Viviana Ardesia | University of Tampa (original) (raw)
Papers by Viviana Ardesia
Uomo e Territorio, Atti del Convegno, Sassari, 2009
RIVER VALLEY DURING THE IRON AGE – We have 116 evidences currently known in the Pescara river valley (Abruzzo, central Italy), and dating to the first half of the I Millennium B.C.
Thanks to an accurate georeferencing and typo-chronological classification of the sites,
it was possible to produce 4-period maps (Early Iron Age, Orientalizing, Archaic, Classic) showing a demographical evolution trend similar to the one observed in central Italy. We can describe a reduction in the population during the Early Iron Age, followed by a strong population
growth, leading to the development of a full settlement pattern.
OCNUS Quaderni della scuola di specializzazione in archeologia, 2006
Significant evidence of human presence has been confirmed since the Prehistory in the Peacara Riv... more Significant evidence of human presence has been confirmed since the Prehistory in the Peacara River valley (Abruzzo region). In particular, evidence concerning the historical population growth and distribution during the Second Millennium B.C. will be considered. The identified sites are sufficiently numerous in delineating the evolution of the valley occupation, between the Ancient Bronze Age and the Late Bronze Age.
MARIA ANTONIETTA TADEU, Gli insediamenti preistorici nel territorio di Lodè (NU). GIACOMO PAGLIET... more MARIA ANTONIETTA TADEU, Gli insediamenti preistorici nel territorio di Lodè (NU). GIACOMO PAGLIETTI, Origini del megalitismo nell'occidente mediterraneo: le tombe a circolo. CLAUDIA PAU, Oggetti d'ornamento e bottoni della cultura del Vaso Campaniforme in Sardegna e Sicilia. CINZIA LOI, Modelli di insediamento nel territorio del Barigadu. VALENTINA SANNA, Aspetti e problemi di preistoria e protostoria nel territorio di Thiesi. MICHELA DANESI-VALENTINA COPAT-ALESSANDRO DE DOMINICIS-CRISTIANA RUGGINI, Modelli di popolamento durante l'età del Bronzo nellaValle del Biferno. FEDERICA SULAS, Sviluppo archeologico nell'Etiopia settentrionale: note da Aksum. THIBAULT LACHENAL-KEWIN PECHE-QUILICHINI, Relazioni culturali nel Mediterraneo nord-occidentale durante il Bronzo medio. Contributo delle tipologie ceramiche. CARMEN LOCCI, Il ruolo della risorsa idrica nell'Età del Bronzo in un'area campione della Marmilla (Sardegna centro-meridionale). DAVIDE DELFINO, Val Bormida: nuovi dati per lo studio della metallurgia nell'età del Bronzo ligure. SILVIA VIDILI, Relazioni territoriali tra tombe collettive e insediamenti nella Sardegna nuragica. FABIO SERCHISU, Considerazioni sulla circolazione del rame in Sardegna e nel Mediterraneo: i lingotti ox-hide. DANIELA MANCINI, La valle del Sacco durante l'Età del Bronzo e la Prima età del Ferro: modelli insediamentali. DANIELA MURPHY, Studio delle incisioni rupestri delle regioni del Cu-Ili e del Karatau, due casi di studio: Tamgaly e Arpauezen (Kazakistan meridionale). NICOLA SANNA, I templi in antis protosardi e mediterranei: significato cultuale e ruolo socio-economico. EMILI GARCIA, Il processo costruttivo di un edificio dell'età del Bronzo a Minorca.
Nel presente articolo si fornisce la descrizione di una struttura capannicola dell'abitato di Mur... more Nel presente articolo si fornisce la descrizione di una struttura capannicola dell'abitato di Mursia, la cosiddetta B6, che si distingue per le peculiari strutture produttive rinvenute al suo interno.
The paper deals with a proposal of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside the Bo... more The paper deals with a proposal of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside the Boccadifalco settlement (PA), in light of the entire study of the potteries, made possible by the study of unpublished finds. The paper also clarifies the cultural attribution of the deposit thanks to numerous comparisons with other Sicilian sites of the Early Bronze Age.
