Silvia Martelo-Landroguez | Universidad de Sevilla (original) (raw)
Papers by Silvia Martelo-Landroguez
Deporte y regulación: nuevos escenarios y desafíos: actas del XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte, 2021, ISBN 978-84-9749-802-9, págs. 421-424, 2021
Eurasian Business Perspectives, 2020
This research aims to increase the vision of strategic knowledge management through collaboration... more This research aims to increase the vision of strategic knowledge management through collaboration in high education institutions. Data was obtained from online MBA students. A total of 165 students from five countries responded to a survey. The technique used was structural equation modeling (SEM). This chapter discusses the concept of collaboration climate in online studies. The results indicate that social interaction (i.e., online collaborative learning) is positively related to knowledge management. Further, the results suggest that knowledge management processes are positively related to collaboration climate. In addition, the effect of online knowledge platform on knowledge generated is positively moderated by knowledge management processes and online collaborative learning. We suggest that online collaborative learning and knowledge management processes are two of the major factors influencing the effectiveness of learning and, in turn, the knowledge generated.
El mundo de la empresa gira alrededor de la creacion de valor, objetivo principal de cualquier es... more El mundo de la empresa gira alrededor de la creacion de valor, objetivo principal de cualquier estrategia empresarial. Prueba de ello es que la �creacion de valor� ha supuesto y supone una preocupacion notable en multiples disciplinas academicas, entre las que destaca la direccion estrategica, en general, o la disciplina del marketing, en particular. No obstante, la mayoria de los estudios que se han desarrollado en estas disciplinas han partido de premisas distintas; asi, unos han estado mas centrados en las propias caracteristicas de las empresas; y, sin embargo, otros han estado mas enfocados en la percepcion externa de las actividades empresariales. Pero han sido muy pocas las investigaciones que persiguen aunar estos dos diferentes enfoques para profundizar, detenidamente, sobre este campo de estudio. Crear valor implica un amplio conjunto de decisiones que posibilitan el desarrollo de numerosas investigaciones. Las empresas se enfrentan a un gran abanico de conceptos y relaciones que dibujan un nudo entrelazado que no es facil de desenredar y comprender. La estrategia empresarial persigue crear valor para la empresa, pero su verdadero interes es apropiarse del maximo valor posible creado. Para ello, las empresas dependen no solo de sus propios recursos y capacidades organizativas, sino que tambien estan en manos de las percepciones de sus clientes y de su reaccion ante la oferta de valor de la empresa frente a la de las empresas competidoras. Todo ello lleva a plantear este estudio sobre la creacion de valor desde una doble perspectiva: en primer lugar, incidiendo sobre la vision interna de lo que acontece en la propia empresa para asi poder desarrollar una capacidad que le permita crear valor; y en segundo lugar, centrandose en la vision externa de los clientes, ya que son estos los que determinan la posibilidad y el grado de apropiacion de valor por parte de la organizacion que lo crea y lo pone a disposicion del mercado. Planteamos que ambas perspectivas deben integrarse para lograr una comprension mas real de lo que implica la creacion de valor. Sobre este conjunto de premisas se desarrolla la presente Tesis Doctoral, que tiene el ambicioso objetivo de aclarar el proceso de �creacion de valor� unificando la perspectiva de la empresa y de sus clientes. Hasta fechas extremadamente recientes ambas perspectivas se habian estudiado, generalmente, por separado. En el ultimo numero de la revista Journal of Management (Septiembre de 2011), numero especial dedicado a una revision sobre la Perspectiva o Teoria de los Recursos y Capacidades, McWilliams y Siegel (2011) senalan que para concretar la definicion del concepto de �valor� y su medida en el ambito de la RBV, es necesario analizar dos conceptos de valor independientes: valor para la empresa y valor para el cliente. Esta Tesis Doctoral pretende arrojar algo de luz en este campo de estudio. Para ello, se analizan aquellas capacidades organizativas que facilitan la creacion de valor a una organizacion; profundizando tambien en su relacion con el valor percibido por el cliente. En este sentido, nuestro trabajo pretende contribuir a la literatura intentando identificar las posibles combinaciones entre las tres capacidades organizativas propuestas �orientacion al mercado, gestion del conocimiento y gestion de la relacion con el cliente� cuyo resultado sea la creacion de un mayor valor para el cliente. Posteriormente, y con el fin de determinar en que medida la empresa crea valor, incorporamos la perspectiva exogena de la empresa con la percepcion del cliente. Esta, a su vez, nos permite analizar el grado de apropiacion del valor creado por la organizacion. Como hemos visto, el objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es reponder a la siguiente pregunta: �si los clientes demandan mayor valor, ?como tenemos que recombinar las capacidades existentes en la empresa para ofrecerle al cliente ese valor superior?�. Este objetivo se puede concretar en considerar el como, el por que y el cuando las capacidades organizativas se convierten en CD por la interaccion de varias de ellas. La consecucion de este objetivo general lleva implicito el logro de una serie de objetivos mas concretos: 1) Identificar, a la luz de las propuestas de la literatura existente, cuales son las variables relevantes que deben ser incluidas en nuestro modelo. Para la eleccion pertinente de las variables a incluir en el modelo, se llevo a cabo una revision exhaustiva de la literatura que nos permitio identificar tres capacidades organizativas clave que, analizadas individualmente, influyen positivamente en el rendimiento de la empresa; y, por tanto, en su ventaja competitiva. Estas tres variables son: OM, GC y GRC. 2) Analizar la posibilidad de generacion de una capacidad de orden superior asociada a este conjunto de capacidades organizativas. Tomando la revision teorica como punto de partida reflexionamos que, si por separado cada variable contribuye al exito de la empresa, el hecho de…
