Radmila Palinkasevic | Predschool Teacher Training College "Mihailo Palov" Vrsac (original) (raw)
Papers by Radmila Palinkasevic
Research in Pedagogy, 2015
Apstrakt: Stepenovane lektire se koriste kao materijal za učenje stranog jezika još od kraja Drug... more Apstrakt: Stepenovane lektire se koriste kao materijal za učenje stranog jezika još od kraja Drugog svetskog rata. One su značajan izvor pojednostavljenog materijala koji pruža učenicima razumljiv input, odnosno ulazni sadržaj na svim nivoima. Od velikog je značaja za uspešno korišćenje stepenovanih lektira u nastavi i istraživanjima koja uključuju stepenovane lektire to da se odabere odgovarajući nivo stepenovane lektire za učenike. U ovom radu obrađujemo teorijski okvir za odabir odgovarajućeg nivoa, objašnjenje kriterijuma za podelu na nivoe i razlike u nivoima između najznačajnijih izdavača, kao i odabir odgovarajućih stepenovanih lektira. Isto tako, u radu se daju rezultati preliminarnog istraživanja čiji je cilj provera da li su nivoi pripisani stepenovanim lektirama na osnovu CEFR dovoljan kriterijum za odabir lektire i bez prethodnog testiranja nivoa veština čitanja i razumevanja. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 6 učesnika koji su podeljeni na 3 nivoa (A2, B1, C1). Svaki od učesnika je jednu stepenovanu lektiru za svoj nivo odslušao, a jednu pročitao. Podaci su prikupljeni pomoću intervjua, čiji sastavni deo su bila pitanja kojom se utvrđivao nivo razumevanja pročitanog teksta, odnosno odslušanog audio materijala. U ovome istraživanju se pokazalo da nisu sve lektire bile odgovarajuće za sve učesnike i čini se da rezultati indiciraju da postoji potreba za dalja istraživanja koja bi obuhvatila veći uzorak.
Teaching Innovations, 2021
Starting from the hypothesis that an identification and a more detailed study of students’ concep... more Starting from the hypothesis that an identification and a more detailed study of students’ conceptual sphere regarding learning English language will result in mapping the fields in the tertiary level teaching of English as a foreign language that need improvement, in the academic year 2018/19
we conducted a survey among all undergraduate students at the Preschool Teacher Training College „Mihajlo Palov” in Vršac. A total of 125 respondents filled out an anonymous questionnaire designed to reveal the source domains through which pre-service preschool teachers perceive learning English as a foreign language. A qualitative analysis of the researched corpus made it possible to single out five dominant conceptual metaphors of different source domains for the concept of English language learning. Among the obtained metaphors, special attention was given to selecting the metaphors with a methodological potential for implementation in teaching, as well as to the suggestions for modelling the so-called disruptive metaphors that have a negative effect on the English language acquisition.
Research in Pedagogy, 2020
Language learning beliefs and foreign language classroom anxiety present two extremely important ... more Language learning beliefs and foreign language classroom anxiety present two extremely important factors in language learning. This paper explores these two factors and their complex relationship in students at the Preschool Teacher Training College in Vrsac and Teacher Training Faculty in Belgrade (Vrsac campus). Both quantitative and qualitative research models were implemented in the study. The quantitative analysis used BALLI (Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory) and FLCAS (Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale) as instruments, and latter implemented a correlational analysis to see which language learning beliefs had a strong connection with anxiety levels. Ten language learning beliefs showed a significant correlation with foreign language classroom anxiety levels. These beliefs were placed into five belief categories which were used as a starting point in the qualitative analysis. For the qualitative analysis language learning histories were used. The process produced two additional language belief categories which showed a strong connection with foreign language classroom anxiety. The research proposes which language learning beliefs teachers should first promote in order to establish a positive attitude towards language learning without high levels of anxiety along with other suggestions for the change and promotion of language learning beliefs and the lowering of classroom anxiety.
Research in English & Applied Linguistics, 2020
One of the questions which breeds a high number of conflicting truths in today’s society is: What... more One of the questions which breeds a high number of conflicting truths in today’s society is: What is a healthy diet? When trying to find out the answer to this question average people are faced with a sea of information. They may choose to be vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian, they may follow the traditional diet of their nation, a low calorie diet, a low carb diet etc. With the worldwide increase of overweight and obesity among preschool children on the rise, this has become an even more important question (Mikkelsen et al. 2014). Research shows that food experiences and knowledge which are gained in early childhood are central to later diet and health (Aldridge et al. 2009, Tatlow-Golden et al. 2013). The aim of this paper is to explore what “dietary truth” is taught in Serbian kindergartens. The focus of the study is twofold. Firstly, dietary trends are explored in Serbian health and lifestyle magazines in order to compare them with the kindergarten teachers’ beliefs and teachings. Discourse analysis of magazine articles is implemented in this first segment (Gee 2017). Secondly, preschool teachers’ beliefs and teaching regarding the topic of a healthy diet are explored. For this segment the qualitative research model is used, with in depth interviews as the main instrument.
