Piotr A . Werner | University of Warsaw (original) (raw)
Papers by Piotr A . Werner
Logic Journal of the IGPL, 2024
Abstract COVID-19 did not disappear in the third year (2022) of the global pandemic. ... more Abstract
COVID-19 did not disappear in the third year (2022) of the global pandemic. On the contrary, the number of infected people several times exceeded the highs of previous years, but the greater morbidity was not accompanied by a relatively comparable number of deaths. Some studies showed that the SARS-CoV-2 virus impact, e.g. in CEE EU countries, characterizes the seasonal intensity as temperatures fall or rise in relative humidity. All researchers agree that the number of COVID-19-infected people is only an estimate based on the volume of tests performed and that the true numbers are usually much higher. The implementation of spatial interaction modeling could potentially aid in the control of the COVID-19 pandemic due to the inherently spatial nature of its diffusion. The gravity models used in this investigation to simulate the regional spread of the COVID-19 epidemic are based methodologically on previous empirical studies. The proposed methodology uses techniques for modeling spatial interactions due to the epidemics described above, which are a direct result of the number of contacts between individuals. The COVID-19 pandemic can be studied regionally using spatial diffusion methods as well as population potential models (spatial interaction models) and visualized using geographic information system software. Empirical verification and geovisualizations are based on available recent population and pandemic statistics that are possible to acquire from national health services. Methodologically, this type of modeling and simulation aimed at reconstructing a factual situation can be defined as abductive chorological inferring.
Prace i Studia Geograficzne, Mar 31, 2024
Nowadays, geographers and specialists in other disciplines perceive information and communication... more Nowadays, geographers and specialists in other disciplines perceive information and communication technologies, including GIS software, as part of the inevitable changes in practice and science (including geography). Recent ways of generating, processing, storing, analyzing and sharing data, creating and sharing texts, visualizing, mapping, analyzing, communicating ideas, video, podcasts, and presentations, sharing information, social networks and mainstream media are entirely dependent on computing technologies. Modern science in the digital age uses big data, artificial intelligence-machine learning methods (data mining, pattern recognition, geovisualization, spatial statistics, optimization and spatial simulation), which in turn have renewed interest in and ties with the fields of computational social sciences and data-driven geography, to gain deeper insights into quantitative, timescale , multi-resolution and multi-scale research. The tool and product of a geographer's research is, among other things, the map, a medium, a vehicle for geographic theories and ideas and a tool for conveying geo-information. However, the remediation of a traditional map into a digital map involves the transformation, addition, restriction or change of the meaning system of the original. The new digital medium arouses different attitudes, different emotions and triggers new practices of receiving geo-information among professionals and the public. Undoubtedly, this also applies to researchers-geographers who apply in their geospatial research multi-, interor transdisciplinary approaches based on different research paradigms. Integrated and problem-focused scientific discourse in geographic research and digital remediation of maps allow us to look at the future of (currently diversified) geographic research with some hope for its reintegration. The aim of the paper is to identify the possibilities, current and prospective paths and research topics of geography in Poland, which are interdisciplinary, combining the field of interest of physical, socioeconomic geographers and specialists of space economy, using the modern instrumentarium of information and communication technologies in geography, i.e. geographic information systems.
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2024 Workshops. ICCSA 2024., 2024
Disruptive innovations are unique products, processes, or combinations that deviate significantly... more Disruptive innovations are unique products, processes, or combinations that deviate significantly from previous offerings in the e-commerce market. These innovations originate from niche or emerging market segments and can disrupt established market entities. Disruptive theories emphasize the need for conformity before mainstream consumers adopt them. The main focus is on the verification of automated parcel containers as business process innovation. The growth of the market for automated parcel machines (APM) in Poland and European Union member states is influenced by the spatial distribution of APM and Out-of-Home Pick Up Drop Off access points (OOH PUDOs). Researchers in Poland used spatial autocorrelation analyses and Pearson correlation coefficients to study the links between population density and APM access points.
