an independent Czechoslovakia, he still supported church affairs in Rome, in particular for the Bohemian College, which has been expanded following the dissolution of the Habsburg Monarchy and had become the Czechoslovak College, Nepomucenum.
Studia theologica
Již Tridentský koncil usiloval o reformu kapitul, upřesnil požadavky na kanovníky, odmítl kumulac... more Již Tridentský koncil usiloval o reformu kapitul, upřesnil požadavky na kanovníky, odmítl kumulaci beneficií a zdůrazňoval povinnost rezidence. Tato ustanovení žel mnohdy nebyla dodržována. 1 Někteří kanovníci byli coby příslušníci šlechty zvyklí, že jim to bylo tolerováno. Ovšem co bylo běžné v době habsburské monarchie, se stalo netolerovatelným po vzniku samostatného Československa. Jedním z případů nedodržování povinnosti rezidence byla kauza Josefa, svobodného pána Grimmensteina. 2 Ten velmi často dlel mimo diecézi a přijížděl si většinou jen převzít příjmy z beneficia, což vyvolávalo velké pohoršení. To se setkávalo s kritikou olomouckých arcibiskupů i kněžstva. Po vzniku samostatného Československa už bylo toto jednání naprosto neudržitelné, arcibiskup Prečan to odmítal a usiloval o jeho rezignaci na kanonikát, se kterou se však Grimmenstein celkem pochopitelně nehodlal jen tak smířit, zejména z důvodu zajištění finančních prostředků pro svůj nákladný život. Grimmenstein byl sice k rezignaci donucen, ale neustále si stěžoval na svoji špatnou finanční situaci a neúspěšně usiloval o svoji rehabilitaci. Grimmensteinův případ provázel arcibiskupa Prečana po celý jeho episkopát. * Studie vznikla v rámci projektu IGA_CMTF_2018_002 Česká náboženská a kulturní identita s akcentem na sté výročí vzniku Československa. Při zpracování této studie byly využity poznatky získané v rámci stipendijních pobytů v Českém historickém ústavu v Římě.
Studia Theologica, 2013
Negotiations on the Occupation of the Archiepiscopal See in Olomouc after the Resignation of Arch... more Negotiations on the Occupation of the Archiepiscopal See in Olomouc after the Resignation of Archbishop Leo Cardinal Skrbenský of Hříště from the View of the Holy See
In December 1919 Archbishop Leo Cardinal Skrbenský of Hříště sent his resignation to the Holy See, with this having been justified due to his health problems. Pope Benedict XV accepted his resignation. The question of Skrbenský's successor had to be resolved. The first question was a clarification of how the successor would be designated, whether elected by the Chapter or appointed by the Holy See. With regard to the voluntary resignation of Skrbenský submitted to the Pope, it was preceded by the appointment by the Holy See. Canon Stojan emerged as the most suitable candidate and was consequently appointed Archbishop of Olomouc. Stojan enjoyed great popularity among the clergy and people of both nations and was also acceptable for the government.
Jak se u nás podvádělo: za monarchie i za republiky, 2019
Zjevení ve Fátimě se v českém tisku (a v dalších publikacích) dostalo více pozornosti až po círke... more Zjevení ve Fátimě se v českém tisku (a v dalších publikacích) dostalo více pozornosti až po církevním uznání pravosti Fátimského poselství. Slibnému ohlasu a možnému rozvoji poutí však zabránilo vypuknutí Druhé světové války. Po jejím skončení se opět objevily zprávy o Fatimě včetně podvodném zjevení na Slovensku (velmi podobné Fatimským událostem). Po nástupu komunistické moci v Československu v únoru 1948 se čas od času dostalo Fatimským zjevením pozornosti v komunistickém tisku. Ale bylo to primárně v rámci komunistické propagandy a to jako příkladu podvodů katolické církve, Vatikánu a nástroj na podvodné ovládání chudých věřících. Propagace Fatimského poselství nebyla v žádném případě z pohledu komunistické vlády žádoucí.