This paper integrates perspectives from the literature on the dynamic capabilities and knowledge-... more This paper integrates perspectives from the literature on the dynamic capabilities and knowledge-based view of a firm to propose how firms can attain competitive advantages by fostering a proactive environmental corporate strategy. We also explore how certain features of organizational absorptive capacity exert an influence on the firm’s green innovation and business performance. This study relies on a sample of 112 firms from the Spanish automotive component manufacturing sector and uses partial least squares (PLS) path modeling to test the hypotheses posited. The empirical results show that green innovation performance mediates the relationship between absorptive capacity and business performance. We conclude with a discussion of implications for research and practice.
espanolEste trabajo tiene como finalidad evaluar la capacidad emprendedora de estudiantes de la U... more espanolEste trabajo tiene como finalidad evaluar la capacidad emprendedora de estudiantes de la Universidad de Sevilla. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una encuesta con el fin de analizar la presencia de ciertas actitudes y motivaciones en dichos alumnos necesarias para enfrentarse a las posibles dificultades que pueden surgir al tomar la decision de montar una empresa. Se pretende establecer los diferentes patrones de actitud emprendedora que presentan los estudiantes de la Universidad de Sevilla. Con esta finalidad, se han anadido a la encuesta anterior varios items para testar la actitud emprendedora y las expectativas de aprendizaje y puesta en practica de competencias relacionadas con la creacion de empresas. Los items incluidos dentro del cuestionario intentan cubrir los siguientes aspectos: la capacidad de decision, de afrontar situaciones nuevas y complejas, de asumir riesgos, para trabajar en equipo, para adaptarse a los cambios, para aprender de los errores, etc. La poblac...
En los ultimos anos ha surgido la necesidad de desarrollar practicas educativas mas efectivas que... more En los ultimos anos ha surgido la necesidad de desarrollar practicas educativas mas efectivas que la tradicional clase magistral, con el fin ultimo de que estas contribuyan a fomentar la participacion activa del alumnado. En este sentido, este trabajo describe un metodo de actuacion basado en el uso de la tecnica conocida como aprendizaje experiencial. Mediante esta tecnica se propone mejorar el aprendizaje y motivacion del alumnado en la asignatura de habilidades directivas y culturales en organizaciones de Asia Oriental, perteneciente al Grado de Estudios Asiaticos.
Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 2019
Disinformation and misconceptions based on unverified information (e.g., hoaxes, exaggerations or... more Disinformation and misconceptions based on unverified information (e.g., hoaxes, exaggerations or gossip) is what is called "counter-knowledge". Knowledge management corridors establish a framework for relationships between the external and internal knowledge processes to enhance organizational performance. This study proposes three knowledge management processes (i.e., realized absorptive capacity, organizational memory, and knowledge application) as those that constitute such critical corridors. The analysis of the role of uncontrolled counter-knowledge in the relationship between those knowledge management processes is the value of this paper. Hypotheses were tested using a SEM approach based on composites (PLS-SEM). Data were collected from 151 branch-office managers belonging to the Spanish banking industry. The results show that counter-knowledge is only related to realized absorptive capacity and knowledge application, being the influence negative. The link between counterknowledge and the other two constructs (i.e., organizational memory and organizational performance) provides surprising results being statistically insignificant.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 2018
Purpose This study aims to analyze the impact and predictive capacity of organizational culture o... more Purpose This study aims to analyze the impact and predictive capacity of organizational culture on both customer loyalty and organizational performance in health clubs using data from managers and customers of health clubs in Spain. Design/methodology/approach A total of 101 managers were asked to measure organizational culture and organizational performance and 2,931 customers were asked to indicate their customer loyalty. The proposed hypotheses were tested and their predictability assessed through PLS-SEM. A composite concept was adopted to analyze the relationships between the different constructs and their indicators. Findings The findings suggest that organizational culture has a positive relationship with both customer loyalty and organizational performance. The four main dimensions of organizational culture that influence this relationship are, in order of significance, organizational presence, formalization, atmosphere and service-equipment. The authors’ model has a very go...
