Fernando Merchan | Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (original) (raw)
Papers by Fernando Merchan
Revista de Iniciación Científica
En este artículo se explican los fundamentos y consideraciones necesarias para la implementación ... more En este artículo se explican los fundamentos y consideraciones necesarias para la implementación de dos o más sensores ultrasónicos HC-SR04, con disposición distinta a configuraciones de posiciones convencionales para sensores de detección y distancia, en vehículos autónomos y robots. Se propone un método de distinción de pulsos ultrasónicos emitidos y reflejados, realizando una comparación de patrones de señales digitales recibidas por los sensores en base a dichos pulsos, con diferentes ángulos de incidencia y reflexión; para, luego, procesar dichas señales mediante un método de tratamiento de señal digital elemental implementada en una plataforma computacional incorporada a un robot autónomo. Con este trabajo se busca contribuir a la elaboración de un posible prototipo de mapa de escenarios de laberinto recorrido por el vehículo. Se concluye que el robot está en plena capacidad de distinguir distintos escenarios de un laberinto, sin importar el parecido de los patrones de señal...
2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE)
Recent advances in applications of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) for control and communication... more Recent advances in applications of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) for control and communication in more complex systems have demonstrated their potential for the augmentation of human cognition. This paper aims to develop a BrainComputer Interface application capable of monitoring the focus level of a user in real time and produce a binarized output signal based on such electrophysiological activity to show that a real-time, low-cost BCI can be implemented in industrialized settings. This can be achieved by applying a signal processing stage consisting of a DC offset subtraction layer, a bandpass filter bank and a number of thresholds tuned for each individual user. Experiments performed showed that while it is possible to monitor the desired neurological features, a number of undesired artifacts present at all times in brain signals make online analysis especially challenging.
Proceedings of the 15th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: “Global Partnership for Development and Engineering Education”, 2017
ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019
The purpose of this paper is to share our positive experience about the collaboration launched a ... more The purpose of this paper is to share our positive experience about the collaboration launched a few years ago between UTP (Panama) and Bordeaux INP (France) in the field of signal processing. This collaboration involves research and education activities. This has led to numerous internships of French students in Panama, mobilities of researchers, common research papers, and the 1st double diploma signed between France and a country of Central America. Thus, this paper presents the various aspects of the collaboration.
IFMBE Proceedings, 2019
In this work, an analysis of the principal characteristics, scientific aims and some initial resu... more In this work, an analysis of the principal characteristics, scientific aims and some initial results, of the Iberoamerican R&D network "Ditecrod" (Project of CYTED) is made. This network is based on an international agreement to propitiate an efficient trans-disciplinary cooperation in a scientific area where currently significant research efforts are being made for their high potential impact on future health and quality of life: The non-invasive Early medical diagnosis of Cardiovascular and Diabetic Foot diseases. Both chronic & degenerative pathologies are endemic today in many American countries. The main project objectives are the research, application and diffusion of new noninvasive diagnostic methods, having a low technologic cost and an easy portability, in relation to nowadays disposable approaches. The main results (in the first year of operation) of this multinational network are described. This project also seeks to promote the cooperation working among 11 working teams integrated in six R&D groups with large experience and previous innovations on the subject, and 2 emerging university groups until now focused mainly on the university teaching; in total 13 teams of 8 countries: 5 of Biomedical Engineering, 4 of Biophysics, 2 hospitals and 2 companies.
This paper presents several aspects of the implementation of a prototype of automatic beverage di... more This paper presents several aspects of the implementation of a prototype of automatic beverage dispenser with computer vision functionalities. The system presents touchless technologies including face recognition for user identification and hand gesture recognition for beverage selection. This prototype is a test platform to explore the acceptance of these technologies by consumers and to compare it with other technologies such as touch screens. We present both the technical aspects of the device and some observations of human-machine interaction. The perspectives gained may be useful in the future for developing a commercial implementation
Este documento presenta la evaluacion del costo computacional de las operaciones matematicas basi... more Este documento presenta la evaluacion del costo computacional de las operaciones matematicas basicas de tres algoritmos de separacion de fuentes sonoras: FastlCA, adaptativo basado en gradiente natural y adaptativo EASI basado en gradiente relativo. Estos algoritmos fueron seleccionados por su relativa simplicidad y la viabilidad de implementacion en hardware de bajo costo en aplicaciones de localizacion acustica de agentes moviles en entornos industriales.