Po pádu komunistického režimu v Československu v listopadu 1989 pak mohla vyjít řada publikací k Fatimskému zjevení, která se snažila referovat věcně bez potřeby znevažovat toto poselství a církev.
Církve, náboženství a politika v Československu a Rakousku ve 20. století., 2019
V rámci Prvního vatikánského koncilu (1869-1870) byl plánován k projednání obsáhlý soubor problém... more V rámci Prvního vatikánského koncilu (1869-1870) byl plánován k projednání obsáhlý soubor problémů (českomoravský episkopát navrhoval např. otázku rozšíření dovolení používání lidového jazyka v liturgii). Vzhledem k tomu, že do té doby poslední ekumenický koncil byl tridentský v 16. století, těšil se tento koncil velké pozornosti. Koncilu se samozřejmě účastnili i biskupové z Čech a Moravy (kromě těch, kterým to nedovolil věk nebo zdravotní stav), kteří však nepatřili mezi zastánce vyhlašování nových dogmat. Obávali se jak negativních postojů společnosti, tak také reakcí ze strany státní moci. Již před zahájením koncilu „visela ve vzduchu“ otázka papežské neomylnosti, a její vyhlášení jako dogmatu. K hlavním odpůrcům vyhlášení nového dogmatu patřil pražský arcibiskup a kardinál Friedrich Schwarzenberg, který se stal neoficiálním „doyenem“ tzv. minority. Ve svém slavném projevu 18. 5. zdůraznil, že úcta a oddanost k papeži je velká, ale nové dogma způsobí zbytečný odpor.
Biskupové „minority“ se rozhodli závěrečného slavnostního zasedání nezúčastnit (ani jeden z českých a moravských biskupů nehlasoval ve prospěch nového dogmatu). 18. července 1870 byla při slavnostním hlasování přijata dogmatická konstituce Pastor Aeternus. Nakonec tak na koncilu převážila strana, která vyhlášení dogmatu prosazovala (nepřijetí neomylnosti označovali jako ústupek církve liberalismu).
Z důvodu Prusko-Francouzské války byl koncil přerušen a posléze odročen na „sine die“ (neurčito). Ačkoliv kardinál Schwarzenberg se rozhodnutí I. vatikánského koncilu podřídil, otálel s vyhlášením koncilních dokumentů ve své diecézi, důrazně jej na povinnosti zveřejnit dokumenty upozornil vídeňský nuncius. Kardinál Schwarzenberg stejně jako všichni čeští a moravští biskupové postupně zveřejnili. Obavy kardinála Schwarzenberga nebyly bezdůvodné. Po vyhlášení dogmatu vyvstala ostrá kampaň antiklerikálního tisku a vznikla tzv. starokatolická církev. Ale i v habsburské monarchii bylo nově vyhlášené dogma využito v neprospěch katolické církve, rakouský císař František Josef I. jej použil jako záminku pro jednostranné vypovězení konkordátu se Svatým stolcem z roku 1855.
Studia Theologica, 2019
Josef Grimmenstein, thanks to his noble origin and the favor of the Habsburg‑Lorraine ruling fami... more Josef Grimmenstein, thanks to his noble origin and the favor of the Habsburg‑Lorraine ruling family, became a canon of the Metropolitan Capital of Olomouc, although he never worked pastorally in the Archdiocese. He neglected his duties as a canon, and was mostly outside the Archdiocese. He justified his absence (his neglect of residence obligations) by health problems. In addition, reports appeared from time to time about his debts or non‑ priestly behavior. Archbishops Cardinal Skrbenský and Stojan urged him to adhere to the residence, but the change did not occur. Archbishop Leopold Prečan did not want to continue to tolerate Grimmenstein’s neglect of the discipline when Grimmenstein asked for a two‑ -year dispensation from the duty of residence for health reasons (1924), Prečan refused to grant the dispensation, stating that Rome would have to decide. Rome, in light of Grimmenstein's previous deliberations, ordered a resignation and a proposed retirement. Grimmenstein tried to defend himself and did not hesitate to use various means including a number of influential friends. The Congregation confirmed their decision, however, and he finally received a raise of pension from 10,000 CZK to 20,000 CZK, thanks to the generosity of the Chapter which paid the pension (due, however, to outstanding debts part of his pension was confiscated by the bank). He also asked for further financial help in the following years, arguing for his poor financial status (he did not add, however, that he had incurred it himself). He stayed in Paris and then in Rome, where Prečan regularly sent him not only confirmation of his priesthood (celebret), but especially financial help. After the onset of Nazism and the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, he travelled more likely to the Protectorate or the Nazi Reich and did not hesitate to engage in negotiations with the Nazi authorities.
