Fernando A M Marinho | Universidade de São Paulo (original) (raw)


Papers by Fernando A M Marinho

Research paper thumbnail of Instrumentação de laboratório e campo e a medição da Curva de retenção

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the Calibration Curve of Water Content Sensors in Iron Ore Tailings

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Research paper thumbnail of Obtenção da superfície de ruptura de um solo não saturado com utilização de um tensiômetro de alta capacidade

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Research paper thumbnail of Unsaturated shear strength parameters for a compacted iron ore tailings

E3S web of conferences, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Peculiaridades do comportamento de um solo residual de micaxisto indeformado


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Research paper thumbnail of Brasília municipal solid waste landfill: a case study on flow and slope stability

Soils and Rocks, 2021

For geotechnical and environmental reasons, landfills are positioned above the regional water tab... more For geotechnical and environmental reasons, landfills are positioned above the regional water table and thus are formed in unsaturated conditions. This condition can be different if the drainage system and the rain regime of the site are such that they create a level of internal liquid in the landfill. During January and February 2019, excessive movements occurred in the slopes of the Brasília sanitary landfill. A geotechnical investigation indicated that the raised leachate level caused by the clogging of the drainage system contributed to the landfilled waste movements. The limit equilibrium analysis was used to predict the relationship between leachate level and slope stability. In order to understand the process that led to the rupture, flow and stability analysis by limit equilibrium were performed. The parameters associated with flow, water retention capacity, and shear strength were obtained based on literature evaluations. In addition, data from tests were used, which allowe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Método del papel de filtro para la medida de la succión del suelo

The capillary pressure of the soil (i.e., the pressure difference between air and water component... more The capillary pressure of the soil (i.e., the pressure difference between air and water components in soil voids) is a key variable in the analysis of the hydro-mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils. Therefore a simple and economical laboratory method for the measurement of the capillary pressure of the soil (also known as soil matric suction, the reference being the atmospheric pressure), even if a degree of approximation is involved, is of considerable value. The filter paper method calculates soil suction indirectly by measuring the gravimetric water content of the filter paper at equilibrium that is related to soil suction through a predetermined calibration curve. The advantages of the method are simplicity, economy and reasonable accuracy. It can be used to measure suctions from 10 to 30000 kPa. In this paper, the authors use the contact filter paper method for matric suction measurements of an unsaturated compacted silty sand (formed by the weathering of granite) which has...

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Research paper thumbnail of Unsaturated Soils : Proceedings of the Third International Conference, UNSAT 2002, Recife, Brazil, 10-13 March 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Semi-empirical methods versus dynamic load testing in piles

Geotecnia, 2015

O trabalho tem por objetivo comparar os valores de capacidade de carga previstos através de métod... more O trabalho tem por objetivo comparar os valores de capacidade de carga previstos através de métodos semiempíricos de estacas pré-fabricadas de concreto cravadas em região de solo mole com os valores obtidos através de provas de carga dinâmicas. Para o efeito, foram analisadas estacas de concreto protendido com seção transversal quadrada 230mm×230mm, utilizadas como fundação de habitações populares em uma obra promovida pela Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano do Estado de São Paulo (CDHU), na cidade de Cubatão, São Paulo. Os métodos semiempíricos utilizados no trabalho são os métodos de Décourt e Quaresma, Aoki e Velloso e Teixeira, que utilizam resultados de sondagens a percussão de simples reconhecimento. Estes valores de capacidade de carga serão comparados aos obtidos através de uma série de ensaios de carregamento dinâmico tendo como foco a capacidade de carga obtida através das análises CAPWAP.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation a volumetric water content sensor to be used for compacted filtered iron ore tailings

E3S Web of Conferences

The use of compacted landfills for filtered tailings has grown to replace dams. Considering that ... more The use of compacted landfills for filtered tailings has grown to replace dams. Considering that this is a structure that must remain in the unsaturated condition, it is necessary to monitor the flow pattern and water retention in these landfills. The use of sensors for the automatic monitoring of volumetric water content is a fundamental tool for use in the field. Sensors that use the technique called FDR (Frequency Domain Refractometry) emit an electromagnetic signal that, associated with the ability of materials to store electrical charge, allows the determination of the so-called dielectric constant. The dielectric constant relates the capacitance of the material to the capacitance of the air. As the dielectric constant in air is, by definition, equal to 1 and of the water, at 20 degrees Celsius, equal to 80, materials with a range proportion of air and water have variable dielectric constant values, considering the dielectric constant of minerals being constant. Many commercial...