Prace i Studia Geograficzne , 2024
Nowadays, geographers and specialists in other disciplines perceive information and communication... more Nowadays, geographers and specialists in other disciplines perceive information and communication technologies, including GIS software, as part of the inevitable changes in practice and science (including geography). Recent ways of generating, processing, storing, analyzing and sharing data, creating and sharing texts, visualizing, mapping, analyzing, communicating ideas, video, podcasts, and presentations, sharing information, social networks and mainstream media are entirely dependent on computing technologies. Modern science in the digital age uses big data, artificial intelligence-machine learning methods (data mining, pattern recognition, geovisualization, spatial statistics, optimization and spatial simulation), which in turn have renewed interest in and ties with the fields of computational social sciences and data-driven geography, to gain deeper insights into quantitative, timescale , multi-resolution and multi-scale research. The tool and product of a geographer's research is, among other things, the map, a medium, a vehicle for geographic theories and ideas and a tool for conveying geo-information. However, the remediation of a traditional map into a digital map involves the transformation, addition, restriction or change of the meaning system of the original. The new digital medium arouses different attitudes, different emotions and triggers new practices of receiving geo-information among professionals and the public. Undoubtedly, this also applies to researchers-geographers who apply in their geospatial research multi-, interor transdisciplinary approaches based on different research paradigms. Integrated and problem-focused scientific discourse in geographic research and digital remediation of maps allow us to look at the future of (currently diversified) geographic research with some hope for its reintegration. The aim of the paper is to identify the possibilities, current and prospective paths and research topics of geography in Poland, which are interdisciplinary, combining the field of interest of physical, socioeconomic geographers and specialists of space economy, using the modern instrumentarium of information and communication technologies in geography, i.e. geographic information systems.
Geoinformatica Polonica, 2009
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023
efekt odbicia w Rozwoju technologii infoRmacyjnych i komunikacyjnych… w goSpodaRStwach domowych w... more efekt odbicia w Rozwoju technologii infoRmacyjnych i komunikacyjnych… w goSpodaRStwach domowych w polSce 1 Streszczenie: Wdrażanie technologii społeczeństwa informacyjnego w gospodarce, poprzez ograniczenie czasu operacji oraz kosztów materiałów i energii, ma służyć wzrostowi produktywności i wydajności. Rośnie popyt na taniejące w ostatnim czasie produkty i urządzenia technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (TIK)-zainteresowane nimi są zarówno firmy, jak i odbiorcy indywidualni. Stosowanie technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych w gospodarce sprzyja powstawaniu rozlicznych innowacyjnych przedsięwzięć. Ich wpływ na gospodarkę Polski, obok pozytywnych skutków kulturowych i edukacyjnych, jest analogiczny do znanego i opisywanego w literaturze efektu odbicia, który w rezultacie powoduje zwiększenie wykorzystania zasobów wtórnych nośników energii i zużycia energii elektrycznej. Słowa kluczowe: technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne, efekt odbicia, gospodarstwa domowe, energia elektryczna.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, 2018
Geografowie postrzegają technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne, w tym oprogramowanie GIS, jako ... more Geografowie postrzegają technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne, w tym oprogramowanie GIS, jako element nieuchronnych przemian w geografii. Część uważa, że są instrumentami pomocniczymi geografii, część zauważa „cyfrowy zwrot” (digital turn), który odnawia zainteresowanie i związki z takimi dziedzinami, jak computational social sciences oraz data-driven geography w celu uzyskania głębszego wglądu w badania ilościowe, w skali czasowej, wielorozdzielcze i wieloskalowe. Współcześnie różnorodność cyfrowych urządzeń, platform, aplikacji i usług jest nieodłącznym, normalnym i oczekiwanym elementem codziennego życia, a technologie cyfrowe są również standardem medialnym generowania i analizy wiedzy w badaniach jakościowych. W miarę postępu, komercjalizacji i popularyzacji technologii geoprzestrzennych, one same przyczyniają się do rozwoju ontologii i epistemologii przestrzennych. Analiza semantyczna artykułów opublikowanych w najważniejszych czasopismach naukowych dedykowanych różnym dysc...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2022
This article describes an original methodology for integrating global SIR-like epidemic models wi... more This article describes an original methodology for integrating global SIR-like epidemic models with spatial interaction models, which enables the forecasting of COVID-19 dynamics in Poland through time and space. Mobility level, estimated by the regional population density and distances among inhabitants, was the determining variable in the spatial interaction model. The spatiotemporal diffusion model, which allows the temporal prediction of case counts and the possibility of determining their spatial distribution, made it possible to forecast the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic at a regional level in Poland. This model was used to predict incidence in 380 counties in Poland, which represents a much more detailed modeling than NUTS 3 according to the widely used geocoding standard Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics. The research covered the entire territory of Poland in seven weeks of early 2021, just before the start of vaccination in Poland. The results were verifi...