Volume pubblicato con il contributo di: alma mater Studiorum univerSità di Bologna, dipartimento ... more Volume pubblicato con il contributo di: alma mater Studiorum univerSità di Bologna, dipartimento di arCheologia XLIII Riunione Scientifica -L'età del rame in Italia
Understanding Cultural Traits, 2016
The present study deals with the history of studies and the archaeological evidence currently kno... more The present study deals with the history of studies and the archaeological evidence currently known of the facies of Rodì Tindari Vallelunga (RTV) , analyzying the peculiarities of settlements, burials and ceramics compared with the contemporary cultures of Castelluccio and Capo Graziano. It follows a proposal for the classification of RTV pottery production, based on the evidence from Mursia (Pantelleria) and from others sites attributed to this facies. Finally hypotheses on the origin, spread and chronology of the RTV facies are proposed.
This section presents the list of Ancient Bronze Age sites in Sicily, selected by province. The c... more This section presents the list of Ancient Bronze Age sites in Sicily, selected by province. The catalogue includes for each site a code, location, cultural attribution, typology and main bibliographic reference. It follows a review of main RTV contexts with personal comments at the light of results of the research.
In 1992 a round table in Archaeology was given in Rome; the meaningful and provocative title was:... more In 1992 a round table in Archaeology was given in Rome; the meaningful and provocative title was: "A Bachelor's Degree doesn't Make an Archaeologist". In order to become an archaeologist, a student has to follow a very structured institutional procedure, but archaeological surveys and excavations are based on practical experience. Although many manuals describe how surveys should be performed at length, more often than not this procedural knowledge can not be acquired without lengthy experience in the field. Archaeology is therefore a discipline where " learning by doing " has an important role in vocational training. However, training in the field is not completely free from problems: e.g., regarding learning either general or local practices in a well-combined manner; understanding tacit knowledge resulting from work experience; experts' availability (and willingness to help) in the field, since experts have their own archaeological work to do, in addition to teaching chores. We propose an approach and an application to support 'learning by doing' in archaeology that is grounded on the idea to provide process maps combined with paper-looking forms and documents. We provided students with useful knowledge about when and how to perform due activities aptly and about what information they should have been collecting during each task of theirs. The proposed approach and application have been evaluated during two archaeological excavations where both teaching and learning are of the utmost importance.
A domain where photographs are a necessary part is archaeology: here they are used in different p... more A domain where photographs are a necessary part is archaeology: here they are used in different phases of the archaeological work for many purposes, some of which are common to other domains or to home usage (e.g., archiving). We concentrate our attention on one of the initial phases of the archaeological process, namely excavation, since the related activities use photographs in a very peculiar way and under the constraints of a very demanding physical setting. Moreover, in this phase the advent of digitalized photographs is recent and their adoption is still interestingly combined with the usage of photographs printed on paper. Paper presents the results of a study performed at an archaeological site in the south of Italy: we report the observed collocated collaborative practices surrounding photos and discuss these practices to identify some functionality of a supportive technology.
Si presentano in questo articoli i risultati delle prime 5 campagne di scavo dell'Abitato dell'An... more Si presentano in questo articoli i risultati delle prime 5 campagne di scavo dell'Abitato dell'Antica Età del Bronzo di Mursia, sull'isola di Pantelleria.
La ripresa degli scavi, già avviati 2 volte in passato, sta portando alla luce nuove unità abitative, resti materiali che documentano interessanti contatti intramediterranei e una più chiara periodizzazione delle fasi di vita dell'abitato, dalla fondazione all'abbandono.
The paper deals with a proposal of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside the Bo... more The paper deals with a proposal of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside the Boccadifalco settlement (PA), in light of the entire study of the potteries, made possible by the study of unpublished finds. The paper also clarifies the cultural attribution of the deposit thanks to numerous comparisons with other Sicilian sites of the Early Bronze Age.
The paper deals with a revisitation of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside th... more The paper deals with a revisitation of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside the Cozzo del Palombaro cave (PA), in light of the entire study of the potteries, made possible by the study of unpublished finds. The paper also clarifies the cultural attribution of the deposit thanks to numerous comparisons with other Sicilian sites of the Early and Middle Bronze Age.