Studia Historica Brunensia, 2017
The Austro-Prussian War (1866) marked a new development in the European power struggle. While Pru... more The Austro-Prussian War (1866) marked a new development in the European power struggle. While Prussia demonstrated that it was one of the strongest powers, Austria's defeat revealed the problems in its internal-political as well as international position. Italy exploited Austria's weakness to make territorial gains. In his reports, the nuncio in Vienna mentioned some important issues: the ongoing national controversies within the monarchy, the danger from German communities wishing to join with Germany, and the spectre of a European war. In many cases his concerns would become reality.
Kościół i Prawo, 2018
During the episcopate of Archbishop Stojan the Czechoslovak government very strongly interfered i... more During the episcopate of Archbishop Stojan the Czechoslovak government very strongly interfered in the resolution of the so-called question of the Olomouc Chapter. Afterwards the issue was perceived primarily as an internal affair of the Church, and negotiations took place between the Archbishop of Olomouc together with the Chapter and the Holy See. The Chapter could not ignore the provisions of the new Code of Canon Law, but did not want to renounce its existing privileges, also because the canons “had sworn by the old statutes”. On the other hand, the number of vacant canonical posts had increased and Prečan, the archbishop of Olomous, managed to effect the appointment of new canons according to the provisions of the Code. The State did not influence those appointment. The nationality of the Chapter members was an important issue.
The issue of new statutes for the Chapter remained unsolved. The requirement of the Holy See from 1923 to review the Statutes in accordance with the new Code was not fulfilled even in the next 70 years. The Chapter, in colaboration with the Archbishop, drafted revised statutes in 1933, but ultimately they were not approved. Also, Archbishop Josef Karel Matocha called the Chapter to submit new statutes for approval after World War II, but yetagain the Chapter argued that the time was “inopportune”. The onset of the Communist regime in 1948 made the situation so difficult that the Olomouc Chapter did not have its new approved Statutes until 1994.
Zvířata a jejich lidé, 2023
Animals in anticlerical caricatures at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Animals such as ... more Animals in anticlerical caricatures at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Animals such as caricatures of human behavior, characters, etc. are often used in caricatures. The same was true of caricatures, which are anti-clerical, where they are, for example, crayfish, birds, sheep, wolves, which represent priests or the hierarchy. As can be seen from the examples above, the themes were stereotypical: the greed of the clergy (church), preaching about poverty, but living on their own extravagant (clergy were usually portrayed as fat clergymen) and, of course, the clergy violating celibacy. Similarly, the teachings of the church were to be regressive and based on lies. The question is whether these caricatures could have spread anti-church sentiment or were more to the amusement of readers.
Kapitulní otázka olomoucká a obsazování arcibiskupského stolce v Olomouci od roku 1880 do poloviny 20. století, 2022
Olomoucká kapitula se těšila privilegiu svobodné volby (arci)biskupa od r. 1207. Podle vídeňského... more Olomoucká kapitula se těšila privilegiu svobodné volby (arci)biskupa od r. 1207. Podle vídeňského konkordátu (1448) obsazoval papež kanonikáty uvolněné v lichých (tzv. papežských) měsících, v sudých pak v případě olomoucké kapituly volili nové kanovníky její stávající členové. Císař Josef II. na konci 18. století vyhradil dosavadní tzv. papežské měsíce k obsazování panovníkovi, aby omezil vliv Svatého stolce. V roce 1772 byl do nových stanov olomoucké kapituly přidán pro uchazeče o kanonikát požadavek inkolátu, který byl stanovami z r. 1826 změněn na požadavek šlechtického původu. A to paradoxně v době, kdy od požadavku šlechtického původu pro kanovníky ostatní kapituly upouštěly.