Algorithms, 2020
The Reed-Solomon algorithm is well known in different fields of computer science. The novelty of ... more The Reed-Solomon algorithm is well known in different fields of computer science. The novelty of this study lies in the different interpretation of the algorithm itself and its scope of application for remote sensing, especially at the preparatory stage, i.e., data fusion. A short review of the attempts to use different data fusion approaches in geospatial technologies explains the possible usage of the algorithm. The rationale behind its application for data fusion is to include all possible information from all acquired spectral bands, assuming that complete composite information in the form of one compound image will improve both the quality of visualization and some aspects of further quantitative and qualitative analyses. The concept arose from an empirical, heuristic combination of geographic information systems (GIS), map algebra, and two-dimensional cellular automata. The challenges are related to handling big quantitative data sets and the awareness that these numbers are i...
Remote Sensing, 2021
The correlations between air temperatures, relative and absolute humidity, wind, cloudiness, prec... more The correlations between air temperatures, relative and absolute humidity, wind, cloudiness, precipitation and number of influenza cases have been extensively studied in the past. Because, initially, COVID-19 cases were similar to influenza cases, researchers were prompted to look for similar relationships. The aim of the study is to identify the effects of changes in air temperature on the number of COVID-19 infections in Poland. The hypothesis under consideration concerns an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases as temperature decreases. The spatial heterogeneity of the relationship under study during the first year and a half of the COVID-19 pandemic in Polish counties is thus revealed.
The idea for this publication was barn in June 2015, during a meeting of Polish teachers involved... more The idea for this publication was barn in June 2015, during a meeting of Polish teachers involved with Geographic lnformation Systems. The meeting was initiated by the Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Łodź, which received a grant to organize it. The discussion and presentations from academic teachers representing various universities in Poland were very interesting and sometimes heated. it would be advisable for other educators to familiarise themselves with the aspects of GIS education among Polish geographers, foresters, surveyors and other users. The experience of Geoinformation education in Poland is still modest, so the views of people who have been involved at Polish universities with it since the 1990s should be interesting to readers. Geographic lnformation Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor for economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies. A...
The paper deals with spatial (geographical) conditions for forthcoming 5G Mobile Technologies, es... more The paper deals with spatial (geographical) conditions for forthcoming 5G Mobile Technologies, especially their infrastructure at a global scale. The main assumption presents the idea that all networks, which evolved to converge together into one: internet and wireless computer networks, cellular mobile communication, radio and TV diffusion networks, constituting the infrastructure of information society are developing in the similar manner and depend on similar factors. Thus the spatial processes of these technologies should present alike spatial patterns of development, especially for expected IoT and wireless services, which are perceived as pillars of new networks usability. The main processes which let to interconnect them are related to convergence of the signal through the main gateways and interaction between users. The recognized spatial factors influencing on these processes are: the population potential, hierarchy of the cities (metropolitan urbanization) and geographical...
Information, 2018
Augmented reality (AR) combines information from databases with information derived directly thro... more Augmented reality (AR) combines information from databases with information derived directly through the human senses or different sensors. AR is the organic, real-time, and dynamically overlaying virtual images created by computers and other information on a real environment that the observer can see. Virtual information changes according to the movement of the observer, as if that virtual information truly exists in the real world. The convergence of geographic information systems (GIS), web mapping, mobile technology, and augmented reality (AR) implies the emergence of location based systems (LBS) and, in turn, the diminishing use of traditional analog maps by smartphone users. The focus and review of current achievements in this subject on the wider trends of the use of AR also prove that coding of some data and metadata on an image or a map (both in digital and analogue form) permits inter alia the inclusion of, for example, a paper map or analogue image into the chain of digit...
