Nik-Mohammad Balouchzahi | University of Sistan and Baluchestan (original) (raw)

Nik-Mohammad Balouchzahi


Papers by Nik-Mohammad Balouchzahi

Research paper thumbnail of Authenticated Hierarchy Double Signature protocol for MANET

In this paper we present a secure routing protocol based on reliability hierarchy levels and usin... more In this paper we present a secure routing protocol based on reliability hierarchy levels and using reliable server. Reliable server grants certifications to authenticated nodes in MANET. Simulated results shows when there is intruder nodes packet delivery ratio of proposed method is greater than delivery ratio of other related method such as AODV and DSR. In contrast packet dropped ratio resulted from presented method is less than other method. Whereas end to end delay for each node in proposed method is higher than other method, but in first all data quicker reach to destination node.

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct-Bridge Combination Scenario for Persian-Spanish Low-Resource Statistical Machine Translation

Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Reduction of Power Consumption in Cloud Data Centers via Dynamic Migration of Virtual Machines

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of An Optimized Two-Purpose Peer-to-Peer VANET to Disseminate Traffic Information and Reduce Travel Time

International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficient Traffic Information Dissemination and Vehicle Navigation for Lower Travel Time in Urban Scenario Using Vehicular Networks

Wireless Personal Communications

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Research paper thumbnail of Location service implementation in vehicular networks by nodes clustering in urban environments

Vehicular Communications

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Research paper thumbnail of Scalable packet classification algorithm using compressed trie

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Research paper thumbnail of A New Packet Classification Algorithm Using Bitmap Intersection

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Research paper thumbnail of An efficient infrastructure based service discovery in vehicular networks using P2P structures

The Journal of Supercomputing, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct-Bridge Combination Scenario for Persian-Spanish Low-Resource Statistical Machine Translation

Springer, Cham, 2018

This paper investigates the idea of making effective use of bridge language technique to respond ... more This paper investigates the idea of making effective use of bridge language technique to respond to minimal parallel-resource data set bottleneck reality to improve translation quality in the case of Persian-Spanish low-resource language pair using a well-resource language such as English as the bridge one. We apply the optimized direct-bridge combination scenario to enhance the translation performance. We analyze the effects of this scenario on our case study.

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Research paper thumbnail of Scalable packet classification algorithm using compressed trie

با با لا رفتن سرعت خطوط ارتباطي و همچنين مطرح شده كيفيت سرويسهاي گوناگون ارايه شده توسط شبكه، جدا... more با با لا رفتن سرعت خطوط ارتباطي و همچنين مطرح شده كيفيت سرويسهاي گوناگون ارايه شده توسط شبكه، جدا كردن جريانهاي متمايز در مسيريابها به عنوان يكي از راهكارهاي بالا بردن سرعت و كارايي مسيريابها مورد توجه مي باشد در اين فرايند كه دسته بندي بسته ها ناميده مي شود كليه بسته هاي متعلق به يك جريان مشخص، تحت تاثير يك قانون خاص قرار گرفته و بطور يكسان توسط مسيريابها پردازش مي شوند. به عبارت ديگر جريانها براساس يك يا چند مشخصه مانند آدرس مبدأ آدرس مقصد پورت مبدا پورت مقصد و شماره پروتكل از همديگر متمايز مي شوند و با هركدام بر اساس قوانين تعريف شده در مسيرياب برخورد مي شود انجام اين عمل برروي چندين فيلد سرآيند بسته عملي زمانبر و داراي بار حافظه اي بالايي مي باشد.دراين راستا روشهاي مختلفي ارائه شده است كه با توجه به زمان دسته بندي و ميزان حافظه مصرفي هركدام براي كاربرد خاصي مناسب مي باشند و اغلب اين روشها نتوانسته اند مصالحه مناسبي بين معيارهاي ذكر شده ارائه نمايند در اين مقاله روش جديدي ارائه مي شود كه با استفاده از خواص تفكيك كننده هاي واقعي و فشرده سازي Trie ها، با كاهش عمق درخت هاه و همچنين ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Packet Classification Algorithm using Bit Matrixes

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Research paper thumbnail of A Graph-based Model for RSUs Deployment in Vehicular Networks by Considering Urban and Network Limitations and QoS Requirements of Service Advertisement and Discovery

KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems

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Research paper thumbnail of A New Packet Classification Algorithm Using Bitmap Intersection

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Research paper thumbnail of A Two Stage Method for Packet Classification Using Multi-bit Tries

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Research paper thumbnail of Internet Packet Classification Using Prefix-Based Bitmap Intersection

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Research paper thumbnail of Packet Classification Using 6- bits Tries

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimal road side units placement model based on binary integer programming for efficient traffic information advertisement and discovery in vehicular environment

IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2015


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Research paper thumbnail of Authenticated Hierarchy Double Signature protocol for MANET

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Research paper thumbnail of A two-purpose peer-to-peer structure for vehicle navigating and traffic information disseminating in vehicular networks

2014 4th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE), 2014


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Research paper thumbnail of Authenticated Hierarchy Double Signature protocol for MANET

In this paper we present a secure routing protocol based on reliability hierarchy levels and usin... more In this paper we present a secure routing protocol based on reliability hierarchy levels and using reliable server. Reliable server grants certifications to authenticated nodes in MANET. Simulated results shows when there is intruder nodes packet delivery ratio of proposed method is greater than delivery ratio of other related method such as AODV and DSR. In contrast packet dropped ratio resulted from presented method is less than other method. Whereas end to end delay for each node in proposed method is higher than other method, but in first all data quicker reach to destination node.