Tato šlechtická výlučnost vzbuzovala mezi kněžstvem občanského původu velkou nevoli. Až r. 1880 došlo dekretem Svatého stolce k ústupku, kdy císař mohl jmenovat kanovníky i občanského původu. Hned při první volbě arcibiskupa po této úpravě byl zvolen olomouckým arcibiskupem kanovník nešlechtického původu Theodor Kohn. Staré kapitulní stanovy z r. 1826 byly nahrazeny novými až r. 1994, kdy byly arcibiskupem Janem Graubnerem schváleny stanovy, které byly v souladu s platným Kodexem kanonického práva.
Řešení kapitulní otázky olomoucké bylo komplikováno snahou státní moci o vliv na obsazování kapitul a volbu arcibiskupa, podobně kanovníci někdy úspěšné řešení komplikovali, zvláště lpěním na starých privilegiích. Dá se téměř říci, že největší podíl na definitivním vyřešení kapitulní otázky olomoucké tak měly historické okolnosti jako zánik monarchie, zánik šlechtických výsad a nová ustanovení kanonického práva.
Na základě archivních materiálů z českých a zahraničních archivů, dobových periodik a dalších dokumentů je představena snaha o vyřešení olomoucké kapitulní otázky a problematika obsazování olomouckého arcibiskupského stolce.
Liturgicky textil a způsby jeho prezentace, 2021
The presentation of sensitive historical textiles places high demands on the exhibition condition... more The presentation of sensitive historical textiles places high demands on the exhibition conditions. State, church or private memory institutions, which store liturgical vestments and textiles in their collections, base their presentation on the standards applicable to the display of historical textiles, which define primarily the climatic and lighting conditions of the presentation. In this respect, the methodology summarizes the principles that are a prerequisite for the presentation of historical textile materials, including paraments.
Liturgical vestments belong to the oldest layer of textile monuments, but at the same time, they are a specific garment type. If their presentation is to approach the original cult function, it is not possible to omit the original way and principles of dressing them (the correct use of individual clothing elements according to the liturgical event etc.).
Duchovné a kultúrne dedičstvo Spišskej Kapituly III. FILOZOFIA ■ TEOLÓGIA ■ SPIRITUALITA ■ SVEDECTVO, 2021
After the establishment of the independent Czechoslovakia, the Faculty of Theology was included a... more After the establishment of the independent Czechoslovakia, the Faculty of Theology was included among the public universities at the request of Dean Hejčl, and at the request of Antonín Cyril Stojan, to the name was added: Cyril and Methodius ”. New departments were soon established (eg Old Slavonic language and literature, sociology). In connection with the extension of theological studies from four to five years, it was necessary to expand the spatial possibilities of the faculty. The ceremonial opening of the reconstructed building took place on February 22, 1937. In 1939, the Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology, like other Czech universities, was closed in the Protectorate. After the end of the Second World War, the faculty was restored, but only until 1950.
Liturgicke textilie a jejich památková ochrana
Široce koncipovaná metodika reflektuje přesné vymezení sledované problematiky a přehled dosavadní... more Široce koncipovaná metodika reflektuje přesné vymezení sledované problematiky a přehled dosavadního bádání s důrazem na středoevropské prostředí. Představuje možnou druhovou skladbu dochovaných souborů, uvedení do problematiky základního znalectví textilních technik a materiálů včetně těch tkalcovských a vyšívacích. Dále uvádí umělecko-řemeslný přehled a souvislosti, přehled degradativních vlivů a způsoby jejich prevence, evidenci a způsob vedení dokumentačního popisu. Důraz je kladen na praktičnost a přehlednost textu s přihlédnutím k využití metodologických postupů v přímé terénní praxi (církevní a památkové objekty, církevní praxe a výstavní/prezentační expozice aj.).
