Philippe Charlier | Université Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines (original) (raw)


Papers by Philippe Charlier

Research paper thumbnail of Tuberculous meningitis and hydrocephalus in Filippino de’ Medici (1577-1582).

Research paper thumbnail of Restes biologiques dans les patines rituelles de la statuaire Dogon (MALI)

Premier colloque International de Pathographie, (La pathographie : une paléopathologie des célébrités - Perspectives historiques, archéologiques et médicales) , 2006

"La statuaire Dogon (Mali) est principalement constituée de statues anthropomorphes en bois, dont... more "La statuaire Dogon (Mali) est principalement constituée de statues anthropomorphes en bois, dont certaines sont antérieures au 14e siècle, et recouvertes d’une patine croûteuse. Celle-ci a été décrite par les ethnologues du 20e siècle comme étant un mélange de sang d’animaux sacrifiés et de bouillie de mil, appliqué sur l’objet lors de cérémonies rituelles. Cependant, aucune recherche scientifique n’a jamais été entreprise pour étudier la composition réelle de ces patines. Le but de notre étude, qui porte sur une quinzaine d’objets Dogon provenant des collections du musée du quai Branly (Paris), est la mise en place d’un protocole d’analyse spécifique de ces patines .
Sur l’ensemble des statues étudiées, nous avons pu observer une grande diversité d’aspect à l’échelle macroscopique (épaisseur, réseaux de craquelures, couleur, …). Au niveau microscopique, les prélèvements que nous avons effectués sont des mélanges extrêmement complexes. L’acquisition de cartographies en microscopie infrarouge a permis la mise en évidence dans un même échantillon différentes familles de composés chimiques : protéines, lipides, polysaccharides et minéraux (kaolinite). L’analyse en microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) a révélé la présence d’hématies sur des échantillons contenant une grande quantité de protéines. La préservation de telles structures biologiques sur des objets collectés en Afrique il y a plus de soixante-dix ans, confirme l’utilisation de sang pour la fabrication des patines de certains des objets étudiés."

Research paper thumbnail of The microscopic (optical and SEM) examination of putrefaction fluid deposits (PFD). Potential interest in forensic anthropology

Virchows Arch (2008), 453(4), 377–386.

Research paper thumbnail of Shape and volume of craniofacial cavities in intentional skull deformations

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Into the wax: forensic and anthropological analysis of human hairs in Merovingian and Carolingian royal seals (France

Scientific investigations about human hair discovered into Merovingian wax seals hold in the Nati... more Scientific investigations about human hair discovered into Merovingian wax seals hold in the National Archives (Paris)

Research paper thumbnail of Homicidal Deaths in the Western Suburbs of Paris

The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 2012

The aim of our study was to analyze the homicide pattern in the Western suburbs of Paris and its ... more The aim of our study was to analyze the homicide pattern in the Western suburbs of Paris and its evolution between 1994 and 2008. All autopsy reports regarding homicides from the period January 1, 1994, to December 31, 2008, were retrospectively reviewed. Five hundred eleven homicide cases were selected of 4842 autopsy cases. The following data were recorded: assailants and victims characteristics, crime scene location, homicide motive, cause of death, and victim's postmortem toxicological results. Homicide rate steadily declined over the period at the exception of the number of homicide-suicide per year, which remained constant. Homicide victims remained unidentified after medicolegal investigations in 2% of the cases. Child and elder homicide cases represented, respectively, 10.7% and 8.2% of the cases. Offenders were male in 88% of the cases. Male and female assailants showed distinct homicide patterns: females were involved more frequently in familial quarrel and child abuse. They never killed a stranger and committed homicide exclusively in a private place with a predominance of sharp weapons. Males, in contrast, assaulted almost equally a stranger or an acquaintance, often in a public place with a predominance of firearm. Victim knew the assailant(s) in 57% of the cases. Homicides mostly took place at the residence of the assailant or the victim. Homicide motive was clearly determined in 71% of the cases. Argument was the most common motive in 44% of the cases. Sexual assault was rarely found (10 cases). Gunshot wounds were the most common cause of death (37%), followed by stab wounds (27%), blunt trauma (19%), and asphyxia (13%). A decrease of gunshot wounds as a cause of death was found over the studied period. Alcohol was the most common toxic detected in blood of the victim, in 48.5% of the cases when toxicological results were available. Blood alcohol concentration ranged from 1 to 500 mg/dL with a mean value of 150 mg/dL.