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct-Bridge Combination Scenario for Persian-Spanish Low-Resource Statistical Machine Translation

Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2018

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Research paper thumbnail of Reduction of Power Consumption in Cloud Data Centers via Dynamic Migration of Virtual Machines

International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of An Optimized Two-Purpose Peer-to-Peer VANET to Disseminate Traffic Information and Reduce Travel Time

International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Efficient Traffic Information Dissemination and Vehicle Navigation for Lower Travel Time in Urban Scenario Using Vehicular Networks

Wireless Personal Communications

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Research paper thumbnail of Location service implementation in vehicular networks by nodes clustering in urban environments

Vehicular Communications

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Research paper thumbnail of Scalable packet classification algorithm using compressed trie

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Research paper thumbnail of A New Packet Classification Algorithm Using Bitmap Intersection

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Research paper thumbnail of An efficient infrastructure based service discovery in vehicular networks using P2P structures

The Journal of Supercomputing, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Direct-Bridge Combination Scenario for Persian-Spanish Low-Resource Statistical Machine Translation

Springer, Cham, 2018

This paper investigates the idea of making effective use of bridge language technique to respond ... more This paper investigates the idea of making effective use of bridge language technique to respond to minimal parallel-resource data set bottleneck reality to improve translation quality in the case of Persian-Spanish low-resource language pair using a well-resource language such as English as the bridge one. We apply the optimized direct-bridge combination scenario to enhance the translation performance. We analyze the effects of this scenario on our case study.

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Research paper thumbnail of Scalable packet classification algorithm using compressed trie

با با لا رفتن سرعت خطوط ارتباطي و همچنين مطرح شده كيفيت سرويسهاي گوناگون ارايه شده توسط شبكه، جدا... more با با لا رفتن سرعت خطوط ارتباطي و همچنين مطرح شده كيفيت سرويسهاي گوناگون ارايه شده توسط شبكه، جدا كردن جريانهاي متمايز در مسيريابها به عنوان يكي از راهكارهاي بالا بردن سرعت و كارايي مسيريابها مورد توجه مي باشد در اين فرايند كه دسته بندي بسته ها ناميده مي شود كليه بسته هاي متعلق به يك جريان مشخص، تحت تاثير يك قانون خاص قرار گرفته و بطور يكسان توسط مسيريابها پردازش مي شوند. به عبارت ديگر جريانها براساس يك يا چند مشخصه مانند آدرس مبدأ آدرس مقصد پورت مبدا پورت مقصد و شماره پروتكل از همديگر متمايز مي شوند و با هركدام بر اساس قوانين تعريف شده در مسيرياب برخورد مي شود انجام اين عمل برروي چندين فيلد سرآيند بسته عملي زمانبر و داراي بار حافظه اي بالايي مي باشد.دراين راستا روشهاي مختلفي ارائه شده است كه با توجه به زمان دسته بندي و ميزان حافظه مصرفي هركدام براي كاربرد خاصي مناسب مي باشند و اغلب اين روشها نتوانسته اند مصالحه مناسبي بين معيارهاي ذكر شده ارائه نمايند در اين مقاله روش جديدي ارائه مي شود كه با استفاده از خواص تفكيك كننده هاي واقعي و فشرده سازي Trie ها، با كاهش عمق درخت هاه و همچنين ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A Packet Classification Algorithm using Bit Matrixes

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Research paper thumbnail of A Graph-based Model for RSUs Deployment in Vehicular Networks by Considering Urban and Network Limitations and QoS Requirements of Service Advertisement and Discovery

KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems

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Research paper thumbnail of A New Packet Classification Algorithm Using Bitmap Intersection

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Research paper thumbnail of A Two Stage Method for Packet Classification Using Multi-bit Tries

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Research paper thumbnail of Internet Packet Classification Using Prefix-Based Bitmap Intersection

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Research paper thumbnail of Packet Classification Using 6- bits Tries

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Research paper thumbnail of Optimal road side units placement model based on binary integer programming for efficient traffic information advertisement and discovery in vehicular environment

IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2015


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Research paper thumbnail of Authenticated Hierarchy Double Signature protocol for MANET

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Research paper thumbnail of A two-purpose peer-to-peer structure for vehicle navigating and traffic information disseminating in vehicular networks

2014 4th International Conference on Computer and Knowledge Engineering (ICCKE), 2014


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