Proceedings, 2017
The idea of combining information from a database with information derived directly through the s... more The idea of combining information from a database with information derived directly through the senses is termed augmented reality. Augmented reality (AR) is that organically, in realtime and dynamically overlaying virtual images created by computers and other information on real environment which the observer sees. And when the observer moves in real environment, virtual information changes according to the movement, just like those virtual information truly exists in real world. AR is used with the mobile devices with GPS and WiFi connections. The user gives the system information to identify the desired destination, and the system then generates sufficient information. The disadvantages reveal themselves when there is no WiFi connection or there is no space in the storage of mobile device to maintain the image of the whole map. Then the traditional ways of recognition of localization must be used, most often with analogue (paper) map or image. The presentation of coding of some data and metadata on an image or a map (both in digital and analogue form) permits inter alia the inclusion of e.g., paper map or analogue image into the chain of digital devices use. Some solutions, remarks and comments concerning functioning of the digitally augmented (printed) map within the information society are presented.
Logic Journal of the IGPL, 2024
Abstract COVID-19 did not disappear in the third year (2022) of the global pandemic. ... more Abstract
COVID-19 did not disappear in the third year (2022) of the global pandemic. On the contrary, the number of infected people several times exceeded the highs of previous years, but the greater morbidity was not accompanied by a relatively comparable number of deaths. Some studies showed that the SARS-CoV-2 virus impact, e.g. in CEE EU countries, characterizes the seasonal intensity as temperatures fall or rise in relative humidity. All researchers agree that the number of COVID-19-infected people is only an estimate based on the volume of tests performed and that the true numbers are usually much higher. The implementation of spatial interaction modeling could potentially aid in the control of the COVID-19 pandemic due to the inherently spatial nature of its diffusion. The gravity models used in this investigation to simulate the regional spread of the COVID-19 epidemic are based methodologically on previous empirical studies. The proposed methodology uses techniques for modeling spatial interactions due to the epidemics described above, which are a direct result of the number of contacts between individuals. The COVID-19 pandemic can be studied regionally using spatial diffusion methods as well as population potential models (spatial interaction models) and visualized using geographic information system software. Empirical verification and geovisualizations are based on available recent population and pandemic statistics that are possible to acquire from national health services. Methodologically, this type of modeling and simulation aimed at reconstructing a factual situation can be defined as abductive chorological inferring.
Prace i Studia Geograficzne, Mar 31, 2024
Nowadays, geographers and specialists in other disciplines perceive information and communication... more Nowadays, geographers and specialists in other disciplines perceive information and communication technologies, including GIS software, as part of the inevitable changes in practice and science (including geography). Recent ways of generating, processing, storing, analyzing and sharing data, creating and sharing texts, visualizing, mapping, analyzing, communicating ideas, video, podcasts, and presentations, sharing information, social networks and mainstream media are entirely dependent on computing technologies. Modern science in the digital age uses big data, artificial intelligence-machine learning methods (data mining, pattern recognition, geovisualization, spatial statistics, optimization and spatial simulation), which in turn have renewed interest in and ties with the fields of computational social sciences and data-driven geography, to gain deeper insights into quantitative, timescale , multi-resolution and multi-scale research. The tool and product of a geographer's research is, among other things, the map, a medium, a vehicle for geographic theories and ideas and a tool for conveying geo-information. However, the remediation of a traditional map into a digital map involves the transformation, addition, restriction or change of the meaning system of the original. The new digital medium arouses different attitudes, different emotions and triggers new practices of receiving geo-information among professionals and the public. Undoubtedly, this also applies to researchers-geographers who apply in their geospatial research multi-, interor transdisciplinary approaches based on different research paradigms. Integrated and problem-focused scientific discourse in geographic research and digital remediation of maps allow us to look at the future of (currently diversified) geographic research with some hope for its reintegration. The aim of the paper is to identify the possibilities, current and prospective paths and research topics of geography in Poland, which are interdisciplinary, combining the field of interest of physical, socioeconomic geographers and specialists of space economy, using the modern instrumentarium of information and communication technologies in geography, i.e. geographic information systems.
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2024 Workshops. ICCSA 2024., 2024
Disruptive innovations are unique products, processes, or combinations that deviate significantly... more Disruptive innovations are unique products, processes, or combinations that deviate significantly from previous offerings in the e-commerce market. These innovations originate from niche or emerging market segments and can disrupt established market entities. Disruptive theories emphasize the need for conformity before mainstream consumers adopt them. The main focus is on the verification of automated parcel containers as business process innovation. The growth of the market for automated parcel machines (APM) in Poland and European Union member states is influenced by the spatial distribution of APM and Out-of-Home Pick Up Drop Off access points (OOH PUDOs). Researchers in Poland used spatial autocorrelation analyses and Pearson correlation coefficients to study the links between population density and APM access points.