Digital Signal Processing, 2021
Abstract In signal processing, ARMA processes are widely used to model short-memory processes. In... more Abstract In signal processing, ARMA processes are widely used to model short-memory processes. In various applications, comparing or classifying ARMA processes is required. In this paper, our purpose is to provide analytical expressions of the divergence rates of the Kullback-Leibler divergence, the Renyi divergence (RD) of order α and their symmetric versions for two Gaussian ARMA processes, by taking advantage of results such as the Yule-Walker equations and notions such as inverse filtering. The divergence rates can be interpreted as the sum of different quantities: power of one ARMA process filtered by the inverse filter associated with the second ARMA process, cepstrum, etc. Finally, illustrations show that the ranges of values taken by the divergence rates of the RD are sensitive to α, especially when the latter is close to 1.
En este trabajo presentamos diversos aspectos de la implementacion del primer acuerdo de doble ti... more En este trabajo presentamos diversos aspectos de la implementacion del primer acuerdo de doble titulacion en ingenieria entre una institucion de educacion superior de Francia y una en Centroamerica. Entre los temas abordados se destacan la definicion de doble titulacion, las diferencias de los sistemas educativos de ambos paises y en general de Europa y America Latina. Ademas de mostrar los beneficios y el impacto esperado de esta iniciativa, se presentan los retos administrativos y legales que se han presentado durante la implementacion de este programa.
En este artículo se presentan aspectos de la implementación de un sistema de control de acceso ba... more En este artículo se presentan aspectos de la implementación de un sistema de control de acceso basado en reconocimiento facial. El mismo verifica en tiempo real si las personas que entran a las instalaciones forman parte de la base de datos del personal que labora en las mismas. Las condiciones de operación de este sistema son no colaborativas. Es decir, los usuarios no se ubicarán en posiciones específicas para la adquisición de las imágenes. Para solventar las dificultades que esto pueda acarrear, se han diseñado diferentes bloques de pre-procesamiento y ajuste de la imagen previa a la aplicación del algoritmo de reconocimiento facial. Además, bajo las condiciones de operación previstas, el sistema debe ser robusto a diferentes condiciones de iluminación y cantidad de rostros en las imágenes adquiridas. El sistema propuesto tiene por objetivo brindar una solución de seguridad a bajo costo y adaptado a los requerimientos de ambientes no controlados.
2019 7th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference (IESTEC), 2019
The internet of things covers a large number of solutions, among which we have the LoRa technolog... more The internet of things covers a large number of solutions, among which we have the LoRa technology. The following work present theoretical and technical aspects of the implementation of this technology in a wireless network to monitor environmental parameters. The document covers a brief look of the physical layer of the LoRa network, such as frequency bands and type of modulation, as well as details of components and procedures performed in our network, and results of the performance of the network in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as a function of distance.
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2020
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight mass spectrometry is an analyt... more Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight mass spectrometry is an analytical method that detects macromolecules that can be used for proteomic fingerprinting and taxonomic identification in arthropods. The conventional MALDI approach uses fresh laboratory-reared arthropod specimens to build a reference mass spectra library with high-quality standards required to achieve reliable identification. However, this may not be possible to accomplish in some arthropod groups that are difficult to rear under laboratory conditions, or for which only alcohol preserved samples are available. Here, we generated MALDI mass spectra of highly abundant proteins from the legs of 18 Neotropical species of adult field-collected hard ticks, several of which had not been analyzed by mass spectrometry before. We then used their mass spectra as fingerprints to identify each tick species by applying machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms that combined unsupervised and su...
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight mass spectrometry is an analyt... more Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight mass spectrometry is an analytical method that detects macromolecules that can be used as biomarkers for taxonomic identification in arthropods. The conventional MALDI approach uses fresh laboratory-reared arthropod specimens to build a reference mass spectra library with high-quality standards required to achieve reliable identification. However, this may not be possible to accomplish in some arthropod groups that are difficult to rear under laboratory conditions, or for which only alcohol preserved samples are available. Here, we generated MALDI mass spectra of highly abundant proteins from the legs of 18 Neotropical species of adult field-collected hard ticks, several of which had not been analyzed by mass spectrometry before. We then used their mass spectra as fingerprints to identify each tick species by applying machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms that combined unsupervised and supervised cluste...
