Danijela Jelisavac | University of Primorska (original) (raw)


Papers by Danijela Jelisavac


International Journal of Education and Research, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher's Well-being and Relationship with Students


The present text addresses the areas of mental well-being and teacher-student relationships. Quan... more The present text addresses the areas of mental well-being and teacher-student relationships. Quantitative research was conducted on primary school teachers in Slovenian primary schools. The purpose of the research is to determine whether there is a connection between a teacher's well-being and his relationships with students. We also determined the expression of individual areas of teacher well-being and the quality of teacher-student relations. The freely used PERMA Profiler questionnaires (Butler and Kern, 2015; 2016) and the Student Teacher Relationship Scale (Pianta 1992; 2001a; 2001b) were used in the research. Both questionnaires were translated into Slovenian. The connection of the teacher's well-being with his relations with the students was established.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Acceptance of Vulnerable Groups of Students in the Peer Group

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2024

Prior studies have shown that socially accepted students tend to be more focused on learning and ... more Prior studies have shown that socially accepted students tend to be more focused on learning and achieve better academic outcomes, and social acceptance plays a key role in students' psychological well-being. Social acceptance among students significantly impacts their academic success. When students feel accepted and included in the school environment, they show greater motivation to learn and achieve better results. This highlights the importance of creating an inclusive school environment where every student feels welcome and supported. The research of social acceptance of vulnerable groups of students in the peer group was conducted using sociometry among fifth graders in Slovenia. We found out that most fifth-grade students fall into the group with an average sociometric status. Additionally, students from vulnerable groups predominantly have either medium or low sociometric status. However, the assumption that students from vulnerable groups would primarily fall into rejected or neglected sociometric categories was not confirmed, as they occupied various sociometric positions. Understanding the group with average sociometric status is essential for supporting social acceptance and improving academic achievement. Programs and interventions tailored to this group could help enhance their social skills and school integration. Further research is needed to promote social acceptance, foster collaboration between schools, parents, and education experts, and raise teachers' awareness of the importance of social inclusion in the classroom. These efforts can contribute to a more inclusive school environment, benefiting students' academic success and long-term well-being.

Research paper thumbnail of Challenging Teacher Resilience through Disruptive Student Behavior

International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research (IJMCER), 2024

For teachers to be more successful in dealing with students' disruptive behaviour, it is necessar... more For teachers to be more successful in dealing with students' disruptive behaviour, it is necessary to strengthen their resilience. This paper defends the thesis that teacher resilience is central and crucial in successfully coping with disruptive behavior. To examine the problem, a review of the related research in the field of resilience in the teaching profession was performed. We examine resilience as an interweaving of the following factors: self-efficacy, well-being, social-emotional competencies, teacher-student relationship. The purpose of the text is to shed light on the importance of resilience and to encourage teachers to strengthen their resilience so that they can be successful in dealing with the disruptive behavior of their students. The concluding part of the text confirms the thesis on the key role of teacher resilience in dealing with disruptive behavior.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact Of Teachers' Attachment Styles On Their Relationship With Students In Additional Professional Support Roles


This research paper examines the influence of attachment styles among teachers providing addition... more This research paper examines the influence of attachment styles among teachers providing additional professional support in Slovenian schools on their perceptions of relationships with students. The quantitative study utilized the Experience in Close Relationships (ECR-12) and the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) questionnaires, involving a sample of 207 teachers offering such assistance. Regression analysis was applied to analyze the data. The findings confirm that teachers' attachment styles significantly impact how they perceive their relationships with students. Specifically, the results show that higher levels of teacher anxiety are associated with perceptions of increased conflict and dependency in these relationships.

Research paper thumbnail of Izgorelost učiteljev in njihovo zadovoljstvo z delom med epidemijo

Didactica Slovenica/Pedagoška obzorja, May 24, 2023

POVZETEK-V pričujočem besedilu obravnavamo tematiko izgorelosti in zadovoljstva učiteljev z delom... more POVZETEK-V pričujočem besedilu obravnavamo tematiko izgorelosti in zadovoljstva učiteljev z delom v slovenskih osnovnih šolah. Opravili smo kvantitativno raziskavo v času epidemije covida-19, v kateri sta bila uporabljena v slovenščino prevedena in standardizirana vprašalnika: Vprašalnik o izgorelosti na delovnem mestu in Vprašalnik o zadovoljstvu pri delu. Ugotavljali smo stopnjo izgorelosti učiteljev. Izmed treh dimenzij izgorelosti so učitelji izkazali najvišjo stopnjo izgorelosti na dimenziji čustvene izčrpanosti. Regresijski model je v naši raziskavi pokazal, da dimenziji izgorelosti (čustvena izčrpanost in osebna izpolnitev) vplivata na zadovoljstvo učiteljev z njihovim delom. Izsledki naše raziskave nudijo vpogled v učiteljevo doživljanje izgorelosti in zadovoljstva z delom ter lahko služijo kot smernice šolam in vodstvom pri oblikovanju strategij preprečevanja in spremljanja izgorelosti ter zadovoljstva učiteljev pri delu, načrtovanju in organizaciji dela zaposlenih.