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2016
The relationships between corporate entrepreneurship, innovation and performance have been previo... more The relationships between corporate entrepreneurship, innovation and performance have been previously addressed by the literature. However, they have yielded mixed and often inconclusive results. The purpose of this paper is hence to empirically test a model that links entrepreneurial culture, innovation outcomes and business performance. In this model, the family nature of firms is subsequently included as a moderator variable. The empirical investigation is based on a sample of 145 family firms from the automotive components manufacturing sector in Spain. This study uses Partial Least Squares (PLS) path-modeling to test our research model and hypotheses. Our results reveal the increasing importance of fostering an entrepreneurial culture within family firms in order to yield innovation processes and performance.
European Research on Management and Business Economics, 2017
The aim of this article is to contribute to the literature by identifying and analyzing possible ... more The aim of this article is to contribute to the literature by identifying and analyzing possible combinations between critical knowledge management processes (absorptive capacity, knowledge transfer and knowledge application), which will result in the creation of superior customer value. The main research question this work addresses is: given that customers are demanding each day a greater value, how can organizations create more value to customers from their knowledge management processes and the combination of them? We propose that the combination of the three knowledge management processes builds a dynamic or higher-order capability that results in the creation of superior value for customers.
Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 2016
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the services management literature by ide... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the services management literature by identifying a sequence of the different processes of knowledge management (KM) to create customer service value. Design/methodology/approach – The context for the research hypotheses is the Spanish banking industry. The authors conducted a study including 76 banks and 1,832 customers of these banks. This paper uses the partial least squares method to conduct the data analysis. Findings – The authors find support for all the hypotheses proposed in the model. The results show that service firms that are able to apply more knowledge or apply knowledge more effectively are likely to generate more benefits for their customers, and/or reduce their sacrifices, contributing significantly to a higher perception of service value. Research limitations/implications – The study focusses on one particular industry in a single point in time. A longitudinal analysis of a variety of service industries would...
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify knowledge as a key strategic resource within the... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify knowledge as a key strategic resource within the EFQM excellence model. The study also analyses whether the EFQM model helps to create an adequate context for successful knowledge management (KM). A description is given of the synergies between both management approaches, with the purpose of reaching sustainable competitive advantages within organizations. Design/methodology/approach A literature review and a content analysis are carried out which show how the current version of the EFQM model includes the key aspects of the knowledge management systems (KMS) and its process. Also, the relationships and synergies between both considered management approaches are analyzed: quality management and KM. Findings After a detailed analysis of KM issues in the EFQM model, important synergies and complementary elements are appreciated between both management frameworks. Evidence is given of how the integration of both frameworks constitutes a ...
Journal of Intellectual Capital
PurposeIntellectual capital includes what employees know and the agility to search and retrieve k... more PurposeIntellectual capital includes what employees know and the agility to search and retrieve knowledge (organizational agility). Organizational agility could be seen as the result of using validated routines and protocols (knowledge application), but also as the result of using unproven theories, rumors, colloquial expressions, or sayings (counter-knowledge), which means that organizational memory may enable both the application of good knowledge and the mitigation of counter-knowledge. This study examines the links between a firm's organizational memory, counter-knowledge, knowledge application, and organizational agility.Design/methodology/approachUsing SmartPLS 3.2.8 in a sample of 112 companies, the following questions were addressed: Does the improvement of organizational memory result in the growth of organizational agility? Does the growth of counter-knowledge and knowledge application at the same time hinder the enhancement of organizational agility?FindingsThe result...
The aim of this article is to contribute to the literature by identifying and analyzing possible ... more The aim of this article is to contribute to the literature by identifying and analyzing possible combina-tions between critical knowledge management processes (absorptive capacity, knowledge transfer andknowledge application), which will result in the creation of superior customer value. The main researchquestion this work addresses is: given that customers are demanding each day a greater value, howcan organizations create more value to customers from their knowledge management processes and thecombination of them? We propose that the combination of the three knowledge management processesbuilds a dynamic or higher-order capability that results in the creation of superior value for customers.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the services management literature by ide... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the services management literature by identifying a sequence of the different processes of knowledge management (KM) to create customer
service value.