The excavation of the ancient Bronze Age settlement situated on the island of Pantelleria, in the... more The excavation of the ancient Bronze Age settlement situated on the island of Pantelleria, in the center of the Sicily’s channel, has been in progress since 2001, thanks to the collaboration between the Soprintendenza Archeologica of Trapani and the Dipartimento di Archeologia of the University of Bologna. The settlement site, known since the end of the XIX century and partially excavated in the last century, has been systematically the object of investigation and study over the past decade. New research activities have underlined the importance of the site, both from an archaeological point of view, for the maintenance of its structures, and from an historical point of view, for its location in the centre of Mediterranean Sea in a period of intense maritime traffic.
Conference Presentations by Viviana Ardesia
Topic of the paper is the use of GIS for the analysis of settlement pattern development in ancien... more Topic of the paper is the use of GIS for the analysis of settlement pattern development in ancient landscape study in order to propose new interpretations. In this study the work with GIS, accomplished according to precise phases, tests the possibility to apply spatial analysis to contexts known partially through archaeological data in order to suppose a total comprehension of settlement pattern, developing predictable reasons. Main result of this work has been the elaboration of new interpretations about settlement systems of Pescara Valley in the Bronze Age. This elaboration will direct the future survey to improve field work and data collection system.
Dans le tableau d’articulation culturelle de l’Eneolitique sicilien, une des zones les moins conn... more Dans le tableau d’articulation culturelle de l’Eneolitique sicilien, une des zones les moins connues reste la partie occidentale de l’île, à front d’une documentation vaste acquis et souvent édite en forme préliminaire. Si pour les phases initiales et avancées de l’Eneolitique les explorations dans le territoire d’Agrigento et dans le Bas Belice ont permis de faire lumière sur les principales dynamiques culturelles, plus controversé apparaît le tableau relatif à la transition à l’âge du Bronze. La révision des complexes de la zone centre-occidentale (Casalicchio-Agnone de Licata; Grotte dell’Infame Diavolo) offre l’opportunité de créer un nouveau grille crono-typologique à qui ancrer le développement des phases plus récentes de l’Eneolitique. Les comparaisons avec autres sites de la Sicile centrale mettent en évidence les particularités, formels et typologiques, de la production céramique de l’horizon de Malpasso-Piano Quartara dans la zone autour de les Madonie et longueur les directrices de trafic de Torto-Imera-Platanes. En outre, la présence, dans ces contextes, de céramique gris porte à reconsidérer le problème de l’origine et diffusion de la classe Rodì-Tindari-Vallelunga (RTV) sur qui persistent encore aujourd’hui doutes sur la chronologie et sur la zone de rayonnement.
L’analisi della produzione ceramica proveniente dall’abitato protostorico di Mursia permette di e... more L’analisi della produzione ceramica proveniente dall’abitato protostorico di Mursia permette di elaborare una sequenza tipologica e cronologica relativa alle manifestazioni culturali della Antica età del Bronzo in Sicilia, caratterizzate da una netta contrapposizione con la ceramica castellucciana e dalla comunanza formale e in certi casi stilistica con la produzione tradizionalmente inornata, comunemente indicata nella letteratura archeologica come facies di Rodì-Tindari-Vallelunga (RTV).
In particolare, lo studio dettagliato della produzione vascolare, condotto unitamente all’analisi stratigrafica dell’abitato, ci ha permesso di elaborare una classificazione crono-tipologica della produzione vascolare di quella che può attualmente essere presentata come la facies di Mursia.
Si tratta di una produzione dalle innegabili tipicità legate senza dubbio al ben noto fenomeno dell’ ‘insularità’, ma che tuttavia non manca di evidenziare una filogenesi siciliana.
Il presente studio si propone pertanto di illustrare la classificazione tipologica elaborata per Mursia evidenziandone similarità e peculiarità rispetto alle associazioni tradizionalmente definite RTV, al fine di comprenderne il reciproco rapporto e la reale o meno esistenza di una facies siciliana diversa da Castelluccio che nel dibattito attuale si evidenzia più come antitesi formale a quest’ultima che come realtà autonoma.
L’analisi dei reperti offre inoltre l’occasione di interpretare le dinamiche culturali che hanno interessato l’arcipelago siciliano in corrispondenza con la formazione della cultura di Thapsos.
