Patrick James | University of Southern California (original) (raw)

Papers by Patrick James

Research paper thumbnail of All Roads Lead to Beijing: Systemism, Power Transition Theory and the Belt and Road Initiative

Chinese Political Science Review, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of 10.1177/0022002703258803ARTICLEJOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTIONChoi, James / NEW QUESTION FOR NEO-KANTIANISM No Professional Soldiers, No Militarized Interstate Disputes? A NEW QUESTION FOR NEO-KANTIANISM

InPerpetual Peace, ImmanuelKant presents six preliminary articles for perpetual peace before the ... more InPerpetual Peace, ImmanuelKant presents six preliminary articles for perpetual peace before the three well-known definitive articles about republic constitutions, commercial relations, and international organi-zations. In his third preliminary article, Kant argues that “Standing Armies (miles perpetuus) Shall in Time be Totally Abolished ” because they are themselves “a cause of offensive war. ” Empirical results based on state-of-the-art data analysis that refers to both peace-years correction and distributed-lags logistic regres-sion show that themost obvious among the neglected preliminary articles byKant—militarymanpower sys-tem—is indeed connected to involvement in militarized interstate disputes during the period from 1886 to 1992. For neo-Kantian peace theory and research, this means that a military manpower system with con-scripted, not standing (i.e., professional or voluntary), soldiers is associated with disputes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Long Knives, Long Memories and “Peoples ’ Packages”: The Federal Strategy for Constitutional Patriation and the Dynamics of Identity Contention

Whether it is remembered as a traumatic event or great accomplishment, one thing that can be cert... more Whether it is remembered as a traumatic event or great accomplishment, one thing that can be certain about the First Ministers ’ Conference of 1981 is that its legacy lives on in Canadian politics. Constitutional negotiations among the prime minister and provincial premiers in 1981 produced the only ‘packaged ’ agreement since Confederation to achieve even the minimal support necessary to achieve ratification. The resulting Constitution Act of 1982, which included the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, remains in place and is the principal manifestation of intergovernmental bargaining from over two decades ago. This study, which unfolds in four sections, attempts to assess the strategic interaction and conflict processes that took place between Ottawa and the provinces in negotiations leading up to that fateful November 1981 conference. Learning more about how respective governments represented provincial and national interests at that time may help in dealing with ongoing and similar ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Decision-Making in U.S. Foreign Policy Crises: Presidential Leadership and Outcomes

Political Research Quarterly, 2021

Scholars of foreign policy decision-making have argued that international interactions ultimately... more Scholars of foreign policy decision-making have argued that international interactions ultimately are grounded in people acting singly or in groups. Unfortunately, data limitations prevent many of these crucial foreign policy decision-making theories from being rigorously tested and systematically compared with theories from alternative perspectives. A promising approach to remedying this deficiency is the addition of decision-making variables to existing, large- N data sets. In this study, we coded a series of foreign policy decision-making variables for all U.S. cases in the International Crisis Behavior (ICB) data set, and examined how these decision-making variables compared with structural factors in shaping crisis outcomes. The results reveal that when controlling for structural factors such as conflict setting and power discrepancy, foreign policy decision-making variables related to leaders’ traits, advisory structure, and the political context shaped the severity and centra...

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Research paper thumbnail of Perspectives pour la paix mondiale à une époque de turbulence : Les États-Unis et les crises internationales

Études internationales, 1994

Recent events in world politics raise Fundamental doubts about the reasons behind conflict, crisi... more Recent events in world politics raise Fundamental doubts about the reasons behind conflict, crisis and war. What, for example, causes a state to become involved in an international crisis ? In an attempt to answer that question, the present study focuses on the experiences of a leading member of the international System over a sustained period of time, specifically, the United States in the post-World War 11 era. Ultimately, in order to develop a more comprehensive explanation of activity by the United States in international crises, this investigation combines external factors with others from within the state. Following a brief review of the research program on conflict linkage, internal attributes with potential relevance to involvement by states in crises are identified. External influences on foreign policy, consistent with the tradition of realpolitik, also are specified. These elements then are combined in a model of conflict linkage. Using data pertaining both the US as a po...