Master Thesis by Danijela Jelisavac

Research paper thumbnail of Psihološki kapital, (ne)pripravljenost na spremembe in namera o odhodu zaposlenih

Namen magistrskega dela z naslovom Psihološki kapital, (ne)pripravljenost na spremembe in namera ... more Namen magistrskega dela z naslovom Psihološki kapital, (ne)pripravljenost na spremembe in namera o odhodu zaposlenih je proučiti psihološki kapital zaposlenih, njihovo pripravljenost na spremembe in namero o odhodu iz organizacije ter raziskati medsebojne odnose med temi koncepti. Teoretični del naloge predstavlja koncepte psihološkega kapitala, pripravljenosti na spremembe in namere o odhodu ter analizira odnose med njimi na podlagi tujih raziskav. Empirični del raziskuje, kako se psihološki kapital, pripravljenost na spremembe in namera o odhodu povezujejo med seboj pri zaposlenih v Sloveniji ter kakšno vlogo ima pripravljenost na spremembe v tem odnosu. V raziskavi smo uporabili deskriptivno in kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo ter kvantitativni pristop. Vzorec, ki je vključeval 315 polnoletnih zaposlenih v slovenskih organizacijah, je bil pridobljen priložnostno s kombinacijo samo-izbora in metode snežene kepe. Merski pripomočki so vključevali Vprašalnik psihološkega kapitala (PCQ) s 24 trditvami, Lestvico namere o odhodu (TIS-6) in Lestvico pripravljenosti na spremembo (OTOCS) s petimi postavkami. Raziskovalna vprašanja so se osredotočala na povezave med temi koncepti, pri čemer so bile potrjene hipoteze, da je psihološki kapital pozitivno povezan s pripravljenostjo na spremembe in negativno povezan z namero o odhodu ter da pripravljenost na spremembe mediira odnos med psihološkim kapitalom in namero o odhodu. Hipoteza, da je pripravljenost na spremembe negativno povezana z namero o odhodu, ni bila potrjena. Ugotovitve bodo pripomogle k oblikovanju predlogov za zmanjševanje odpora zaposlenih na spremembe, krepitvi njihove pripravljenosti in psihološkega kapitala, s čimer bi zmanjšali prostovoljni odhod zaposlenih.

Research paper thumbnail of Attachment styles of the teachers providing additional professional assistance and their relationship with the students

Master thesis deals with the influence of attachment styles of teachers providing additional prof... more Master thesis deals with the influence of attachment styles of teachers providing additional professional assistance in slovenian schools on their perception of their relationship with the students. The thesis begins with theoretical framework of attachment theory and research about teacher-student relationships. Research about the influence of attachment styles of teachers providing additional professional assistance on their relationship with the students is presented in the empirical part. Experience in Close Relationships (ECR-12) and Student – Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) questionnaires were used in the research. ECR-12 questionnaire measures attachment styles of teachers, based on measuring the anxiety and avoidance dimension, while STRS questionnaire measures teachers' percpetions of their own relationship with students, specifically the teachers' perceptions of dimensions closeness, dependency and conflict. In the empirical part there are also four interviews wi...

Research paper thumbnail of Stili navezanosti učiteljev dodatne strokovne pomoči in njihovi odnosi z učenci

Magistrsko delo ugotavlja vpliv stilov navezanosti uciteljev dodatne strokovne pomoci v osnovnih ... more Magistrsko delo ugotavlja vpliv stilov navezanosti uciteljev dodatne strokovne pomoci v osnovnih solah v Sloveniji na njihove zaznave odnosov z ucenci. Delo izhaja iz teorije navezanosti ter raziskav na podrocju odnosov med ucenci in ucitelji. V kvantitativnem delu raziskave sta uporabljena vprasalnika Experience in Close Relationships (ECR-12) in Student – Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS). ECR-12 vprasalnik ugotavlja stile navezanosti uciteljev na podlagi merjenja dimenzij anksioznost in izogibanje pri posamezniku, medtem ko STRS vprasalnik ugotavlja uciteljeve zaznave lastnega odnosa z ucenci: uciteljevo zaznavo dimenzij bližina, odvisnost in konflikt v odnosu z ucenci. V kvalitativnem delu raziskave so izvedeni stirje intervjuji s stirimi ucitelji dodatne strokovne pomoci v osnovnih solah v Sloveniji, kjer je v ospredju njihov odnos in nacin dela z otroki. Podatki, zbrani z vprasalniki, so obdelani z regresijsko analizo, intervjuji pa vsebinsko analizirani. Rezultati regresijske...