Uomo e Territorio, Atti del Convegno, Sassari, 2009
RIVER VALLEY DURING THE IRON AGE – We have 116 evidences currently known in the Pescara river valley (Abruzzo, central Italy), and dating to the first half of the I Millennium B.C.
Thanks to an accurate georeferencing and typo-chronological classification of the sites,
it was possible to produce 4-period maps (Early Iron Age, Orientalizing, Archaic, Classic) showing a demographical evolution trend similar to the one observed in central Italy. We can describe a reduction in the population during the Early Iron Age, followed by a strong population
growth, leading to the development of a full settlement pattern.
OCNUS Quaderni della scuola di specializzazione in archeologia, 2006
Significant evidence of human presence has been confirmed since the Prehistory in the Peacara Riv... more Significant evidence of human presence has been confirmed since the Prehistory in the Peacara River valley (Abruzzo region). In particular, evidence concerning the historical population growth and distribution during the Second Millennium B.C. will be considered. The identified sites are sufficiently numerous in delineating the evolution of the valley occupation, between the Ancient Bronze Age and the Late Bronze Age.
MARIA ANTONIETTA TADEU, Gli insediamenti preistorici nel territorio di Lodè (NU). GIACOMO PAGLIET... more MARIA ANTONIETTA TADEU, Gli insediamenti preistorici nel territorio di Lodè (NU). GIACOMO PAGLIETTI, Origini del megalitismo nell'occidente mediterraneo: le tombe a circolo. CLAUDIA PAU, Oggetti d'ornamento e bottoni della cultura del Vaso Campaniforme in Sardegna e Sicilia. CINZIA LOI, Modelli di insediamento nel territorio del Barigadu. VALENTINA SANNA, Aspetti e problemi di preistoria e protostoria nel territorio di Thiesi. MICHELA DANESI-VALENTINA COPAT-ALESSANDRO DE DOMINICIS-CRISTIANA RUGGINI, Modelli di popolamento durante l'età del Bronzo nellaValle del Biferno. FEDERICA SULAS, Sviluppo archeologico nell'Etiopia settentrionale: note da Aksum. THIBAULT LACHENAL-KEWIN PECHE-QUILICHINI, Relazioni culturali nel Mediterraneo nord-occidentale durante il Bronzo medio. Contributo delle tipologie ceramiche. CARMEN LOCCI, Il ruolo della risorsa idrica nell'Età del Bronzo in un'area campione della Marmilla (Sardegna centro-meridionale). DAVIDE DELFINO, Val Bormida: nuovi dati per lo studio della metallurgia nell'età del Bronzo ligure. SILVIA VIDILI, Relazioni territoriali tra tombe collettive e insediamenti nella Sardegna nuragica. FABIO SERCHISU, Considerazioni sulla circolazione del rame in Sardegna e nel Mediterraneo: i lingotti ox-hide. DANIELA MANCINI, La valle del Sacco durante l'Età del Bronzo e la Prima età del Ferro: modelli insediamentali. DANIELA MURPHY, Studio delle incisioni rupestri delle regioni del Cu-Ili e del Karatau, due casi di studio: Tamgaly e Arpauezen (Kazakistan meridionale). NICOLA SANNA, I templi in antis protosardi e mediterranei: significato cultuale e ruolo socio-economico. EMILI GARCIA, Il processo costruttivo di un edificio dell'età del Bronzo a Minorca.
Nel presente articolo si fornisce la descrizione di una struttura capannicola dell'abitato di Mur... more Nel presente articolo si fornisce la descrizione di una struttura capannicola dell'abitato di Mursia, la cosiddetta B6, che si distingue per le peculiari strutture produttive rinvenute al suo interno.
The paper deals with a proposal of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside the Bo... more The paper deals with a proposal of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside the Boccadifalco settlement (PA), in light of the entire study of the potteries, made possible by the study of unpublished finds. The paper also clarifies the cultural attribution of the deposit thanks to numerous comparisons with other Sicilian sites of the Early Bronze Age.
