Urszula Markowska | University of Warsaw (original) (raw)
Papers by Urszula Markowska
Streszczenie Przygotowanie niepełnoletnich rekrutów do zabijania było i jest centralną osią wielu... more Streszczenie
Przygotowanie niepełnoletnich rekrutów do zabijania było i jest centralną osią wielu wojennych mobilizacji. Dzieci i młodzież – wcielane pod przymusem bądź dobrowolnie zasilające szeregi armii i bojówek – odgrywają kluczową rolę w tych działaniach. Stąd w tekście omówione zostały praktyki rekrutacji i przygotowania dzieci do walk w charakterze żołnierzy i ich pomocników w wojnach i konfliktach zbrojnych na kontynencie afrykańskim ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ostatniej dekady. Termin „złe dzieci” użyty w tytule tekstu ma dwojakie znaczenie. Po pierwsze symbolizuje zawarte w dyskursie jednostronne, stereotypowe reprodukcje i medialne prezentacje dzieci-żołnierzy jako złych, wykolejonych i zagrażających społecznemu porządkowi, czyli tych, dla których nie ma już miejsca w społeczeństwie. Drugie zaś znaczenie to metafora aberracji, jakich dzieci-żołnierze doświadczają i jakim są poddawane w procesie wychowania do zabijania ze strony dorosłych w coraz bardziej radykalizujących się środowiskach.
Druk i oprawa: Oficyna Wydawniczo-Poligraficzna "Adam" 02-729 Warszawa, ul. Rolna 191/193 tel. 22... more Druk i oprawa: Oficyna Wydawniczo-Poligraficzna "Adam" 02-729 Warszawa, ul. Rolna 191/193 tel. 22 843 37 23, 22 843 08 79, tel./fax 22 843 20 52 ISBN: 978-83-8090-163-6 (wersja drukowana) 978-83-8090-164-3 (wersja elektroniczna)
The text outlines fragments of Georgian Romani and Dom children's reality through the prism of th... more The text outlines fragments of Georgian Romani and Dom children's reality through the prism of their everyday life and educational practices. Romani (or Roma) and Dom children are usually perceived by the majority of society as well as by national and ethnic minorities as an identical, uniform group. Their images are burdened with stereotypes and they themselves -as begging participants in public space -have become inconvenient for the majority of the society, hence excluded and marginalized. With regard to social representations, Roma and Dom children can be included in the category of "street children", children "out of place", "invisible" children, and children remaining "at the crossroads" of tradition and postmodernity. A portrayal of the situation of Roma and Dom minorities in Georgia reveals the reality of children in big city environments as well as the dimensions of their social exclusion and poverty. The text was written within field research: "The forgotten minorities in
Con el apoyo del Programa de Aprendizaje Permanente de la Comisión Europea.
Ured Europske komisije, kao ni bilo koja osoba koja ga zastupa, nije odgovoran za način na koji s... more Ured Europske komisije, kao ni bilo koja osoba koja ga zastupa, nije odgovoran za način na koji se koriste informacije iz ove publikacije. Europska komisija ne odgovara za vanjske internetske stranice na koje upućuju tekstovi u ovoj publikaciji. Za reprodukciju ili upotrebu sadržaja ovog udžbenika nisu potrebna posebna dopuštenja osim točne upute na autore poglavlja. Pri citiranju ovu publikaciju treba navesti kao: Djeca i zabrana diskriminacije. Interdisciplinarni udžbenik. CREAN. Naslov originala: Dagmar Kutsar and Hanne Warming (Eds). Children and Non-Discrimination. An Interdisciplinary Textbook. CREAN. Tartu: University Press of Estonia, 2014 Urednica hrvatskog izdanja: izv. prof. dr. sc. Irena Majstorović S engleskog preveo: Miljen Matijašević Uz potporu Programa cjeloživotnog učenja Europske unije (Lifelong Learning Programme). ISBN 978-9949-9654-5-8 (print) ISBN 978-9949-9654-6-5 (pdf) University Press of Estonia, 2015 Predgovor 5 PREDGOVOR Rita Nunes, Dagmar Kutsar, Hanne Warming Mr . Rita Nunes radi kao istraživačica na Institutu za