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Research paper thumbnail of Complexity and Cross-Boundary Effects in Security: Britain and the Unification of Germany, 1989–90

Foreign Policy Analysis, 2016

If one trend characterizes the study of foreign and security policy over the past several decades... more If one trend characterizes the study of foreign and security policy over the past several decades, it may be the search for concepts that assist in addressing the complexity of global politics.2 We embrace that complexity and reimagine security as a social phenomenon that interweaves between social collectives, bleeding across boundaries and tying collectivities together as they seek to reconcile different systems of security meaning-making. At its core, security is a socially constructed system for making sense of danger and threat (Buzan et al. 1998). Thinking about security as a phenomenon of linked social constructions opens the field of inquiry up to a massive amount of complexity and interactivity. We offer two concepts as a possible basis for …

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Research paper thumbnail of Terrorism and the Breakdown of International Order: The Corporate Dimension

Journal of Conflict Studies, Jun 6, 1988

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the Democracy-Peace Nexus: New Tools, New Uses

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Research paper thumbnail of Theory as Thought: Britain and German Unification

Security Studies, 2014

ABSTRACT Inspired by Rudra Sil and Peter Katzenstein's call for analytic eclecticism and ... more ABSTRACT Inspired by Rudra Sil and Peter Katzenstein's call for analytic eclecticism and making use of newly available, previously classified archival documents, we distill the essential logics of realism, neoliberal institutionalism, and constructivism and examine their role in shaping the debates amongst British policymakers in the context of German unification in 1989-90. We find that, although all the theoretical logics help shape the policymaking surrounding unification, none stands alone as a basis for understanding social reality. Indeed, all functioned together as British policymakers thought in terms of theory to make sense of German unification. The logic of realism clearly played an important role in shaping the perceptions of top British leadership, particularly Margaret Thatcher, of German unification as a problem. But realism did not determine the solution to the "problem." Instead, British policymakers drew on the logic embedded in neoliberal institutionalism, turning to institutions to manage the unification process. The reason for this can be found in the role of constructivist logics-particularly identity and rhetorical entrapment-that constrained British policymakers to cooperative policy options. By taking this approach, this article makes several important contributions. First, it sheds light on British policy during a critical historical moment. Second, it significantly improves understanding regarding Germany's historical and current place in Europe. Third, it ties major theoretical traditions together through a foreign policy analytical approach, and in the process suggests that many of the theoretical boundaries separating scholars are overdrawn. Finally, the article pushes international relations scholars to keep in mind the complex relationship between reality and theory. In the final analysis, bringing to bear these three perspectives highlights the complexity of the processes that produced British policy-and by extension those that shaped German unification-as well as the importance of breaking free of the strictures of the ideas versus materiality debate.

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Research paper thumbnail of Falling From Grace: Nonestablished Brokerage Parties and the Weight of Predominance in Canadian Provinces and Australian States

Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1997

... Stable ascriptive foundations arise out of dominant electoral cleavages and provide an essent... more ... Stable ascriptive foundations arise out of dominant electoral cleavages and provide an essential and reliable storehouse of voter loyalty.6 These cleavages ... Even after the cleavage fails to retain political significance, it may still constitute a critical source of electoral division.10 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of State Religion and Discrimination Against Ethnic Minorities

Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of International Relations and Scientific Progress

International Studies Review, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of The US Power Cycle, Expected Utility, and the Probable Future of the FTAA

International Political Science Review, 2003

Power cycle theory, which associates future foreign policy role expectations with the level and t... more Power cycle theory, which associates future foreign policy role expectations with the level and trend of relative power, will be used to derive propositions about the likely us role in future trade negotiations involving the Free Trade Area for the Americas (ftaa). In power cycle theory, foreign policy role is the “bargaining substance” of statecraft, requiring actor initiative and systemic (other actors') acceptance. Leadership is not hegemony. The concept of “systemism” provides a persuasive justification for the research on micro-micro and micro-macro linkages in power cycle theory. Forecasting negotiation outcomes, the Decision Insights expected utility bargaining model finds support for the hypotheses derived from the known us position on its power cycle, and for the theory's claim that the inertia of role change is greater than that of power.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quebec's economic and political future with North America

