Aivas Ragauskas | Vilnius University (original) (raw)

Sources by Aivas Ragauskas

Research paper thumbnail of Ragauskienė Raimonda, Ragauskas Aivas. Lietuvos ir Vengrijos istoriniai ir kultūriniai ryšiai, Lietuva pasaulyje – pasaulis Lietuvoje: skaitmeninė integruoto ugdymo(si) priemonė (SIUP), sudarytoja Raimonda Ragauskienė, Kaunas, 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of Ragauskienė Raimonda, Ragauskas Aivas. Lietuvos ir Suomijos istoriniai ir kultūriniai ryšiai XIX–XX a., Lietuva pasaulyje – pasaulis Lietuvoje: skaitmeninė integruoto ugdymo(si) priemonė (SIUP), sudarytoja Raimonda Ragauskienė, Kaunas, 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of Ragauskas Aivas, Ragauskienė Raimonda. Lietuvos ir Prancūzijos istoriniai ir kultūriniai ryšiai iki XIX a., Lietuva pasaulyje – pasaulis Lietuvoje: skaitmeninė integruoto ugdymo(si) priemonė (SIUP), sudarytoja Raimonda Ragauskienė, Kaunas, 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of Raimonda Ragauskienė, Deimantas Karvelis, Aivas Ragauskas. Between vocation and profession. Evangelical Reformed Clergy in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th-18th Century, Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2022. – 704 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of „Lietuvos ir Škotijos istoriniai ir kultūriniai ryšiai iki XIX a.“, Lietuva pasaulyje – pasaulis Lietuvoje: skaitmeninė integruoto ugdymo(si) priemonė (SIUP), Sudarytoja Raimonda Ragauskienė, Kaunas, 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of A.Ragauskas, Sakartvelo ir Lietuvos istoriniai ir kultūriniai ryšiai, Lietuva pasaulyje – pasaulis Lietuvoje: skaitmeninė integruoto ugdymo(si) priemonė (SIUP), Sudarytoja Raimonda Ragauskienė, Kaunas, 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of Ragauskas, Aivas, Kogo na sejmie lubelskim reprezentował Augustyn Rotundus Mieleski († 1582), wójt wileński i sekretarz królewski, Unia Lubelska 1569 roku i unie w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej, redakcja naukowa Jacek Krochmal, Warszawa: Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych, 2020, pp. 122-139.

Research paper thumbnail of Bajorystės dokumentų falsifikavimas/The falsificator of documents of the nobility Florjan Lewkowicz and his clients in the Minsk Voivodeship (late 18th century), Surasti tiesą. Pagalbiniai istorijos mokslai falsifikatų tyrime, sudarytoja R. Čapaitė, Vilnius: LII, 2022, p. 351–393.

In the context of falsifications of evidence of the nobility, this article presents an analysis o... more In the context of falsifications of evidence of the nobility, this article presents an analysis of the biography and activities of the Minsk Voivodeship nobleman and Catholic Florjan Lewkowicz, known for being a falsificator of documents proving nobility, also revealing his list of clients. The appendix contains a publication of the declaration made by lawyer Romualdas
Stankevičius on 5 May 1786 regarding coats of arms, genealogies and other documents forged by Lewkowicz – it is an important late 18th-century historical source on the
falsification of noble status in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

![Research paper thumbnail of Between Kėdainiai and Tobago: Scottish Bennets in Naujamiestis. Second Half of the 17th Century], Iš Panevėžio praeities. Šeimos portretas istorijos kontekste, [mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys], Panevėžys: Panevėžio kraštotyros muziejus, 2019, p. 30–74.](

This article will look at the old history of Naujamiestis (Panevėžys region), specifically the s... more This article will look at the old history of Naujamiestis (Panevėžys region), specifically the story of the second half of the 17th century through the prism of family history, using the exemplary Scottish family of Bennets. In this way, the historian Petras Juknevičius study dedicated to the families of the Evangelical Reformed priest families of Naujamiestis (Borzymowski family and others) will be continued in a certain way.
The newcomers from Scotland have left quite a noticeable trace in the 17th century in Lithuania. The big number of newcomers lived in Kėdainiai and they were governed by the dukes Radvilos in 1620‘s -the end of the 17th century. Probably the most famous Kėdainiai Scottish man, the merchant, the son of the Presbyterian priest Jurgis Bennet accumulated the great wealth and made an impressive career - became King‘s Secretary, the elder of Kėdainiai, he received the Baronet title and nobility recognition in the Republic of Both Nations, led the unit of cavalry and participated at the Battle of Chotin in 1673. His three sons Jonas, Jokūbas and Benjaminas integrated into the nobility, and his daughter Kotryna was married to a wealthy nobleman. The son Jokūbas, the student at Vilnius University published the Latin poem in 1674, the poem was dedicated to the above-mentioned battle.
Through the history of the Scottish Bennet family we could observe the old history of Panevėžys region, specifically Naujamiestis history of the the second half of the 17th century. Through the Scottish family Bennets Naujamiestis history links to Scotland and the phenomenon of Scottish emigration, so interconects to the pan-European process of the time; indirectly links even to the Duchy of Courland and the colonization of the Caribbean region.
J. Bennet held several holdings of Radvilos – Karūnava, Daugalioniai, Naujamiestis, Vyžuonos, Svėdasai. He and later his son leased Naujamiestis holding for 50,000 goldens in 1664–1677. The research shows that he could take over the holding either by marrying the widow of the previous owner M. Kaštela, or by receiving it from B. Radvila. Jurgis and Jokūbas Bennets, other Kėdainiai keepers and their deputies resided in Liberiškis Manor, which also functioned as Naujamiestis Manor. The letters written by Bennets survived in Liberiškis. We have no data yet on any significant influence of Bennets on the development of Naujamiestis. When J. Bennet, the elder of Kėdainiai holding, was residing in Naujamiestis, Liberiškiai Manor actually became the center of Kėdainiai holding.
The analysis of sources suggests that one Bennets family m the colonization of Tobagas and Trinidadas in the Caribbean sea in 1670s-1680s. Probably he was in Lithuania – in Kėdainiai and Naujamiestis towns – and therefore the news about mentioned territories could reach these territories. Unexpectedly the local history links to world history throughout the history of the Scottish family of Bennets. Future researches should help to disclose these links in even more details.

Research paper thumbnail of Adolfas Šapoka, Raštai, t. 3 Lietuva ir Lenkija po 1569 m. Liublino unijos. Jų valstybinių santykių bruožai 1655 m. Kėdainių sutartis, arba švedai Lietuvoje 1655–1656 m., tekstus parengė, įvadą ir komentarus parašė Robertas Jurgaitis, Aivas Ragauskas, Vilnius, 2018.–680 p. ISBN: 9786094711381.

Adolfas Šapoka, Works. Vol. 3, Lithuania and Poland After the Union of Lublin 1569. Features ... more Adolfas Šapoka, Works. Vol. 3, Lithuania and Poland After the Union of Lublin 1569. Features of Their State Relations The Treaty of Kėdainiai 1655 or Swedes in Lithuania 1655–1656

One of the most talented, productive and famous Lithuanian historians of the 20th
century Adolfas Šapoka (1906–1961) paid most of his attention to the research of political
history and in his most important and mature works analyzed statehood development
of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (further – GDL) in 16th–18th centuries. Besides
The History of Lithuania (published in 1936), edited by A. Šapoka, the best known to
general public and academic community are dissertations of this historian, defended
and appeared in separate publications: Lithuania and Poland After the Union of Lublin
1569. Features of their State Relations (published in 1938) and The Treaty of Kėdainiai
1655 or Swedes in Lithuania 1655–1656 (prepared in 1939, first time published in
1990). They are one of the biggest and most important researches by A. Šapoka which
layed foundations of 16th–18th centuries GDL statehood development estimation in
Lithuanian historiography and are published in this third volume of Works. It can be
said that many insights of this Lithuanian historian did not loose scientific value and
relevance up to this day.
Yet historian Zenonas Ivinskis in eighth decade of the 20th century seeking to
evaluate A. Šapoka’s contribution to Lithuanian historiography paid attention that in
his research A. Šapoka was concentrated on problems of GDL statehood – “Relations
of Lithuania and Poland”, “Independence efforts of Lithuania and various other questions”,
Republic of Both Nations, created by Union of Lublin, interpreting as federal
state. Professor Antanas Tyla evaluating A. Šapoka’s historiographical heritage also
noted that: “research about political society’s public efficiency of the Grand Duchy of
Lithuania in united state after Union of Lublin makes the bigger part of his creative
legacy”. A. Šapoka was brave to undertake explorations of turning points, which were
fatal to statehood development of GDL. At that time striving of yet rather young historian to solve essential problems of Lithuania’s statehood sources, 1385 Krėva Treaty and
Lithuania-Poland political relations in juncture of 14th–15th centuries, especially after
Union of Lublin 1569, 1655 Treaty of Kėdainiai, Four-Year Sejm (1788–1792) reforms
and the Constitution of May 3, 1791, Vilnius city history, cannot be non surprising. In
this aspect A. Šapoka differs from all in Lithuanian historiography. These fundamental
themes often pointed to A. Šapoka sharp arrows of criticism. This A. Šapoka’s flash and
rather big input into Lithuanian historiography is just started to be understood adequately.
One may agree with insightful estimation of professor A. Tyla that A. Šapoka’s
“creative heritage composed in Lithuania until 1940 is surprisingly big. No one Lithuanian
historian of that time could be compared to him”.
In the introductory article of the publication “The Grand Duchy of Lithuania’s
Statehood in Adolfas Šapoka’s Research” the editors looked for an answer why did
A. Šapoka undertake research of statehood development. In the article it was stressed
that at the first half of 20th century when there were complications of state interrelations
between Lithuania and Poland, it was relevant to look at the sources of these
states’ relations also tendencies of their development. Furthermore, at the time of the
young national Lithuanian state formation it could not be no interest in problems of
early statehood development. Thus A. Šapoka undertook investigation of politically
and historically important and very susceptible to the Lithuanian society historical
questions that had (starting with the Union of Lublin 1569) little attention in Lithuanian
historiography. The historian with his investigation incarnated Lithuanian search
– widespread in Lithuanian culture, typical for national ideology, search of Lithuanian
statehood in this case, historically based, politically important and from the viewpoint
of historical consciousness relevant aspiration do not break a pen on the “kingdom” of
Vytautas the Great at the beginning of 15th century or Union of Lublin 1569, but continue
tradition of Lithuanian statehood until the very end of Republic of Both Nations
existence, integrate in it the history of the lost historical capital Vilnius, reveal position
of this city in “The life of Lithuania”. A. Šapoka wrote about political “Lithuanian nation”
and contrasted it with the same political “Polish nation”. Of course, the historian
did not mean ethnic (national) conception of nation, which, as he said, was not even
known at that time. A. Šapoka explained that confusion emerged because both nations
belonged to the same noblemen caste having common interests and concerns. Nevertheless,
political Lithuanian nation after the Union of Lublin 1569 up to the end of the
state existence kept separate organization of the state and interests. The brightest action
of this sort A. Šapoka considered signing the Treaty of Kėdainiai. Yet, according to the
historian, in 18th century continuous process of caste closing won, Lithuanian state idea
fell into agony and at the time of Four-Year Sejm “flapped in small flames”.
There were also another circumstances of choosing topics for research, related to
academic environment, namely A. Šapoka’s personal acquaintanceship with professor
Ivan Lappo. Although in study years chosen final works’ topics were connected only
with the period after Lublin, it seems the final fatal decision to take up more exhaustive
investigation of exactly this epoch took place in 1931, when A. Šapoka got a Czechoslovakia
government’s scholarship and becoming actual student of Prague Charles University
he had an unique opportunity to communicate directly with the most famous
that time researcher of 16th – the beginning of 17th GDL statehood – professor I. Lappo.
Editors of A. Šapoka’s Works, vol. 3, assoc. prof. dr. Robertas Jurgaitis (Vytautas
Magnus University; Center for Studies of History of Parliamentarism) and prof. dr.
Aivas Ragauskas (Vilnius University) wrote an introductory article for this publication,
prepared and scientifically edited texts of the famous Lithuanian historian – two
dissertations defended one after another in 1938 and 1939 Lithuania and Poland After
the Union of Lublin 1569. Features of their State Relations and The Treaty of Kėdainiai
1655 or Swedes in Lithuania 1655–1656. According to settled publication tradition of
A. Šapoka’s historiographical heritage, commentaries were also worked up as in previous
volumes. At the end of the publication there are lists of used abbreviations and
illustrations, also indexes of personal and geographical names which would facilitate
readers to find person or locality.
Translated from the Lithuanian by Virginija Dičiūtė