interkulturalno obrazovanje i na Odsjeku za ustavno i upravno pravo na Slobodnom sveučilištu u Berlinu. Koordinatorica je Erasmusove akademske mreže za prava djece (CREAN) te Europske mreže magistara prava djece (ENMCR). rita.nunes@fu-berlin.de Dr. sc. Dagmar Kutsar, urednica ovog udžbenika, radi kao izvanredni profesor na Sveučilištu u Tartu u Estoniji. Koordinatorica je nastavnog modula prava i dobrobit djece u okviru magistarskog studija Socijalni rad i socijalna politika na Sveučilištu u Tartu. dagmar.kutsar@ut.ee Dr. sc. Hanne Warming, suurednica ovog udžbenika, redoviti je profesor sociologije, djetinjstva i socijalnog rada te voditeljica istraživačke skupine 'Mijenjanje društava: građanstvo, sudjelovanje i moć' na Odsjeku za društvo i globalizaciju Sveučilišta u Roskildeu, Danska. Bavi se pravima djece kao član odbora danske nevladine udruge 'Dobrobit djece' . hannew@ruc.dk 8 Rita Nunes, Dagmar Kutsar, Hanne Warming ZAHVALE Ovaj interdisciplinarni udžbenik završni je proizvod istraživanja koja su provodili partneri mreže CREAN. Financijska sredstva osigurao je Program cjeloživotnog učenja Europske komisije. Urednici ovim putem zahvaljuju svim autorima koji su dali svoj doprinos ovom priručniku na njihovoj mudrosti, predanosti i strasti kojima pristupaju problemima prava djece. Nadalje, zahvaljujemo recenzentima na podršci i korisnim primjedbama. Zahvaljujemo Izdavaču estonskih sveučilišta što nam je ponudio objaviti ovaj udžbenik. Također zahvaljujemo pomoćnicima urednika Knutu Heidelku i Maditi Siddique na njihovom vrijednom doprinosu pri uređivanju i korigiranju konačnih verzija poglavlja. Uvod. 9
ISBN 978-9949-9710-3-9 (print) ISBN 978-9949-9710-4-6 (pdf)
Erasmus Ακαδημαϊκό Δίκτυο για τα Δικαιώματα του Παιδιού Children's Rights Erasmus Academic Networ... more Erasmus Ακαδημαϊκό Δίκτυο για τα Δικαιώματα του Παιδιού Children's Rights Erasmus Academic Network (CREAN) Με την υποστήριξη του Προγράμματος Δια Βίου Μάθησης της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή και πρόσωπα τα οποία ενεργούν αντ` αυτής δεν φέρουν ευθύνη για τη χρήση των πληροφοριών που περιλαμβάνονται στην παρούσα έκδοση. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή δεν φέρει ευθύνη για τους εξωτερικούς ιστότοπους οι οποίοι αναφέρονται στην παρούσα έκδοση. Καμία άδεια δεν απαιτείται για την αναπαραγωγή ή χρήση των περιεχομένων αυτής της έκδοσης, εκτός από την ορθή αναφορά στους συγγραφείς των κεφαλαίων. Η αναφορά στην παρούσα έκδοση είναι Dagmar Kutsar and Hanne Warming (Eds). Children and Non-Discrimination. An Interdisciplinary Textbook. CREAN. University Press of Estonia, 2014. ISBN 978-9949-9710-5-3 (print) ISBN 978-9949-9710-6-0 (pdf) University Press of Estonia, 2015 ΠΡΟΟΙΜΙΟ 5 ΠΡΟΟΙΜΙΟ Rita Nunes, Dagmar Kutsar, Hanne Warming
A b s tract: The text concerns the situation of culturally different children in the environment ... more A b s tract: The text concerns the situation of culturally different children in the environment of Polish
schools. The aim of the research project realized in the years 2011–2013 was to study the process of „rooting”
and „adaptation” (foreign children becoming „familiar with” the host society/community and the host society/
/community becoming „familiar with” foreign children) of children from three diverse cultural groups in Poland:
the Chechens as well as the culturally heterogeneous groups of Arab (Arabs) and African (Africans) origin.
In the text we present research goals, discuss a heterogeneous groups of culturally different children and point
at a pedagogical perspective of adaptation and functioning of „culturally different” children in a mono- and
multicultural family and school environment, in a peer group as well as in a local environment.
K eywor ds : Foreign children, children from multicultural families in Polish schools, school environment,
qualitative research, Chechen children’s dance groups.