Ornamenta episcopi. Liturgická roucha olomoucké katedrály, 2020
The publication presents the development of the cathedral and especially the preserved parameters... more The publication presents the development of the cathedral and especially the preserved parameters in the historical context. The catalog presents the development of liturgical parameters of the largest Moravian collection of liturgical vestments from the 17th century. to the first half of the 20th century, aspects of cultural exchange between the Czech lands and the Central and Western European region are also included (paraments were also ordered, for example, from Rome)
Sangue del vostro sangue, ossa delle vostre ossa. Il pontificato di Giovanni Paolo II (1978-2005) e le Chiese in Europa centro-orientale. Nel centenario della nascita di Karol Wojtyla, 2020
As a result of the repression of the communist regime after 1948, the majority of bishops’ seats ... more As a result of the repression of the communist regime after 1948, the majority of bishops’ seats in the Czech lands were vacant. After longer negotiations, the state agreed
to appoint František Tomášek as bishop-administrator of the Prague Archdiocese.
Tomášek was by the Pope Paul VI. appointed as Cardinal and later as Archbishop of
Prague. After the election of John Paul II. the Pope gave Tomášek strong support for
resistance to the persecution of the Catholic Church in Czechoslovakia. Despite his
old age, Cardinal Tomášek became a symbol of resistance to communist power. After
the fall of the Communist regime, Cardinal Tomášek could welcome the first papal
visit of John Paul II in Czechoslovakia in 1990. John Paul II. also occupied all vacant
bishops sees and renewed the Czech Bishops’ Conference. The Pope visited the Czech
Republic three times. During his second visit, the canonization in Olomouc was Zdislava and Jan Sarkander proclaimed as Saints. During his last visit, he was also welcomed by his peer and namesake Karel Otčenášek in Hradec Králové to celebrate the
millennium from the death of St. Vojtěch (Adalbert).
Approaching the Threshold of Mystery. Liturgical Worlds and Theological Spaces. Theologie der Liturgie, Bd. 10, 2015
After the establishment of the independent Czechoslovak Republic (1918), the constitution of the ... more After the establishment of the independent Czechoslovak Republic (1918), the constitution of the national Catholic Church was developed in 1920, which would be less dependent on Rome and, among other things, which wanted to use the vernacular language in the liturgy. The reformist priests argued that people do not understand the Latin liturgy and mentioned the precedent of the approval of the Slavic liturgy in the 9th century (the Mission of St. Cyril and Methodius). Bishops asked the Holy See for permission to use the Czech language (to repeat the Epistle and Gospel in the vernacular language at Missa cantata; in in the administration of the sacraments and sacramentals) in the liturgy and celebrate the Old Church Slavonic liturgy in certain places and at certain festivals. The Holy See allowed it (Decree from May 1920) in connection with efforts to prevent the spread of the reformist Czechoslovak Church. Such permission of the liturgical language of the Holy See considered as final without possibility of further extension. The constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium of Vatican Council II, by permitting the use of the vernacular language in the liturgy, agreed with supporters of this request.
Although bishops usually demanded that candidates for the priesthood were fluent in both Czech an... more Although bishops usually demanded that candidates for the priesthood were fluent in both Czech and German and tried to be neutral in various national conflicts, the Church was not immune to nationalist tensions. In 1901 – 1903 efforts were made to establish a separate German diocese with the episcopal see in Cheb (Eger), not only laymen also bishops protested against the establishment of a separate German diocese. Similarly, in Moravia the Archbishop of Olomouc Theodore Kohn was accused, among other things, of appointing priests to parishes who did not speak the language of their parishioners well. However Kohn presumed that these priests spoke both languages fluently.
Testimoni della fede. Esperienze personali e collettive dei cattolici in Europa centro-orientale sotto il regime comunista, 2017
Testimoni della fede. Esperienze personali e collettive dei cattolici in Europa centro-orientale sotto il regime comunista, 2017
Český historický ústav v Římě : stav a perspektivy ediční činnosti = L'Istituto Storico Ceco di Roma : situazione e prospettive dell'attività editoriale = The Czech Historical Institute in Rome : the status and perspectives of ediorial activities, 2018
Stručný přehled výzkumu římských fondů (vatikánských archivů) a jejich zpřístupňování k 19. století.