Research paper thumbnail of Źródła do historii urzędu wójta wileńskiego (koniec XIV w.–koniec XVIII w.) Czy istniały księgi sądu wójtowskiego, Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės šaltiniai: faktas, kontekstas, interpretacija, sud. A. Dubonis, Vilnius, 2006, p. 395–417.

Research paper thumbnail of Was Lukasz Markowicz, the burgomaster of Vilnius (died about 1584) the author of the arianistic book? On one important detail / Ar Lukas Markovičius (m. apie 1584) buvo arijoniškos knygos autorius? Apie vieną svarbią smulkmeną, Lituanistica,  2004, t. 57, nr. 1, p. 27–35.

A hypothesis of historiography of the Reformation that Lukasz Markowicz, the burgomaster of Vilni... more A hypothesis of historiography of the Reformation that Lukasz Markowicz, the burgomaster
of Vilnius, was the author of the Polish Arianistic book published in Gardinas
in 1564–1566 is analysed. After discussing the arguments of other authors, a
conclusion that the mentioned hypothesis is unsound is drawn. It is not mentioned in
the verses of Pedro Ruiz de Moros that the Voight of Vilnius, Augustinus Meleski
Rotundus, and Lukasz Markowicz would be discussing in the books or about the
books. The saying “supplicum libelum” found in the letters should be translated as
“to make an oral request” and not as “a book”. This conclusion doesn’t mean that
Lukasz Markowicz was not able to write a book. It would be useful to explore
Lukasz Markowicz’s level of education and his conflict with the government of Vilnius.

Research paper thumbnail of Ławnik Reinhold Wittmacher–Palmstruch (1612–1670) ryżanin w elicie władzy starego Wilna, Szlachta i ziemiaństwo na pograniczu kultur dawnej Rzeczypospolitej od XVI do początku XX wieku, pod redakcją Doroty Michaluk i Krzysztofa Mikulskiego, Warszawa: DiG, 2016, p. 75-84 ISBN 2015 978-83-7181-944.

Research paper thumbnail of S. Samalavičius, Vilniaus miesto kultūra ir kasdienybė XVII-XVIII amžiuose/ Vilnius City Culture and Everyday Life in the 17-18th Centuries, edited by Almantas Samalavičius and Aivas Ragauskas, Vilnius, 2011.–511 p.

The book is an extensive collection of scholarly articles written by renowned Lithuanian urban hi... more The book is an extensive collection of scholarly articles written by renowned Lithuanian urban historian dr. Stasys Samalavičius (1930–1992). The book is compiled from researcher‘s published articles as well as his previously unpublished writings covering a vast range of Vilnius city culture and everyday life of its
dwellers in the 17–18th centuries. The book represents rather exceptional research done during the soviet period as S. Samalavičius was the founder of historical studies of everyday life of lithuania‘s urban dwellers – highly innovative historical studies done during the period of dependence when the scope of historical research was restricted by authorities. The present collection contains scholarly inquiry into various aspects of Vilnius‘ urban life: the houses of urban dwellers, their structure and appearance, the works of art, interior lighting equipment, carpets and furniture held in the possesion of Vilniusites, the musical life of Lithuania‘s capital, festivities held on the important public occasions, plague years and burrial rites as well as discussions of city‘s institutions and structure and activities of the artisans and merchants guilds, especially the activities of Vilnius‘s builders guild and other related issues. The present volume includes the author‘s writings on the general life of urban dwellers, activities of several brotherhoods of artisans, dwellers of the palace of the Grand Dukes during the period of its decay, location and interiors of drugstores in Vilnius city, the images used in public advertisements and other important topics. A separate section is compiled from historian‘s research into the activities of Vilnius builders‘s guild – a theme he explored in his doctoral dissertation: the topography of Vilnius‘s building enetrprises, the public expertise carried by Vilnius masons, carpenters and sculpors-carvers, etc., his research into activities of city architects and urban planning. The final chapter is devoted to several issues of microhistory of Vilnius from the period of 17–18th centuries: mostly criminal offences and trails of criminals. the present book contains collection of complete articles written by S. Samalavičius, however, his unfinished writings will be presented in further volumes.

Research paper thumbnail of The Will of the Royal Secretary and Doctor of Medicine Mathias Vorbek-Lettow (1593-1663) as the Source of the Biography of the Eminent Dweller of Vilnius, LDK: Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystes istorijos studijos: Konstantinui Avižoniui - 90, Vilnius, 2001, p. 44-59

Opublikowany testament, spisany w języku polskim. In the article, there is given analysis of the... more Opublikowany testament, spisany w języku polskim.
In the article, there is given analysis of the will of the City Councilor of Vilnius, royal secretary and courtier of the treasury of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lutheran Mathias Vorbek-Lettow (1593-1663). The recently found will furnishes with a lot of new data on the last years of Vorbek-Lettow, adds to the knowledge of his trade and wealth, family and connections with the magnates. It is concluded, that the relevance of the information provided by a will to the recreation of biography of a person is determined by the quantity and character of the available sources. In the case there have survived a plenty and variety of sources (e.g. diary), the importance of a will is lower.

Research paper thumbnail of 1650 m. kovo 30 d. Vilniaus suolininkų teismo įrašų knygų aprašas, parengė Aivas Ragauskas, Lietuvos miestų istorijos šaltiniai, Vilnius, 2001, kn. 3, p. 260-266.

Research paper thumbnail of Adolfas Šapoka, Raštai, t. 1: Vilniaus istorija, parengė Aivas Ragauskas, Vilnius, 2013.–pp. 644 / Adolfas Šapoka, Works, vol. 1 History of Vilnius, edited by Aivas Ragauskas

