vampire_tm - Profile (original) (raw)

on 14 February 2003 (#902325)

Vampire The Masquerade Role Playing

Welcome to Vampire the Masquerade Roleplaying Community.

Moderator Nevryall

This community is set up so that you can roleplay VTM characters. That means Vampires. I got into oWoD vey late and so didn't have time to get any of the books for the other games.

I do not care what clan you play. You must, however, post a character sheet (I've left the old one, made by Shadow Conn down there as a starting point for newbies)

The majority of the posts in the community should be IC. Comments can and should be OOC. If you must make a regular post OOC please label it as such. This is so that we can keep the game on the front page and not have to click through 500 links on the comments page.

OOC = Out Of Character - This is you talking as yourself
IC = In Character - This is you talking as the character that you made up.

Please use the Vtm tabletop rules for your character sheet and not the MET rules. I do have the MET rules, but they annoy me. Sorry.


Basic Character Sheet

Character Name: __________ Chronicle: ___________ Nature: __________Demeanor: __________Concept: ____________ Clan: __________Generation: ___________Haven: ______________
Physical Strength: OOOOOOOODexterity: OOOOOOOOStamina; OOOOOOOO Social Charisma: OOOOOOOOManipulation: OOOOOOOOAppearance: OOOOOOOO Mental Perception: OOOOOOOOIntelligence: OOOOOOOOWits: OOOOOOOO
Talents Acting: OOOOOOOOAlertness: OOOOOOOO Athletics:OOOOOOOOBrawl: OOOOOOOODodge: OOOOOOOEmpathy: OOOOOOOOIntimidation: OOOOOOOOLeadership: OOOOOOOOStreetwise: OOOOOOOOSubterfuge: OOOOOOOO Skills Animal Ken: OOOOOOOODrive:: OOOOOOOOEtiquette: OOOOOOOOFirearms: OOOOOOOOMelee: OOOOOOOOMusic: OOOOOOOORepair: OOOOOOOOSecurity: OOOOOOOOStealth: OOOOOOOOSurvival:OOOOOOOO Knowledges Bureaucracy: OOOOOOOOComputer: OOOOOOOOFinance: OOOOOOOOInvestigation: OOOOOOOOLaw: OOOOOOOOLinguistics: OOOOOOOOMedicine: OOOOOOOOOccult: OOOOOOOOPolitics: OOOOOOOOScience: OOOOOOOO
Discipline Dominate: O OOOOOOOObtenebration: OOOOOOOOPotence: OOOOOOOO Backgrounds Generation: OOOOOOOOMentor: OO OOOOOOInfluence: OOOOOOOORetainer: OOOOOOOOO Conscience/Conviction Self COntrol/Instinct: OOOOOCourage: OOOOOMorale: OOOOO
Other Traits Path of Humanity Health Bruised Hurt -1 Injured -1 Wounded -2 Mauled -2 Crippled -5 Incapacitated
WillpowerOOOOOOOBlood PoolOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWeakness Experience ________________

Don't forget the History of your character. History is important, expecially in an online game, where stats takes the back seat, due to lack of dice. Also, on the subject of dice, try to avoid dice rolls. I want to emphasise role play and not roll play. If you absoloutely must must must roll a dice, find an online roller.

Please put char sheets behind an LJ cut.

Thank you,


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