International Interactions, 1997

Through use of the expected utility forecasting model, we make predictions about the prospects fo... more Through use of the expected utility forecasting model, we make predictions about the prospects for constitutional negotiations that would satisfy Quebec, as well as the likelihood that member governments of the NAFTA would accommodate Quebec and seek further integration of the North American economies. The investigation unfolds in four stages. The first section describes the historical background to the political

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Research paper thumbnail of Religious Affinities and International Intervention in Ethnic Conflicts in the Middle East and Beyond

Canadian Journal of Political Science, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Poliheuristic Theory and Crisis Decision Making: A Comparative Analysis of Turkey with China

Canadian Journal of Political Science, 2011

. Poliheuristic theory (PH) is an innovative attempt to conceptualize decision making in a way th... more . Poliheuristic theory (PH) is an innovative attempt to conceptualize decision making in a way that recognizes patterns deriving from both cognitive and rational schools of thought about how foreign policy is made. Crisis decision making, a setting in which the political aspects emphasized by PH can be expected to operate, is the subject of this article. The study focuses on Turkey and China, two important states that frequently are characterized as sui generis and possibly unsuited to comparative analysis in the context of any overarching theory. As will become apparent, PH is capable of explaining crisis decision making for China and Turkey and the common pattern we explore is perhaps only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cross-national application of the theory within the crisis domain.Résumé. La théorie poliheuristique (PH) est une tentative novatrice de concevoir la prise de décision en reconnaissant l'apport des modes de comportement issus des écoles de pensée cognitive et rationnelle. Cet article porte sur la politique étrangère en temps de crise et offre un cadre politique au sein duquel les modes de comportement identifiés par la théorie poliheuristique devraient normalement opérer. Plus particulièrement, l'étude se concentre sur le cas de la Chine et de la Turquie, deux États souvent considérés comme singuliers et possiblement inadaptés à l'analyse théorique de la politique étrangère comparée. Toutefois, comme cet article le démontre, la PH est en mesure d'expliquer de manière comparée la prise de décision de la Chine et de la Turquie en temps de crise. Les conclusions de recherche laissent penser que cette étude pourrait bien être le prélude de nombreuses recherches employant la PH dans le domaine de la politique étrangère comparée en temps de crise.

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Research paper thumbnail of Canadian Regional Development: The Quest for Convergence

Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 2008

. This article assesses the economic development of Canadian provinces in the context provided by... more . This article assesses the economic development of Canadian provinces in the context provided by the theory of convergence. Two basic questions will be asked and to some extent answered. First, to what degree do the Canadian provinces reveal convergence over time in terms of general economic performance? Second, what are the implications of convergence theory for Canadian provincial policy? These questions combine to give the article a purpose that is both academic and policy relevant in nature.Four additional sections make up this article. The first explains the central place of convergence theory within the study of development, most notably as related to peripheries or lagging economies. Second, convergence theory is discussed within the special and interesting setting of the Canadian economy. Third, the research design and data analysis are presented. The results suggest that convergence is serving as a natural and highly robust corrective to regional disparity. Fourth, and finally, conclusions are offered and policy implications derived.Résumé. Cet article examine le développement économique des provinces canadiennes dans le cadre de la théorie de la convergence. Il pose deux grandes questions, auxquelles il répond en partie. Premièrement, dans quelle mesure les provinces canadiennes présentent-elles une convergence à long terme pour ce qui est de leur performance économique? Deuxièmement, quelles sont les implications de la théorie de la convergence pour les politiques provinciales ? Par ces deux questions, le présent article revêt à la fois une portée académique et une pertinence en matière de politique publique.L'article comprend également quatre parties. La première explique la place centrale qu'occupe la théorie de la convergence dans l'étude du développement économique, notamment en ce qui concerne les périphéries ou les économies accusant un certain retard. La deuxième discute la théorie de la convergence dans le cadre spécifique et intéressant de l'économie canadienne. La troisième précise le cadre d'analyse et dévoile l'analyse des données. Les résultats démontrent que la convergence représente un correctif naturel et fort efficace des disparités régionales. La quatrième et dernière partie présente les conclusions et quelques implications politiques qui en découlent.