A. Šapoka was the first Lithuanian historian who undertook scholarly research of the past of Viln... more A. Šapoka was the first Lithuanian historian who undertook scholarly research of the past of Vilnius; his synthesis “Senasis Vilnius” (“Old Vilnius”), published in 1963, was the first
Lithuanian extensive scholarly history of the old Vilnius (until the end of the XVIIIth
century). On the eve of World War II, A. Šapoka’s works about Vilnius shifted from
the topics of political history to those of social economy, especially in cities, but did not
lose the scholarly value to this day.
This volume of “Works” materialises an idea, raised in 1996, to make a new edition
of A. Šapoka’s research on Vilnius history, to use this research and increase its popularity.
These are the pieces of research on Vilnius city history by A. Šapoka included in the
volume: articles (5), reviews (2), studies (2 partly different versions in Lithuanian and
English), synthesis (1), source publications (1) – a total of 11 pieces of text different in
volume and character. These were published in Lithuania (1939); while the author lived
in exile in Toronto, Canada (1952-1960) and eventually after A. Šapoka’s death (1960-
1962). To some extent it would be possible to include a few more texts by A. Šapoka
to topics about Vilnius – a group of texts “Mūsų santykių su lenkais klausimu” (“On
the Question of Our Relationship with the Polish People”) in which he analyses the
relationships of Lithuanians and Poles through the history. However, seeking to avoid
“cutting down” the texts, they were not included in this volume and will be published
later. The study in English “Vilnius in the Life of Lithuania”, published in 1962, after
A. Šapoka’s death, is not translated into Lithuanian language. The language of all texts,
spelling of personal and geographical names, were uniformed and amended minimally.
This critical publication of scientific sources consists of these parts: 1. Introduction
that discusses A. Šapoka’s position in the research of Vilnius history, published texts
and the principles of their preparation to the press; 2. The texts; 3. Commentaries (textual
and factual); 4. List of abbreviations; 5. Appendices (bibliography of sources and
literature used by A. Šapoka); 6. List of illustrations; 7. Index of biographical names; 8.
Index of geographical names; 9. Summary in English.
When preparing the texts for print, it was strived to compare the publications
with manuscripts, especially this was true about the texts that were published after the
death of A. Šapoka and thus final versions of which could not be influenced by the author.
The most relevant case of this matter was the biggest and most important piece
of A. Šapoka’s research of Vilnius history – the synthesis “Senasis Vilnius” (“Old Vilnius”),
that was published in 1963, where the history of the Lithuanian capital before
the end of XVIII th century was discussed (manuscripts are kept in museum-archive of
Lithuanian Museum-Archives of Canada). This text was edited with renewed factual
information in an effort to convey A. Šapoka’s text as authentically as possible, often
outlining more important distortions, error rectifications, etc. of the 1963 publication
in the commentaries.
The possibilities to compare other texts with the surviving manuscripts were also
used, for instance the publication of the sources in 1941 “Trys dokumentai iš XVI a.
pabaigos bylos dėl Vilniaus vyskupo paskyrimo” (“Three Documents from the End of
XVI Century Case on the Appointment of Vilnius Bishop”) (the manuscript is kept in
the Wróblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences); the study “Vilnius
Lietuvos gyvenime” (“Vilnius in the Life of Lithuania”), published in 1954, was compared
with its manuscript, edited around 1942-1943 (kept in Martynas Mažvydas National
Library of Lithuania). In the latter case it was important to trace the evolution of
the structure and contents of this A. Šapoka’s text.
It is important to note that before A. Šapoka, thus before 1939, there was little
accomplished in the historiography of Vilnius compared to the field of the Lithuanian
history in general.
A. Šapoka himself pointed that “from 1923 when P. Klimas published “Mūsų
kovos dėl Vilniaus” (“Our Fights for Vilnius”) no more Lithuanian studies appeared
that would highlight all the essence of Vilnius issue. Only the harm to the Lithuanian
nation done by the occupants and the sufferings of enslaved people were raised, as if, in
such a way the Vilnius problem was made topical.” Thus the years of fight for Vilnius
had paradoxically little effect on Lithuanian historical writing, rather, on the contrary,
motivated to limit oneself with the short statement of Vilnius being the historical capital
of Lithuania and the analysis of political topicalities. Therefore it seems that precisely A. Šapoka might be justifiably called the first Lithuanian researcher, historian-scholar of Vilnius history.
A. Šapoka was probably best befitted to create the late Lithuanian version of Vilnius
history due to his biography and ideological views. And it was “late” because authorities
and historians regarded the most important task to be creating a version of Lithuanian
history of all Lithuania. Due to the specifics of its historical process, primarily
being multinational and multicultural according to the contemporary vision, Vilnius
could not be its framework. But perhaps the most important fact was that during that
time it belonged to Poland. A. Šapoka used the earlier (the end of XIXth and the beginning
of XXth century) Lithuanian historian publicist tradition of Vilnius and his
experience as the editor of 1936 “Lietuvos istorijos” (“The History of Lithuania”) in his
synthesis. A. Šapoka was the first to create and develop the Lithuanian version of Vilnius
history in Lithuanian historiography. Due to the tragic events in the middle of XXth
century, he was forced to go into exile, quit academic career; he was not able to substantiate
it extensively and finish his plan to write the history of Vilnius in several volumes.
One could note that in spite of A. Šapoka’s early interest in Vilnius topics, the first
printed scientific texts on the subject of Vilnius appeared only in 1939, after Vilnius was
given to Lithuania.
It is possible to name these statements as fundamental to A. Šapoka:
Vilnius and Vilnius region are Lithuanian land from early ages, It is the cradle and core of old Lithuanian state, Here the most important centres of Lithuanian people’s political, cultural and economic
life have grown, All the famous historical events of Lithuania are related to Vilnius, Here the most important treasures of Lithuanian people’s historical life are accumulated, This is the place of religion shrines,
Legally and spiritually Vilnius stayed a part of Lithuania even at the time of interwar Polish occupation.
One may not call these anything other than mythologised but conceptual Lithuanian
version of Vilnius history. It expressed and shaped views of a major part of LithADOLFAS
uanian society on the Vilnius topic. Vilnius and its region being received back by Lithuania
in 1939 was regarded as historically and lawfully justified “return” from Polish
occupation, certain kind of justice restoration. A. Šapoka notes that Lithuania never
recognised the incorporation of historical Lithuanian capital and its region into the
Polish state, as even in the 1928 and 1938 year constitutions Vilnius was regarded as
the capital of the country. This “Lithuanian” conception was also politically important.
Its importance became apparent when comparing it, for instance, to the contemporary
“Polish” arguments: after the fall of the Russian Empire, according to the international
law, Polish and Lithuanian state in union should have been re-established which had
existed after the constitution of 1791 3rd of May, where the name of separate Lithuania
was not mentioned and Vilnius as its capital even more so. Separate Grand Duchy of
Lithuania could not have been re-established, because the situation of the end of XVIIIth
century and not the end of XIVth or the middle of XVIth must have been restored. Independent
Lithuanian state, which was created only on ethnographical principle, that
was clashing with the national and civic situation of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, could
not claim its historical heritage and also claim that Vilnius belonged to it, because Vilnius
had to belong to Poland because namely Poland was the assignee of rights of the
old Poland-Lithuania state. Thus the so called “Lithuania of Kaunas” was part of the
illegitimately split state, illegal neologism.
Understandably in such situation, next to the nationally, culturally limited and
mythologised Polish, Russian, Belarusian and other versions of Vilnius history, an
equally limited and mythologised Lithuanian version originated. A different, modern
version of Vilnius history at that time would have been a failure like the democracy of
nobility in Poland and Lithuania during the XVIIIth century when absolutism dominated
in the neighbouring countries.
For methodology, it is worth to emphasize the exceptional A. Šapoka’s synthetic
skills. During the interwar historiography, precisely he and J. Jakštas were the best
“synthetics”. These, possibly innate, A. Šapoka’s qualities were ideal for creating big
Lithuanian historical narratives.
The Lithuanian conception of city history, developed in A. Šapoka’s investigations
of Vilnius history, is valuable. As one of the great naratives, it is important in creating
a modern, historical conception of Lithuanian capital that properly exhibits multireligious, multinational and multicultural nature of Vilnius, for which the major part of historians and societies of Lithuanian and neighbouring countries are ready.

Research paper thumbnail of Speeches, Letters and Other Writings of the Burgomaster of Vilnius Lucas Markowicz “Mundius” (in the Years 1551–1584) sudarė Aivas Ragauskas, Raimonda Ragauskienė, Vilnius, 2010, 296 pp.

The documents disclosing the dispute that occurred in the years 1551–1584 among the Vilnius town... more The documents disclosing the dispute that occurred in the years 1551–1584 among
the Vilnius town elite, i.e. between the burgomaster Lucas Markowicz, nicknamed
“Mundius”, and the town government, are published with the aim to contribute to a comparatively modest number of the available sources on the 16th century town history. L. Markowicz “Mundius” is one of the most frequently mentioned Vilniu’s townsmen of the 16th century in the European historiography, who made his way into it because of his active participation in the process on a European scale, i.e. in radical reformation. In this regard another participant of the universal European movement – Renaissance cultural movement – the voight of Vilnius, humanist Augustinus Rotundus Mieleski cannot match him. Therefore, everything connected with this uncommon controversial figure is worth a special attention.It can be stated on the basis of the remaining documents that his legal dispute with the town government, lasting more than thirty years, was also unique. Currently we know of no other similar case from the 16th century Vilnius. It is questionable whether there could be more of such cases.
Not all of the sources published here have yet been used in the researches, and some of
them, apparently because of paleographic problems, have not always been read and interpreted accurately. On the basis of these and other new documents, that have already been found while preparing the present publication, we can make an attempt to more adequately reconstruct and interpret this out of the common case, which has yet been given frequent,although scant mention, in the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania reformation historiography.
It can be stated that the aforementioned dispute arose not on religious but on economic grounds, specifically, because of several lost cases of L. Markowicz “Mundius with his relatives and other people and over the loss of monopoly to the right to propination. He blamed the town government for this. The dispute slowly turned into a political one (in the context of the town government), because L. Markowicz “Mundius”, excluded from the Council, eventually contested the actions of the voight A. Rotundus Meleski himself, who supported the Council and the legitimacy. L. Markowicz “Mundius” was excluded from the Council and put in prison not because he was spreading the ideas of Arianism, but because of the things he was incriminated with – rebelliousness and disobedience to the King.
The published documents are a new historical source of information about the second
half of 16th century Vilnius townspeople and first and foremost about the town‘s ruling
elite and its self-government. From the historical viewpoint the legal case of L. Markowicz
“Mundius” is connected with the well-known historical figures of the second half of the 16th century Grand Dutchy of Lithuania: Vilnius voight Augustinus Rotundus Mieleski, Vilnius
Voivodes Mikalojus Radvila “the Black” and Mikalojus Radvila “the Red”, the King of
Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismundus Augustus, the Duke of Ducal Prussia
Albrecht and others.
The published sources contain 20 documents in Ruthenian, Polish, Latin and Old German
languages. The texts are not only in original languages but also their translation into
Lithuanian is added. The documents’ facsimiles form the constituent part of the present
publication. It was possible to include them because of technological possibilities and because only a few original texts written by the Vilnius townsmen of the middle of the 16th
century survive, also with the intention of adding to the relevant material for those who
study the Latin, Ruthenian, Old Polish and Old German languages and their paleography.

Books by Aivas Ragauskas

Research paper thumbnail of Ragauskienė A., Karvelis D., Ragauskas A., The Microworld of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: the Society of the Radziwills Kėdainiai (15th-18th century), Vilnius, 2022.–731 p.

Research paper thumbnail of Between the Žemaitukai Pony Breed and Lithuanian Hounds: Industrial Production of Mead in the Interwar Lithuania, Inveniens quaero, Vilnius, 2011, p. 624–663.

The article discusses industrial mead production in interwar Lithuania that has not yet been duly... more The article discusses industrial mead production in interwar Lithuania that has not yet been duly covered in historiography. The production and consumption of mead by general public at that time, likewise many other things of Lithuanian cultural heritage, for instance, the Žemaitukai pony breed, Lithuanian Hounds, hunting dogs – was in a rather ambiguous situation because of the objective economic and cultural circumstances of that time, and some of those phenomena appeared even in a peculiar socioculturally-marginal position. They were identified as the inherent features of the Lithuanian nation and signs of the old ducal Lithuanian history, and they were supposed to belong to the newly-established national tradition that should be necessarily protected by the state. On the other hand, except for the Žemaitukai breed, various projects, undertaken at that time, did not involve objects of national culture. The other two objects of the cultural heritage mentioned – the Lithuanian Hounds and mead – were in the state of stagnation because, in a comparatively poor and poorly-educated society, without any material and legal support from the state, the general public and business people could not contribute to their marked development. Without any tax relief allowed, the comparatively expensive mead was stifled by vodka, beer and fortified wine, whereas
the Lithuanian Hounds, because of the limitations in hunting, were on the brink of extinction. There were even attempts to replace them with ... dachshunds. The article analyses the development of these two separate fragments of historical heritage, by discussing the general features of mead production in the 19th and 20th c. and by describing the two enterprises: a small distillery, owned by the businesswoman Liudvika Stankevičienė in Kaunas that operated approximately from 1912 to 1941 and one of the largest breweries in Lithuania at that time – the Goldberg Company which
had a separate mead division “Patrimpas” in 1931–1941. The article discusses the companies’ premises and equipment, the scale of production, advertising matters, and other issues.
It is stated that, to a certain degree, mead occupied the intermediary position between the Žemaitukai and Hounds. Mead began to acquire its nationally-significant and representative status among the society elite only towards the end of the fourth decade of the 20th c., on the eve of the Soviet occupation.