Foreign language anxiety is a specific type of anxiety, which is widespread in foreign language c... more Foreign language anxiety is a specific type of anxiety, which is widespread in foreign language classrooms. This paper aims to present the information which foreign language teachers need in order to deal with foreign language anxiety, with a focus on practical creative activities and strategies which can be implemented in the classroom. The following topics will be explored: the definition, types and measurement of foreign language anxiety, the consequences of foreign language anxiety, factors which influence foreign language anxiety and creative strategies for dealing with foreign language anxiety.
The functioning, and most often the establishment of most scientific journals is founded on the e... more The functioning, and most often the establishment of most scientific journals is founded on the editorial board which consists of selected, unpaid experts in the academic field covered by the journal. In journals with a long tradition, this is frequently just an honorary position, but today, in the expansion of publishing, especially electronic publishing, on the one hand and the lack of adequate funding on the other, editorial board members are becoming involved in its operational functioning. They perform the preliminary peer review of the received papers, but also the correspondence with authors and reviewers. It is expected from the editorial board members to influence the journal policy; accordingly they conduct the promotion and indexation of the journal. As a consequence of the aforementioned, adequate IT and English language competencies are expected from the editorial board members, regardless of their scientific field. Demands of index databases, especially those which are considered significant in the fields of humanities and education, have served as a basis to explain how the English language, as an international language, has become the unavoidable language of content and communication in scientific publishing. The fact that editorial board members are expected to possess more than the basic IT literacy is demonstrated through the exploration of the preconditions for inclusion in index databases, where most of the work is conducted by computers and less and less by people. The influence of the Open Access on scientific journals and academic publishing will be explored in the conclusion of the paper.
Nekoliko decenija unazad, fenomen darovitosti nalazi se u centru interesovanja istraživanja, a p... more Nekoliko decenija unazad, fenomen darovitosti nalazi se u centru interesovanja istraživanja, a posebnu pažnju istraživači posvećuju definisanju i izučavanju pojma kreativnosti, strategijama i metodama podsticanja, kao i načinima ispoljavanja kreativnosti i stvaralačkih sposobnosti. Neki od vodećih ciljeva predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja u okviru muzičkog vaspitanja i razvoja govora su: negovanje spontanog i slobodnog muzičkog stvaralaštva, razvoj i ispoljavanje kreativnosti putem različitih oblika muzičkih aktivnosti i negovanje govornih stvaralačkih sposobnosti putem spontane igre deteta (npr. igra glasovima, rečima, igra uloga i slično). Ispoljavanje kreativnosti i stvaralaštva očekuje se najpre od darovitih, a veliki značaj u ovom procesu imaju oni koji se bave vaspitanjem i obrazovanjem predškolske dece. Danas sve više pažnje privlače specijalizovane ustanove koje se van programa vaspitno-obrazovnih ustanova bave podsticanjem razvoja darovite dece. U okviru njihovih programa često se mogu sresti savremeni oblici grupnog rada koji podrazumevaju primenu muzike, pesme, plesa, igre, glume, likovnog izražavanja, a u okviru toga i učenje stranog, najčešće engleskog jezika. U ovom radu će pored teorijskog okvira tumačenja i značenja kreativnosti, biti prikazane pojedine strategije i metode podsticanja razvoja muzičkog i jezičkog stvaralaštva kod dece predškolskog uzrasta iz ugla prakse.
Ključne reči: darovitost, kreativnost, stvaralaštvo, muzičko vaspitanje i obrazovanje, strani jezik.
Music is unavoidable in the world around us. Numerous studies confirm that individuals with great... more Music is unavoidable in the world around us. Numerous studies confirm that individuals with greater musical abilities acquire a foreign language more successfully. The research explores the influence of musical experience on the acquisition of phonemes in a foreign language – English language. The paper examines: the connection between music and language, previous empirical research, interpretation of the connection between music and language and frequent problems in these types of studies. The research was conducted at the Preschool Teacher Training College " Mihailo Palov " in Vrsac. The subjects were from all three years of study, whose mother tongue is Serbian. Results were gathered through a questionnaire and a pronunciation test – the production of phonemes.
Editorial ELTA Journal ELTA, teachers' association in Serbia is proud to present the second issue... more Editorial ELTA Journal
ELTA, teachers' association in Serbia is proud to present the second issue of ELTA Journal. In this first issue, last December, we presented the ideas that have shaped the creation of ELTA Journal and, this year, we would like to introduce new ideas that have guided us in developing this issue. Our aim was to connect research and practice and to present some theoretical considerations in the field of ELT. Our journal is blind peer-reviewed, allowing our authors to have their articles rechecked, reevaluated and inspected by unbiased experts.
Carefully selected articles that we have prepared for you in this issue are written by teachers, associate professors and researchers in the ELT field. For some authors this is another way of reflecting on their practice and, for others, this is a form of teacher development.