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Research paper thumbnail of Resistência à compressão simples de solos compactados e sua relação com a sucção

7.SICUSP: resumos, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Solos não saturados

A Pesquisa na Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of time response of GMS for soil suction measurement

MATEC Web of Conferences, 2021

The Granular Matrix Sensor (GMS) is an indirect method for soil suction measurement. Since GMS is... more The Granular Matrix Sensor (GMS) is an indirect method for soil suction measurement. Since GMS is comparatively inexpensive, robust and usually provide continuous soil suction data, it is a natural candidate for civil engineering practice. The sensor has been used mainly for irrigation purposes, and also for some civil engineering activities. Questions about its effectiveness and reliability are still posed, making studies about this topic desirable. This study presents a laboratory comparison between Watermark and an ordinary tensiometer during an equilibrium period and for a wetting procedure performed in a compacted sandy silt soil (residual soil of gneiss). The results yielded that GMS may provide tensiometer equivalent suction values in a context of no significant water content variation. However, it takes a longer time to obtain stabilized suction values. During the wetting procedure, GMS presented a delay of about 2 h in detecting water while tensiometer detection was almost ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Parâmetros geotécnicos do solo residual da Estação Pinheiros do metrô de São Paulo

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Research paper thumbnail of 3D eEvaluation of PWP development due to tunnel excavation in an over consolidated clay

Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A field study on the influence of rainfall intensity, suction and load distribution, in a reinforced unsaturated slope in Brazil

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Research paper thumbnail of The influence of suction in materials from the Sedimentary Basin of São Paulo in the context of underground excavations

Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica

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Research paper thumbnail of Análise da influência da umidade na variação da velocidade de propagação de ondas de cisalhamento em solos compactados utilizando Bender Elements

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Research paper thumbnail of Relation between suction and collapse for a brazilian porous clay

2nd International Unsaturated Soils Conference, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil Water Retention Curves for Residual Soils Using Traditional Methods and MIP

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2020

This paper presents the pore size distribution and the soil water retention curves (SWRC) for an ... more This paper presents the pore size distribution and the soil water retention curves (SWRC) for an undisturbed residual soil obtained using traditional methods and using mercury intrusion porosimeter (MIP). The specimens were obtained from two residual soil profiles of the Serra do Mar, SP, Brazil. The results obtained allowed the evaluation of the pore size distribution along the soil profile and its relation to the water retention characteristics of the soil profile. The SWRC obtained using traditional methods, such as suction plate, pressure plate and filter paper method, is compared with the soil water retention curve inferred from the MIP. The results indicated that the amount of meso and macropores tends to increase with depth, while the amount of micropores tends to decrease. The comparison between the SWRC obtained using the MIP technique and the traditional procedures suggested that the former overestimates the water retention capacity for lower suctions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Instrumentação de laboratório e campo e a medição da Curva de retenção

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of the Calibration Curve of Water Content Sensors in Iron Ore Tailings

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Research paper thumbnail of Obtenção da superfície de ruptura de um solo não saturado com utilização de um tensiômetro de alta capacidade

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Research paper thumbnail of Unsaturated shear strength parameters for a compacted iron ore tailings

E3S web of conferences, 2023

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Research paper thumbnail of Peculiaridades do comportamento de um solo residual de micaxisto indeformado


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Research paper thumbnail of Brasília municipal solid waste landfill: a case study on flow and slope stability

Soils and Rocks, 2021

For geotechnical and environmental reasons, landfills are positioned above the regional water tab... more For geotechnical and environmental reasons, landfills are positioned above the regional water table and thus are formed in unsaturated conditions. This condition can be different if the drainage system and the rain regime of the site are such that they create a level of internal liquid in the landfill. During January and February 2019, excessive movements occurred in the slopes of the Brasília sanitary landfill. A geotechnical investigation indicated that the raised leachate level caused by the clogging of the drainage system contributed to the landfilled waste movements. The limit equilibrium analysis was used to predict the relationship between leachate level and slope stability. In order to understand the process that led to the rupture, flow and stability analysis by limit equilibrium were performed. The parameters associated with flow, water retention capacity, and shear strength were obtained based on literature evaluations. In addition, data from tests were used, which allowe...

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Research paper thumbnail of Método del papel de filtro para la medida de la succión del suelo

The capillary pressure of the soil (i.e., the pressure difference between air and water component... more The capillary pressure of the soil (i.e., the pressure difference between air and water components in soil voids) is a key variable in the analysis of the hydro-mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils. Therefore a simple and economical laboratory method for the measurement of the capillary pressure of the soil (also known as soil matric suction, the reference being the atmospheric pressure), even if a degree of approximation is involved, is of considerable value. The filter paper method calculates soil suction indirectly by measuring the gravimetric water content of the filter paper at equilibrium that is related to soil suction through a predetermined calibration curve. The advantages of the method are simplicity, economy and reasonable accuracy. It can be used to measure suctions from 10 to 30000 kPa. In this paper, the authors use the contact filter paper method for matric suction measurements of an unsaturated compacted silty sand (formed by the weathering of granite) which has...