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Research paper thumbnail of Beyond the Crystal Ball: Modelling Predictions about Quebec and Canada

American Review of Canadian Studies, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of How Does Free Trade Become Institutionalised? An Expected Utility Model of the Chretien Era

The World Economy, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Signaling and Tariff Policy: The Strategic Multistage Rent Reduction Game

Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 2003

This study uses a game-theoretic analysis to suggest that governments can minimize the political ... more This study uses a game-theoretic analysis to suggest that governments can minimize the political risks associated with significant liberalization of trade by employing a multistep process in the reduction of state-supplied rents. The model argues that when governments precede significant reductions in state-supplied rents with a smaller reduction, or with a reduction that can be portrayed credibly as externally imposed, they may be in a position to evaluate, and hence mitigate, costs associated with significant trade liberalization. Substantive implications are explored in the context of United States trade policy and the still-curious ability of the Franklin Roosevelt administration to engage in strategic rent reductions without suffering meaningful political backlash.

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Research paper thumbnail of All Roads Lead to Beijing: Systemism, Power Transition Theory and the Belt and Road Initiative

Chinese Political Science Review, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of 10.1177/0022002703258803ARTICLEJOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTIONChoi, James / NEW QUESTION FOR NEO-KANTIANISM No Professional Soldiers, No Militarized Interstate Disputes? A NEW QUESTION FOR NEO-KANTIANISM

InPerpetual Peace, ImmanuelKant presents six preliminary articles for perpetual peace before the ... more InPerpetual Peace, ImmanuelKant presents six preliminary articles for perpetual peace before the three well-known definitive articles about republic constitutions, commercial relations, and international organi-zations. In his third preliminary article, Kant argues that “Standing Armies (miles perpetuus) Shall in Time be Totally Abolished ” because they are themselves “a cause of offensive war. ” Empirical results based on state-of-the-art data analysis that refers to both peace-years correction and distributed-lags logistic regres-sion show that themost obvious among the neglected preliminary articles byKant—militarymanpower sys-tem—is indeed connected to involvement in militarized interstate disputes during the period from 1886 to 1992. For neo-Kantian peace theory and research, this means that a military manpower system with con-scripted, not standing (i.e., professional or voluntary), soldiers is associated with disputes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Long Knives, Long Memories and “Peoples ’ Packages”: The Federal Strategy for Constitutional Patriation and the Dynamics of Identity Contention

Whether it is remembered as a traumatic event or great accomplishment, one thing that can be cert... more Whether it is remembered as a traumatic event or great accomplishment, one thing that can be certain about the First Ministers ’ Conference of 1981 is that its legacy lives on in Canadian politics. Constitutional negotiations among the prime minister and provincial premiers in 1981 produced the only ‘packaged ’ agreement since Confederation to achieve even the minimal support necessary to achieve ratification. The resulting Constitution Act of 1982, which included the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, remains in place and is the principal manifestation of intergovernmental bargaining from over two decades ago. This study, which unfolds in four sections, attempts to assess the strategic interaction and conflict processes that took place between Ottawa and the provinces in negotiations leading up to that fateful November 1981 conference. Learning more about how respective governments represented provincial and national interests at that time may help in dealing with ongoing and similar ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Decision-Making in U.S. Foreign Policy Crises: Presidential Leadership and Outcomes

Political Research Quarterly, 2021

Scholars of foreign policy decision-making have argued that international interactions ultimately... more Scholars of foreign policy decision-making have argued that international interactions ultimately are grounded in people acting singly or in groups. Unfortunately, data limitations prevent many of these crucial foreign policy decision-making theories from being rigorously tested and systematically compared with theories from alternative perspectives. A promising approach to remedying this deficiency is the addition of decision-making variables to existing, large- N data sets. In this study, we coded a series of foreign policy decision-making variables for all U.S. cases in the International Crisis Behavior (ICB) data set, and examined how these decision-making variables compared with structural factors in shaping crisis outcomes. The results reveal that when controlling for structural factors such as conflict setting and power discrepancy, foreign policy decision-making variables related to leaders’ traits, advisory structure, and the political context shaped the severity and centra...