Research paper thumbnail of Ragauskienė Raimonda, Ragauskas Aivas. Lietuvos ir Vengrijos istoriniai ir kultūriniai ryšiai, Lietuva pasaulyje – pasaulis Lietuvoje: skaitmeninė integruoto ugdymo(si) priemonė (SIUP), sudarytoja Raimonda Ragauskienė, Kaunas, 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of Ragauskienė Raimonda, Ragauskas Aivas. Lietuvos ir Suomijos istoriniai ir kultūriniai ryšiai XIX–XX a., Lietuva pasaulyje – pasaulis Lietuvoje: skaitmeninė integruoto ugdymo(si) priemonė (SIUP), sudarytoja Raimonda Ragauskienė, Kaunas, 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of Ragauskas Aivas, Ragauskienė Raimonda. Lietuvos ir Prancūzijos istoriniai ir kultūriniai ryšiai iki XIX a., Lietuva pasaulyje – pasaulis Lietuvoje: skaitmeninė integruoto ugdymo(si) priemonė (SIUP), sudarytoja Raimonda Ragauskienė, Kaunas, 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of Raimonda Ragauskienė, Deimantas Karvelis, Aivas Ragauskas. Between vocation and profession. Evangelical Reformed Clergy in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th-18th Century, Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2022. – 704 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of „Lietuvos ir Škotijos istoriniai ir kultūriniai ryšiai iki XIX a.“, Lietuva pasaulyje – pasaulis Lietuvoje: skaitmeninė integruoto ugdymo(si) priemonė (SIUP), Sudarytoja Raimonda Ragauskienė, Kaunas, 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of A.Ragauskas, Sakartvelo ir Lietuvos istoriniai ir kultūriniai ryšiai, Lietuva pasaulyje – pasaulis Lietuvoje: skaitmeninė integruoto ugdymo(si) priemonė (SIUP), Sudarytoja Raimonda Ragauskienė, Kaunas, 2023.

Research paper thumbnail of Ragauskas, Aivas, Kogo na sejmie lubelskim reprezentował Augustyn Rotundus Mieleski († 1582), wójt wileński i sekretarz królewski, Unia Lubelska 1569 roku i unie w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej, redakcja naukowa Jacek Krochmal, Warszawa: Archiwum Główne Akt Dawnych, 2020, pp. 122-139.

Research paper thumbnail of Bajorystės dokumentų falsifikavimas/The falsificator of documents of the nobility Florjan Lewkowicz and his clients in the Minsk Voivodeship (late 18th century), Surasti tiesą. Pagalbiniai istorijos mokslai falsifikatų tyrime, sudarytoja R. Čapaitė, Vilnius: LII, 2022, p. 351–393.

In the context of falsifications of evidence of the nobility, this article presents an analysis o... more In the context of falsifications of evidence of the nobility, this article presents an analysis of the biography and activities of the Minsk Voivodeship nobleman and Catholic Florjan Lewkowicz, known for being a falsificator of documents proving nobility, also revealing his list of clients. The appendix contains a publication of the declaration made by lawyer Romualdas
Stankevičius on 5 May 1786 regarding coats of arms, genealogies and other documents forged by Lewkowicz – it is an important late 18th-century historical source on the
falsification of noble status in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

![Research paper thumbnail of Between Kėdainiai and Tobago: Scottish Bennets in Naujamiestis. Second Half of the 17th Century], Iš Panevėžio praeities. Šeimos portretas istorijos kontekste, [mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys], Panevėžys: Panevėžio kraštotyros muziejus, 2019, p. 30–74.](

This article will look at the old history of Naujamiestis (Panevėžys region), specifically the s... more This article will look at the old history of Naujamiestis (Panevėžys region), specifically the story of the second half of the 17th century through the prism of family history, using the exemplary Scottish family of Bennets. In this way, the historian Petras Juknevičius study dedicated to the families of the Evangelical Reformed priest families of Naujamiestis (Borzymowski family and others) will be continued in a certain way.
The newcomers from Scotland have left quite a noticeable trace in the 17th century in Lithuania. The big number of newcomers lived in Kėdainiai and they were governed by the dukes Radvilos in 1620‘s -the end of the 17th century. Probably the most famous Kėdainiai Scottish man, the merchant, the son of the Presbyterian priest Jurgis Bennet accumulated the great wealth and made an impressive career - became King‘s Secretary, the elder of Kėdainiai, he received the Baronet title and nobility recognition in the Republic of Both Nations, led the unit of cavalry and participated at the Battle of Chotin in 1673. His three sons Jonas, Jokūbas and Benjaminas integrated into the nobility, and his daughter Kotryna was married to a wealthy nobleman. The son Jokūbas, the student at Vilnius University published the Latin poem in 1674, the poem was dedicated to the above-mentioned battle.
Through the history of the Scottish Bennet family we could observe the old history of Panevėžys region, specifically Naujamiestis history of the the second half of the 17th century. Through the Scottish family Bennets Naujamiestis history links to Scotland and the phenomenon of Scottish emigration, so interconects to the pan-European process of the time; indirectly links even to the Duchy of Courland and the colonization of the Caribbean region.
J. Bennet held several holdings of Radvilos – Karūnava, Daugalioniai, Naujamiestis, Vyžuonos, Svėdasai. He and later his son leased Naujamiestis holding for 50,000 goldens in 1664–1677. The research shows that he could take over the holding either by marrying the widow of the previous owner M. Kaštela, or by receiving it from B. Radvila. Jurgis and Jokūbas Bennets, other Kėdainiai keepers and their deputies resided in Liberiškis Manor, which also functioned as Naujamiestis Manor. The letters written by Bennets survived in Liberiškis. We have no data yet on any significant influence of Bennets on the development of Naujamiestis. When J. Bennet, the elder of Kėdainiai holding, was residing in Naujamiestis, Liberiškiai Manor actually became the center of Kėdainiai holding.
The analysis of sources suggests that one Bennets family m the colonization of Tobagas and Trinidadas in the Caribbean sea in 1670s-1680s. Probably he was in Lithuania – in Kėdainiai and Naujamiestis towns – and therefore the news about mentioned territories could reach these territories. Unexpectedly the local history links to world history throughout the history of the Scottish family of Bennets. Future researches should help to disclose these links in even more details.

Research paper thumbnail of Adolfas Šapoka, Raštai, t. 3 Lietuva ir Lenkija po 1569 m. Liublino unijos. Jų valstybinių santykių bruožai 1655 m. Kėdainių sutartis, arba švedai Lietuvoje 1655–1656 m., tekstus parengė, įvadą ir komentarus parašė Robertas Jurgaitis, Aivas Ragauskas, Vilnius, 2018.–680 p. ISBN: 9786094711381.

Adolfas Šapoka, Works. Vol. 3, Lithuania and Poland After the Union of Lublin 1569. Features ... more Adolfas Šapoka, Works. Vol. 3, Lithuania and Poland After the Union of Lublin 1569. Features of Their State Relations The Treaty of Kėdainiai 1655 or Swedes in Lithuania 1655–1656

One of the most talented, productive and famous Lithuanian historians of the 20th
century Adolfas Šapoka (1906–1961) paid most of his attention to the research of political
history and in his most important and mature works analyzed statehood development
of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (further – GDL) in 16th–18th centuries. Besides
The History of Lithuania (published in 1936), edited by A. Šapoka, the best known to
general public and academic community are dissertations of this historian, defended
and appeared in separate publications: Lithuania and Poland After the Union of Lublin
1569. Features of their State Relations (published in 1938) and The Treaty of Kėdainiai
1655 or Swedes in Lithuania 1655–1656 (prepared in 1939, first time published in
1990). They are one of the biggest and most important researches by A. Šapoka which
layed foundations of 16th–18th centuries GDL statehood development estimation in
Lithuanian historiography and are published in this third volume of Works. It can be
said that many insights of this Lithuanian historian did not loose scientific value and
relevance up to this day.
Yet historian Zenonas Ivinskis in eighth decade of the 20th century seeking to
evaluate A. Šapoka’s contribution to Lithuanian historiography paid attention that in
his research A. Šapoka was concentrated on problems of GDL statehood – “Relations
of Lithuania and Poland”, “Independence efforts of Lithuania and various other questions”,
Republic of Both Nations, created by Union of Lublin, interpreting as federal
state. Professor Antanas Tyla evaluating A. Šapoka’s historiographical heritage also
noted that: “research about political society’s public efficiency of the Grand Duchy of
Lithuania in united state after Union of Lublin makes the bigger part of his creative
legacy”. A. Šapoka was brave to undertake explorations of turning points, which were
fatal to statehood development of GDL. At that time striving of yet rather young historian to solve essential problems of Lithuania’s statehood sources, 1385 Krėva Treaty and
Lithuania-Poland political relations in juncture of 14th–15th centuries, especially after
Union of Lublin 1569, 1655 Treaty of Kėdainiai, Four-Year Sejm (1788–1792) reforms
and the Constitution of May 3, 1791, Vilnius city history, cannot be non surprising. In
this aspect A. Šapoka differs from all in Lithuanian historiography. These fundamental
themes often pointed to A. Šapoka sharp arrows of criticism. This A. Šapoka’s flash and
rather big input into Lithuanian historiography is just started to be understood adequately.
One may agree with insightful estimation of professor A. Tyla that A. Šapoka’s
“creative heritage composed in Lithuania until 1940 is surprisingly big. No one Lithuanian
historian of that time could be compared to him”.
In the introductory article of the publication “The Grand Duchy of Lithuania’s
Statehood in Adolfas Šapoka’s Research” the editors looked for an answer why did
A. Šapoka undertake research of statehood development. In the article it was stressed
that at the first half of 20th century when there were complications of state interrelations
between Lithuania and Poland, it was relevant to look at the sources of these
states’ relations also tendencies of their development. Furthermore, at the time of the
young national Lithuanian state formation it could not be no interest in problems of
early statehood development. Thus A. Šapoka undertook investigation of politically
and historically important and very susceptible to the Lithuanian society historical
questions that had (starting with the Union of Lublin 1569) little attention in Lithuanian
historiography. The historian with his investigation incarnated Lithuanian search
– widespread in Lithuanian culture, typical for national ideology, search of Lithuanian
statehood in this case, historically based, politically important and from the viewpoint
of historical consciousness relevant aspiration do not break a pen on the “kingdom” of
Vytautas the Great at the beginning of 15th century or Union of Lublin 1569, but continue
tradition of Lithuanian statehood until the very end of Republic of Both Nations
existence, integrate in it the history of the lost historical capital Vilnius, reveal position
of this city in “The life of Lithuania”. A. Šapoka wrote about political “Lithuanian nation”
and contrasted it with the same political “Polish nation”. Of course, the historian
did not mean ethnic (national) conception of nation, which, as he said, was not even
known at that time. A. Šapoka explained that confusion emerged because both nations
belonged to the same noblemen caste having common interests and concerns. Nevertheless,
political Lithuanian nation after the Union of Lublin 1569 up to the end of the
state existence kept separate organization of the state and interests. The brightest action
of this sort A. Šapoka considered signing the Treaty of Kėdainiai. Yet, according to the
historian, in 18th century continuous process of caste closing won, Lithuanian state idea
fell into agony and at the time of Four-Year Sejm “flapped in small flames”.
There were also another circumstances of choosing topics for research, related to
academic environment, namely A. Šapoka’s personal acquaintanceship with professor
Ivan Lappo. Although in study years chosen final works’ topics were connected only
with the period after Lublin, it seems the final fatal decision to take up more exhaustive
investigation of exactly this epoch took place in 1931, when A. Šapoka got a Czechoslovakia
government’s scholarship and becoming actual student of Prague Charles University
he had an unique opportunity to communicate directly with the most famous
that time researcher of 16th – the beginning of 17th GDL statehood – professor I. Lappo.
Editors of A. Šapoka’s Works, vol. 3, assoc. prof. dr. Robertas Jurgaitis (Vytautas
Magnus University; Center for Studies of History of Parliamentarism) and prof. dr.
Aivas Ragauskas (Vilnius University) wrote an introductory article for this publication,
prepared and scientifically edited texts of the famous Lithuanian historian – two
dissertations defended one after another in 1938 and 1939 Lithuania and Poland After
the Union of Lublin 1569. Features of their State Relations and The Treaty of Kėdainiai
1655 or Swedes in Lithuania 1655–1656. According to settled publication tradition of
A. Šapoka’s historiographical heritage, commentaries were also worked up as in previous
volumes. At the end of the publication there are lists of used abbreviations and
illustrations, also indexes of personal and geographical names which would facilitate
readers to find person or locality.
Translated from the Lithuanian by Virginija Dičiūtė