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Research paper thumbnail of Unsaturated Soils : Proceedings of the Third International Conference, UNSAT 2002, Recife, Brazil, 10-13 March 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Semi-empirical methods versus dynamic load testing in piles

Geotecnia, 2015

O trabalho tem por objetivo comparar os valores de capacidade de carga previstos através de métod... more O trabalho tem por objetivo comparar os valores de capacidade de carga previstos através de métodos semiempíricos de estacas pré-fabricadas de concreto cravadas em região de solo mole com os valores obtidos através de provas de carga dinâmicas. Para o efeito, foram analisadas estacas de concreto protendido com seção transversal quadrada 230mm×230mm, utilizadas como fundação de habitações populares em uma obra promovida pela Companhia de Desenvolvimento Habitacional e Urbano do Estado de São Paulo (CDHU), na cidade de Cubatão, São Paulo. Os métodos semiempíricos utilizados no trabalho são os métodos de Décourt e Quaresma, Aoki e Velloso e Teixeira, que utilizam resultados de sondagens a percussão de simples reconhecimento. Estes valores de capacidade de carga serão comparados aos obtidos através de uma série de ensaios de carregamento dinâmico tendo como foco a capacidade de carga obtida através das análises CAPWAP.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation a volumetric water content sensor to be used for compacted filtered iron ore tailings

E3S Web of Conferences

The use of compacted landfills for filtered tailings has grown to replace dams. Considering that ... more The use of compacted landfills for filtered tailings has grown to replace dams. Considering that this is a structure that must remain in the unsaturated condition, it is necessary to monitor the flow pattern and water retention in these landfills. The use of sensors for the automatic monitoring of volumetric water content is a fundamental tool for use in the field. Sensors that use the technique called FDR (Frequency Domain Refractometry) emit an electromagnetic signal that, associated with the ability of materials to store electrical charge, allows the determination of the so-called dielectric constant. The dielectric constant relates the capacitance of the material to the capacitance of the air. As the dielectric constant in air is, by definition, equal to 1 and of the water, at 20 degrees Celsius, equal to 80, materials with a range proportion of air and water have variable dielectric constant values, considering the dielectric constant of minerals being constant. Many commercial...

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Research paper thumbnail of Resistência à compressão simples de solos compactados e sua relação com a sucção

7.SICUSP: resumos, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Solos não saturados

A Pesquisa na Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation of time response of GMS for soil suction measurement

MATEC Web of Conferences, 2021

The Granular Matrix Sensor (GMS) is an indirect method for soil suction measurement. Since GMS is... more The Granular Matrix Sensor (GMS) is an indirect method for soil suction measurement. Since GMS is comparatively inexpensive, robust and usually provide continuous soil suction data, it is a natural candidate for civil engineering practice. The sensor has been used mainly for irrigation purposes, and also for some civil engineering activities. Questions about its effectiveness and reliability are still posed, making studies about this topic desirable. This study presents a laboratory comparison between Watermark and an ordinary tensiometer during an equilibrium period and for a wetting procedure performed in a compacted sandy silt soil (residual soil of gneiss). The results yielded that GMS may provide tensiometer equivalent suction values in a context of no significant water content variation. However, it takes a longer time to obtain stabilized suction values. During the wetting procedure, GMS presented a delay of about 2 h in detecting water while tensiometer detection was almost ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Parâmetros geotécnicos do solo residual da Estação Pinheiros do metrô de São Paulo

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Research paper thumbnail of 3D eEvaluation of PWP development due to tunnel excavation in an over consolidated clay

Geotechnical Engineering Journal of the SEAGS & AGSSEA, 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of A field study on the influence of rainfall intensity, suction and load distribution, in a reinforced unsaturated slope in Brazil

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Research paper thumbnail of The influence of suction in materials from the Sedimentary Basin of São Paulo in the context of underground excavations

Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica

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Research paper thumbnail of Análise da influência da umidade na variação da velocidade de propagação de ondas de cisalhamento em solos compactados utilizando Bender Elements

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Research paper thumbnail of Relation between suction and collapse for a brazilian porous clay

2nd International Unsaturated Soils Conference, 1998

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Research paper thumbnail of Soil Water Retention Curves for Residual Soils Using Traditional Methods and MIP

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2020

This paper presents the pore size distribution and the soil water retention curves (SWRC) for an ... more This paper presents the pore size distribution and the soil water retention curves (SWRC) for an undisturbed residual soil obtained using traditional methods and using mercury intrusion porosimeter (MIP). The specimens were obtained from two residual soil profiles of the Serra do Mar, SP, Brazil. The results obtained allowed the evaluation of the pore size distribution along the soil profile and its relation to the water retention characteristics of the soil profile. The SWRC obtained using traditional methods, such as suction plate, pressure plate and filter paper method, is compared with the soil water retention curve inferred from the MIP. The results indicated that the amount of meso and macropores tends to increase with depth, while the amount of micropores tends to decrease. The comparison between the SWRC obtained using the MIP technique and the traditional procedures suggested that the former overestimates the water retention capacity for lower suctions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Flying over a Soil Failure

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Research paper thumbnail of Slope surface failure in BRAZIL

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