We are particularly proud that, as in the previous issue, our contributors are both domestic and international, and tackle interesting research areas in their studies in theoretical discussions. Our readers might be interested in an article by Radmila Palinkašević on a very current topic of bilingualism and its advantageous and disadvantageous effects on cognition and third language acquisition. Join another one of our colleagues Brankica Bojović in her exploration of the rich experience of translating metaphors from SL to TL and vice versa, and her use of Newmark’s translating methods in her classroom practice with students. Our contributor from a Tribhuvan University in Nepal, Pramod Kumar Sah, gathered and analysed data on how the undergraduate students in China, through their peer interactions, mediate understanding about the new language introduced to them and how they develop language competence. See what the result was of the joint study of Aleksandra Oletić from Stockholm University and Nina Ilić from University of Novi Sad on levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations to learn English as a foreign language among high school and university students. Ali Erarslan and Devrim Hol explored language interference and transfer
of L1 into L2 when students do a translation test, while a UK freelancer Willy Cardoso shared with us his consideration of how teaching is a form of artistry, stressing the importance of teacher intuition, and value of inquiry and collective engagement. Zorana Vasiljević will familiarize you with collocation studies in corpus and applied linguistics and offer suggestions for making criteria for the selection of target collocation, and developing activities that help students learn them and use them autonomously. Last, but not least, ELTA’s known contributor, Nina Kisin, discussed the ways of teaching business English vocabulary which is a rich source of new terminology in English and used around the world.
The Editorial team would like to thank all the people who contributed to this issue and our former Editor-in-Chief, Ms Marija Ivanović, who was also among the initiators of ELTA Journal.
We owe much gratitude to eminent professors and colleagues who reviewed the articles and, of course, to our contributors whose ideas will help advance the EFL research and the teaching practice.
We hope you enjoy reading this issue and we look forward to receiving your feedback and article contributions for our next issue.
Yours faithfully,
ELTA Journal Editorial Team
Maja Jerković Editor-in-Chief
Olivera Ćatić editor
Marija Panić proofreader and cover designer
Word lists present an essential tool in vocabulary teaching. Compilation of specific word lists f... more Word lists present an essential tool in vocabulary teaching. Compilation of specific word lists for various fields is one of the most prominent branches of research in this field at the moment. New methodological changes in word list formation have been proposed because of the appearance of the New-GSL (Brezina&Gablasova, 2013) and AVL (Gardner & Davies, 2013).The aim of this paper is twofold. The first one is to present a word list overview which would reflect how these changes have affected the field so far. The second is to serve as a methodological guide for future researchers interested in specific word list formation. The paper provides an overview of the two most significant word lists the GSL (West, 1953) and AWL (Coxhead, 2000) along with their proposed replacements, detailed information about seven specific word lists, which were published from 2013 to 2016, with a specific focus on corpus formation criteria, word selection criteria and validity and relevance testing.
Gardner u svojoj teoriji višestrukih inteligencija predstavlja postojanje osam osnovnih inteligen... more Gardner u svojoj teoriji višestrukih inteligencija predstavlja postojanje osam osnovnih inteligencija među kojima je i intrapersonalna inteligencija. Njena jednostavna definicija ukazuje da osoba uz pomoć intrapersonalne inteligencije prepoznaje različita osećanja u sebi i bolje razume sebe. Ova inteligencija zajedno sa interpersonalnom inteligencijom čini jednu od osnovnih komponenti životnih veština čija se inkluzija u obrazovni sistem tretira kao jedna od značajnih stavki u daljem napretku obrazovnog sistema. Za darovite pojedince od ključne važnosti je razvoj intrapersonalne inteligencije i životnih veština zato što one predstavljaju značajan faktor u usmeravanju potencijala darovitih. Rad će predstaviti metode podsticanja razvoja intrapersonalne inteligencije na časovima stranog jezika i muzičkog obrazovanja i vaspitanja. Zbog karaktera ovih predmeta/oblasti, za taj zadatak postoji širok potencijal.
The inextricable connection between language and culture has for a number of years been recognize... more The inextricable connection between language and culture has for a number of years been recognized by linguists dealing with various aspects of this link, including the presence of culture in the grammar we use and metaphors we live by, cultural elements to be incorporated in foreign language teaching and classroom activities aimed at culturally oriented foreign language teaching and learning in order to raise students intercultural awareness. Epistemic uses of modal verbs seem to be rather intriguing from the standpoint of English as a foreign language for a variety of reasons. One of them refers to the fact that they are frequently used as hedges or face-saving communication strategies in the English language, while it seems that other languages (e.g. Serbian) have not fully developed such a function of modal verbs. The German language has well developed epistemic senses in the literature commonly called subjective use of modal verbs and in this sense (as expected for a Western Germanic language) it is closer to the English language. As a consequence, the aim of the conducted explorative research according to the method of systematic non-experimental observation is to verify the assumption that it is rather demanding for learners of the English language whose mother tongue is Serbian to gain a command over epistemic senses of modal verbs. The research presented in the paper seeks to examine the use of modal verbs expressing epistemological senses in the English language by learners whose mother tongue is Serbian. For this purpose the level of learners' knowledge was screened in regard to epistemological senses of the English modal verbs, as well as their inclination to use modal verbs, rather than some other modal means, when expressing the meanings of certainty or possibility. The subjects of the research were 66 first year students at the Preschool Teacher Training College in Vrsac –Serbia. The results indicated that approximately two third of the students are able to encode verbs expressing epistemical senses, while only one third of the subjects are aware of the specific behaviour of the examined verbs at the formal level. At the same time, students showed strong inclination to use other lexical modal means rather than modal verbs to express epistemic meanings. Such findings could possibly be explained by the fact that modal verbs are not frequently used in the Serbian language to express epistemic meanings, which could cause interference.