Revista de Iniciación Científica, 2019
En el presente artículo se propone un método de reconocimiento automático de canto de aves. Este ... more En el presente artículo se propone un método de reconocimiento automático de canto de aves. Este método está basado en el análisis de componentes principales del espectrograma de los cantos, implementado mediante la técnica de eigenfaces. Para la preparación de la base de datos se implementó un método de detección de actividad acústica por medio de un filtro de media móvil. Se construyó una base de datos con tres cantos diferentes de tres aves: Formicivora Grisea, Harpia Harpyja y Reinita Protonotaria. Las pruebas realizadas muestran la efectividad del método propuesto, obteniéndose una tasa de reconocimiento de 100%.
Proceedings of the 13th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology Engineering Education Facing the Grand Challenges What Are We Doing?, 2015
Radio intelligence is a novel approach in wireless communication systems it arises to solve the c... more Radio intelligence is a novel approach in wireless communication systems it arises to solve the current saturation of the spectrum. There are three access schemes for intelligence radius: interweave, underlay and overlay. The overlay scheme may allow higher transmission speeds and bandwidth through the application of mitigation techniques or management interference. Through these techniques the quality and efficiency of transmission is guaranteed. This paper presents a study and analysis of these techniques that may be implemented in future wireless communication systems. The characteristics of some of the most common techniques to mitigate interference in the overlay schemes for radio intelligence systems are analyzed. The simulation results are presented in terms of bit error for overlay systems using pre-coding techniques and spatial filtering show the good performance of these techniques in wireless communication systems.
Proceedings of the 13th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology Engineering Education Facing the Grand Challenges What Are We Doing?, 2015
In recent years there has been an unprecedented development of wireless communications. This prog... more In recent years there has been an unprecedented development of wireless communications. This progress is a result of the demand for bandwidth and new applications by users. This demand increases more and more. For this reason, engineers and researchers must develop strategies to meet these users' needs. Electronic devices must advance in parallel so that these strategies can be implemented. In addition, to validate these strategies necessary testing and research to determine the feasibility of implementing the proposed methods. It is for this reason that this paper presents the USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) research in digital communications systems. The great advantage of these equipment is that they are programmable radio platforms, this allows the USRP to be reprogrammed, and enabling a lot of communications systems that can be implemented with just a communication device. This paper presents different wireless communications applications where you can use the USRP. In addition, it presents the USRP as a solution for the implementation of future applications of wireless communication.
Proceedings of the 13th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology Engineering Education Facing the Grand Challenges What Are We Doing?, 2015
2015 IEEE 6th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS), 2015
This paper shows the results from the computation cost evaluation of three blind source separatio... more This paper shows the results from the computation cost evaluation of three blind source separation algorithms. The algorithms tested were: FastICA, Adaptive Algorithm Based on Natural Gradient, and Adaptive EASI Based on Relative Gradient. The algorithms were chosen for their relative simplicity, and taking into account their hardware implementation feasibility, either on a FPGA or an ASIC, as part of a system for acoustic localization of mobile agents in industrial environments.
The present study provides a perspective of the performance and the quality of service provided b... more The present study provides a perspective of the performance and the quality of service provided by operators of cellular telephony in Panama. During the months from January to April 2014 measurements of mobile communications parameters in the surrounding areas of the Universidad Tecnológica de Panama and its buildings have been made. The measurements were carried on using a test mobile system (TEMS) equipment. This equipment allows measuring the communication parameters based on key performance indicators (KPI's) at the level of the user. The results obtained allow the user to know the reception level, voice quality, transmission data rate, and other parameters between the different operators of cellular networks in Panama.
Resumen-El presente artículo aborda aspectos del entrenamiento de la máquina de aprendizaje AdaBo... more Resumen-El presente artículo aborda aspectos del entrenamiento de la máquina de aprendizaje AdaBoost con modelos de reconocimiento de objetos basados en características de apariencia tales como: Patrones Binarios Locales (LBP), Histograma de Gradientes Orientados (HOG) y características tipo Haar para la detección de sonrisas. En este contexto realizamos un estudio del impacto de varios parámetros de entrenamiento de los modelos. Proponemos un nuevo enfoque con respecto a la selección de muestras positivas utilizadas en el periodo de aprendizaje. A diferencia de otros trabajos que utilizan como muestras positivas rostros sonrientes completos, proponemos utilizar únicamente la sección del rostro correspondiente a la boca sonriente. Las pruebas realizadas muestran que nuestro enfoque ofrece hasta un 40% de disminución en el tiempo de entrenamiento y hasta un 20% de disminución en el tiempo de detección con respecto al enfoque convencional, conservando una precisión de detección compar...