Prace i Studia Geograficzne , 2024
Nowadays, geographers and specialists in other disciplines perceive information and communication... more Nowadays, geographers and specialists in other disciplines perceive information and communication technologies, including GIS software, as part of the inevitable changes in practice and science (including geography). Recent ways of generating, processing, storing, analyzing and sharing data, creating and sharing texts, visualizing, mapping, analyzing, communicating ideas, video, podcasts, and presentations, sharing information, social networks and mainstream media are entirely dependent on computing technologies. Modern science in the digital age uses big data, artificial intelligence-machine learning methods (data mining, pattern recognition, geovisualization, spatial statistics, optimization and spatial simulation), which in turn have renewed interest in and ties with the fields of computational social sciences and data-driven geography, to gain deeper insights into quantitative, timescale , multi-resolution and multi-scale research. The tool and product of a geographer's research is, among other things, the map, a medium, a vehicle for geographic theories and ideas and a tool for conveying geo-information. However, the remediation of a traditional map into a digital map involves the transformation, addition, restriction or change of the meaning system of the original. The new digital medium arouses different attitudes, different emotions and triggers new practices of receiving geo-information among professionals and the public. Undoubtedly, this also applies to researchers-geographers who apply in their geospatial research multi-, interor transdisciplinary approaches based on different research paradigms. Integrated and problem-focused scientific discourse in geographic research and digital remediation of maps allow us to look at the future of (currently diversified) geographic research with some hope for its reintegration. The aim of the paper is to identify the possibilities, current and prospective paths and research topics of geography in Poland, which are interdisciplinary, combining the field of interest of physical, socioeconomic geographers and specialists of space economy, using the modern instrumentarium of information and communication technologies in geography, i.e. geographic information systems.
Geoinformatica Polonica, 2009
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023
efekt odbicia w Rozwoju technologii infoRmacyjnych i komunikacyjnych… w goSpodaRStwach domowych w... more efekt odbicia w Rozwoju technologii infoRmacyjnych i komunikacyjnych… w goSpodaRStwach domowych w polSce 1 Streszczenie: Wdrażanie technologii społeczeństwa informacyjnego w gospodarce, poprzez ograniczenie czasu operacji oraz kosztów materiałów i energii, ma służyć wzrostowi produktywności i wydajności. Rośnie popyt na taniejące w ostatnim czasie produkty i urządzenia technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (TIK)-zainteresowane nimi są zarówno firmy, jak i odbiorcy indywidualni. Stosowanie technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych w gospodarce sprzyja powstawaniu rozlicznych innowacyjnych przedsięwzięć. Ich wpływ na gospodarkę Polski, obok pozytywnych skutków kulturowych i edukacyjnych, jest analogiczny do znanego i opisywanego w literaturze efektu odbicia, który w rezultacie powoduje zwiększenie wykorzystania zasobów wtórnych nośników energii i zużycia energii elektrycznej. Słowa kluczowe: technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne, efekt odbicia, gospodarstwa domowe, energia elektryczna.
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Socio-Oeconomica, 2018
Geografowie postrzegają technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne, w tym oprogramowanie GIS, jako ... more Geografowie postrzegają technologie informacyjne i komunikacyjne, w tym oprogramowanie GIS, jako element nieuchronnych przemian w geografii. Część uważa, że są instrumentami pomocniczymi geografii, część zauważa „cyfrowy zwrot” (digital turn), który odnawia zainteresowanie i związki z takimi dziedzinami, jak computational social sciences oraz data-driven geography w celu uzyskania głębszego wglądu w badania ilościowe, w skali czasowej, wielorozdzielcze i wieloskalowe. Współcześnie różnorodność cyfrowych urządzeń, platform, aplikacji i usług jest nieodłącznym, normalnym i oczekiwanym elementem codziennego życia, a technologie cyfrowe są również standardem medialnym generowania i analizy wiedzy w badaniach jakościowych. W miarę postępu, komercjalizacji i popularyzacji technologii geoprzestrzennych, one same przyczyniają się do rozwoju ontologii i epistemologii przestrzennych. Analiza semantyczna artykułów opublikowanych w najważniejszych czasopismach naukowych dedykowanych różnym dysc...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2022
This article describes an original methodology for integrating global SIR-like epidemic models wi... more This article describes an original methodology for integrating global SIR-like epidemic models with spatial interaction models, which enables the forecasting of COVID-19 dynamics in Poland through time and space. Mobility level, estimated by the regional population density and distances among inhabitants, was the determining variable in the spatial interaction model. The spatiotemporal diffusion model, which allows the temporal prediction of case counts and the possibility of determining their spatial distribution, made it possible to forecast the dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic at a regional level in Poland. This model was used to predict incidence in 380 counties in Poland, which represents a much more detailed modeling than NUTS 3 according to the widely used geocoding standard Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics. The research covered the entire territory of Poland in seven weeks of early 2021, just before the start of vaccination in Poland. The results were verifi...