Music is frequently used in the EFL classrooms at all levels (Lorenzutti 2014). Although many tea... more Music is frequently used in the EFL classrooms at all levels (Lorenzutti 2014). Although many teachers intuitively feel the significance of using music in ELT, they frequently lack the theoretical and practical underpinning for such a choice (Engh, 2013). The usage of music elements is especially important in work with preschool learners. Theoretical background from the perspective of English language teaching methodology will be presented in this paper. Special attention will be given to the usage of musical games with preschool learners. Examples of musical games are also presented with a clear pedagogic scheme for example selection appropriate for the preschool age.
Savremeni tokovi u kojima živimo i koji podrazumevaju kvantifikaciju svega postojećeg, preneli su... more Savremeni tokovi u kojima živimo i koji podrazumevaju kvantifikaciju svega postojećeg, preneli su svoj uticaj na oblast obrazovanja, stavljajući u prvi plan kompetencije, tj. merljive parametre nečijeg znanja ili veština. Postoje zanjimljive teorijske osnove i prethodna istraživanja koja govore o uticaju razvijenijih muzičkih sposobnosti, tj. izraženijeg senzibiliteta prema određenim elementima muzičkog jezika na savladavanje elemenata stranog jezika. Ako znamo da jedna od bazičnih kompetencija obrazovanog čoveka današnjice upravo predstavlja poznavanje stranog jezika, povezivanje ove dve oblasti kroz vrednovanje potencijala oba jezika, muzičkog i stranog, bilo bi od mnogostrane koristi. Rad predstavlja interesantne aspekte uticaja elemenata muzičkog jezika i muzičkih sposobnosti na savladavanje stranog jezika, kao rezultat sprovedenih istraživanja.
Ključne reči: strani jezik, muzičke sposobnosti, muzički jezik, kompetencije, daroviti.
A prevailing question in the education of future preschool teachers in the Republic of Serbia is ... more A prevailing question in the education of future preschool teachers in the Republic of Serbia is the structuring of competencies which they should possess. In that sense, under the auspices of the European Union, currently in progress is the program TEACH, one of Tempus programs which, among other things, deals with the issue of harmonizing the competencies of future preschool teachers in Serbia and Europe. An international consortium of a number of countries is involved in the project and the coordinator of the project is the Preschool Teacher Training College " Mihailo Palov " in Vršac. When it comes to creating and organizing music activities in kindergarten, activities based on music games can be used as one of the possible models in the function of reaching defined competencies. Furthermore, music activities based on their content can have an interdisciplinary function, such as foreign language learning. This paper describes possible content based on the aforementioned model.
Abstract: Graded readers have been used as second language teaching material since the end of the... more Abstract: Graded readers have been used as second language teaching material since
the end of the Second World War. They are an important source of simplified
material which provides comprehensible input on all levels. It is of crucial importance
for a successful usage of graded readers in the classroom and in studies which focus
on graded readers, that an adequate level of graded readers is chosen. In this paper
the following will be explored: the theoretical background of choosing the adequate
level of graded readers, explanation of the criteria for placement of graded readers in
different levels, the differences in levels between the most important publishers and
the selection of the adequate level of the graded readers. Furthermore, this paper
presents preliminary research results, the goal of which was to test whether assigned
CEFR levels represent a sufficient criterion for the selection of graded readers
without previously testing reading skills or using tests provided by the graded reader
publishers. Six subjects participated in the research; they were divided into three
levels of English language knowledge (A2, B1, C1). Each participant read one and
listened to another graded reader. In this research an interview was used for
gathering data, the key component of which were text and audio material
comprehension questions. The results showed that not all graded readers used in the
study were adequate and that there are grounds for conducting further research
with a larger sample.
The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly to explore how bilingualism influences cognition and se... more The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly to explore how bilingualism influences cognition and secondly how it influences the third language learning process. Some of the most prominent advantages of bilingualism on cognition were explored such as higher level of metacognition, inhibitory control, task switching etc. together with the most significant disadvantages to form a comprehensive view of the issue. The effects on third language acquisition were explored with a slight emphasis on cross-linguistic influence and transfer. In order to understand why bilingualism can have such diverse effects the factors that influence the development of bilingualism were also explored.