Revista de Iniciación Científica
En este artículo se explican los fundamentos y consideraciones necesarias para la implementación ... more En este artículo se explican los fundamentos y consideraciones necesarias para la implementación de dos o más sensores ultrasónicos HC-SR04, con disposición distinta a configuraciones de posiciones convencionales para sensores de detección y distancia, en vehículos autónomos y robots. Se propone un método de distinción de pulsos ultrasónicos emitidos y reflejados, realizando una comparación de patrones de señales digitales recibidas por los sensores en base a dichos pulsos, con diferentes ángulos de incidencia y reflexión; para, luego, procesar dichas señales mediante un método de tratamiento de señal digital elemental implementada en una plataforma computacional incorporada a un robot autónomo. Con este trabajo se busca contribuir a la elaboración de un posible prototipo de mapa de escenarios de laberinto recorrido por el vehículo. Se concluye que el robot está en plena capacidad de distinguir distintos escenarios de un laberinto, sin importar el parecido de los patrones de señal...
2020 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE)
Recent advances in applications of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) for control and communication... more Recent advances in applications of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) for control and communication in more complex systems have demonstrated their potential for the augmentation of human cognition. This paper aims to develop a BrainComputer Interface application capable of monitoring the focus level of a user in real time and produce a binarized output signal based on such electrophysiological activity to show that a real-time, low-cost BCI can be implemented in industrialized settings. This can be achieved by applying a signal processing stage consisting of a DC offset subtraction layer, a bandpass filter bank and a number of thresholds tuned for each individual user. Experiments performed showed that while it is possible to monitor the desired neurological features, a number of undesired artifacts present at all times in brain signals make online analysis especially challenging.
Proceedings of the 15th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: “Global Partnership for Development and Engineering Education”, 2017
ICASSP 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019
The purpose of this paper is to share our positive experience about the collaboration launched a ... more The purpose of this paper is to share our positive experience about the collaboration launched a few years ago between UTP (Panama) and Bordeaux INP (France) in the field of signal processing. This collaboration involves research and education activities. This has led to numerous internships of French students in Panama, mobilities of researchers, common research papers, and the 1st double diploma signed between France and a country of Central America. Thus, this paper presents the various aspects of the collaboration.
IFMBE Proceedings, 2019
In this work, an analysis of the principal characteristics, scientific aims and some initial resu... more In this work, an analysis of the principal characteristics, scientific aims and some initial results, of the Iberoamerican R&D network "Ditecrod" (Project of CYTED) is made. This network is based on an international agreement to propitiate an efficient trans-disciplinary cooperation in a scientific area where currently significant research efforts are being made for their high potential impact on future health and quality of life: The non-invasive Early medical diagnosis of Cardiovascular and Diabetic Foot diseases. Both chronic & degenerative pathologies are endemic today in many American countries. The main project objectives are the research, application and diffusion of new noninvasive diagnostic methods, having a low technologic cost and an easy portability, in relation to nowadays disposable approaches. The main results (in the first year of operation) of this multinational network are described. This project also seeks to promote the cooperation working among 11 working teams integrated in six R&D groups with large experience and previous innovations on the subject, and 2 emerging university groups until now focused mainly on the university teaching; in total 13 teams of 8 countries: 5 of Biomedical Engineering, 4 of Biophysics, 2 hospitals and 2 companies.
This paper presents several aspects of the implementation of a prototype of automatic beverage di... more This paper presents several aspects of the implementation of a prototype of automatic beverage dispenser with computer vision functionalities. The system presents touchless technologies including face recognition for user identification and hand gesture recognition for beverage selection. This prototype is a test platform to explore the acceptance of these technologies by consumers and to compare it with other technologies such as touch screens. We present both the technical aspects of the device and some observations of human-machine interaction. The perspectives gained may be useful in the future for developing a commercial implementation
Este documento presenta la evaluacion del costo computacional de las operaciones matematicas basi... more Este documento presenta la evaluacion del costo computacional de las operaciones matematicas basicas de tres algoritmos de separacion de fuentes sonoras: FastlCA, adaptativo basado en gradiente natural y adaptativo EASI basado en gradiente relativo. Estos algoritmos fueron seleccionados por su relativa simplicidad y la viabilidad de implementacion en hardware de bajo costo en aplicaciones de localizacion acustica de agentes moviles en entornos industriales.