International Journal of Education and Research, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Teacher's Well-being and Relationship with Students


The present text addresses the areas of mental well-being and teacher-student relationships. Quan... more The present text addresses the areas of mental well-being and teacher-student relationships. Quantitative research was conducted on primary school teachers in Slovenian primary schools. The purpose of the research is to determine whether there is a connection between a teacher's well-being and his relationships with students. We also determined the expression of individual areas of teacher well-being and the quality of teacher-student relations. The freely used PERMA Profiler questionnaires (Butler and Kern, 2015; 2016) and the Student Teacher Relationship Scale (Pianta 1992; 2001a; 2001b) were used in the research. Both questionnaires were translated into Slovenian. The connection of the teacher's well-being with his relations with the students was established.

Research paper thumbnail of Social Acceptance of Vulnerable Groups of Students in the Peer Group

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 2024

Prior studies have shown that socially accepted students tend to be more focused on learning and ... more Prior studies have shown that socially accepted students tend to be more focused on learning and achieve better academic outcomes, and social acceptance plays a key role in students' psychological well-being. Social acceptance among students significantly impacts their academic success. When students feel accepted and included in the school environment, they show greater motivation to learn and achieve better results. This highlights the importance of creating an inclusive school environment where every student feels welcome and supported. The research of social acceptance of vulnerable groups of students in the peer group was conducted using sociometry among fifth graders in Slovenia. We found out that most fifth-grade students fall into the group with an average sociometric status. Additionally, students from vulnerable groups predominantly have either medium or low sociometric status. However, the assumption that students from vulnerable groups would primarily fall into rejected or neglected sociometric categories was not confirmed, as they occupied various sociometric positions. Understanding the group with average sociometric status is essential for supporting social acceptance and improving academic achievement. Programs and interventions tailored to this group could help enhance their social skills and school integration. Further research is needed to promote social acceptance, foster collaboration between schools, parents, and education experts, and raise teachers' awareness of the importance of social inclusion in the classroom. These efforts can contribute to a more inclusive school environment, benefiting students' academic success and long-term well-being.

Research paper thumbnail of Challenging Teacher Resilience through Disruptive Student Behavior

International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Educational Research (IJMCER), 2024

For teachers to be more successful in dealing with students' disruptive behaviour, it is necessar... more For teachers to be more successful in dealing with students' disruptive behaviour, it is necessary to strengthen their resilience. This paper defends the thesis that teacher resilience is central and crucial in successfully coping with disruptive behavior. To examine the problem, a review of the related research in the field of resilience in the teaching profession was performed. We examine resilience as an interweaving of the following factors: self-efficacy, well-being, social-emotional competencies, teacher-student relationship. The purpose of the text is to shed light on the importance of resilience and to encourage teachers to strengthen their resilience so that they can be successful in dealing with the disruptive behavior of their students. The concluding part of the text confirms the thesis on the key role of teacher resilience in dealing with disruptive behavior.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact Of Teachers' Attachment Styles On Their Relationship With Students In Additional Professional Support Roles


This research paper examines the influence of attachment styles among teachers providing addition... more This research paper examines the influence of attachment styles among teachers providing additional professional support in Slovenian schools on their perceptions of relationships with students. The quantitative study utilized the Experience in Close Relationships (ECR-12) and the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) questionnaires, involving a sample of 207 teachers offering such assistance. Regression analysis was applied to analyze the data. The findings confirm that teachers' attachment styles significantly impact how they perceive their relationships with students. Specifically, the results show that higher levels of teacher anxiety are associated with perceptions of increased conflict and dependency in these relationships.

Research paper thumbnail of Izgorelost učiteljev in njihovo zadovoljstvo z delom med epidemijo

Didactica Slovenica/Pedagoška obzorja, May 24, 2023

POVZETEK-V pričujočem besedilu obravnavamo tematiko izgorelosti in zadovoljstva učiteljev z delom... more POVZETEK-V pričujočem besedilu obravnavamo tematiko izgorelosti in zadovoljstva učiteljev z delom v slovenskih osnovnih šolah. Opravili smo kvantitativno raziskavo v času epidemije covida-19, v kateri sta bila uporabljena v slovenščino prevedena in standardizirana vprašalnika: Vprašalnik o izgorelosti na delovnem mestu in Vprašalnik o zadovoljstvu pri delu. Ugotavljali smo stopnjo izgorelosti učiteljev. Izmed treh dimenzij izgorelosti so učitelji izkazali najvišjo stopnjo izgorelosti na dimenziji čustvene izčrpanosti. Regresijski model je v naši raziskavi pokazal, da dimenziji izgorelosti (čustvena izčrpanost in osebna izpolnitev) vplivata na zadovoljstvo učiteljev z njihovim delom. Izsledki naše raziskave nudijo vpogled v učiteljevo doživljanje izgorelosti in zadovoljstva z delom ter lahko služijo kot smernice šolam in vodstvom pri oblikovanju strategij preprečevanja in spremljanja izgorelosti ter zadovoljstva učiteljev pri delu, načrtovanju in organizaciji dela zaposlenih.