Perseguitati per la Fede. Le vittime del Nazionalsocialismo in Europa centro-orientale, 2019
La Chiesa Cattolica in Europa Centro-Orientale di Fronte al Nazionalsocialismo, 2019
Kirche, Religion und Politik in Österreich und in der Tschechoslowakei im 20. Jahrhundert, 2019
Das I. Vatikanische Konzil nahm sich bei seiner feierlichen Eröffnung am 8. Dezember 1869 vor, e... more Das I. Vatikanische Konzil nahm sich bei seiner feierlichen Eröffnung am 8. Dezember 1869 vor, eine breite Palette von Themen und Problemen zu diskutieren. Eines der Themen, das ursprünglich nicht auf der Tagesordnung des Konzils stand, war die päpstliche Unfehlbarkeit. Die Bischöfe der Habsburgermonarchie waren mit großer Mehrheit gegen die Veröffentlichung dieser Lehre als Dogma. Als die dogmatische Konstitution der Väter, meistens konziliarisch, angenommen wurde, unterwarfen sich alle böhmischen und mährischen Bischöfe und veröffentlichten die Konzilsdokumente.
Mlhy na Chlumu. Prusko-rakouská válka v optice moderní historiografie, 2018
Prusko-Rakouské válce věnoval nuncius velkou pozornost. Podle nuncia převažoval před válkou názor... more Prusko-Rakouské válce věnoval nuncius velkou pozornost. Podle nuncia převažoval před válkou názor, že Rakousko je ve výhodě a nemělo by tedy ztrácet příležitost k válce, která je navíc velmi populární a mnoho mladých aristokratů mělo dokonce žádat své rodiče o dovolení, aby mohli jít do války. Hned druhého dne po prohrané bitvě u Hradce Králové (proběhla 3. července 1866) referoval, že Benedekův neúspěch byl způsoben také zpožděním ostatních jednotek, Rakušané utrpěly velké ztráty a to i díky své výzbroji, bajonety vůči pruským puškám nebyly úspěšné. Na špatné vyzbrojení rakouské armády upozorňoval nuncius podrobně i v další zprávě a uvedl, že všichni jsou událostmi velmi šokováni a takové ztráty si nikdo nedokázal představit. Rakousko se po prohře dostalo do krize, ukázala se jeho slabost, nedostatek schopných lidí a další spory. Domníval se, že tato prohra bude mít fatální následky a v tomto se nuncius nemýlil. Rakousko se ocitlo na kolenou, ztratilo Benátsko, veškeré záruky Francie se staly bezvýznamnými zvláště po prohrané Francouzsko-Pruské válce. A tak stejně jako odchod francouzské posádky z papežského Říma umožnil jeho dobytí, Rakousko-Uherské vyrovnání nerespektováním ostatních národů monarchie přispělo k jejímu zániku.
Antonín Podlaha: Kněz ve vědách o historii a umění, 2017
Antonín Podlaha jako podporovatel české katolické literatury spolupracoval také s představiteli č... more Antonín Podlaha jako podporovatel české katolické literatury spolupracoval také s představiteli české katolické moderny, zvláště s Karlem Dostálem-Lutinovem a Sigismundem Bouškou. Podlaha pro časopisy, které redigoval (Obrázková revue, České květy), žádal od obou příspěvky, zvláště jejich poezii. On sám však v jimi vydávaných časopisech (např. Nový život) nepublikoval. Oba také přizval ke spolupráci na přípravě vydání nového kancionálu. Ve spolupráci s Dostálem vydal překlad Panholzerovy biblické dějepravy s Dostálovými verši. Názorově si byl Podlaha s oběma literáty blízký, stejně jako oni (ač byl kanovníkem, generálním vikářem i pomocným biskupem) byl nepříznivě přijímán olomouckým ordinariátem. Podlaha patři také mezi horlivé podporovatele co nejširšího zavedení lidového jazyka v liturgii a slavení staroslověnské liturgie, jak se ukázalo po vzniku samostatného Československa. Podlaha také podporoval cyrilometodějskou myšlenku (v Časopise katolického duchovenstva nechal zavést samostatný oddíl „Slavica“). Tato vzájemná spolupráce trvala až do smrti Dostála-Lutinova v roce 1923.