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Research paper thumbnail of Perspectives pour la paix mondiale à une époque de turbulence : Les États-Unis et les crises internationales

Études internationales, 1994

Recent events in world politics raise Fundamental doubts about the reasons behind conflict, crisi... more Recent events in world politics raise Fundamental doubts about the reasons behind conflict, crisis and war. What, for example, causes a state to become involved in an international crisis ? In an attempt to answer that question, the present study focuses on the experiences of a leading member of the international System over a sustained period of time, specifically, the United States in the post-World War 11 era. Ultimately, in order to develop a more comprehensive explanation of activity by the United States in international crises, this investigation combines external factors with others from within the state. Following a brief review of the research program on conflict linkage, internal attributes with potential relevance to involvement by states in crises are identified. External influences on foreign policy, consistent with the tradition of realpolitik, also are specified. These elements then are combined in a model of conflict linkage. Using data pertaining both the US as a po...

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Research paper thumbnail of Complexity and Cross-Boundary Effects in Security: Britain and the Unification of Germany, 1989–90

Foreign Policy Analysis, 2016

If one trend characterizes the study of foreign and security policy over the past several decades... more If one trend characterizes the study of foreign and security policy over the past several decades, it may be the search for concepts that assist in addressing the complexity of global politics.2 We embrace that complexity and reimagine security as a social phenomenon that interweaves between social collectives, bleeding across boundaries and tying collectivities together as they seek to reconcile different systems of security meaning-making. At its core, security is a socially constructed system for making sense of danger and threat (Buzan et al. 1998). Thinking about security as a phenomenon of linked social constructions opens the field of inquiry up to a massive amount of complexity and interactivity. We offer two concepts as a possible basis for …

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Research paper thumbnail of Terrorism and the Breakdown of International Order: The Corporate Dimension

Journal of Conflict Studies, Jun 6, 1988

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Research paper thumbnail of Modeling the Democracy-Peace Nexus: New Tools, New Uses

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Research paper thumbnail of Theory as Thought: Britain and German Unification

Security Studies, 2014

ABSTRACT Inspired by Rudra Sil and Peter Katzenstein's call for analytic eclecticism and ... more ABSTRACT Inspired by Rudra Sil and Peter Katzenstein's call for analytic eclecticism and making use of newly available, previously classified archival documents, we distill the essential logics of realism, neoliberal institutionalism, and constructivism and examine their role in shaping the debates amongst British policymakers in the context of German unification in 1989-90. We find that, although all the theoretical logics help shape the policymaking surrounding unification, none stands alone as a basis for understanding social reality. Indeed, all functioned together as British policymakers thought in terms of theory to make sense of German unification. The logic of realism clearly played an important role in shaping the perceptions of top British leadership, particularly Margaret Thatcher, of German unification as a problem. But realism did not determine the solution to the "problem." Instead, British policymakers drew on the logic embedded in neoliberal institutionalism, turning to institutions to manage the unification process. The reason for this can be found in the role of constructivist logics-particularly identity and rhetorical entrapment-that constrained British policymakers to cooperative policy options. By taking this approach, this article makes several important contributions. First, it sheds light on British policy during a critical historical moment. Second, it significantly improves understanding regarding Germany's historical and current place in Europe. Third, it ties major theoretical traditions together through a foreign policy analytical approach, and in the process suggests that many of the theoretical boundaries separating scholars are overdrawn. Finally, the article pushes international relations scholars to keep in mind the complex relationship between reality and theory. In the final analysis, bringing to bear these three perspectives highlights the complexity of the processes that produced British policy-and by extension those that shaped German unification-as well as the importance of breaking free of the strictures of the ideas versus materiality debate.