Streszczenie Przygotowanie niepełnoletnich rekrutów do zabijania było i jest centralną osią wielu... more Streszczenie
Przygotowanie niepełnoletnich rekrutów do zabijania było i jest centralną osią wielu wojennych mobilizacji. Dzieci i młodzież – wcielane pod przymusem bądź dobrowolnie zasilające szeregi armii i bojówek – odgrywają kluczową rolę w tych działaniach. Stąd w tekście omówione zostały praktyki rekrutacji i przygotowania dzieci do walk w charakterze żołnierzy i ich pomocników w wojnach i konfliktach zbrojnych na kontynencie afrykańskim ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ostatniej dekady. Termin „złe dzieci” użyty w tytule tekstu ma dwojakie znaczenie. Po pierwsze symbolizuje zawarte w dyskursie jednostronne, stereotypowe reprodukcje i medialne prezentacje dzieci-żołnierzy jako złych, wykolejonych i zagrażających społecznemu porządkowi, czyli tych, dla których nie ma już miejsca w społeczeństwie. Drugie zaś znaczenie to metafora aberracji, jakich dzieci-żołnierze doświadczają i jakim są poddawane w procesie wychowania do zabijania ze strony dorosłych w coraz bardziej radykalizujących się środowiskach.
Druk i oprawa: Oficyna Wydawniczo-Poligraficzna "Adam" 02-729 Warszawa, ul. Rolna 191/193 tel. 22... more Druk i oprawa: Oficyna Wydawniczo-Poligraficzna "Adam" 02-729 Warszawa, ul. Rolna 191/193 tel. 22 843 37 23, 22 843 08 79, tel./fax 22 843 20 52 ISBN: 978-83-8090-163-6 (wersja drukowana) 978-83-8090-164-3 (wersja elektroniczna)
The text outlines fragments of Georgian Romani and Dom children's reality through the prism of th... more The text outlines fragments of Georgian Romani and Dom children's reality through the prism of their everyday life and educational practices. Romani (or Roma) and Dom children are usually perceived by the majority of society as well as by national and ethnic minorities as an identical, uniform group. Their images are burdened with stereotypes and they themselves -as begging participants in public space -have become inconvenient for the majority of the society, hence excluded and marginalized. With regard to social representations, Roma and Dom children can be included in the category of "street children", children "out of place", "invisible" children, and children remaining "at the crossroads" of tradition and postmodernity. A portrayal of the situation of Roma and Dom minorities in Georgia reveals the reality of children in big city environments as well as the dimensions of their social exclusion and poverty. The text was written within field research: "The forgotten minorities in
Con el apoyo del Programa de Aprendizaje Permanente de la Comisión Europea.
Ured Europske komisije, kao ni bilo koja osoba koja ga zastupa, nije odgovoran za način na koji s... more Ured Europske komisije, kao ni bilo koja osoba koja ga zastupa, nije odgovoran za način na koji se koriste informacije iz ove publikacije. Europska komisija ne odgovara za vanjske internetske stranice na koje upućuju tekstovi u ovoj publikaciji. Za reprodukciju ili upotrebu sadržaja ovog udžbenika nisu potrebna posebna dopuštenja osim točne upute na autore poglavlja. Pri citiranju ovu publikaciju treba navesti kao: Djeca i zabrana diskriminacije. Interdisciplinarni udžbenik. CREAN. Naslov originala: Dagmar Kutsar and Hanne Warming (Eds). Children and Non-Discrimination. An Interdisciplinary Textbook. CREAN. Tartu: University Press of Estonia, 2014 Urednica hrvatskog izdanja: izv. prof. dr. sc. Irena Majstorović S engleskog preveo: Miljen Matijašević Uz potporu Programa cjeloživotnog učenja Europske unije (Lifelong Learning Programme). ISBN 978-9949-9654-5-8 (print) ISBN 978-9949-9654-6-5 (pdf) University Press of Estonia, 2015 Predgovor 5 PREDGOVOR Rita Nunes, Dagmar Kutsar, Hanne Warming Mr . Rita Nunes radi kao istraživačica na Institutu za interkulturalno obrazovanje i na Odsjeku za ustavno i upravno pravo na Slobodnom sveučilištu u Berlinu. Koordinatorica je Erasmusove akademske mreže za prava djece (CREAN) te Europske mreže magistara prava djece (ENMCR). rita.nunes@fu-berlin.de Dr. sc. Dagmar Kutsar, urednica ovog udžbenika, radi kao izvanredni profesor na Sveučilištu u Tartu u Estoniji. Koordinatorica je nastavnog modula prava