Design/methodology/approach – The context for the research hypotheses is the Spanish banking industry. The authors conducted a study including 76 banks and 1,832 customers of these banks. This paper uses the partial least squares method to conduct the data analysis.
Findings – The authors find support for all the hypotheses proposed in the model. The results show that service firms that are able to apply more knowledge or apply knowledge more effectively are likely to generate more benefits for their customers, and/or reduce their sacrifices, contributing significantly to a higher perception of service value.
Research limitations/implications – The study focusses on one particular industry in a single point in time. A longitudinal analysis of a variety of service industries would enrich the study.
Practical implications – It is argued that KM constitutes a key capability for service firms for the delivery of service value. According to the research, if service firms want to improve the application of knowledge, it is important to focus on knowledge retention while they create new knowledge.
Originality/value – Although a considerable amount of research has been carried out in the fields of KM and customer value, there has been less research that has taken both into consideration simultaneously. This paper addresses this gap in the literature.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Partial Least Squares Path Modeling - The Conference for PLS Users, 2015
Firms are continually looking for new ways to get the best results. In this study, the focus is o... more Firms are continually looking for new ways to get the best results. In this study, the focus is on the relationship between absorptive capacity (ACAP) and customer value (CV), proposing a multiple mediation model to analyze this relationship.The study's contribution to the literature is to examine, empirically, the antecedents and determinants of this variable in greater depth. Thus, the research fills a gap in the literature through its analysis of the mediating role of knowledge stock (KS) and the knowledge application (KA). This study applies variance-based structural equation modeling via partial least squares to a sample of 151branch office managers from the Spanish banking industry. The results show that both the direct effect and indirect effect, through the mediation of KS and KA, are significant in the relationship between ACAP and CV.
Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 2016
Knowledge has become the main competitive tool for firms. Just as knowledge is considered as the ... more Knowledge has become the main competitive tool for firms. Just as knowledge is considered as the most important strategic resource, knowledge management (KM) is considered to be critical to a firm’s success. Several attempts have been undertaken to identify and define the different KM processes. From the literature review, four key dimensions stand out as affecting KM processes: knowledge creation, knowledge transfer, knowledge storage/retrieval, and knowledge application. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the KM and value literature by determining the importance of the different processes of KM for increasing value creation and value capture in firms. The context for the research hypotheses is the Spanish banking industry in 2010. The results support a positive relationship between KM and value creation, and between value creation and value capture.
Journal of Business Research, 2016
Firms continually look new ways to get the best results. This study focuses on the relationship b... more Firms continually look new ways to get the best results. This study focuses on the relationship between absorptive capacity (ACAP) and value, proposing a multiple mediation model to analyze this relationship. The study's contribution to the literature is to examine empirically, and in greater depth the antecedents and determinants of this variable. Thus, the research fills a gap in the literature through the analysis of the mediating role of knowledge stock (KS) and knowledge application (KA). This study applies variance-based structural equation modeling via partial least squares to a sample of 151 branch office managers from the Spanish banking industry. The results show that both the direct effect and indirect effect, through the mediation of KS and KA, are significant in the relationship between ACAP and value.
Journal of Knowledge Management, 2014
Purpose – Spanish banks which took rescue packages are trying to find innovative ways to improve ... more Purpose
– Spanish banks which took rescue packages are trying to find innovative ways to improve customer value. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent to which banks combine external knowledge with internal knowledge to build customer value.
– A firm ' s knowledge corridor is an organizational capacity, referring to the ability to absorb external knowledge and utilize it in generating innovative outputs. This paper examines the relative importance and significance of knowledge transfer and knowledge storage/retrieval processes as bridges between “potential absorptive capacity” and “realized absorptive capacity” and its effects on the application of knowledge through an empirical investigation of 76 banks.
– The results are calculated using structural equation modelling. This leads to the main conclusion that a “realized absorptive capacity” is unlikely without being fostered by the transference and storage of new knowledge and it therefore requires empowerment by its facilitating factors.
Practical implications
– The key managerial implication of this paper is that the survival and success of banks requires that administrators and the organizations they manage meet the challenge of combining external knowledge with internal knowledge.
– This paper provides empirical support for the argument that the impacts of external knowledge move up from the individuals to groups and then the entire organization. This interaction represents a single-loop learning process.