Research paper thumbnail of Radiographic Examination Using an X-ray Tunnel (Passagix) Before a Forensic Autopsy

The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Survival time estimation using Injury Severity Score (ISS) in homicide cases

Forensic Science International, 2013

The aim of our study was to assess the value of ISS to estimate survival time in a retrospective ... more The aim of our study was to assess the value of ISS to estimate survival time in a retrospective study of all homicidal deaths in the Western suburbs of Paris between 1994 and 2008. Stab wounds were the most common cause of death. Survival time between assault and death, determined in 107 cases out of 511 homicide cases, ranged from 0 min to 25 days (mean 39 h). There was an overall significant association between the survival time and the ISS score. ISS and survival time were strongly associated with male victims and a clear trend was seen with women. Regarding the type of wounds, a trend was seen with gunshot wounds and blunt injuries, but not with stab wounds. There was no influence of blood toxicological results and resuscitation attempts. Overall, ISS was a good predictor of a survival under 30 min.

Research paper thumbnail of Immunological evidence of Plasmodium falciparum infection in an Egyptian child mummy from the Early Dynastic Period

Journal of …, Jan 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Magilton, Lee, and Boylston, eds., 'Lepers outside the gate' (Philippe Charlier )

[Research paper thumbnail of [Paleosurgery or the birth of the surgical art]](

[Research paper thumbnail of [Teaching the history of medicine in French universities]](

Histoire des sciences médicales

Research paper thumbnail of Simon, "Si je le veux, il mourra!" (Philippe Charlier)

[Research paper thumbnail of [A new case of facial paralysis on a terra cotta Hellenistic smyrniote. Icono-diagnosis and paleopathology of facial paralyses]](

Histoire des sciences médicales

[Research paper thumbnail of [Chloroquine cardiomyopathy revealed by complete atrio-ventricular block. A case report]](

Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux

We describe a rare case of chloroquine cardiomyopathy occurring during long term (7 years) treatm... more We describe a rare case of chloroquine cardiomyopathy occurring during long term (7 years) treatment for rheumatoid polyarthritis in a 42 year old woman. There was an isolated acute severe conduction defect, which is particularly rare. Histological study with the electron microscope allowed confirmation of this diagnosis. We report here the secondary cardiological effects of this frequently used synthetic antimalarial.

[Research paper thumbnail of [What paleopathology reveals about the fate of individuals with malformations in greco-roman antiquity]](

Research paper thumbnail of Lehmann, La repression des delits sexuels (Philippe Charlier)

Research paper thumbnail of Enamelomas in paleopathology: A report of three cases and a review of the literature

Paleopathology newsletter

[Research paper thumbnail of [The madness of Herakles in Euripides and Sophocles]](

Medicina nei secoli

In the ancient Greek world madness was conceived as a punishment sent by the gods to men found gu... more In the ancient Greek world madness was conceived as a punishment sent by the gods to men found guilty of various sins. Heralkes, who kills his wife Megara and their sons, is the best example of Greek literature offers of the tragic consequences of mental disease. The article conducts a medical observation of Sophocles' and Euripides' descriptions of Herakles' insanity.

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of embalming methodology in Medieval and modern France (Agnès Sorel, the Duc de Berry, Louis the XI, Charlotte de Savoie)

Medicina nei secoli

The development of paleopathology and the use of techniques inspired by forensic medicine authori... more The development of paleopathology and the use of techniques inspired by forensic medicine authorise new observations about embalming methodology. We will discuss in this article five different examples taken from personal recent analysis dealing with aristocratic bodies from French Middle Ages to modern times. Botanical, mineralogical and toxicological studies were performed in order to better understand anatomic discoveries and technical facts.

Research paper thumbnail of Tuberculous meningitis and hydrocephalus in Filippino de’ Medici (1577-1582).