Research in Pedagogy, 2015
Apstrakt: Stepenovane lektire se koriste kao materijal za učenje stranog jezika još od kraja Drug... more Apstrakt: Stepenovane lektire se koriste kao materijal za učenje stranog jezika još od kraja Drugog svetskog rata. One su značajan izvor pojednostavljenog materijala koji pruža učenicima razumljiv input, odnosno ulazni sadržaj na svim nivoima. Od velikog je značaja za uspešno korišćenje stepenovanih lektira u nastavi i istraživanjima koja uključuju stepenovane lektire to da se odabere odgovarajući nivo stepenovane lektire za učenike. U ovom radu obrađujemo teorijski okvir za odabir odgovarajućeg nivoa, objašnjenje kriterijuma za podelu na nivoe i razlike u nivoima između najznačajnijih izdavača, kao i odabir odgovarajućih stepenovanih lektira. Isto tako, u radu se daju rezultati preliminarnog istraživanja čiji je cilj provera da li su nivoi pripisani stepenovanim lektirama na osnovu CEFR dovoljan kriterijum za odabir lektire i bez prethodnog testiranja nivoa veština čitanja i razumevanja. U istraživanju je učestvovalo 6 učesnika koji su podeljeni na 3 nivoa (A2, B1, C1). Svaki od učesnika je jednu stepenovanu lektiru za svoj nivo odslušao, a jednu pročitao. Podaci su prikupljeni pomoću intervjua, čiji sastavni deo su bila pitanja kojom se utvrđivao nivo razumevanja pročitanog teksta, odnosno odslušanog audio materijala. U ovome istraživanju se pokazalo da nisu sve lektire bile odgovarajuće za sve učesnike i čini se da rezultati indiciraju da postoji potreba za dalja istraživanja koja bi obuhvatila veći uzorak.
Teaching Innovations, 2021
Starting from the hypothesis that an identification and a more detailed study of students’ concep... more Starting from the hypothesis that an identification and a more detailed study of students’ conceptual sphere regarding learning English language will result in mapping the fields in the tertiary level teaching of English as a foreign language that need improvement, in the academic year 2018/19
we conducted a survey among all undergraduate students at the Preschool Teacher Training College „Mihajlo Palov” in Vršac. A total of 125 respondents filled out an anonymous questionnaire designed to reveal the source domains through which pre-service preschool teachers perceive learning English as a foreign language. A qualitative analysis of the researched corpus made it possible to single out five dominant conceptual metaphors of different source domains for the concept of English language learning. Among the obtained metaphors, special attention was given to selecting the metaphors with a methodological potential for implementation in teaching, as well as to the suggestions for modelling the so-called disruptive metaphors that have a negative effect on the English language acquisition.
Research in Pedagogy, 2020
Language learning beliefs and foreign language classroom anxiety present two extremely important ... more Language learning beliefs and foreign language classroom anxiety present two extremely important factors in language learning. This paper explores these two factors and their complex relationship in students at the Preschool Teacher Training College in Vrsac and Teacher Training Faculty in Belgrade (Vrsac campus). Both quantitative and qualitative research models were implemented in the study. The quantitative analysis used BALLI (Beliefs about Language Learning Inventory) and FLCAS (Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale) as instruments, and latter implemented a correlational analysis to see which language learning beliefs had a strong connection with anxiety levels. Ten language learning beliefs showed a significant correlation with foreign language classroom anxiety levels. These beliefs were placed into five belief categories which were used as a starting point in the qualitative analysis. For the qualitative analysis language learning histories were used. The process produced two additional language belief categories which showed a strong connection with foreign language classroom anxiety. The research proposes which language learning beliefs teachers should first promote in order to establish a positive attitude towards language learning without high levels of anxiety along with other suggestions for the change and promotion of language learning beliefs and the lowering of classroom anxiety.
Research in English & Applied Linguistics, 2020
One of the questions which breeds a high number of conflicting truths in today’s society is: What... more One of the questions which breeds a high number of conflicting truths in today’s society is: What is a healthy diet? When trying to find out the answer to this question average people are faced with a sea of information. They may choose to be vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian, they may follow the traditional diet of their nation, a low calorie diet, a low carb diet etc. With the worldwide increase of overweight and obesity among preschool children on the rise, this has become an even more important question (Mikkelsen et al. 2014). Research shows that food experiences and knowledge which are gained in early childhood are central to later diet and health (Aldridge et al. 2009, Tatlow-Golden et al. 2013). The aim of this paper is to explore what “dietary truth” is taught in Serbian kindergartens. The focus of the study is twofold. Firstly, dietary trends are explored in Serbian health and lifestyle magazines in order to compare them with the kindergarten teachers’ beliefs and teachings. Discourse analysis of magazine articles is implemented in this first segment (Gee 2017). Secondly, preschool teachers’ beliefs and teaching regarding the topic of a healthy diet are explored. For this segment the qualitative research model is used, with in depth interviews as the main instrument.