Algorithms, 2020
The Reed-Solomon algorithm is well known in different fields of computer science. The novelty of ... more The Reed-Solomon algorithm is well known in different fields of computer science. The novelty of this study lies in the different interpretation of the algorithm itself and its scope of application for remote sensing, especially at the preparatory stage, i.e., data fusion. A short review of the attempts to use different data fusion approaches in geospatial technologies explains the possible usage of the algorithm. The rationale behind its application for data fusion is to include all possible information from all acquired spectral bands, assuming that complete composite information in the form of one compound image will improve both the quality of visualization and some aspects of further quantitative and qualitative analyses. The concept arose from an empirical, heuristic combination of geographic information systems (GIS), map algebra, and two-dimensional cellular automata. The challenges are related to handling big quantitative data sets and the awareness that these numbers are i...
Remote Sensing, 2021
The correlations between air temperatures, relative and absolute humidity, wind, cloudiness, prec... more The correlations between air temperatures, relative and absolute humidity, wind, cloudiness, precipitation and number of influenza cases have been extensively studied in the past. Because, initially, COVID-19 cases were similar to influenza cases, researchers were prompted to look for similar relationships. The aim of the study is to identify the effects of changes in air temperature on the number of COVID-19 infections in Poland. The hypothesis under consideration concerns an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases as temperature decreases. The spatial heterogeneity of the relationship under study during the first year and a half of the COVID-19 pandemic in Polish counties is thus revealed.
The idea for this publication was barn in June 2015, during a meeting of Polish teachers involved... more The idea for this publication was barn in June 2015, during a meeting of Polish teachers involved with Geographic lnformation Systems. The meeting was initiated by the Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Łodź, which received a grant to organize it. The discussion and presentations from academic teachers representing various universities in Poland were very interesting and sometimes heated. it would be advisable for other educators to familiarise themselves with the aspects of GIS education among Polish geographers, foresters, surveyors and other users. The experience of Geoinformation education in Poland is still modest, so the views of people who have been involved at Polish universities with it since the 1990s should be interesting to readers. Geographic lnformation Systems (GIS) – the integration of environmental and climate issues as an important factor for economic development and quality of life – an innovative second-degree studies. A...
The paper deals with spatial (geographical) conditions for forthcoming 5G Mobile Technologies, es... more The paper deals with spatial (geographical) conditions for forthcoming 5G Mobile Technologies, especially their infrastructure at a global scale. The main assumption presents the idea that all networks, which evolved to converge together into one: internet and wireless computer networks, cellular mobile communication, radio and TV diffusion networks, constituting the infrastructure of information society are developing in the similar manner and depend on similar factors. Thus the spatial processes of these technologies should present alike spatial patterns of development, especially for expected IoT and wireless services, which are perceived as pillars of new networks usability. The main processes which let to interconnect them are related to convergence of the signal through the main gateways and interaction between users. The recognized spatial factors influencing on these processes are: the population potential, hierarchy of the cities (metropolitan urbanization) and geographical...
Information, 2018
Augmented reality (AR) combines information from databases with information derived directly thro... more Augmented reality (AR) combines information from databases with information derived directly through the human senses or different sensors. AR is the organic, real-time, and dynamically overlaying virtual images created by computers and other information on a real environment that the observer can see. Virtual information changes according to the movement of the observer, as if that virtual information truly exists in the real world. The convergence of geographic information systems (GIS), web mapping, mobile technology, and augmented reality (AR) implies the emergence of location based systems (LBS) and, in turn, the diminishing use of traditional analog maps by smartphone users. The focus and review of current achievements in this subject on the wider trends of the use of AR also prove that coding of some data and metadata on an image or a map (both in digital and analogue form) permits inter alia the inclusion of, for example, a paper map or analogue image into the chain of digit...