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Research paper thumbnail of Falling From Grace: Nonestablished Brokerage Parties and the Weight of Predominance in Canadian Provinces and Australian States

Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1997

... Stable ascriptive foundations arise out of dominant electoral cleavages and provide an essent... more ... Stable ascriptive foundations arise out of dominant electoral cleavages and provide an essential and reliable storehouse of voter loyalty.6 These cleavages ... Even after the cleavage fails to retain political significance, it may still constitute a critical source of electoral division.10 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of State Religion and Discrimination Against Ethnic Minorities

Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of International Relations and Scientific Progress

International Studies Review, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of The US Power Cycle, Expected Utility, and the Probable Future of the FTAA

International Political Science Review, 2003

Power cycle theory, which associates future foreign policy role expectations with the level and t... more Power cycle theory, which associates future foreign policy role expectations with the level and trend of relative power, will be used to derive propositions about the likely us role in future trade negotiations involving the Free Trade Area for the Americas (ftaa). In power cycle theory, foreign policy role is the “bargaining substance” of statecraft, requiring actor initiative and systemic (other actors') acceptance. Leadership is not hegemony. The concept of “systemism” provides a persuasive justification for the research on micro-micro and micro-macro linkages in power cycle theory. Forecasting negotiation outcomes, the Decision Insights expected utility bargaining model finds support for the hypotheses derived from the known us position on its power cycle, and for the theory's claim that the inertia of role change is greater than that of power.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quebec's economic and political future with North America

International Interactions, 1997

Through use of the expected utility forecasting model, we make predictions about the prospects fo... more Through use of the expected utility forecasting model, we make predictions about the prospects for constitutional negotiations that would satisfy Quebec, as well as the likelihood that member governments of the NAFTA would accommodate Quebec and seek further integration of the North American economies. The investigation unfolds in four stages. The first section describes the historical background to the political

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Research paper thumbnail of Religious Affinities and International Intervention in Ethnic Conflicts in the Middle East and Beyond

Canadian Journal of Political Science, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Poliheuristic Theory and Crisis Decision Making: A Comparative Analysis of Turkey with China

Canadian Journal of Political Science, 2011

. Poliheuristic theory (PH) is an innovative attempt to conceptualize decision making in a way th... more . Poliheuristic theory (PH) is an innovative attempt to conceptualize decision making in a way that recognizes patterns deriving from both cognitive and rational schools of thought about how foreign policy is made. Crisis decision making, a setting in which the political aspects emphasized by PH can be expected to operate, is the subject of this article. The study focuses on Turkey and China, two important states that frequently are characterized as sui generis and possibly unsuited to comparative analysis in the context of any overarching theory. As will become apparent, PH is capable of explaining crisis decision making for China and Turkey and the common pattern we explore is perhaps only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cross-national application of the theory within the crisis domain.Résumé. La théorie poliheuristique (PH) est une tentative novatrice de concevoir la prise de décision en reconnaissant l'apport des modes de comportement issus des écoles de pensée cognitive et rationnelle. Cet article porte sur la politique étrangère en temps de crise et offre un cadre politique au sein duquel les modes de comportement identifiés par la théorie poliheuristique devraient normalement opérer. Plus particulièrement, l'étude se concentre sur le cas de la Chine et de la Turquie, deux États souvent considérés comme singuliers et possiblement inadaptés à l'analyse théorique de la politique étrangère comparée. Toutefois, comme cet article le démontre, la PH est en mesure d'expliquer de manière comparée la prise de décision de la Chine et de la Turquie en temps de crise. Les conclusions de recherche laissent penser que cette étude pourrait bien être le prélude de nombreuses recherches employant la PH dans le domaine de la politique étrangère comparée en temps de crise.