Deporte y regulación: nuevos escenarios y desafíos: actas del XI Congreso Iberoamericano de Economía del Deporte, 2021, ISBN 978-84-9749-802-9, págs. 421-424, 2021
Eurasian Business Perspectives, 2020
This research aims to increase the vision of strategic knowledge management through collaboration... more This research aims to increase the vision of strategic knowledge management through collaboration in high education institutions. Data was obtained from online MBA students. A total of 165 students from five countries responded to a survey. The technique used was structural equation modeling (SEM). This chapter discusses the concept of collaboration climate in online studies. The results indicate that social interaction (i.e., online collaborative learning) is positively related to knowledge management. Further, the results suggest that knowledge management processes are positively related to collaboration climate. In addition, the effect of online knowledge platform on knowledge generated is positively moderated by knowledge management processes and online collaborative learning. We suggest that online collaborative learning and knowledge management processes are two of the major factors influencing the effectiveness of learning and, in turn, the knowledge generated.
El mundo de la empresa gira alrededor de la creacion de valor, objetivo principal de cualquier es... more El mundo de la empresa gira alrededor de la creacion de valor, objetivo principal de cualquier estrategia empresarial. Prueba de ello es que la �creacion de valor� ha supuesto y supone una preocupacion notable en multiples disciplinas academicas, entre las que destaca la direccion estrategica, en general, o la disciplina del marketing, en particular. No obstante, la mayoria de los estudios que se han desarrollado en estas disciplinas han partido de premisas distintas; asi, unos han estado mas centrados en las propias caracteristicas de las empresas; y, sin embargo, otros han estado mas enfocados en la percepcion externa de las actividades empresariales. Pero han sido muy pocas las investigaciones que persiguen aunar estos dos diferentes enfoques para profundizar, detenidamente, sobre este campo de estudio. Crear valor implica un amplio conjunto de decisiones que posibilitan el desarrollo de numerosas investigaciones. Las empresas se enfrentan a un gran abanico de conceptos y relaciones que dibujan un nudo entrelazado que no es facil de desenredar y comprender. La estrategia empresarial persigue crear valor para la empresa, pero su verdadero interes es apropiarse del maximo valor posible creado. Para ello, las empresas dependen no solo de sus propios recursos y capacidades organizativas, sino que tambien estan en manos de las percepciones de sus clientes y de su reaccion ante la oferta de valor de la empresa frente a la de las empresas competidoras. Todo ello lleva a plantear este estudio sobre la creacion de valor desde una doble perspectiva: en primer lugar, incidiendo sobre la vision interna de lo que acontece en la propia empresa para asi poder desarrollar una capacidad que le permita crear valor; y en segundo lugar, centrandose en la vision externa de los clientes, ya que son estos los que determinan la posibilidad y el grado de apropiacion de valor por parte de la organizacion que lo crea y lo pone a disposicion del mercado. Planteamos que ambas perspectivas deben integrarse para lograr una comprension mas real de lo que implica la creacion de valor. Sobre este conjunto de premisas se desarrolla la presente Tesis Doctoral, que tiene el ambicioso objetivo de aclarar el proceso de �creacion de valor� unificando la perspectiva de la empresa y de sus clientes. Hasta fechas extremadamente recientes ambas perspectivas se habian estudiado, generalmente, por separado. En el ultimo numero de la revista Journal of Management (Septiembre de 2011), numero especial dedicado a una revision sobre la Perspectiva o Teoria de los Recursos y Capacidades, McWilliams y Siegel (2011) senalan que para concretar la definicion del concepto de �valor� y su medida en el ambito de la RBV, es necesario analizar dos conceptos de valor independientes: valor para la empresa y valor para el cliente. Esta Tesis Doctoral pretende arrojar algo de luz en este campo de estudio. Para ello, se analizan aquellas capacidades organizativas que facilitan la creacion de valor a una organizacion; profundizando tambien en su relacion con el valor percibido por el cliente. En este sentido, nuestro trabajo pretende contribuir a la literatura intentando identificar las posibles combinaciones entre las tres capacidades organizativas propuestas �orientacion al mercado, gestion del conocimiento y gestion de la relacion con el cliente� cuyo resultado sea la creacion de un mayor valor para el cliente. Posteriormente, y con el fin de determinar en que medida la empresa crea valor, incorporamos la perspectiva exogena de la empresa con la percepcion del cliente. Esta, a su vez, nos permite analizar el grado de apropiacion del valor creado por la organizacion. Como hemos visto, el objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es reponder a la siguiente pregunta: �si los clientes demandan mayor valor, ?como tenemos que recombinar las capacidades existentes en la empresa para ofrecerle al cliente ese valor superior?�. Este objetivo se puede concretar en considerar el como, el por que y el cuando las capacidades organizativas se convierten en CD por la interaccion de varias de ellas. La consecucion de este objetivo general lleva implicito el logro de una serie de objetivos mas concretos: 1) Identificar, a la luz de las propuestas de la literatura existente, cuales son las variables relevantes que deben ser incluidas en nuestro modelo. Para la eleccion pertinente de las variables a incluir en el modelo, se llevo a cabo una revision exhaustiva de la literatura que nos permitio identificar tres capacidades organizativas clave que, analizadas individualmente, influyen positivamente en el rendimiento de la empresa; y, por tanto, en su ventaja competitiva. Estas tres variables son: OM, GC y GRC. 2) Analizar la posibilidad de generacion de una capacidad de orden superior asociada a este conjunto de capacidades organizativas. Tomando la revision teorica como punto de partida reflexionamos que, si por separado cada variable contribuye al exito de la empresa, el hecho de…