Kněžské identity v českých zemích (1820-1938), 2017
František Zapletal toužil být knězem, v rodné olomoucké arcidiecézi byl tehdy kněží nadbytek, ode... more František Zapletal toužil být knězem, v rodné olomoucké arcidiecézi byl tehdy kněží nadbytek, odešel proto do kněžského semináře do Prahy. V průběhu studií byl vybrán, aby šel studovat do Říma. A Řím se mu stal osudným. Po kněžském svěcení se na prázdniny vrátil do své domoviny, ale místo nástupu do duchovní správy byl ustanoven jako vicerektor nově založené České koleje v Římě. Mladý kněz tak měl na starosti jak hmotné zajištění a formaci budoucího kněžského dorostu, tak také záležitosti česko-moravského episkopátu. Opakovaně byl navrhován na biskupa, ale pravidelně uváděl důvody, proč se on stát biskupem nemůže nebo jeho jmenování odmítla Vídeň. I po návratu do vlasti a zvláště po vzniku samostatného Československa byl využíván jak Svatým stolcem, tak biskupy jako konzultor při výběru nových biskupů a řešení dalších církevních záležitostí. Biskupem byl jmenován až nedlouho před svojí smrtí, jeho konsekraci provedli jeho „někdejší svěřenci“ arcibiskup Kašpar a biskup Pícha.
Zapletal vždy při svém působení hájil církevní zájmy vůči rakouské či české vládě, pokud příliš zasahovala do života církve. A obhajoba práv církve byla pozitivně kvitována i v Římě. Zapletal se tak plně identifikoval jak se svým národem, tak také s církví ke které patřil a s kněžskou službou, kterou přijal.
Arcibiskup Theodor Kohn (1845-1915) je považován za jednu nejrozporuplnějších postav, které kdy u... more Arcibiskup Theodor Kohn (1845-1915) je považován za jednu nejrozporuplnějších postav, které kdy usedly na stolec sv. Metoděje v Olomouci. V roce 1892 byl s ovacemi vítán jako první olomoucký arcibiskup českého a neurozeného (navíc také židovského) původu. Během svého působení hospodářky konsolidoval olomouckou arcidiecézi, ale postupně se dostával do sporů s kněžstvem, pohoršilo mu i vedení majetkoprávních soudních sporů a situaci zhoršovaly také národností spory mezi Čechy a Němci. Jeho postavení v arcidiecézi se postupně natolik zhoršilo, že byl jeho případ projednáván ve Vídni i v Římě a v roce 1904 musel rezignovat. S pocitem hořkosti a nepochopení dožil ve vyhnanství v Ehrenhausenu (Štýrsko), kde 3. prosince 1915 zemřel.
Přiblížit životní osudy a zvláště krizové momenty působení tohoto významného olomouckého arcibiskupa si klade za cíl i tato publikace.
Editorial The present issue combines the first two fascicles of volume 27 (2010). We ar... more Editorial
The present issue combines the first two fascicles of volume 27 (2010). We are late because of the problems that have accompanied the new method of preparing the text (“print ready”), the change to a publisher in Germany (EOS Verlag of St. Ottilien) and the health problems of the editor. We apologize and hope to catch up with our publishing schedule in the near future.
The articles in this double fascicle cover materials that extend from the fourth century (Egeria) to the present. The article of Prof. Midili edits the reflections presented by Dom Adrien Nocent on an eventual lnstitute of Liturgy at Sant’Anselmo in January of 1961. The original text is accompanied by a useful commentary giving further context and scope to the Réflexions.
The present editor looks at the document on the liturgy of Vatican II and some of its unfulfilled hopes and recommendations. Too often the primarily pastoral objective of the constitution and the subsequent reforms are overshadowed by ideological issues and biases. The urgent necessity of formation and education in the liturgy has not always been realized.