Proceedings, 2017
The idea of combining information from a database with information derived directly through the s... more The idea of combining information from a database with information derived directly through the senses is termed augmented reality. Augmented reality (AR) is that organically, in realtime and dynamically overlaying virtual images created by computers and other information on real environment which the observer sees. And when the observer moves in real environment, virtual information changes according to the movement, just like those virtual information truly exists in real world. AR is used with the mobile devices with GPS and WiFi connections. The user gives the system information to identify the desired destination, and the system then generates sufficient information. The disadvantages reveal themselves when there is no WiFi connection or there is no space in the storage of mobile device to maintain the image of the whole map. Then the traditional ways of recognition of localization must be used, most often with analogue (paper) map or image. The presentation of coding of some data and metadata on an image or a map (both in digital and analogue form) permits inter alia the inclusion of e.g., paper map or analogue image into the chain of digital devices use. Some solutions, remarks and comments concerning functioning of the digitally augmented (printed) map within the information society are presented.
Geo-information for Disaster Monitoring and Management, 2024
An innovative approach was developed to forecast the spatiotemporal dynamics of COVID-19. This in... more An innovative approach was developed to forecast the spatiotemporal dynamics of COVID-19. This involved integrating global compartmental epidemic models with spatial interaction models using a metapopulation framework. The methodology was assessed using specific cases from distinct time periods in Poland, Germany, and the Czech Republic. The spatial interaction models incorporated mobility as a key determinant, estimated based on anticipated contact numbers, regional population, and resident distances. The spatial diffusion model enabled the temporal prediction of COVID-19 cases and the simulation of their spatial distribution, reflecting expected regional pandemic dynamics. This model facilitated predicting disease incidence in various counties and districts, following the NUTS geocoding standard. In 2022, the investigation spanned the entirety of Poland, Germany, and the Czech Republic at different times during the third year of the pandemic. Validation was performed using official epidemiological data from national sanitary epidemiology services. Analysis results revealed that integrating epidemiological models with spatial interaction models, particularly unconstrained gravity models and destination-constrained models, achieved a determination coefficient of nearly 90%. This high coefficient indicated a strong fit of the model to the spatiotemporal distribution of the validation data.
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2019: 19th International Conference, Saint Petersburg, Russia, July 1–4, 2019, Proceedings, Part III , 2019
The paper deals with spatial (geographical) conditions for forthcoming 5G Mobile Technologies, es... more The paper deals with spatial (geographical) conditions for forthcoming 5G Mobile Technologies, especially their infrastructure at a global scale. The main assumption presents the idea that all networks, which evolved to converge together into one: internet and wireless computer networks, cellular mobile communication, radio and TV diffusion networks, constituting the infrastructure of information society are developing in the similar manner and depend on similar factors. Thus the spatial processes of these technologies should present alike spatial patterns of development, especially for expected IoT and wireless services, which are perceived as pillars of new networks usability. The main processes which let to interconnect them are related to convergence of the signal through the main gateways and interaction between users. The recognized spatial factors influencing on these processes are: the population potential, hierarchy of the cities (metropolitan urbanization) and geographical distance. These qualities are recognized and quantified in a set of models of spatial pattern development using the dedicated spatial (geographical) measures. The empirical approach involves the use of location quotients of infrastructure networks confronted with evaluated level of interaction between populated urban places applied to previous generation of mobile networks (estimated using geographical - population potential), verified by countries’ mobile penetration statistics.
Korcelli, Piotr, Elżbieta Kozubek, and Piotr Werner. 2016. Zmiany użytkowania ziemi a interakcje ... more Korcelli, Piotr, Elżbieta Kozubek, and Piotr Werner. 2016. Zmiany użytkowania ziemi a interakcje przestrzenne na obszarach metropolitalnych Polski. Vol. 254. Prace Geograficzne. Instytu Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania PAN.
The study aims at the measurement and evaluation of interdependence between spatial interactions and land use change. Among the research objectives is the identification of some external effects that stem from this relationship. Land use, formally defined as spatial distribution of individual forms of land cover patches, utilized or not utilized by humans, is also identified with socio-economic description of the land surface. The analysis focuses on population development as a factor of land use change.