Volume pubblicato con il contributo di: alma mater Studiorum univerSità di Bologna, dipartimento ... more Volume pubblicato con il contributo di: alma mater Studiorum univerSità di Bologna, dipartimento di arCheologia XLIII Riunione Scientifica -L'età del rame in Italia
Understanding Cultural Traits, 2016
The present study deals with the history of studies and the archaeological evidence currently kno... more The present study deals with the history of studies and the archaeological evidence currently known of the facies of Rodì Tindari Vallelunga (RTV) , analyzying the peculiarities of settlements, burials and ceramics compared with the contemporary cultures of Castelluccio and Capo Graziano. It follows a proposal for the classification of RTV pottery production, based on the evidence from Mursia (Pantelleria) and from others sites attributed to this facies. Finally hypotheses on the origin, spread and chronology of the RTV facies are proposed.
This section presents the list of Ancient Bronze Age sites in Sicily, selected by province. The c... more This section presents the list of Ancient Bronze Age sites in Sicily, selected by province. The catalogue includes for each site a code, location, cultural attribution, typology and main bibliographic reference. It follows a review of main RTV contexts with personal comments at the light of results of the research.
In 1992 a round table in Archaeology was given in Rome; the meaningful and provocative title was:... more In 1992 a round table in Archaeology was given in Rome; the meaningful and provocative title was: "A Bachelor's Degree doesn't Make an Archaeologist". In order to become an archaeologist, a student has to follow a very structured institutional procedure, but archaeological surveys and excavations are based on practical experience. Although many manuals describe how surveys should be performed at length, more often than not this procedural knowledge can not be acquired without lengthy experience in the field. Archaeology is therefore a discipline where " learning by doing " has an important role in vocational training. However, training in the field is not completely free from problems: e.g., regarding learning either general or local practices in a well-combined manner; understanding tacit knowledge resulting from work experience; experts' availability (and willingness to help) in the field, since experts have their own archaeological work to do, in addition to teaching chores. We propose an approach and an application to support 'learning by doing' in archaeology that is grounded on the idea to provide process maps combined with paper-looking forms and documents. We provided students with useful knowledge about when and how to perform due activities aptly and about what information they should have been collecting during each task of theirs. The proposed approach and application have been evaluated during two archaeological excavations where both teaching and learning are of the utmost importance.
A domain where photographs are a necessary part is archaeology: here they are used in different p... more A domain where photographs are a necessary part is archaeology: here they are used in different phases of the archaeological work for many purposes, some of which are common to other domains or to home usage (e.g., archiving). We concentrate our attention on one of the initial phases of the archaeological process, namely excavation, since the related activities use photographs in a very peculiar way and under the constraints of a very demanding physical setting. Moreover, in this phase the advent of digitalized photographs is recent and their adoption is still interestingly combined with the usage of photographs printed on paper. Paper presents the results of a study performed at an archaeological site in the south of Italy: we report the observed collocated collaborative practices surrounding photos and discuss these practices to identify some functionality of a supportive technology.
Si presentano in questo articoli i risultati delle prime 5 campagne di scavo dell'Abitato dell'An... more Si presentano in questo articoli i risultati delle prime 5 campagne di scavo dell'Abitato dell'Antica Età del Bronzo di Mursia, sull'isola di Pantelleria.
La ripresa degli scavi, già avviati 2 volte in passato, sta portando alla luce nuove unità abitative, resti materiali che documentano interessanti contatti intramediterranei e una più chiara periodizzazione delle fasi di vita dell'abitato, dalla fondazione all'abbandono.
The paper deals with a proposal of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside the Bo... more The paper deals with a proposal of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside the Boccadifalco settlement (PA), in light of the entire study of the potteries, made possible by the study of unpublished finds. The paper also clarifies the cultural attribution of the deposit thanks to numerous comparisons with other Sicilian sites of the Early Bronze Age.
The paper deals with a revisitation of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside th... more The paper deals with a revisitation of typology and chronology of the pottery uncovered inside the Cozzo del Palombaro cave (PA), in light of the entire study of the potteries, made possible by the study of unpublished finds. The paper also clarifies the cultural attribution of the deposit thanks to numerous comparisons with other Sicilian sites of the Early and Middle Bronze Age.