Research paper thumbnail of Źródła do historii urzędu wójta wileńskiego (koniec XIV w.–koniec XVIII w.) Czy istniały księgi sądu wójtowskiego, Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės šaltiniai: faktas, kontekstas, interpretacija, sud. A. Dubonis, Vilnius, 2006, p. 395–417.

Research paper thumbnail of Was Lukasz Markowicz, the burgomaster of Vilnius (died about 1584) the author of the arianistic book? On one important detail / Ar Lukas Markovičius (m. apie 1584) buvo arijoniškos knygos autorius? Apie vieną svarbią smulkmeną, Lituanistica,  2004, t. 57, nr. 1, p. 27–35.

A hypothesis of historiography of the Reformation that Lukasz Markowicz, the burgomaster of Vilni... more A hypothesis of historiography of the Reformation that Lukasz Markowicz, the burgomaster
of Vilnius, was the author of the Polish Arianistic book published in Gardinas
in 1564–1566 is analysed. After discussing the arguments of other authors, a
conclusion that the mentioned hypothesis is unsound is drawn. It is not mentioned in
the verses of Pedro Ruiz de Moros that the Voight of Vilnius, Augustinus Meleski
Rotundus, and Lukasz Markowicz would be discussing in the books or about the
books. The saying “supplicum libelum” found in the letters should be translated as
“to make an oral request” and not as “a book”. This conclusion doesn’t mean that
Lukasz Markowicz was not able to write a book. It would be useful to explore
Lukasz Markowicz’s level of education and his conflict with the government of Vilnius.

Research paper thumbnail of Ławnik Reinhold Wittmacher–Palmstruch (1612–1670) ryżanin w elicie władzy starego Wilna, Szlachta i ziemiaństwo na pograniczu kultur dawnej Rzeczypospolitej od XVI do początku XX wieku, pod redakcją Doroty Michaluk i Krzysztofa Mikulskiego, Warszawa: DiG, 2016, p. 75-84 ISBN 2015 978-83-7181-944.

Research paper thumbnail of S. Samalavičius, Vilniaus miesto kultūra ir kasdienybė XVII-XVIII amžiuose/ Vilnius City Culture and Everyday Life in the 17-18th Centuries, edited by Almantas Samalavičius and Aivas Ragauskas, Vilnius, 2011.–511 p.

The book is an extensive collection of scholarly articles written by renowned Lithuanian urban hi... more The book is an extensive collection of scholarly articles written by renowned Lithuanian urban historian dr. Stasys Samalavičius (1930–1992). The book is compiled from researcher‘s published articles as well as his previously unpublished writings covering a vast range of Vilnius city culture and everyday life of its
dwellers in the 17–18th centuries. The book represents rather exceptional research done during the soviet period as S. Samalavičius was the founder of historical studies of everyday life of lithuania‘s urban dwellers – highly innovative historical studies done during the period of dependence when the scope of historical research was restricted by authorities. The present collection contains scholarly inquiry into various aspects of Vilnius‘ urban life: the houses of urban dwellers, their structure and appearance, the works of art, interior lighting equipment, carpets and furniture held in the possesion of Vilniusites, the musical life of Lithuania‘s capital, festivities held on the important public occasions, plague years and burrial rites as well as discussions of city‘s institutions and structure and activities of the artisans and merchants guilds, especially the activities of Vilnius‘s builders guild and other related issues. The present volume includes the author‘s writings on the general life of urban dwellers, activities of several brotherhoods of artisans, dwellers of the palace of the Grand Dukes during the period of its decay, location and interiors of drugstores in Vilnius city, the images used in public advertisements and other important topics. A separate section is compiled from historian‘s research into the activities of Vilnius builders‘s guild – a theme he explored in his doctoral dissertation: the topography of Vilnius‘s building enetrprises, the public expertise carried by Vilnius masons, carpenters and sculpors-carvers, etc., his research into activities of city architects and urban planning. The final chapter is devoted to several issues of microhistory of Vilnius from the period of 17–18th centuries: mostly criminal offences and trails of criminals. the present book contains collection of complete articles written by S. Samalavičius, however, his unfinished writings will be presented in further volumes.

Research paper thumbnail of The Will of the Royal Secretary and Doctor of Medicine Mathias Vorbek-Lettow (1593-1663) as the Source of the Biography of the Eminent Dweller of Vilnius, LDK: Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystes istorijos studijos: Konstantinui Avižoniui - 90, Vilnius, 2001, p. 44-59

Opublikowany testament, spisany w języku polskim. In the article, there is given analysis of the... more Opublikowany testament, spisany w języku polskim.
In the article, there is given analysis of the will of the City Councilor of Vilnius, royal secretary and courtier of the treasury of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Lutheran Mathias Vorbek-Lettow (1593-1663). The recently found will furnishes with a lot of new data on the last years of Vorbek-Lettow, adds to the knowledge of his trade and wealth, family and connections with the magnates. It is concluded, that the relevance of the information provided by a will to the recreation of biography of a person is determined by the quantity and character of the available sources. In the case there have survived a plenty and variety of sources (e.g. diary), the importance of a will is lower.

Research paper thumbnail of 1650 m. kovo 30 d. Vilniaus suolininkų teismo įrašų knygų aprašas, parengė Aivas Ragauskas, Lietuvos miestų istorijos šaltiniai, Vilnius, 2001, kn. 3, p. 260-266.

Research paper thumbnail of Adolfas Šapoka, Raštai, t. 1: Vilniaus istorija, parengė Aivas Ragauskas, Vilnius, 2013.–pp. 644 / Adolfas Šapoka, Works, vol. 1 History of Vilnius, edited by Aivas Ragauskas