This paper integrates perspectives from the literature on the dynamic capabilities and knowledge-... more This paper integrates perspectives from the literature on the dynamic capabilities and knowledge-based view of a firm to propose how firms can attain competitive advantages by fostering a proactive environmental corporate strategy. We also explore how certain features of organizational absorptive capacity exert an influence on the firm’s green innovation and business performance. This study relies on a sample of 112 firms from the Spanish automotive component manufacturing sector and uses partial least squares (PLS) path modeling to test the hypotheses posited. The empirical results show that green innovation performance mediates the relationship between absorptive capacity and business performance. We conclude with a discussion of implications for research and practice.
espanolEste trabajo tiene como finalidad evaluar la capacidad emprendedora de estudiantes de la U... more espanolEste trabajo tiene como finalidad evaluar la capacidad emprendedora de estudiantes de la Universidad de Sevilla. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una encuesta con el fin de analizar la presencia de ciertas actitudes y motivaciones en dichos alumnos necesarias para enfrentarse a las posibles dificultades que pueden surgir al tomar la decision de montar una empresa. Se pretende establecer los diferentes patrones de actitud emprendedora que presentan los estudiantes de la Universidad de Sevilla. Con esta finalidad, se han anadido a la encuesta anterior varios items para testar la actitud emprendedora y las expectativas de aprendizaje y puesta en practica de competencias relacionadas con la creacion de empresas. Los items incluidos dentro del cuestionario intentan cubrir los siguientes aspectos: la capacidad de decision, de afrontar situaciones nuevas y complejas, de asumir riesgos, para trabajar en equipo, para adaptarse a los cambios, para aprender de los errores, etc. La poblac...
En los ultimos anos ha surgido la necesidad de desarrollar practicas educativas mas efectivas que... more En los ultimos anos ha surgido la necesidad de desarrollar practicas educativas mas efectivas que la tradicional clase magistral, con el fin ultimo de que estas contribuyan a fomentar la participacion activa del alumnado. En este sentido, este trabajo describe un metodo de actuacion basado en el uso de la tecnica conocida como aprendizaje experiencial. Mediante esta tecnica se propone mejorar el aprendizaje y motivacion del alumnado en la asignatura de habilidades directivas y culturales en organizaciones de Asia Oriental, perteneciente al Grado de Estudios Asiaticos.
Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 2019
Disinformation and misconceptions based on unverified information (e.g., hoaxes, exaggerations or... more Disinformation and misconceptions based on unverified information (e.g., hoaxes, exaggerations or gossip) is what is called "counter-knowledge". Knowledge management corridors establish a framework for relationships between the external and internal knowledge processes to enhance organizational performance. This study proposes three knowledge management processes (i.e., realized absorptive capacity, organizational memory, and knowledge application) as those that constitute such critical corridors. The analysis of the role of uncontrolled counter-knowledge in the relationship between those knowledge management processes is the value of this paper. Hypotheses were tested using a SEM approach based on composites (PLS-SEM). Data were collected from 151 branch-office managers belonging to the Spanish banking industry. The results show that counter-knowledge is only related to realized absorptive capacity and knowledge application, being the influence negative. The link between counterknowledge and the other two constructs (i.e., organizational memory and organizational performance) provides surprising results being statistically insignificant.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 2018
Purpose This study aims to analyze the impact and predictive capacity of organizational culture o... more Purpose This study aims to analyze the impact and predictive capacity of organizational culture on both customer loyalty and organizational performance in health clubs using data from managers and customers of health clubs in Spain. Design/methodology/approach A total of 101 managers were asked to measure organizational culture and organizational performance and 2,931 customers were asked to indicate their customer loyalty. The proposed hypotheses were tested and their predictability assessed through PLS-SEM. A composite concept was adopted to analyze the relationships between the different constructs and their indicators. Findings The findings suggest that organizational culture has a positive relationship with both customer loyalty and organizational performance. The four main dimensions of organizational culture that influence this relationship are, in order of significance, organizational presence, formalization, atmosphere and service-equipment. The authors’ model has a very go...