The excavation of the ancient Bronze Age settlement situated on the island of Pantelleria, in the... more The excavation of the ancient Bronze Age settlement situated on the island of Pantelleria, in the center of the Sicily’s channel, has been in progress since 2001, thanks to the collaboration between the Soprintendenza Archeologica of Trapani and the Dipartimento di Archeologia of the University of Bologna. The settlement site, known since the end of the XIX century and partially excavated in the last century, has been systematically the object of investigation and study over the past decade. New research activities have underlined the importance of the site, both from an archaeological point of view, for the maintenance of its structures, and from an historical point of view, for its location in the centre of Mediterranean Sea in a period of intense maritime traffic.
Topic of the paper is the use of GIS for the analysis of settlement pattern development in ancien... more Topic of the paper is the use of GIS for the analysis of settlement pattern development in ancient landscape study in order to propose new interpretations. In this study the work with GIS, accomplished according to precise phases, tests the possibility to apply spatial analysis to contexts known partially through archaeological data in order to suppose a total comprehension of settlement pattern, developing predictable reasons. Main result of this work has been the elaboration of new interpretations about settlement systems of Pescara Valley in the Bronze Age. This elaboration will direct the future survey to improve field work and data collection system.
Dans le tableau d’articulation culturelle de l’Eneolitique sicilien, une des zones les moins conn... more Dans le tableau d’articulation culturelle de l’Eneolitique sicilien, une des zones les moins connues reste la partie occidentale de l’île, à front d’une documentation vaste acquis et souvent édite en forme préliminaire. Si pour les phases initiales et avancées de l’Eneolitique les explorations dans le territoire d’Agrigento et dans le Bas Belice ont permis de faire lumière sur les principales dynamiques culturelles, plus controversé apparaît le tableau relatif à la transition à l’âge du Bronze. La révision des complexes de la zone centre-occidentale (Casalicchio-Agnone de Licata; Grotte dell’Infame Diavolo) offre l’opportunité de créer un nouveau grille crono-typologique à qui ancrer le développement des phases plus récentes de l’Eneolitique. Les comparaisons avec autres sites de la Sicile centrale mettent en évidence les particularités, formels et typologiques, de la production céramique de l’horizon de Malpasso-Piano Quartara dans la zone autour de les Madonie et longueur les directrices de trafic de Torto-Imera-Platanes. En outre, la présence, dans ces contextes, de céramique gris porte à reconsidérer le problème de l’origine et diffusion de la classe Rodì-Tindari-Vallelunga (RTV) sur qui persistent encore aujourd’hui doutes sur la chronologie et sur la zone de rayonnement.
L’analisi della produzione ceramica proveniente dall’abitato protostorico di Mursia permette di e... more L’analisi della produzione ceramica proveniente dall’abitato protostorico di Mursia permette di elaborare una sequenza tipologica e cronologica relativa alle manifestazioni culturali della Antica età del Bronzo in Sicilia, caratterizzate da una netta contrapposizione con la ceramica castellucciana e dalla comunanza formale e in certi casi stilistica con la produzione tradizionalmente inornata, comunemente indicata nella letteratura archeologica come facies di Rodì-Tindari-Vallelunga (RTV).
In particolare, lo studio dettagliato della produzione vascolare, condotto unitamente all’analisi stratigrafica dell’abitato, ci ha permesso di elaborare una classificazione crono-tipologica della produzione vascolare di quella che può attualmente essere presentata come la facies di Mursia.
Si tratta di una produzione dalle innegabili tipicità legate senza dubbio al ben noto fenomeno dell’ ‘insularità’, ma che tuttavia non manca di evidenziare una filogenesi siciliana.
Il presente studio si propone pertanto di illustrare la classificazione tipologica elaborata per Mursia evidenziandone similarità e peculiarità rispetto alle associazioni tradizionalmente definite RTV, al fine di comprenderne il reciproco rapporto e la reale o meno esistenza di una facies siciliana diversa da Castelluccio che nel dibattito attuale si evidenzia più come antitesi formale a quest’ultima che come realtà autonoma.
L’analisi dei reperti offre inoltre l’occasione di interpretare le dinamiche culturali che hanno interessato l’arcipelago siciliano in corrispondenza con la formazione della cultura di Thapsos.