A. Šapoka was the first Lithuanian historian who undertook scholarly research of the past of Viln... more A. Šapoka was the first Lithuanian historian who undertook scholarly research of the past of Vilnius; his synthesis “Senasis Vilnius” (“Old Vilnius”), published in 1963, was the first
Lithuanian extensive scholarly history of the old Vilnius (until the end of the XVIIIth
century). On the eve of World War II, A. Šapoka’s works about Vilnius shifted from
the topics of political history to those of social economy, especially in cities, but did not
lose the scholarly value to this day.
This volume of “Works” materialises an idea, raised in 1996, to make a new edition
of A. Šapoka’s research on Vilnius history, to use this research and increase its popularity.
These are the pieces of research on Vilnius city history by A. Šapoka included in the
volume: articles (5), reviews (2), studies (2 partly different versions in Lithuanian and
English), synthesis (1), source publications (1) – a total of 11 pieces of text different in
volume and character. These were published in Lithuania (1939); while the author lived
in exile in Toronto, Canada (1952-1960) and eventually after A. Šapoka’s death (1960-
1962). To some extent it would be possible to include a few more texts by A. Šapoka
to topics about Vilnius – a group of texts “Mūsų santykių su lenkais klausimu” (“On
the Question of Our Relationship with the Polish People”) in which he analyses the
relationships of Lithuanians and Poles through the history. However, seeking to avoid
“cutting down” the texts, they were not included in this volume and will be published
later. The study in English “Vilnius in the Life of Lithuania”, published in 1962, after
A. Šapoka’s death, is not translated into Lithuanian language. The language of all texts,
spelling of personal and geographical names, were uniformed and amended minimally.
This critical publication of scientific sources consists of these parts: 1. Introduction
that discusses A. Šapoka’s position in the research of Vilnius history, published texts
and the principles of their preparation to the press; 2. The texts; 3. Commentaries (textual
and factual); 4. List of abbreviations; 5. Appendices (bibliography of sources and
literature used by A. Šapoka); 6. List of illustrations; 7. Index of biographical names; 8.
Index of geographical names; 9. Summary in English.
When preparing the texts for print, it was strived to compare the publications
with manuscripts, especially this was true about the texts that were published after the
death of A. Šapoka and thus final versions of which could not be influenced by the author.
The most relevant case of this matter was the biggest and most important piece
of A. Šapoka’s research of Vilnius history – the synthesis “Senasis Vilnius” (“Old Vilnius”),
that was published in 1963, where the history of the Lithuanian capital before
the end of XVIII th century was discussed (manuscripts are kept in museum-archive of
Lithuanian Museum-Archives of Canada). This text was edited with renewed factual
information in an effort to convey A. Šapoka’s text as authentically as possible, often
outlining more important distortions, error rectifications, etc. of the 1963 publication
in the commentaries.
The possibilities to compare other texts with the surviving manuscripts were also
used, for instance the publication of the sources in 1941 “Trys dokumentai iš XVI a.
pabaigos bylos dėl Vilniaus vyskupo paskyrimo” (“Three Documents from the End of
XVI Century Case on the Appointment of Vilnius Bishop”) (the manuscript is kept in
the Wróblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences); the study “Vilnius
Lietuvos gyvenime” (“Vilnius in the Life of Lithuania”), published in 1954, was compared
with its manuscript, edited around 1942-1943 (kept in Martynas Mažvydas National
Library of Lithuania). In the latter case it was important to trace the evolution of
the structure and contents of this A. Šapoka’s text.
It is important to note that before A. Šapoka, thus before 1939, there was little
accomplished in the historiography of Vilnius compared to the field of the Lithuanian
history in general.
A. Šapoka himself pointed that “from 1923 when P. Klimas published “Mūsų
kovos dėl Vilniaus” (“Our Fights for Vilnius”) no more Lithuanian studies appeared
that would highlight all the essence of Vilnius issue. Only the harm to the Lithuanian
nation done by the occupants and the sufferings of enslaved people were raised, as if, in
such a way the Vilnius problem was made topical.” Thus the years of fight for Vilnius
had paradoxically little effect on Lithuanian historical writing, rather, on the contrary,
motivated to limit oneself with the short statement of Vilnius being the historical capital
of Lithuania and the analysis of political topicalities. Therefore it seems that precisely A. Šapoka might be justifiably called the first Lithuanian researcher, historian-scholar of Vilnius history.
A. Šapoka was probably best befitted to create the late Lithuanian version of Vilnius
history due to his biography and ideological views. And it was “late” because authorities
and historians regarded the most important task to be creating a version of Lithuanian
history of all Lithuania. Due to the specifics of its historical process, primarily
being multinational and multicultural according to the contemporary vision, Vilnius
could not be its framework. But perhaps the most important fact was that during that
time it belonged to Poland. A. Šapoka used the earlier (the end of XIXth and the beginning
of XXth century) Lithuanian historian publicist tradition of Vilnius and his
experience as the editor of 1936 “Lietuvos istorijos” (“The History of Lithuania”) in his
synthesis. A. Šapoka was the first to create and develop the Lithuanian version of Vilnius
history in Lithuanian historiography. Due to the tragic events in the middle of XXth
century, he was forced to go into exile, quit academic career; he was not able to substantiate
it extensively and finish his plan to write the history of Vilnius in several volumes.
One could note that in spite of A. Šapoka’s early interest in Vilnius topics, the first
printed scientific texts on the subject of Vilnius appeared only in 1939, after Vilnius was
given to Lithuania.
It is possible to name these statements as fundamental to A. Šapoka:
Vilnius and Vilnius region are Lithuanian land from early ages, It is the cradle and core of old Lithuanian state, Here the most important centres of Lithuanian people’s political, cultural and economic
life have grown, All the famous historical events of Lithuania are related to Vilnius, Here the most important treasures of Lithuanian people’s historical life are accumulated, This is the place of religion shrines,
Legally and spiritually Vilnius stayed a part of Lithuania even at the time of interwar Polish occupation.
One may not call these anything other than mythologised but conceptual Lithuanian
version of Vilnius history. It expressed and shaped views of a major part of LithADOLFAS
uanian society on the Vilnius topic. Vilnius and its region being received back by Lithuania
in 1939 was regarded as historically and lawfully justified “return” from Polish
occupation, certain kind of justice restoration. A. Šapoka notes that Lithuania never
recognised the incorporation of historical Lithuanian capital and its region into the
Polish state, as even in the 1928 and 1938 year constitutions Vilnius was regarded as
the capital of the country. This “Lithuanian” conception was also politically important.
Its importance became apparent when comparing it, for instance, to the contemporary
“Polish” arguments: after the fall of the Russian Empire, according to the international
law, Polish and Lithuanian state in union should have been re-established which had
existed after the constitution of 1791 3rd of May, where the name of separate Lithuania
was not mentioned and Vilnius as its capital even more so. Separate Grand Duchy of
Lithuania could not have been re-established, because the situation of the end of XVIIIth
century and not the end of XIVth or the middle of XVIth must have been restored. Independent
Lithuanian state, which was created only on ethnographical principle, that
was clashing with the national and civic situation of Grand Duchy of Lithuania, could
not claim its historical heritage and also claim that Vilnius belonged to it, because Vilnius
had to belong to Poland because namely Poland was the assignee of rights of the
old Poland-Lithuania state. Thus the so called “Lithuania of Kaunas” was part of the
illegitimately split state, illegal neologism.
Understandably in such situation, next to the nationally, culturally limited and
mythologised Polish, Russian, Belarusian and other versions of Vilnius history, an
equally limited and mythologised Lithuanian version originated. A different, modern
version of Vilnius history at that time would have been a failure like the democracy of
nobility in Poland and Lithuania during the XVIIIth century when absolutism dominated
in the neighbouring countries.
For methodology, it is worth to emphasize the exceptional A. Šapoka’s synthetic
skills. During the interwar historiography, precisely he and J. Jakštas were the best
“synthetics”. These, possibly innate, A. Šapoka’s qualities were ideal for creating big
Lithuanian historical narratives.
The Lithuanian conception of city history, developed in A. Šapoka’s investigations
of Vilnius history, is valuable. As one of the great naratives, it is important in creating
a modern, historical conception of Lithuanian capital that properly exhibits multireligious, multinational and multicultural nature of Vilnius, for which the major part of historians and societies of Lithuanian and neighbouring countries are ready.

Research paper thumbnail of Speeches, Letters and Other Writings of the Burgomaster of Vilnius Lucas Markowicz “Mundius” (in the Years 1551–1584) sudarė Aivas Ragauskas, Raimonda Ragauskienė, Vilnius, 2010, 296 pp.

The documents disclosing the dispute that occurred in the years 1551–1584 among the Vilnius town... more The documents disclosing the dispute that occurred in the years 1551–1584 among
the Vilnius town elite, i.e. between the burgomaster Lucas Markowicz, nicknamed
“Mundius”, and the town government, are published with the aim to contribute to a comparatively modest number of the available sources on the 16th century town history. L. Markowicz “Mundius” is one of the most frequently mentioned Vilniu’s townsmen of the 16th century in the European historiography, who made his way into it because of his active participation in the process on a European scale, i.e. in radical reformation. In this regard another participant of the universal European movement – Renaissance cultural movement – the voight of Vilnius, humanist Augustinus Rotundus Mieleski cannot match him. Therefore, everything connected with this uncommon controversial figure is worth a special attention.It can be stated on the basis of the remaining documents that his legal dispute with the town government, lasting more than thirty years, was also unique. Currently we know of no other similar case from the 16th century Vilnius. It is questionable whether there could be more of such cases.
Not all of the sources published here have yet been used in the researches, and some of
them, apparently because of paleographic problems, have not always been read and interpreted accurately. On the basis of these and other new documents, that have already been found while preparing the present publication, we can make an attempt to more adequately reconstruct and interpret this out of the common case, which has yet been given frequent,although scant mention, in the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania reformation historiography.
It can be stated that the aforementioned dispute arose not on religious but on economic grounds, specifically, because of several lost cases of L. Markowicz “Mundius with his relatives and other people and over the loss of monopoly to the right to propination. He blamed the town government for this. The dispute slowly turned into a political one (in the context of the town government), because L. Markowicz “Mundius”, excluded from the Council, eventually contested the actions of the voight A. Rotundus Meleski himself, who supported the Council and the legitimacy. L. Markowicz “Mundius” was excluded from the Council and put in prison not because he was spreading the ideas of Arianism, but because of the things he was incriminated with – rebelliousness and disobedience to the King.
The published documents are a new historical source of information about the second
half of 16th century Vilnius townspeople and first and foremost about the town‘s ruling
elite and its self-government. From the historical viewpoint the legal case of L. Markowicz
“Mundius” is connected with the well-known historical figures of the second half of the 16th century Grand Dutchy of Lithuania: Vilnius voight Augustinus Rotundus Mieleski, Vilnius
Voivodes Mikalojus Radvila “the Black” and Mikalojus Radvila “the Red”, the King of
Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania Sigismundus Augustus, the Duke of Ducal Prussia
Albrecht and others.
The published sources contain 20 documents in Ruthenian, Polish, Latin and Old German
languages. The texts are not only in original languages but also their translation into
Lithuanian is added. The documents’ facsimiles form the constituent part of the present
publication. It was possible to include them because of technological possibilities and because only a few original texts written by the Vilnius townsmen of the middle of the 16th
century survive, also with the intention of adding to the relevant material for those who
study the Latin, Ruthenian, Old Polish and Old German languages and their paleography.

Research paper thumbnail of Ragauskienė A., Karvelis D., Ragauskas A., The Microworld of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: the Society of the Radziwills Kėdainiai (15th-18th century), Vilnius, 2022.–731 p.

Research paper thumbnail of Between the Žemaitukai Pony Breed and Lithuanian Hounds: Industrial Production of Mead in the Interwar Lithuania, Inveniens quaero, Vilnius, 2011, p. 624–663.

The article discusses industrial mead production in interwar Lithuania that has not yet been duly... more The article discusses industrial mead production in interwar Lithuania that has not yet been duly covered in historiography. The production and consumption of mead by general public at that time, likewise many other things of Lithuanian cultural heritage, for instance, the Žemaitukai pony breed, Lithuanian Hounds, hunting dogs – was in a rather ambiguous situation because of the objective economic and cultural circumstances of that time, and some of those phenomena appeared even in a peculiar socioculturally-marginal position. They were identified as the inherent features of the Lithuanian nation and signs of the old ducal Lithuanian history, and they were supposed to belong to the newly-established national tradition that should be necessarily protected by the state. On the other hand, except for the Žemaitukai breed, various projects, undertaken at that time, did not involve objects of national culture. The other two objects of the cultural heritage mentioned – the Lithuanian Hounds and mead – were in the state of stagnation because, in a comparatively poor and poorly-educated society, without any material and legal support from the state, the general public and business people could not contribute to their marked development. Without any tax relief allowed, the comparatively expensive mead was stifled by vodka, beer and fortified wine, whereas
the Lithuanian Hounds, because of the limitations in hunting, were on the brink of extinction. There were even attempts to replace them with ... dachshunds. The article analyses the development of these two separate fragments of historical heritage, by discussing the general features of mead production in the 19th and 20th c. and by describing the two enterprises: a small distillery, owned by the businesswoman Liudvika Stankevičienė in Kaunas that operated approximately from 1912 to 1941 and one of the largest breweries in Lithuania at that time – the Goldberg Company which
had a separate mead division “Patrimpas” in 1931–1941. The article discusses the companies’ premises and equipment, the scale of production, advertising matters, and other issues.
It is stated that, to a certain degree, mead occupied the intermediary position between the Žemaitukai and Hounds. Mead began to acquire its nationally-significant and representative status among the society elite only towards the end of the fourth decade of the 20th c., on the eve of the Soviet occupation.