Foreign language anxiety is a specific type of anxiety, which is widespread in foreign language c... more Foreign language anxiety is a specific type of anxiety, which is widespread in foreign language classrooms. This paper aims to present the information which foreign language teachers need in order to deal with foreign language anxiety, with a focus on practical creative activities and strategies which can be implemented in the classroom. The following topics will be explored: the definition, types and measurement of foreign language anxiety, the consequences of foreign language anxiety, factors which influence foreign language anxiety and creative strategies for dealing with foreign language anxiety.
The functioning, and most often the establishment of most scientific journals is founded on the e... more The functioning, and most often the establishment of most scientific journals is founded on the editorial board which consists of selected, unpaid experts in the academic field covered by the journal. In journals with a long tradition, this is frequently just an honorary position, but today, in the expansion of publishing, especially electronic publishing, on the one hand and the lack of adequate funding on the other, editorial board members are becoming involved in its operational functioning. They perform the preliminary peer review of the received papers, but also the correspondence with authors and reviewers. It is expected from the editorial board members to influence the journal policy; accordingly they conduct the promotion and indexation of the journal. As a consequence of the aforementioned, adequate IT and English language competencies are expected from the editorial board members, regardless of their scientific field. Demands of index databases, especially those which are considered significant in the fields of humanities and education, have served as a basis to explain how the English language, as an international language, has become the unavoidable language of content and communication in scientific publishing. The fact that editorial board members are expected to possess more than the basic IT literacy is demonstrated through the exploration of the preconditions for inclusion in index databases, where most of the work is conducted by computers and less and less by people. The influence of the Open Access on scientific journals and academic publishing will be explored in the conclusion of the paper.
Nekoliko decenija unazad, fenomen darovitosti nalazi se u centru interesovanja istraživanja, a p... more Nekoliko decenija unazad, fenomen darovitosti nalazi se u centru interesovanja istraživanja, a posebnu pažnju istraživači posvećuju definisanju i izučavanju pojma kreativnosti, strategijama i metodama podsticanja, kao i načinima ispoljavanja kreativnosti i stvaralačkih sposobnosti. Neki od vodećih ciljeva predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja u okviru muzičkog vaspitanja i razvoja govora su: negovanje spontanog i slobodnog muzičkog stvaralaštva, razvoj i ispoljavanje kreativnosti putem različitih oblika muzičkih aktivnosti i negovanje govornih stvaralačkih sposobnosti putem spontane igre deteta (npr. igra glasovima, rečima, igra uloga i slično). Ispoljavanje kreativnosti i stvaralaštva očekuje se najpre od darovitih, a veliki značaj u ovom procesu imaju oni koji se bave vaspitanjem i obrazovanjem predškolske dece. Danas sve više pažnje privlače specijalizovane ustanove koje se van programa vaspitno-obrazovnih ustanova bave podsticanjem razvoja darovite dece. U okviru njihovih programa često se mogu sresti savremeni oblici grupnog rada koji podrazumevaju primenu muzike, pesme, plesa, igre, glume, likovnog izražavanja, a u okviru toga i učenje stranog, najčešće engleskog jezika. U ovom radu će pored teorijskog okvira tumačenja i značenja kreativnosti, biti prikazane pojedine strategije i metode podsticanja razvoja muzičkog i jezičkog stvaralaštva kod dece predškolskog uzrasta iz ugla prakse.
Ključne reči: darovitost, kreativnost, stvaralaštvo, muzičko vaspitanje i obrazovanje, strani jezik.
Music is unavoidable in the world around us. Numerous studies confirm that individuals with great... more Music is unavoidable in the world around us. Numerous studies confirm that individuals with greater musical abilities acquire a foreign language more successfully. The research explores the influence of musical experience on the acquisition of phonemes in a foreign language – English language. The paper examines: the connection between music and language, previous empirical research, interpretation of the connection between music and language and frequent problems in these types of studies. The research was conducted at the Preschool Teacher Training College " Mihailo Palov " in Vrsac. The subjects were from all three years of study, whose mother tongue is Serbian. Results were gathered through a questionnaire and a pronunciation test – the production of phonemes.
Editorial ELTA Journal ELTA, teachers' association in Serbia is proud to present the second issue... more Editorial ELTA Journal
ELTA, teachers' association in Serbia is proud to present the second issue of ELTA Journal. In this first issue, last December, we presented the ideas that have shaped the creation of ELTA Journal and, this year, we would like to introduce new ideas that have guided us in developing this issue. Our aim was to connect research and practice and to present some theoretical considerations in the field of ELT. Our journal is blind peer-reviewed, allowing our authors to have their articles rechecked, reevaluated and inspected by unbiased experts.
Carefully selected articles that we have prepared for you in this issue are written by teachers, associate professors and researchers in the ELT field. For some authors this is another way of reflecting on their practice and, for others, this is a form of teacher development.