Digital Signal Processing, 2021
Abstract In signal processing, ARMA processes are widely used to model short-memory processes. In... more Abstract In signal processing, ARMA processes are widely used to model short-memory processes. In various applications, comparing or classifying ARMA processes is required. In this paper, our purpose is to provide analytical expressions of the divergence rates of the Kullback-Leibler divergence, the Renyi divergence (RD) of order α and their symmetric versions for two Gaussian ARMA processes, by taking advantage of results such as the Yule-Walker equations and notions such as inverse filtering. The divergence rates can be interpreted as the sum of different quantities: power of one ARMA process filtered by the inverse filter associated with the second ARMA process, cepstrum, etc. Finally, illustrations show that the ranges of values taken by the divergence rates of the RD are sensitive to α, especially when the latter is close to 1.
En este trabajo presentamos diversos aspectos de la implementacion del primer acuerdo de doble ti... more En este trabajo presentamos diversos aspectos de la implementacion del primer acuerdo de doble titulacion en ingenieria entre una institucion de educacion superior de Francia y una en Centroamerica. Entre los temas abordados se destacan la definicion de doble titulacion, las diferencias de los sistemas educativos de ambos paises y en general de Europa y America Latina. Ademas de mostrar los beneficios y el impacto esperado de esta iniciativa, se presentan los retos administrativos y legales que se han presentado durante la implementacion de este programa.
En este artículo se presentan aspectos de la implementación de un sistema de control de acceso ba... more En este artículo se presentan aspectos de la implementación de un sistema de control de acceso basado en reconocimiento facial. El mismo verifica en tiempo real si las personas que entran a las instalaciones forman parte de la base de datos del personal que labora en las mismas. Las condiciones de operación de este sistema son no colaborativas. Es decir, los usuarios no se ubicarán en posiciones específicas para la adquisición de las imágenes. Para solventar las dificultades que esto pueda acarrear, se han diseñado diferentes bloques de pre-procesamiento y ajuste de la imagen previa a la aplicación del algoritmo de reconocimiento facial. Además, bajo las condiciones de operación previstas, el sistema debe ser robusto a diferentes condiciones de iluminación y cantidad de rostros en las imágenes adquiridas. El sistema propuesto tiene por objetivo brindar una solución de seguridad a bajo costo y adaptado a los requerimientos de ambientes no controlados.
2019 7th International Engineering, Sciences and Technology Conference (IESTEC), 2019
The internet of things covers a large number of solutions, among which we have the LoRa technolog... more The internet of things covers a large number of solutions, among which we have the LoRa technology. The following work present theoretical and technical aspects of the implementation of this technology in a wireless network to monitor environmental parameters. The document covers a brief look of the physical layer of the LoRa network, such as frequency bands and type of modulation, as well as details of components and procedures performed in our network, and results of the performance of the network in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as a function of distance.
PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2020
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight mass spectrometry is an analyt... more Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight mass spectrometry is an analytical method that detects macromolecules that can be used for proteomic fingerprinting and taxonomic identification in arthropods. The conventional MALDI approach uses fresh laboratory-reared arthropod specimens to build a reference mass spectra library with high-quality standards required to achieve reliable identification. However, this may not be possible to accomplish in some arthropod groups that are difficult to rear under laboratory conditions, or for which only alcohol preserved samples are available. Here, we generated MALDI mass spectra of highly abundant proteins from the legs of 18 Neotropical species of adult field-collected hard ticks, several of which had not been analyzed by mass spectrometry before. We then used their mass spectra as fingerprints to identify each tick species by applying machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms that combined unsupervised and su...
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight mass spectrometry is an analyt... more Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight mass spectrometry is an analytical method that detects macromolecules that can be used as biomarkers for taxonomic identification in arthropods. The conventional MALDI approach uses fresh laboratory-reared arthropod specimens to build a reference mass spectra library with high-quality standards required to achieve reliable identification. However, this may not be possible to accomplish in some arthropod groups that are difficult to rear under laboratory conditions, or for which only alcohol preserved samples are available. Here, we generated MALDI mass spectra of highly abundant proteins from the legs of 18 Neotropical species of adult field-collected hard ticks, several of which had not been analyzed by mass spectrometry before. We then used their mass spectra as fingerprints to identify each tick species by applying machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms that combined unsupervised and supervised cluste...