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2016
The relationships between corporate entrepreneurship, innovation and performance have been previo... more The relationships between corporate entrepreneurship, innovation and performance have been previously addressed by the literature. However, they have yielded mixed and often inconclusive results. The purpose of this paper is hence to empirically test a model that links entrepreneurial culture, innovation outcomes and business performance. In this model, the family nature of firms is subsequently included as a moderator variable. The empirical investigation is based on a sample of 145 family firms from the automotive components manufacturing sector in Spain. This study uses Partial Least Squares (PLS) path-modeling to test our research model and hypotheses. Our results reveal the increasing importance of fostering an entrepreneurial culture within family firms in order to yield innovation processes and performance.
European Research on Management and Business Economics, 2017
The aim of this article is to contribute to the literature by identifying and analyzing possible ... more The aim of this article is to contribute to the literature by identifying and analyzing possible combinations between critical knowledge management processes (absorptive capacity, knowledge transfer and knowledge application), which will result in the creation of superior customer value. The main research question this work addresses is: given that customers are demanding each day a greater value, how can organizations create more value to customers from their knowledge management processes and the combination of them? We propose that the combination of the three knowledge management processes builds a dynamic or higher-order capability that results in the creation of superior value for customers.
Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 2016
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the services management literature by ide... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the services management literature by identifying a sequence of the different processes of knowledge management (KM) to create customer service value. Design/methodology/approach – The context for the research hypotheses is the Spanish banking industry. The authors conducted a study including 76 banks and 1,832 customers of these banks. This paper uses the partial least squares method to conduct the data analysis. Findings – The authors find support for all the hypotheses proposed in the model. The results show that service firms that are able to apply more knowledge or apply knowledge more effectively are likely to generate more benefits for their customers, and/or reduce their sacrifices, contributing significantly to a higher perception of service value. Research limitations/implications – The study focusses on one particular industry in a single point in time. A longitudinal analysis of a variety of service industries would...
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify knowledge as a key strategic resource within the... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to identify knowledge as a key strategic resource within the EFQM excellence model. The study also analyses whether the EFQM model helps to create an adequate context for successful knowledge management (KM). A description is given of the synergies between both management approaches, with the purpose of reaching sustainable competitive advantages within organizations. Design/methodology/approach A literature review and a content analysis are carried out which show how the current version of the EFQM model includes the key aspects of the knowledge management systems (KMS) and its process. Also, the relationships and synergies between both considered management approaches are analyzed: quality management and KM. Findings After a detailed analysis of KM issues in the EFQM model, important synergies and complementary elements are appreciated between both management frameworks. Evidence is given of how the integration of both frameworks constitutes a ...
Journal of Intellectual Capital
PurposeIntellectual capital includes what employees know and the agility to search and retrieve k... more PurposeIntellectual capital includes what employees know and the agility to search and retrieve knowledge (organizational agility). Organizational agility could be seen as the result of using validated routines and protocols (knowledge application), but also as the result of using unproven theories, rumors, colloquial expressions, or sayings (counter-knowledge), which means that organizational memory may enable both the application of good knowledge and the mitigation of counter-knowledge. This study examines the links between a firm's organizational memory, counter-knowledge, knowledge application, and organizational agility.Design/methodology/approachUsing SmartPLS 3.2.8 in a sample of 112 companies, the following questions were addressed: Does the improvement of organizational memory result in the growth of organizational agility? Does the growth of counter-knowledge and knowledge application at the same time hinder the enhancement of organizational agility?FindingsThe result...
The aim of this article is to contribute to the literature by identifying and analyzing possible ... more The aim of this article is to contribute to the literature by identifying and analyzing possible combina-tions between critical knowledge management processes (absorptive capacity, knowledge transfer andknowledge application), which will result in the creation of superior customer value. The main researchquestion this work addresses is: given that customers are demanding each day a greater value, howcan organizations create more value to customers from their knowledge management processes and thecombination of them? We propose that the combination of the three knowledge management processesbuilds a dynamic or higher-order capability that results in the creation of superior value for customers.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the services management literature by ide... more Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the services management literature by identifying a sequence of the different processes of knowledge management (KM) to create customer
service value.