[Research paper thumbnail of Aleksandras Sinkevičius (1908–1989): trečdalis gyvenimo, paskirto lietuviškam midui, Vilnius: De libris, 2008. 51, [1] p. (ISBN 978–9955–918–00–4)](

Research paper thumbnail of 13 January of 1990 in Lithuania in the Context of the Newest Scientific Researche, compiled by Liudas Truska and Aivas Ragauskas, Vilnius, 2006.-pp. 300

13 January of 1990 in Lithuania in the Context of the Newest Scientific Researche. In English

Research paper thumbnail of Lietuvos lokalinių tyrimų padėtis. Mokslo straipsnių rinkinys, sudarytojai Aivas Ragauskas, Vladas Senkus, Žydrūnas Mačiukas, Vilnius, 2005.-pp. 222

Research paper thumbnail of Aivas Ragauskas, Ruling Elite of Vilnius in the Second Half of the 17th Century (1662–1702), Vilnius, 2002.–480pp. / Elita władzy Wilna w drugiej połowie XVII w. (1662-1702 r.) / Vilniaus miesto valdantysis elitas XVII a. antrojoje pusėje (1662-1702 m.)

Recensions and Annotations: Z. Noga, Klio, 2007, nr. 9, s. 133–134; J. Sarcevičienė, Lietuvos ist... more Recensions and Annotations: Z. Noga, Klio, 2007, nr. 9, s. 133–134; J. Sarcevičienė, Lietuvos istorijos metraštis. 2002 m., Vilnius, 2004, t. 2, p. 166–197; S. C. Rowell, The Face beneath the Snow: The Baltic Region in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, The Historical Journal, Vol. 44, No. 2, June, 2001, pp. 554–555.

Summary, pp. 443–452. From this:
In the book the ruling elite of Vilnius the capital de jure of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in 1662-1702, which was a specific micropolitical society, the top of the town's community, is analyzed. One of the most important working hypothesis is a supposition that it would be most purposeful to define this social group as a "ruling elite", but not as a "patriciate'', because there were no necessary preconditions for a formation of the latter in Vilnius. The autonomy of the town was not sufficient to form a patriciate, functionaries of the municipality had no right for an exclusive and inheritable power in the town, there was a lack of other political, economical and social preconditions as well. As the data of the title lists as well as other data attests, the ruling elite did not distinguish itself for a patrician consciousness too. In references the terms patricius, patriota, patriciusz sometimes are found; they were applied to town-dwellers of very various social and property status and meant only "a local dweller". By the way, the idea on an absence of patriciat, i.e. the town nobility, in towns of Poland and Lithuania, was expressed by Polish historian Joachim Lelewel in the 19th century. So, in the paper the more neutral and more frequently used in historiography theoretical concept of a "ruling elite" was chosen.
In the present paper, Vilnius town ruling elite included those members of the municipality which were engaged for any of the positions listed in the 1568 Nobilitary Privilege, such as a bancher (scabinus, ławnik), a clerk of the banchers court or the Council (notarius, pisarz), an counsellor (consularis, rajca) or a burgomaster (praeconsul, burmistrz)and a voigt (advocatus, wójt) who were officially admitted to the nobility and became members of one of many groups of the "new nobility".
The paper is based on many various archival references, mostly on the considerably damaged archival materials of the town (recorders of the Council and the banchers court, protocols of sessions of the Magistrate, probate inventories, testaments, records about new citizens, recorders of income and expenses of the town treasury, instructions for representatives of the Magistrate to the Seym). They are supplemented with the remains of the archives of the merchant society, registers of church and religion societies, protocols and decisions of the Vilnius Diocese Consistory Court, records of Lithuanian Metrics, the privileges provided to the town. Scanty printed sources, old publications and iconography were used as well. It is notable that almost no private archives of members of the ruling elite remained, only several non-complete lists of members of the ruling elite were found, there is a lack of narrative texts, only some works of occasional literature related to the ruling elite and two portraits remained.
There are no special works about ruling elites of towns of Vilnius and other towns of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania both in the historiography of Lithuania and foreign states. Only a development of Vilnius self-government was described more widely. Because Kraków is typologically closest to Vilnius in comparison with other big towns of the Central and Eastern Europe, the ruling elite of this capital de jure of the Kingdom of Poland is often taken as is basis in this paper. The dataon the development of ruling elites of towns of Western Europe were taken from works of Dutch, German, French, English researchers (such as Daniel J. Roorda, Heinz Schilling, peter Burke, Dona Bohanan, James S. Amelang, Alex F. Cowan, Christopher R. Friedrich and others).
The theroretical concept and the main method of the Paper were formed upon an influence of the new social history and elitology. The prosopographic method was used on collection, classification and interpretation of the data required for a realization of the main object of the present work. The data were classified according to separate persons of the ruling elite and then grouped according to the singled out most important aspects of the collective biography. An application of this method was not always effective, because it requires well-documented data on the group and a good basis of references. In cases of insufficiency of the data, we avoided wider generalizations.
The main aims of the paper are a description of Vilnius ruling elite in 1662-1702 (over 100 persons) and an analysis of its collective biography. It was tried to present this data in the institutional and ideological context, so at first the most important self-governing institutions are described and then, after the analysis of the collective biography, the role of the elite in the town or the state and a style of life are considered. The results of the work are generalized in the conclusions. In the Appendices the lists of members of the ruling elite and the lists of functionaries of separate institutions as well as texts of oaths and the list of the abbreviations are presented.

Streszczenie, pp. 453–461. Fragment:
W pracy jest analizowana elita władzy stolicy Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego de jure - miasta Wilna lat 1662-1702, góra specyficznego mikropolitycznego społeczeństwa - wspólnoty miejskiej.
Jedną z najważniejszych koncepcji pracy jest to, że tę grupę społeczną uważamy za celowe określić jako „rządzącą elitę", a nie jako „patrycjat", dla którego powstania w Wilnie nie było niezbędnych przesłanek. Dla powstania patrycjatu nie wystarczała autonomia miasta, urzędnicy rady municypalnej nie mieli prawa do wyłącznej i dziedzicznej władzy w mieście, brakowało innych politycznych, ekonomicznych i społecznych przesłanek. Jak świadczą dane tytulatury i inne źródła, elita rządząca nie odznaczała się i patrycjalnym samouświadomieniem. Spotykane w źródłach, używane w stosunku do mieszczan bardzo różnego położenia społecznego i majątkowego terminy patricius, patriota, patrycjusz oznaczały jedynie y urodzenia „miejscowy, tutejszy, tubylec, wilnianin". Między innymi, myśl, że w miastach Polski-Litwy nie było patrycjatu, t.j. szlachty mieszczańskiej, jeszcze w XIX w. wypowiedział polski historyk Joachim Lelewel. Dlatego dla pracy wybraliśmy bardziej neutralny, coraz bardziej rozpowszechniający się w historiografii koncept teoretyczny „elity rządzącej" czyli "elity władzy".
Do elity rządzącej Wilna w pracy zostali zaliczeni ci członkowie municypalności, którzy zgodnie z przywilejem nobilitacyjnym z 1568 r. zajmowali któreś z wymienionych stanowisk - ławnika, pisarza sądu ławniczego lub rady, rajcy lub burmistrza, w końcu wójta, formalnie otrzymywali szlachectwo i stawali się członkami jednej z wielu grup „nowej szlachty".
Praca oparta jest na licznych i różnorodnych źródłach archiwalnych, których podstawą są materiały z silnie uszkodzonego archiwum miejskiego (księgi wpisów posiedzeń rady i sądu ławniczego, protokoły sesji magistratu, inwentarze majątko¬we, testamenty, wpisy nowych obywateli, księgi wpływów i wydatków skarbu miasta, instrukcje dla posłów magistratu na sejm). Dopełniają je resztki archiwum gildii kupieckiej, księgi metryk kościelnych i bractw kościelnych, protokołów i postanowień sądu konsystorii biskupstwa wileńskiego, Metryki Litewskiej, nadane miastu przywileje. Zostały wykorzystane nieliczne źródła drukowane, stare druki i ikonografia. Należy zaznaczyć, że prawie nie zachowały się prywatne archiwa członków elity rządzącej, odnaleziono zaledwie kilka niepełnych list członków elity, brak tekstów narracyjnych, zachowało się tylko kilkanaście dzieł literatury okolicznościowej, związanej z rządzącą elitą, zaledwie dwa portrety.
Ani w litewskiej, ani w zagranicznej historiografii nie ma specjalnych prac, poświęconych rządzącym elitom Wilna i innych miast Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego. Bardziej szeroko pisano tylko o rozwoju samorządu miejskiego Wilna.
Ponieważ spośród większych miast Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej dla Wilna pod względem typologii najbliższy jest Kraków, w pracy często opierano się na prace polskich badaczy o rządzącej elicie tej stolicy Królewstwa Polskiego de jure. Po informację o rozwoju rządzących elit miast Europy Zachodniej sięgnęliśmy do prac badaczy holenderskich, niemieckich, francuskich, angielskich (Daniel J. Roorda, Heinz Schilling, Peter Burke, Dona Bohanan, James S.Amelang, Alex F. Cowan, Christopher R. Friedrich i in.).
Teoretyczny koncept i główna metoda pracy ukształtowały się pod wpływem najnowszej historii społecznej i elitologii. Podczas gromadzenia, klasyfikacji i interpretacji danych, niezbędnych dla realizacji celu, posługiwano się metodą prozopograficzną. Dane były wydzielone z myślą o poszczególnych osobach, a następnie zgrupowane według wydzielonych najważniejszych aspektów życiorysu zbiorowego. Nie zawsze źródła pozwalały na efektywne skorzystanie z tej metody, dla której niezbędne jest dobre udokumentowanie grupy. W przypadku, gdy źródeł było niedostatecznie, starano się unikać większych uogólnień.
Podstawowy cel pracy - zbadać rządzącą elitę Wilna lat 1662-1702 (ponad 100 osobników) i przeanalizować jej życiorys zbiorowy. Dążyliśmy do pokazania tych wiadomości w kontekście instytucyjnym i ideowym, dlatego w pracy przede wszystkim są omawiane główne instytucje samorządowe, a po analizie życiorysu zbiorowego - znaczenie elity rządzącej w mieście i państwie oraz tryb życia. Wyniki pracy są uogólnione we wnioskach. W załącznikach są podane spisy członków rządzącej elity i urzędników poszczególnych instytucji, teksty przysięg, skróty.