Prof. Militello discusses the presence and action of Christ in the liturgy in the light of chapter one of Sacrosanctum concilium and other documents of Vatican Il. She underlines the fact the celebration is an act of the whole body of Christ - head and members. See more in https://sites.google.com/a/anselmianum.com/ecclesiaorans-en/home/Year/Year-XXVII-2010/editorial-XXVII-2010
Presentiamo ai nostri lettori i primi due fascicoli del volume 27 (2010). Il ritardo è dovuto ai problemi che hanno accompagnato il nuovo metodo di preparazione del testo (“pronto per la stampa”), il passaggio ad una nuova casa editrice della Germania (EOS Verlag St.Ottilien) e i problemi di salute del direttore della rivista. Ci scusiamo e speriamo di proporre, secondo le tappe stabilite, il nostro prossimo programma editoriale.
Gli articoli di questo fascicolo doppio, hanno come tematiche argomenti che vanno dal IV secolo (Egeria) fino ad oggi.
L’articolo del Prof. Midili pubblica le riflessioni di Dom Adrien Nocent, redatte nel gennaio del 1961, circa la proposta di un eventuale Istituto di Liturgia a Sant’Anselmo. Il testo originale è accompagnato da un commento utile per precisare ulteriormente il contesto e l’ambito delle Réflexions.
L’attuale direttore prende in esame il documento sulla liturgia del Vaticano II e alcune irrealizzate speranze e raccomandazioni. Troppo spesso l’obiettivo primario pastorale della Costituzione e le riforme successive sono stati disattesi per questioni ideologiche e pregiudizi. L’urgente necessità di educazione e formazione liturgica non sempre è stata portata a compimento.
Continua a leggere in https://sites.google.com/a/anselmianum.com/ecclesiaorans/home/annate/Anno-XXVII-2010/editoriale-xxvii-2010
Květy trpělivosti
Květinové motivy v liturgickém umění a jejich symbolický význam 01 06-30 09 2022 Krypta katedrály... more Květinové motivy v liturgickém umění a jejich symbolický význam 01 06-30 09 2022 Krypta katedrály sv. Václava v Olomouci červen, září výstava je přístupná po předchozím objednání na tel.
Their artistic processing, rich decoration and a number of rare materials do not match paintings ... more Their artistic processing, rich decoration and a number of rare materials do not match paintings or sculptures, yet in the past they were not given more systematic research or exhibition attention. We are talking about paraments, ie special ceremonial textiles, which were used to increase the ceremonial character of worship services. These "hidden treasures" of church inventories are still preserved in the Olomouc Cathedral of St. Wenceslas. The selection of the most valuable and also the most interesting will be presented by the upcoming exhibition Ornamenta episcopi.
Programm Organisatoren (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge): Hofrat Msgr. Dr. Franz Xaver Brandmayr... more Programm
Organisatoren (in alphabetischer Reihenfolge):
Hofrat Msgr. Dr. Franz Xaver Brandmayr, Rektor des Päpstlichen Instituts Santa Maria dell’ Anima, Rom
Msgr. Prof. Dr. Stefan Heid, Professor für Liturgiegeschichte und Hagiographie am Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana in Rom und Direktor des Römischen Instituts der Görres-Gesellschaft
Dr. Florian Kührer-Wielach, Direktor des Instituts für deutsche Kultur und Geschichte Südosteuropas an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Dr. Tamara Scheer, Lektorin am Institut für Osteuropäische Geschichte, Universität Wien/Päpstliches Institut Santa Maria dell‘ Anima, Rom
Programm der internat. Tagung in Rom, 22.-24. Januar 2020
Tagungbericht Zwischen Kronen und Nationen: Die zentraleuropäischen Priesterkollegien in Rom vom ... more Tagungbericht
Zwischen Kronen und Nationen: Die zentraleuropäischen Priesterkollegien in Rom vom Risorgimento bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg (Rom, Jänner 2020)
Franz Xaver Brandmayr, Päpstliches Institut Santa Maria dell' Anima, Rom; Stefan Heid, Römisches Institut der Görres-Gesellschaft; Florian Kührer-Wielach, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Tamara Scheer, Universität Wien
Autorin des Berichts: Theresa Gillinger