Design/methodology/approach – The context for the research hypotheses is the Spanish banking industry. The authors conducted a study including 76 banks and 1,832 customers of these banks. This paper uses the partial least squares method to conduct the data analysis.
Findings – The authors find support for all the hypotheses proposed in the model. The results show that service firms that are able to apply more knowledge or apply knowledge more effectively are likely to generate more benefits for their customers, and/or reduce their sacrifices, contributing significantly to a higher perception of service value.
Research limitations/implications – The study focusses on one particular industry in a single point in time. A longitudinal analysis of a variety of service industries would enrich the study.
Practical implications – It is argued that KM constitutes a key capability for service firms for the delivery of service value. According to the research, if service firms want to improve the application of knowledge, it is important to focus on knowledge retention while they create new knowledge.
Originality/value – Although a considerable amount of research has been carried out in the fields of KM and customer value, there has been less research that has taken both into consideration simultaneously. This paper addresses this gap in the literature.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Partial Least Squares Path Modeling - The Conference for PLS Users, 2015
Firms are continually looking for new ways to get the best results. In this study, the focus is o... more Firms are continually looking for new ways to get the best results. In this study, the focus is on the relationship between absorptive capacity (ACAP) and customer value (CV), proposing a multiple mediation model to analyze this relationship.The study's contribution to the literature is to examine, empirically, the antecedents and determinants of this variable in greater depth. Thus, the research fills a gap in the literature through its analysis of the mediating role of knowledge stock (KS) and the knowledge application (KA). This study applies variance-based structural equation modeling via partial least squares to a sample of 151branch office managers from the Spanish banking industry. The results show that both the direct effect and indirect effect, through the mediation of KS and KA, are significant in the relationship between ACAP and CV.
Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 2016
Knowledge has become the main competitive tool for firms. Just as knowledge is considered as the ... more Knowledge has become the main competitive tool for firms. Just as knowledge is considered as the most important strategic resource, knowledge management (KM) is considered to be critical to a firm’s success. Several attempts have been undertaken to identify and define the different KM processes. From the literature review, four key dimensions stand out as affecting KM processes: knowledge creation, knowledge transfer, knowledge storage/retrieval, and knowledge application. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the KM and value literature by determining the importance of the different processes of KM for increasing value creation and value capture in firms. The context for the research hypotheses is the Spanish banking industry in 2010. The results support a positive relationship between KM and value creation, and between value creation and value capture.
Journal of Business Research, 2016
Firms continually look new ways to get the best results. This study focuses on the relationship b... more Firms continually look new ways to get the best results. This study focuses on the relationship between absorptive capacity (ACAP) and value, proposing a multiple mediation model to analyze this relationship. The study's contribution to the literature is to examine empirically, and in greater depth the antecedents and determinants of this variable. Thus, the research fills a gap in the literature through the analysis of the mediating role of knowledge stock (KS) and knowledge application (KA). This study applies variance-based structural equation modeling via partial least squares to a sample of 151 branch office managers from the Spanish banking industry. The results show that both the direct effect and indirect effect, through the mediation of KS and KA, are significant in the relationship between ACAP and value.
Journal of Knowledge Management, 2014
Purpose – Spanish banks which took rescue packages are trying to find innovative ways to improve ... more Purpose
– Spanish banks which took rescue packages are trying to find innovative ways to improve customer value. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the extent to which banks combine external knowledge with internal knowledge to build customer value.
– A firm ' s knowledge corridor is an organizational capacity, referring to the ability to absorb external knowledge and utilize it in generating innovative outputs. This paper examines the relative importance and significance of knowledge transfer and knowledge storage/retrieval processes as bridges between “potential absorptive capacity” and “realized absorptive capacity” and its effects on the application of knowledge through an empirical investigation of 76 banks.
– The results are calculated using structural equation modelling. This leads to the main conclusion that a “realized absorptive capacity” is unlikely without being fostered by the transference and storage of new knowledge and it therefore requires empowerment by its facilitating factors.
Practical implications
– The key managerial implication of this paper is that the survival and success of banks requires that administrators and the organizations they manage meet the challenge of combining external knowledge with internal knowledge.
– This paper provides empirical support for the argument that the impacts of external knowledge move up from the individuals to groups and then the entire organization. This interaction represents a single-loop learning process.