Welcome to Vitrine Noire (the Black Display Case) (original) (raw)
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Jan. 1st, 2020 | 12:00 pm
posted by: ms_vermilion in vitrine_noire
Welcome to The Black Display Case. This community is a place for you to post pictures and information about interesting objects.
- Each post must be of an object of probable interest to other members of the community. The exception is posts requesting information related to where to obtain a specific thing which is not readily available.
- Each post featuring an object must contain at least one picture of the object.
- Limit picture size to 300 pixels wide. Link pictures to larger versions or put larger images behind cut tags if desired.
- If the post contains multiple pictures, all but the first one must be behind a cut tag.
- Stick to the basic posting format protocols whenever possible so that the information about the object is easily interpreted and located.
- Posts or polls asking people to guess what an object is are permitted, and encouraged.
- Posts about objects found online must credit the source and provide as much information as available including a link. In other words, do not misrepresent an object divorced from its source.
- Don't post that this is your first post to the community or that you just joined. Nobody cares.
If you have additions to the interests list, please e-mail the moderator.
(The purpose of this is to provide a general framework for posts featuring particular objects.)
Name of the Object: [what it is called, what it is, use for title of post]
Dimensions: [approximate size, weight]
Materials: [what it is made of - evident for some things, but for others a written description of materials will be useful]
Origin: [where was it made or found, and where did you get it (or photograph it)]
Description: [any interesting facts you know about the object, etc.]