Research paper thumbnail of Restes biologiques dans les patines rituelles de la statuaire Dogon (MALI)

Premier colloque International de Pathographie, (La pathographie : une paléopathologie des célébrités - Perspectives historiques, archéologiques et médicales) , 2006

"La statuaire Dogon (Mali) est principalement constituée de statues anthropomorphes en bois, dont... more "La statuaire Dogon (Mali) est principalement constituée de statues anthropomorphes en bois, dont certaines sont antérieures au 14e siècle, et recouvertes d’une patine croûteuse. Celle-ci a été décrite par les ethnologues du 20e siècle comme étant un mélange de sang d’animaux sacrifiés et de bouillie de mil, appliqué sur l’objet lors de cérémonies rituelles. Cependant, aucune recherche scientifique n’a jamais été entreprise pour étudier la composition réelle de ces patines. Le but de notre étude, qui porte sur une quinzaine d’objets Dogon provenant des collections du musée du quai Branly (Paris), est la mise en place d’un protocole d’analyse spécifique de ces patines .
Sur l’ensemble des statues étudiées, nous avons pu observer une grande diversité d’aspect à l’échelle macroscopique (épaisseur, réseaux de craquelures, couleur, …). Au niveau microscopique, les prélèvements que nous avons effectués sont des mélanges extrêmement complexes. L’acquisition de cartographies en microscopie infrarouge a permis la mise en évidence dans un même échantillon différentes familles de composés chimiques : protéines, lipides, polysaccharides et minéraux (kaolinite). L’analyse en microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) a révélé la présence d’hématies sur des échantillons contenant une grande quantité de protéines. La préservation de telles structures biologiques sur des objets collectés en Afrique il y a plus de soixante-dix ans, confirme l’utilisation de sang pour la fabrication des patines de certains des objets étudiés."

Research paper thumbnail of The microscopic (optical and SEM) examination of putrefaction fluid deposits (PFD). Potential interest in forensic anthropology

Virchows Arch (2008), 453(4), 377–386.

Research paper thumbnail of Shape and volume of craniofacial cavities in intentional skull deformations

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Into the wax: forensic and anthropological analysis of human hairs in Merovingian and Carolingian royal seals (France

Scientific investigations about human hair discovered into Merovingian wax seals hold in the Nati... more Scientific investigations about human hair discovered into Merovingian wax seals hold in the National Archives (Paris)

Research paper thumbnail of Homicidal Deaths in the Western Suburbs of Paris

The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 2012

The aim of our study was to analyze the homicide pattern in the Western suburbs of Paris and its ... more The aim of our study was to analyze the homicide pattern in the Western suburbs of Paris and its evolution between 1994 and 2008. All autopsy reports regarding homicides from the period January 1, 1994, to December 31, 2008, were retrospectively reviewed. Five hundred eleven homicide cases were selected of 4842 autopsy cases. The following data were recorded: assailants and victims characteristics, crime scene location, homicide motive, cause of death, and victim's postmortem toxicological results. Homicide rate steadily declined over the period at the exception of the number of homicide-suicide per year, which remained constant. Homicide victims remained unidentified after medicolegal investigations in 2% of the cases. Child and elder homicide cases represented, respectively, 10.7% and 8.2% of the cases. Offenders were male in 88% of the cases. Male and female assailants showed distinct homicide patterns: females were involved more frequently in familial quarrel and child abuse. They never killed a stranger and committed homicide exclusively in a private place with a predominance of sharp weapons. Males, in contrast, assaulted almost equally a stranger or an acquaintance, often in a public place with a predominance of firearm. Victim knew the assailant(s) in 57% of the cases. Homicides mostly took place at the residence of the assailant or the victim. Homicide motive was clearly determined in 71% of the cases. Argument was the most common motive in 44% of the cases. Sexual assault was rarely found (10 cases). Gunshot wounds were the most common cause of death (37%), followed by stab wounds (27%), blunt trauma (19%), and asphyxia (13%). A decrease of gunshot wounds as a cause of death was found over the studied period. Alcohol was the most common toxic detected in blood of the victim, in 48.5% of the cases when toxicological results were available. Blood alcohol concentration ranged from 1 to 500 mg/dL with a mean value of 150 mg/dL.

Research paper thumbnail of Radiographic Examination Using an X-ray Tunnel (Passagix) Before a Forensic Autopsy

The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Survival time estimation using Injury Severity Score (ISS) in homicide cases

Forensic Science International, 2013

The aim of our study was to assess the value of ISS to estimate survival time in a retrospective ... more The aim of our study was to assess the value of ISS to estimate survival time in a retrospective study of all homicidal deaths in the Western suburbs of Paris between 1994 and 2008. Stab wounds were the most common cause of death. Survival time between assault and death, determined in 107 cases out of 511 homicide cases, ranged from 0 min to 25 days (mean 39 h). There was an overall significant association between the survival time and the ISS score. ISS and survival time were strongly associated with male victims and a clear trend was seen with women. Regarding the type of wounds, a trend was seen with gunshot wounds and blunt injuries, but not with stab wounds. There was no influence of blood toxicological results and resuscitation attempts. Overall, ISS was a good predictor of a survival under 30 min.