i dobrobit djece u okviru magistarskog studija Socijalni rad i socijalna politika na Sveučilištu u Tartu. dagmar.kutsar@ut.ee Dr. sc. Hanne Warming, suurednica ovog udžbenika, redoviti je profesor sociologije, djetinjstva i socijalnog rada te voditeljica istraživačke skupine 'Mijenjanje društava: građanstvo, sudjelovanje i moć' na Odsjeku za društvo i globalizaciju Sveučilišta u Roskildeu, Danska. Bavi se pravima djece kao član odbora danske nevladine udruge 'Dobrobit djece' . hannew@ruc.dk 8 Rita Nunes, Dagmar Kutsar, Hanne Warming ZAHVALE Ovaj interdisciplinarni udžbenik završni je proizvod istraživanja koja su provodili partneri mreže CREAN. Financijska sredstva osigurao je Program cjeloživotnog učenja Europske komisije. Urednici ovim putem zahvaljuju svim autorima koji su dali svoj doprinos ovom priručniku na njihovoj mudrosti, predanosti i strasti kojima pristupaju problemima prava djece. Nadalje, zahvaljujemo recenzentima na podršci i korisnim primjedbama. Zahvaljujemo Izdavaču estonskih sveučilišta što nam je ponudio objaviti ovaj udžbenik. Također zahvaljujemo pomoćnicima urednika Knutu Heidelku i Maditi Siddique na njihovom vrijednom doprinosu pri uređivanju i korigiranju konačnih verzija poglavlja. Uvod. 9
ISBN 978-9949-9710-3-9 (print) ISBN 978-9949-9710-4-6 (pdf)
Erasmus Ακαδημαϊκό Δίκτυο για τα Δικαιώματα του Παιδιού Children's Rights Erasmus Academic Networ... more Erasmus Ακαδημαϊκό Δίκτυο για τα Δικαιώματα του Παιδιού Children's Rights Erasmus Academic Network (CREAN) Με την υποστήριξη του Προγράμματος Δια Βίου Μάθησης της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή και πρόσωπα τα οποία ενεργούν αντ` αυτής δεν φέρουν ευθύνη για τη χρήση των πληροφοριών που περιλαμβάνονται στην παρούσα έκδοση. Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή δεν φέρει ευθύνη για τους εξωτερικούς ιστότοπους οι οποίοι αναφέρονται στην παρούσα έκδοση. Καμία άδεια δεν απαιτείται για την αναπαραγωγή ή χρήση των περιεχομένων αυτής της έκδοσης, εκτός από την ορθή αναφορά στους συγγραφείς των κεφαλαίων. Η αναφορά στην παρούσα έκδοση είναι Dagmar Kutsar and Hanne Warming (Eds). Children and Non-Discrimination. An Interdisciplinary Textbook. CREAN. University Press of Estonia, 2014. ISBN 978-9949-9710-5-3 (print) ISBN 978-9949-9710-6-0 (pdf) University Press of Estonia, 2015 ΠΡΟΟΙΜΙΟ 5 ΠΡΟΟΙΜΙΟ Rita Nunes, Dagmar Kutsar, Hanne Warming
A b s tract: The text concerns the situation of culturally different children in the environment ... more A b s tract: The text concerns the situation of culturally different children in the environment of Polish
schools. The aim of the research project realized in the years 2011–2013 was to study the process of „rooting”
and „adaptation” (foreign children becoming „familiar with” the host society/community and the host society/
/community becoming „familiar with” foreign children) of children from three diverse cultural groups in Poland:
the Chechens as well as the culturally heterogeneous groups of Arab (Arabs) and African (Africans) origin.
In the text we present research goals, discuss a heterogeneous groups of culturally different children and point
at a pedagogical perspective of adaptation and functioning of „culturally different” children in a mono- and
multicultural family and school environment, in a peer group as well as in a local environment.
K eywor ds : Foreign children, children from multicultural families in Polish schools, school environment,
qualitative research, Chechen children’s dance groups.
by Anna Odrowaz-Coates, DR. SRIBAS GOSWAMI, Mariusz Baranowski, Urszula Markowska, Philipp Altmann, Luca Salmieri, Magdalena Lemańczyk, Pawel Popielinski, Dr Basia Vucic, Darrick Smith, Kamalini Mukherjee, Yohanna Waliya, and Annelies Abelmann
The file contains the full text of the book, published in 2017 in Warsaw. From Foreward: "This ed... more The file contains the full text of the book, published in 2017 in Warsaw. From Foreward:
"This edited volume about the educational, social and political issues of the globalized
world, is a collection of chapters by experienced academics from many different countries
that are directly or indirectly entangled in the post-colonial social and economic milieu.