Revista de Iniciación Científica, 2019
En el presente artículo se propone un método de reconocimiento automático de canto de aves. Este ... more En el presente artículo se propone un método de reconocimiento automático de canto de aves. Este método está basado en el análisis de componentes principales del espectrograma de los cantos, implementado mediante la técnica de eigenfaces. Para la preparación de la base de datos se implementó un método de detección de actividad acústica por medio de un filtro de media móvil. Se construyó una base de datos con tres cantos diferentes de tres aves: Formicivora Grisea, Harpia Harpyja y Reinita Protonotaria. Las pruebas realizadas muestran la efectividad del método propuesto, obteniéndose una tasa de reconocimiento de 100%.
Proceedings of the 13th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology Engineering Education Facing the Grand Challenges What Are We Doing?, 2015
Radio intelligence is a novel approach in wireless communication systems it arises to solve the c... more Radio intelligence is a novel approach in wireless communication systems it arises to solve the current saturation of the spectrum. There are three access schemes for intelligence radius: interweave, underlay and overlay. The overlay scheme may allow higher transmission speeds and bandwidth through the application of mitigation techniques or management interference. Through these techniques the quality and efficiency of transmission is guaranteed. This paper presents a study and analysis of these techniques that may be implemented in future wireless communication systems. The characteristics of some of the most common techniques to mitigate interference in the overlay schemes for radio intelligence systems are analyzed. The simulation results are presented in terms of bit error for overlay systems using pre-coding techniques and spatial filtering show the good performance of these techniques in wireless communication systems.
Proceedings of the 13th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology Engineering Education Facing the Grand Challenges What Are We Doing?, 2015
In recent years there has been an unprecedented development of wireless communications. This prog... more In recent years there has been an unprecedented development of wireless communications. This progress is a result of the demand for bandwidth and new applications by users. This demand increases more and more. For this reason, engineers and researchers must develop strategies to meet these users' needs. Electronic devices must advance in parallel so that these strategies can be implemented. In addition, to validate these strategies necessary testing and research to determine the feasibility of implementing the proposed methods. It is for this reason that this paper presents the USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) research in digital communications systems. The great advantage of these equipment is that they are programmable radio platforms, this allows the USRP to be reprogrammed, and enabling a lot of communications systems that can be implemented with just a communication device. This paper presents different wireless communications applications where you can use the USRP. In addition, it presents the USRP as a solution for the implementation of future applications of wireless communication.
Proceedings of the 13th Latin American and Caribbean Conference for Engineering and Technology Engineering Education Facing the Grand Challenges What Are We Doing?, 2015
2015 IEEE 6th Latin American Symposium on Circuits & Systems (LASCAS), 2015
This paper shows the results from the computation cost evaluation of three blind source separatio... more This paper shows the results from the computation cost evaluation of three blind source separation algorithms. The algorithms tested were: FastICA, Adaptive Algorithm Based on Natural Gradient, and Adaptive EASI Based on Relative Gradient. The algorithms were chosen for their relative simplicity, and taking into account their hardware implementation feasibility, either on a FPGA or an ASIC, as part of a system for acoustic localization of mobile agents in industrial environments.
The present study provides a perspective of the performance and the quality of service provided b... more The present study provides a perspective of the performance and the quality of service provided by operators of cellular telephony in Panama. During the months from January to April 2014 measurements of mobile communications parameters in the surrounding areas of the Universidad Tecnológica de Panama and its buildings have been made. The measurements were carried on using a test mobile system (TEMS) equipment. This equipment allows measuring the communication parameters based on key performance indicators (KPI's) at the level of the user. The results obtained allow the user to know the reception level, voice quality, transmission data rate, and other parameters between the different operators of cellular networks in Panama.
Resumen-El presente artículo aborda aspectos del entrenamiento de la máquina de aprendizaje AdaBo... more Resumen-El presente artículo aborda aspectos del entrenamiento de la máquina de aprendizaje AdaBoost con modelos de reconocimiento de objetos basados en características de apariencia tales como: Patrones Binarios Locales (LBP), Histograma de Gradientes Orientados (HOG) y características tipo Haar para la detección de sonrisas. En este contexto realizamos un estudio del impacto de varios parámetros de entrenamiento de los modelos. Proponemos un nuevo enfoque con respecto a la selección de muestras positivas utilizadas en el periodo de aprendizaje. A diferencia de otros trabajos que utilizan como muestras positivas rostros sonrientes completos, proponemos utilizar únicamente la sección del rostro correspondiente a la boca sonriente. Las pruebas realizadas muestran que nuestro enfoque ofrece hasta un 40% de disminución en el tiempo de entrenamiento y hasta un 20% de disminución en el tiempo de detección con respecto al enfoque convencional, conservando una precisión de detección compar...