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Research paper thumbnail of Canadian Regional Development: The Quest for Convergence

Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 2008

. This article assesses the economic development of Canadian provinces in the context provided by... more . This article assesses the economic development of Canadian provinces in the context provided by the theory of convergence. Two basic questions will be asked and to some extent answered. First, to what degree do the Canadian provinces reveal convergence over time in terms of general economic performance? Second, what are the implications of convergence theory for Canadian provincial policy? These questions combine to give the article a purpose that is both academic and policy relevant in nature.Four additional sections make up this article. The first explains the central place of convergence theory within the study of development, most notably as related to peripheries or lagging economies. Second, convergence theory is discussed within the special and interesting setting of the Canadian economy. Third, the research design and data analysis are presented. The results suggest that convergence is serving as a natural and highly robust corrective to regional disparity. Fourth, and finally, conclusions are offered and policy implications derived.Résumé. Cet article examine le développement économique des provinces canadiennes dans le cadre de la théorie de la convergence. Il pose deux grandes questions, auxquelles il répond en partie. Premièrement, dans quelle mesure les provinces canadiennes présentent-elles une convergence à long terme pour ce qui est de leur performance économique? Deuxièmement, quelles sont les implications de la théorie de la convergence pour les politiques provinciales ? Par ces deux questions, le présent article revêt à la fois une portée académique et une pertinence en matière de politique publique.L'article comprend également quatre parties. La première explique la place centrale qu'occupe la théorie de la convergence dans l'étude du développement économique, notamment en ce qui concerne les périphéries ou les économies accusant un certain retard. La deuxième discute la théorie de la convergence dans le cadre spécifique et intéressant de l'économie canadienne. La troisième précise le cadre d'analyse et dévoile l'analyse des données. Les résultats démontrent que la convergence représente un correctif naturel et fort efficace des disparités régionales. La quatrième et dernière partie présente les conclusions et quelques implications politiques qui en découlent.

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Research paper thumbnail of Beyond the Crystal Ball: Modelling Predictions about Quebec and Canada

American Review of Canadian Studies, 1996

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Research paper thumbnail of How Does Free Trade Become Institutionalised? An Expected Utility Model of the Chretien Era

The World Economy, 2006

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Research paper thumbnail of Signaling and Tariff Policy: The Strategic Multistage Rent Reduction Game

Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 2003

This study uses a game-theoretic analysis to suggest that governments can minimize the political ... more This study uses a game-theoretic analysis to suggest that governments can minimize the political risks associated with significant liberalization of trade by employing a multistep process in the reduction of state-supplied rents. The model argues that when governments precede significant reductions in state-supplied rents with a smaller reduction, or with a reduction that can be portrayed credibly as externally imposed, they may be in a position to evaluate, and hence mitigate, costs associated with significant trade liberalization. Substantive implications are explored in the context of United States trade policy and the still-curious ability of the Franklin Roosevelt administration to engage in strategic rent reductions without suffering meaningful political backlash.

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Research paper thumbnail of State Religion and Discrimination Against Ethnic Minorities

Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 2009

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Research paper thumbnail of Religious Affinities and International Intervention in Ethnic Conflicts in the Middle East and Beyond

International Intervention in a Changing World This study examines the influence of religion on t... more International Intervention in a Changing World This study examines the influence of religion on the extent of intervention in ethnic conflict using data from the Minorities at Risk ~MAR! data-set. Key questions include whether ethnoreligious minorities—which are defined here as ethnic minorities who belong to a different religion or a different denomination of the same religion as the majority group in a state—attract more intervention and whether religious affinities between a state and an ethnic minority make it more likely that the state will intervene on that minority's behalf. Although it also addresses other regions and other religions, this study focuses on the Middle East-North Africa region ~MENA! and Islam. Anec-dotally, Islamic identity has been becoming increasingly prominent in recent years and there have been a number of high-profile interventions on behalf of Muslim minorities in the MENA and elsewhere. However, anecdotal evidence is insufficient to reach definitive conclusions about whether the MENA is unique in this respect. Beyond these more specific concerns, the general issue of international intervention is becoming more visible in the world after the Cold War for three reasons. First, the end of superpower rivalry during the Cold War made intervention less one-dimensional than in the past. For example, when the United States and its allies intervene, they no longer

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