The chapters come from Algeria, Ecuador, India, Italy, Netherlands, Nigeria, Poland, the
UK and the USA. The book offers original ways of understating the social and educational
contexts of globalized societies, through the critical lens of a post-colonial framing. In
the title, the word ‘contexts’ refers to the inescapable social and educational environments
that one is immersed in during their upbringing and throughout adult life. In some of the
chapters we find discussions on the sociological aspects of the environment in which the
education is constructed and delivered, in others we find the interconnectivity between
the sociological aspects of life and the systems of education. The issues of social inclusion
and exclusion are ever-present in each of the chapters and power relations are carefully
examined, questioning the ideological and economic underpinning of education and the
world’s social stratification. Due to the cross-continental nature of the book, the principle
of world ‘englishes’ is willingly adopted, entrusting that the chapters will gain a global
The editors endeavour to allow contributors free expression of their personal beliefs,
to create openness and space for passionate and sometimes ‘non-standard’ approaches, in
order to avoid the routine of false objectivity. This is coherent with the nature of this book,
which aims to reach out for innovative ways of understanding and describing the socioeducational
matrixes we all function in."....
The book Introspective Approach to Women's Intercultural Fieldwork, edited by Urszula Markowska-M... more The book Introspective Approach to Women's Intercultural Fieldwork, edited by Urszula Markowska-Manista and Justyna Pilarska, is a very extraordinary and valuable monograph. Its originality lies with its innovative juxtaposition of three discursive dimensions: female voice in research, theoretical and methodological dilemmas of fieldwork and its application to distant environments. As such, the book combines two main threads of thought: On one hand it confronts a reader with questions such as: Does something like female research exist? In what way is female researcher situation different from that of man researcher; does (and how) this influence the research (selection of research problems, methodology, interpretation)? Secondly, the authors challenge the readers with the dilemma whether (and how) cultural remoteness of a cultural phenomenon studied affects the research process, and with what implications. Step by step, the authors unfold various aspects of the female research perspective. They convincingly show that women researchers (because they are women?!) contribute to the growth of humankind knowledge: They take part in the reconstruction of contemporary history by researching the role of women in history; By being able to reach women and ask uncomfortable questions they enrich ethnographic research; They also enrich the research by posing research questions which are relevant for women, particularly for their emancipation and freedom. By opening new topics and new perspectives, the authors enrich the discussion on fundamental research dilemmas about the normative nature and function of research, the role of researcher in qualitative studies, the relationship between the subject and object of research and similar. Moreover, by detailed and emotional (sometimes heart-breaking) descriptions of personal research experience the authors show how tightly research and life are intertwined, whether the researchers (male or female) make this connection visible or not, and therefore this visibility makes the findings even sounder. From the review by prof. Klara Skubic Ermenc
Niniejsza książka ma uświadomić polskiej – i nie tylko polskiej – opinii publicznej, jak ważne j... more Niniejsza książka ma uświadomić polskiej – i nie tylko polskiej – opinii publicznej, jak ważne jest to, żeby wiedzieć i rozumieć, jak i dlaczego dochodzi do aktów ludobójstwa. Dzięki tej wiedzy będziemy w stanie zbudować zbroję, która – zarówno w sferze psychologicznej, jak i politycznej – pozwoli nam obronić świat przez złem ludobójstwa. Na bolesnych lekcjach przeszłości musimy uczyć się, jak kształtować naszą teraźniejszość i przyszłość, tak aby sama idea ludobójstwa stała się niemożliwa do wyobrażenia…
[…] chciałbym podkreślić, że celem książki Krwawy cień genocydu. Interdyscyplinarne studia nad ludobójstwem i mojego krótkiego do niej wprowadzenia jest zachęcenie Czytelników do tego, żeby zechcieli poświęcić więcej uwagi odległemu z pozoru problemowi ludobójstwa. I żeby podjęli trud edukowania młodszych – tak aby przyszłe pokolenia poszły krok dalej niż my, aby rozumiały nie tylko osobistą wartość cnoty Współczucia, ale także obywatelską wartość cnoty Bohaterstwa.
prof. Philip G. Zimbardo
(fragment „Słowo wstępne”)