We are particularly proud that, as in the previous issue, our contributors are both domestic and international, and tackle interesting research areas in their studies in theoretical discussions. Our readers might be interested in an article by Radmila Palinkašević on a very current topic of bilingualism and its advantageous and disadvantageous effects on cognition and third language acquisition. Join another one of our colleagues Brankica Bojović in her exploration of the rich experience of translating metaphors from SL to TL and vice versa, and her use of Newmark’s translating methods in her classroom practice with students. Our contributor from a Tribhuvan University in Nepal, Pramod Kumar Sah, gathered and analysed data on how the undergraduate students in China, through their peer interactions, mediate understanding about the new language introduced to them and how they develop language competence. See what the result was of the joint study of Aleksandra Oletić from Stockholm University and Nina Ilić from University of Novi Sad on levels of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations to learn English as a foreign language among high school and university students. Ali Erarslan and Devrim Hol explored language interference and transfer
of L1 into L2 when students do a translation test, while a UK freelancer Willy Cardoso shared with us his consideration of how teaching is a form of artistry, stressing the importance of teacher intuition, and value of inquiry and collective engagement. Zorana Vasiljević will familiarize you with collocation studies in corpus and applied linguistics and offer suggestions for making criteria for the selection of target collocation, and developing activities that help students learn them and use them autonomously. Last, but not least, ELTA’s known contributor, Nina Kisin, discussed the ways of teaching business English vocabulary which is a rich source of new terminology in English and used around the world.
The Editorial team would like to thank all the people who contributed to this issue and our former Editor-in-Chief, Ms Marija Ivanović, who was also among the initiators of ELTA Journal.
We owe much gratitude to eminent professors and colleagues who reviewed the articles and, of course, to our contributors whose ideas will help advance the EFL research and the teaching practice.
We hope you enjoy reading this issue and we look forward to receiving your feedback and article contributions for our next issue.
Yours faithfully,
ELTA Journal Editorial Team
Maja Jerković Editor-in-Chief
Olivera Ćatić editor
Marija Panić proofreader and cover designer
Word lists present an essential tool in vocabulary teaching. Compilation of specific word lists f... more Word lists present an essential tool in vocabulary teaching. Compilation of specific word lists for various fields is one of the most prominent branches of research in this field at the moment. New methodological changes in word list formation have been proposed because of the appearance of the New-GSL (Brezina&Gablasova, 2013) and AVL (Gardner & Davies, 2013).The aim of this paper is twofold. The first one is to present a word list overview which would reflect how these changes have affected the field so far. The second is to serve as a methodological guide for future researchers interested in specific word list formation. The paper provides an overview of the two most significant word lists the GSL (West, 1953) and AWL (Coxhead, 2000) along with their proposed replacements, detailed information about seven specific word lists, which were published from 2013 to 2016, with a specific focus on corpus formation criteria, word selection criteria and validity and relevance testing.
Gardner u svojoj teoriji višestrukih inteligencija predstavlja postojanje osam osnovnih inteligen... more Gardner u svojoj teoriji višestrukih inteligencija predstavlja postojanje osam osnovnih inteligencija među kojima je i intrapersonalna inteligencija. Njena jednostavna definicija ukazuje da osoba uz pomoć intrapersonalne inteligencije prepoznaje različita osećanja u sebi i bolje razume sebe. Ova inteligencija zajedno sa interpersonalnom inteligencijom čini jednu od osnovnih komponenti životnih veština čija se inkluzija u obrazovni sistem tretira kao jedna od značajnih stavki u daljem napretku obrazovnog sistema. Za darovite pojedince od ključne važnosti je razvoj intrapersonalne inteligencije i životnih veština zato što one predstavljaju značajan faktor u usmeravanju potencijala darovitih. Rad će predstaviti metode podsticanja razvoja intrapersonalne inteligencije na časovima stranog jezika i muzičkog obrazovanja i vaspitanja. Zbog karaktera ovih predmeta/oblasti, za taj zadatak postoji širok potencijal.
The inextricable connection between language and culture has for a number of years been recognize... more The inextricable connection between language and culture has for a number of years been recognized by linguists dealing with various aspects of this link, including the presence of culture in the grammar we use and metaphors we live by, cultural elements to be incorporated in foreign language teaching and classroom activities aimed at culturally oriented foreign language teaching and learning in order to raise students intercultural awareness. Epistemic uses of modal verbs seem to be rather intriguing from the standpoint of English as a foreign language for a variety of reasons. One of them refers to the fact that they are frequently used as hedges or face-saving communication strategies in the English language, while it seems that other languages (e.g. Serbian) have not fully developed such a function of modal verbs. The German language has well developed epistemic senses in the literature commonly called subjective use of modal verbs and in this sense (as expected for a Western Germanic language) it is closer to the English language. As a consequence, the aim of the conducted explorative research according to the method of systematic non-experimental observation is to verify the assumption that it is rather demanding for learners of the English language whose mother tongue is Serbian to gain a command over epistemic senses of modal verbs. The research presented in the paper seeks to examine the use of modal verbs expressing epistemological senses in the English language by learners whose mother tongue is Serbian. For this purpose the level of learners' knowledge was screened in regard to epistemological senses of the English modal verbs, as well as their inclination to use modal verbs, rather than some other modal means, when expressing the meanings of certainty or possibility. The subjects of the research were 66 first year students at the Preschool Teacher Training College in Vrsac –Serbia. The results indicated that approximately two third of the students are able to encode verbs expressing epistemical senses, while only one third of the subjects are aware of the specific behaviour of the examined verbs at the formal level. At the same time, students showed strong inclination to use other lexical modal means rather than modal verbs to express epistemic meanings. Such findings could possibly be explained by the fact that modal verbs are not frequently used in the Serbian language to express epistemic meanings, which could cause interference.