Among the metropolitan areas included in the study (12 in total), those of Warsaw, Katowice (the Upper Silesian Conurbation), Cracow, Łódź, Gdańsk-Gdynia, Wrocław, Poznań, Bydgoszcz-Toruń, Szczecin and Lublin, were selected according to the list presented in Poland's Spatial Development Concept till 2030. This set was enlarged for the purpose of the present study, by adding the functional areas of Rzeszów and Białystok which are considered as potential, or prospective metropolitan areas in numerous, both research and policy - related studies.
The boundaries of the metropolitan areas were delineated so as to encompass those local administrative units of NUTS-5 level (gmina, i.e. municipalities) that are contained within the commuting sheds that surround the main cities - the metropolitan centers. Their delineation is therefore consistent with the Urban Audit framework. At the national level, the twelve metropolitan areas represent the main foci for higher-order specialized functions, including those in the sphere of science, culture, education, as well as advanced professional services. Over the last two decades, these areas have experienced intense, both functional and physical transformation. They attract capital and in-migration flows, and are the scene of active sub-urbanization and peri-urbanization processes. These involve the extension of built-up areas and formation of multi-functional urban-rural spaces. In this process, they also bring about serious consequences to the quality and sustaining capacity of the natural environment.
The intensity of spatial interactions which represent a proxy indicator of the demand for space by resident and economic activities, is measured by applying the population potential model. Changes in land use, in turn, are evaluated by calculating values of the entropu quotient for selected points in time. The analysis which was carried out at the municipalities level, covers three consecutive time periods of: 1990-2000, 2000-2006 and 2006-2012, i.e. those for which the Corine Land Cover database is available.
The analytical tool applied, inaddition to spatial interaction and entropy models, involved GIS software, dedicated (the authors' application) software for cellular automata, as well as map algebra. It was possible to define and to identify possible location of some externalities that arise out of spatial and temporal relations between the changing intensity of spatial interactions and the observed land use changes. These relations were generalized in the form of a typological scheme that accounts for specific, dynamic categories of space organization. They represent the evolving development patterns, as observed in the case of metropolitan areas under study. The categories in question are defined as follows: (a) Urban Expansion; (b) Urban Conservation; (c) Urban Containment, and (d) Urban Stability. The analysis was supplemented by mapping neighbourhood patterns of land use, and indentifing their typical configurations for indivudal areas and for selected points in time.
The idea of combining information from a database with information derived directly through the s... more The idea of combining information from a database with information derived directly through the senses is termed augmented reality. Augmented reality (AR) is that organically, in real-time and dynamically overlaying virtual images created by computers and other information on real environment which the observer sees. And when the observer moves in real environment, virtual information changes according to the movement, just like those virtual information truly exists in real world.
AR is used with the mobile devices with GPS and WiFi connections. The user gives the system information to identify the desired destination, and the system then generates sufficient information. The disadvantages reveal themselves when there is no WiFi connection or there is no space in the storage of mobile device to maintain the image of the whole map. Then the traditional ways of recognition of localization must be used, most often with analogue (paper) map or image.
The presentation of coding of some data and metadata on an image or a map (both in digital and analogue form) permits inter alia the inclusion of e.g. paper map or analogue image into the chain of digital devices use. Some solutions, remarks and comments concerning functioning of the digitally augmented (printed) map within the information society are presented.
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2020, 2020
Urban sprawl directly affects on length of commuting. Acquisition of commuting data is based on t... more Urban sprawl directly affects on length of commuting. Acquisition of commuting data is based on theoretical (deductive) approaches, limited individual small observation samples or indirect phenomena like e.g. remote sensing night light data images. Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) make possible deeper insight into the daily spatial footprint of commuting and is related to urban sprawl. Data acquired during the collection of VGI data reveal some new aspects of spatial phenomena, which can be additionally analyzed. VGI data concerning spatial phenomena involve both geotagging as well time stamps of acquisition, which in turn make possible indirectly inferring about spatial and temporal move of people. Analysis of the available spatial and temporal VGI data in context of national surveying acquired resources (INSPIRE) and confronted to modelling approach of commuting is the subject of pilot study of Warsaw functional urban area. The results are promising due to inter alia, generalization of huge volume real data observations set unlike to formerly used theoretical modelling.