Research paper thumbnail of Psihološki kapital, (ne)pripravljenost na spremembe in namera o odhodu zaposlenih

Namen magistrskega dela z naslovom Psihološki kapital, (ne)pripravljenost na spremembe in namera ... more Namen magistrskega dela z naslovom Psihološki kapital, (ne)pripravljenost na spremembe in namera o odhodu zaposlenih je proučiti psihološki kapital zaposlenih, njihovo pripravljenost na spremembe in namero o odhodu iz organizacije ter raziskati medsebojne odnose med temi koncepti. Teoretični del naloge predstavlja koncepte psihološkega kapitala, pripravljenosti na spremembe in namere o odhodu ter analizira odnose med njimi na podlagi tujih raziskav. Empirični del raziskuje, kako se psihološki kapital, pripravljenost na spremembe in namera o odhodu povezujejo med seboj pri zaposlenih v Sloveniji ter kakšno vlogo ima pripravljenost na spremembe v tem odnosu. V raziskavi smo uporabili deskriptivno in kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo ter kvantitativni pristop. Vzorec, ki je vključeval 315 polnoletnih zaposlenih v slovenskih organizacijah, je bil pridobljen priložnostno s kombinacijo samo-izbora in metode snežene kepe. Merski pripomočki so vključevali Vprašalnik psihološkega kapitala (PCQ) s 24 trditvami, Lestvico namere o odhodu (TIS-6) in Lestvico pripravljenosti na spremembo (OTOCS) s petimi postavkami. Raziskovalna vprašanja so se osredotočala na povezave med temi koncepti, pri čemer so bile potrjene hipoteze, da je psihološki kapital pozitivno povezan s pripravljenostjo na spremembe in negativno povezan z namero o odhodu ter da pripravljenost na spremembe mediira odnos med psihološkim kapitalom in namero o odhodu. Hipoteza, da je pripravljenost na spremembe negativno povezana z namero o odhodu, ni bila potrjena. Ugotovitve bodo pripomogle k oblikovanju predlogov za zmanjševanje odpora zaposlenih na spremembe, krepitvi njihove pripravljenosti in psihološkega kapitala, s čimer bi zmanjšali prostovoljni odhod zaposlenih.

Research paper thumbnail of Attachment styles of the teachers providing additional professional assistance and their relationship with the students

Master thesis deals with the influence of attachment styles of teachers providing additional prof... more Master thesis deals with the influence of attachment styles of teachers providing additional professional assistance in slovenian schools on their perception of their relationship with the students. The thesis begins with theoretical framework of attachment theory and research about teacher-student relationships. Research about the influence of attachment styles of teachers providing additional professional assistance on their relationship with the students is presented in the empirical part. Experience in Close Relationships (ECR-12) and Student – Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) questionnaires were used in the research. ECR-12 questionnaire measures attachment styles of teachers, based on measuring the anxiety and avoidance dimension, while STRS questionnaire measures teachers' percpetions of their own relationship with students, specifically the teachers' perceptions of dimensions closeness, dependency and conflict. In the empirical part there are also four interviews wi...

Research paper thumbnail of Stili navezanosti učiteljev dodatne strokovne pomoči in njihovi odnosi z učenci

Magistrsko delo ugotavlja vpliv stilov navezanosti uciteljev dodatne strokovne pomoci v osnovnih ... more Magistrsko delo ugotavlja vpliv stilov navezanosti uciteljev dodatne strokovne pomoci v osnovnih solah v Sloveniji na njihove zaznave odnosov z ucenci. Delo izhaja iz teorije navezanosti ter raziskav na podrocju odnosov med ucenci in ucitelji. V kvantitativnem delu raziskave sta uporabljena vprasalnika Experience in Close Relationships (ECR-12) in Student – Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS). ECR-12 vprasalnik ugotavlja stile navezanosti uciteljev na podlagi merjenja dimenzij anksioznost in izogibanje pri posamezniku, medtem ko STRS vprasalnik ugotavlja uciteljeve zaznave lastnega odnosa z ucenci: uciteljevo zaznavo dimenzij bližina, odvisnost in konflikt v odnosu z ucenci. V kvalitativnem delu raziskave so izvedeni stirje intervjuji s stirimi ucitelji dodatne strokovne pomoci v osnovnih solah v Sloveniji, kjer je v ospredju njihov odnos in nacin dela z otroki. Podatki, zbrani z vprasalniki, so obdelani z regresijsko analizo, intervjuji pa vsebinsko analizirani. Rezultati regresijske...