Music is frequently used in the EFL classrooms at all levels (Lorenzutti 2014). Although many tea... more Music is frequently used in the EFL classrooms at all levels (Lorenzutti 2014). Although many teachers intuitively feel the significance of using music in ELT, they frequently lack the theoretical and practical underpinning for such a choice (Engh, 2013). The usage of music elements is especially important in work with preschool learners. Theoretical background from the perspective of English language teaching methodology will be presented in this paper. Special attention will be given to the usage of musical games with preschool learners. Examples of musical games are also presented with a clear pedagogic scheme for example selection appropriate for the preschool age.
Savremeni tokovi u kojima živimo i koji podrazumevaju kvantifikaciju svega postojećeg, preneli su... more Savremeni tokovi u kojima živimo i koji podrazumevaju kvantifikaciju svega postojećeg, preneli su svoj uticaj na oblast obrazovanja, stavljajući u prvi plan kompetencije, tj. merljive parametre nečijeg znanja ili veština. Postoje zanjimljive teorijske osnove i prethodna istraživanja koja govore o uticaju razvijenijih muzičkih sposobnosti, tj. izraženijeg senzibiliteta prema određenim elementima muzičkog jezika na savladavanje elemenata stranog jezika. Ako znamo da jedna od bazičnih kompetencija obrazovanog čoveka današnjice upravo predstavlja poznavanje stranog jezika, povezivanje ove dve oblasti kroz vrednovanje potencijala oba jezika, muzičkog i stranog, bilo bi od mnogostrane koristi. Rad predstavlja interesantne aspekte uticaja elemenata muzičkog jezika i muzičkih sposobnosti na savladavanje stranog jezika, kao rezultat sprovedenih istraživanja.
Ključne reči: strani jezik, muzičke sposobnosti, muzički jezik, kompetencije, daroviti.
A prevailing question in the education of future preschool teachers in the Republic of Serbia is ... more A prevailing question in the education of future preschool teachers in the Republic of Serbia is the structuring of competencies which they should possess. In that sense, under the auspices of the European Union, currently in progress is the program TEACH, one of Tempus programs which, among other things, deals with the issue of harmonizing the competencies of future preschool teachers in Serbia and Europe. An international consortium of a number of countries is involved in the project and the coordinator of the project is the Preschool Teacher Training College " Mihailo Palov " in Vršac. When it comes to creating and organizing music activities in kindergarten, activities based on music games can be used as one of the possible models in the function of reaching defined competencies. Furthermore, music activities based on their content can have an interdisciplinary function, such as foreign language learning. This paper describes possible content based on the aforementioned model.
Abstract: Graded readers have been used as second language teaching material since the end of the... more Abstract: Graded readers have been used as second language teaching material since
the end of the Second World War. They are an important source of simplified
material which provides comprehensible input on all levels. It is of crucial importance
for a successful usage of graded readers in the classroom and in studies which focus
on graded readers, that an adequate level of graded readers is chosen. In this paper
the following will be explored: the theoretical background of choosing the adequate
level of graded readers, explanation of the criteria for placement of graded readers in
different levels, the differences in levels between the most important publishers and
the selection of the adequate level of the graded readers. Furthermore, this paper
presents preliminary research results, the goal of which was to test whether assigned
CEFR levels represent a sufficient criterion for the selection of graded readers
without previously testing reading skills or using tests provided by the graded reader
publishers. Six subjects participated in the research; they were divided into three
levels of English language knowledge (A2, B1, C1). Each participant read one and
listened to another graded reader. In this research an interview was used for
gathering data, the key component of which were text and audio material
comprehension questions. The results showed that not all graded readers used in the
study were adequate and that there are grounds for conducting further research
with a larger sample.
The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly to explore how bilingualism influences cognition and se... more The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly to explore how bilingualism influences cognition and secondly how it influences the third language learning process. Some of the most prominent advantages of bilingualism on cognition were explored such as higher level of metacognition, inhibitory control, task switching etc. together with the most significant disadvantages to form a comprehensive view of the issue. The effects on third language acquisition were explored with a slight emphasis on cross-linguistic influence and transfer. In order to understand why bilingualism can have such diverse effects the factors that influence the development of bilingualism were also explored.