Research paper thumbnail of Immunological evidence of Plasmodium falciparum infection in an Egyptian child mummy from the Early Dynastic Period

Journal of …, Jan 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Magilton, Lee, and Boylston, eds., 'Lepers outside the gate' (Philippe Charlier )

[Research paper thumbnail of [Paleosurgery or the birth of the surgical art]](

[Research paper thumbnail of [Teaching the history of medicine in French universities]](

Histoire des sciences médicales

Research paper thumbnail of Simon, "Si je le veux, il mourra!" (Philippe Charlier)

[Research paper thumbnail of [A new case of facial paralysis on a terra cotta Hellenistic smyrniote. Icono-diagnosis and paleopathology of facial paralyses]](

Histoire des sciences médicales

[Research paper thumbnail of [Chloroquine cardiomyopathy revealed by complete atrio-ventricular block. A case report]](

Archives des maladies du coeur et des vaisseaux

We describe a rare case of chloroquine cardiomyopathy occurring during long term (7 years) treatm... more We describe a rare case of chloroquine cardiomyopathy occurring during long term (7 years) treatment for rheumatoid polyarthritis in a 42 year old woman. There was an isolated acute severe conduction defect, which is particularly rare. Histological study with the electron microscope allowed confirmation of this diagnosis. We report here the secondary cardiological effects of this frequently used synthetic antimalarial.

[Research paper thumbnail of [What paleopathology reveals about the fate of individuals with malformations in greco-roman antiquity]](

Research paper thumbnail of Lehmann, La repression des delits sexuels (Philippe Charlier)

Research paper thumbnail of Enamelomas in paleopathology: A report of three cases and a review of the literature

Paleopathology newsletter

[Research paper thumbnail of [The madness of Herakles in Euripides and Sophocles]](

Medicina nei secoli

In the ancient Greek world madness was conceived as a punishment sent by the gods to men found gu... more In the ancient Greek world madness was conceived as a punishment sent by the gods to men found guilty of various sins. Heralkes, who kills his wife Megara and their sons, is the best example of Greek literature offers of the tragic consequences of mental disease. The article conducts a medical observation of Sophocles' and Euripides' descriptions of Herakles' insanity.

Research paper thumbnail of Evolution of embalming methodology in Medieval and modern France (Agnès Sorel, the Duc de Berry, Louis the XI, Charlotte de Savoie)

Medicina nei secoli

The development of paleopathology and the use of techniques inspired by forensic medicine authori... more The development of paleopathology and the use of techniques inspired by forensic medicine authorise new observations about embalming methodology. We will discuss in this article five different examples taken from personal recent analysis dealing with aristocratic bodies from French Middle Ages to modern times. Botanical, mineralogical and toxicological studies were performed in order to better understand anatomic discoveries and technical facts.

Research paper thumbnail of « Idiopathic infantile bladder lithiasis. A case report from Roman Antiquity »

During the excavations of the Roman necropolis of Via della Serenissima (Rome, Italy, second to t... more During the excavations of the Roman necropolis of Via della Serenissima (Rome, Italy, second to third century AD), a biological calcification was noted in the pelvis of 5– to 6-year-old girl (tomb 3). Its elemental and crystallographic analysis showed the presence of ammonium urate and carbapatite, this last being classically associated with chronic urinary infections with urease-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli.

Research paper thumbnail of Stigmata et grammata dans les récits de guérisons miraculeuses d'Epidaure. Une nouvelle analyse sémantique et clinique (lien pour téléchargement indiqué ci-dessous)

Les récits de guérisons miraculeuses d'Épidaure ont fait l'objet de maintes interprétations et on... more Les récits de guérisons miraculeuses d'Épidaure ont fait l'objet de maintes interprétations et ont donné lieu à de nombreuses spéculations sur les pathologies qui s'y trouvaient décrites.
Ainsi, jusqu'à présent, les termes στίγματα et γράμματα étaient surtout interprétés comme des marques de tatouages d'esclaves fugitifs. En replaçant ces mots dans un contexte médical et grâce à une double analyse sémantique et pathologique, on parvient ici à poser un diagnostic retrospectif de l'affection qui touchaient deux patients du dieu Asklépios. La place de ce récit dans les iamata redevient ainsi pleinement justifiée.
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Research paper thumbnail of Toilet hygiene in the classical era

British Medical Journal, Dec 2012