Research paper thumbnail of Raimonda Ragauskienė, Aivas Ragauskas, Barboros Radvilaitės laiškai Žygimantui Augustui ir kitiems, Vilnius, 2001, 256 pp. / Barbora Radvilaite’s Letters to Žygimantas Augustas and Others. A Study in Women’s Correspondence of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th Century

The study analyzes the correspondence by women of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (further the GDL... more The study analyzes the correspondence by women of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (further the GDL), manifestations of femininity in it. The study is based on mostly unpublished letters by women preserved in the archives of Lithuania, Poland and Russia. This kind of research is the first one in historiography. Besides the introduction, the book consists of three chapters: Women’s Correspondence in Western Europe in the 16th Century, Women’s Correspondence of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 16th Century, and Letters by Queen of Poland, Grand Duchess of Lithuania Barbora Radvilaite. The monograph presents facsimiles of Barbora Radvilaite’s (circa 1520—1551) autographs, translations of her letters into the Lithuanian language are published. The publication commemorates the 450th death anniversary of Barbora Radvilaite.

Research paper thumbnail of Annales Historiae Vilnensis, MMVII, vol. I / Vilniaus Istorijos Metraštis, 2007, t. 1.

See On publishing the first volume of the ‘Yearbook of Vilnius History’

Research paper thumbnail of The First “Mention” of the Vilnius Cathedral School in 1397: Between Myths and Facts, Istorija, 2023, Vol. 130, No. 2, pp. 5–40.

The aim of the article is to deconstruct, on the basis of primary sources and historiography, the... more The aim of the article is to deconstruct, on the basis of primary sources and historiography, the erroneous historiographical tradition of the first mention of the Vilnius Cathedral School in 1397 by Jan Kurczewski (1854-1916) at the beginning of the twentieth century and the false historiographical tradition of 1397 as the first mention of Vilnius Cathedral School in the international historiography that has become the locus communis of theinternational historiography and to propose a linguistically based and historically valid meaning(s) for the Latin term “stubella”, different from “school”. The study makes use of various primary documentaries, lexicographical sources, and historiography. The data is processed using narrative, analysis and synthesis, and historiographical methods, as well as elements of
lexicographical and retrospective methods. The results of the research are presented in three parts and conclusions.
The article argues that the tradition, started by J. Kurchevsky in 1908-1912 and dominating the historiography, according to which the Vilnius Cathedral School was mentioned for the first time in a letter of the Bishop of Vilnius in 1397 with the Latin term “stubella”, is wrong. The word “stubella” in the sense of school is never used in the known sources of the Vilnius diocese and elsewhere. The term “stubella” in the aforementioned Act of 1397 could have referred to a separate small building for the bishop or the chapter house (a refectory, a bathhouse, etc.) or to a construction of defensive fortifications, the so-called “chest”. It is unlikely, but not impossible, that a cathedral school may have been in operation in some form in the late 14th and early 15th centuries, but it may not have been “included” in the extant or known sources. Although there is a possibility that the Vilnius Cathedral School may have been in operation until the 1660s, the first and only unquestionable written reference to it so far has to be the act of Kazimieras Jogailaitis in 1452, which provided funds for the cathedral and the salary of the school’s rector.

Research paper thumbnail of Новые данные о вильнюсских мещанах, в домах которых в XVII в. хранилась Литовская Метрика

Research paper thumbnail of Joannes Melchiorini (died after 27 09 1715): eques auratus in the governing elite of Vilnius in the beginning of the XVIII century

Research paper thumbnail of Newspapers en route to Kurtuvėnai. Characteristics of provincial manor communcation from the second half of the 18th century

Research paper thumbnail of From Hypothesis To Myth? Adolfas Šapoka's attitude to the beginning of the Lithuanian state

Lietuvos istorijos instituta

Research paper thumbnail of The will of the royal secretary and doctor of medicine mathias Vorbek-Lettow (1593-1663) as the source of the biography of the eminent dweller of Vilnius

Research paper thumbnail of One step forward, two steps back? Regarding the publication of the Vilnius book of acts of 1657–1662

The article offers a closer look into the publication of the Vilnius Council Book of Acts of 1657... more The article offers a closer look into the publication of the Vilnius Council Book of Acts of 1657-1662 (XVII a. vid. Maskvos okupacijos Lietuvoje šaltiniai, t. 1, 1657-1662 m. Viln miesto tarybos knyga, compiled by E. Meilus, prepared by M . Čiurinskas, A . Kaminsk E. Meilus, Vilnius, 2011). The said book is stored at the Russian State Archive of Early Acts in Moscow. It is an important though not sensational source of information shedding light and weightily contributing to the history of Vilnius covering the period from 1657 to 1662. The publication can be identified as a quasi-transliteration as its preparation principles coupled with the apparent inconsistency in transcription restrain it from reaching the status of a transliterated text. Although in principle the source was transcribed correctly, inconsist­ ent and pseudo-authentic orthography (punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, etc.) of the texts deters from referring to this publication as critical. Compared to the wo...

Research paper thumbnail of Did Augustyn Rotundus Mieleski (с. 1520-1584) have one or two wives? New data for the biography of the prominent voigt of Vilnius

Lietuvos istorijos institutasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

Research paper thumbnail of Sociotopography of non-Urban Vilnius residences of the ruling elite at the end of the 15th–the beginning of the 16th centuries

The article analyzes a specific sociotopographic aspect of the city, i.e. town-dwellers' resi... more The article analyzes a specific sociotopographic aspect of the city, i.e. town-dwellers' residence, on the basis of urban land ownership, outside the city boundaries. The example of Vilnius city elite at the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th centuries serves as the basis for the analysis. The data proves that till the middle of the 16th century urban land ownership was not legally restricted; therefore, a great number of rich town-dwellers possessed estates of different size and legal status. These estates both provided financial income and served as the places of residence, i. e. their owners lived there for a shorter or longer period of time. This group of people commuted between their estates and Vilnius; consequently, the sociotopography of this elite Vilnius group oversteps the city boundaries. The estates were acquired for the money gained from trade, granting credits to the state and noblemen and customs lease. These estates were also obtained as the ruler&#39...

Research paper thumbnail of Townsmen of Vilnius in the occassional literature of the 17th century

Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

Research paper thumbnail of Between the Žemaitukai pony breed and Lithuanian hounds: industrial production of mead in the interwar Lithuania

Research paper thumbnail of Several remarks on historical methodology in interwar Lithuania

aThe report analyzes several texts that have not been used up until now: lectures related to the ... more aThe report analyzes several texts that have not been used up until now: lectures related to the teaching of historical methodology at Vytautas Magnum University. It is argued that the problem of historical methodology in interwar Lithuania cannot be treated as a positivism-anti positivism dilemma. In reality the situation was more complicated and pluralistic. The influence of objectivism that was felt from the times of Leopold von Ranke is noted. Emphasis is placed on the influence that historian Jonas Totoraitis had on historian Zenonas Ivinskis. It is argued that Juozas Jakštas devoted the most attention to historical methodology. The author of the report does not draw any far-reaching conclusions and emphasizes the necessity to use wider sources and methods in the study of the Lithuanian history in the postwar periodVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

Research paper thumbnail of Parliamentarians of Lithuania (15th-18th centuries)

Straipsnyje aptariamos svarbiausios LDK parlamentarų biografinio žodyno (XV–XVIII a.) rengimo pro... more Straipsnyje aptariamos svarbiausios LDK parlamentarų biografinio žodyno (XV–XVIII a.) rengimo problemos, nušviečiama atskirų laikotarpių ir aspektų specifika. Daroma išvada, kad žodynas turėtų suregistruoti visus galimus išsiaiškinti parlamentarus ir pateikti kaip įmanoma išsamesnes, objektyvesnes žinias apie juos, ypač apie parlamentinę veiklą. Žodyno duomenys turėtų svariai prisidėti prie XV–XVIII a. Lietuvos politinio ir parlamentinio elito tyrimų, sudaryti sąlygas naujų metodų, pirmiausia prozopografinio – kolektyvinės biografijos metodo taikymui bei atitinkamiems tyrimų rezultatams pasiekti. Nustačius maksimalų LDK parlamentarų skaičių, išsiaiškinus jų parlamentinės karjeros „laiptelius“, socialinį statusą ir kitus niuansus, galima bus geriau suvokti LDK parlamentinės sistemos specifiką, atsivers platesnės galimybės gautus duomenis lyginti su Lenkijos bei Vakarų Europos valstybių analogiškais parlamentinės praktikos pavyzdžiais. Be to, būtų galima geriau išryškinti LDK politini...

Research paper thumbnail of From the history of nobility of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania of city origins : lay judge of Vilnius Reinhold Wittmacher-Palmstruch (1612-1670) and his Swedish nobilitation

The publication addresses a unique case when Reinhold Wittmacher-Palmstruch (1612-1670), a mercha... more The publication addresses a unique case when Reinhold Wittmacher-Palmstruch (1612-1670), a merchant of Dutch descent from Riga, previously nobilitated (1651) by the queen of a foreign country – Sweden – Christina together with his brothers Hans and Gerhard for their father’s merits, became an elite member of the Vilnius city administration – Lay Judge (Lith. Suolininkas, Pol. Ławnik) before 1655. During the Swedish rule (1655-1656), he collected taxes for Sweden in Samogitia. The article analyses the data from Vilnius city record books and other sources, which are supplemented by the achievements of Swedish historiography – the major work of Gabriel Anrep (1821-1907), studies on business history. The author raises a hypothesis that this large-scale merchant, with business interests in Livonia, Lithuania and Sweden, could have sought to become a member of the elite of Vilnius city administration nobilitated in 1568 for the purpose of gaining various social (e.g. exemption from the du...

Research paper thumbnail of Genesis of the elected Vilnius vaitas office: is it the end of the 16th century or the beginning of the 17th century?

Purpose of this article - to discuss what's new to the newly elected Vilnius vaitija genesis ... more Purpose of this article - to discuss what's new to the newly elected Vilnius vaitija genesis illumination brings the Chancellor’s of the GDL Leon Sapieha’s letter in 1590 January 5 to the Voivode of Vilnius and the Grand Hetman of the GDL Kristupas Radvila Perkunas. It also aims to examine persons mentioned in the letter and their interests, approximately determine when and under what circumstances Vilnius residents might have thought to propose a candidate (candidates) to the ruler to Vilnius Vogt's place. A hypothesis is being proposed that the idea of electing Vilnius vaitija derived not in 1610 as stated in the historiography, but at the latest in 1590, also 1582 should not be rejected. However the corresponding result was achieved only in 1610. After the analysis of L. Sapieha letter to K. Radvila Perkunas in1590 January 5, it is concluded that information is reliable. The available data do not allow to determine exactly when Vilnius dwellers had nominated four candidat...

Research paper thumbnail of Reflections of Vilnius Lutherans subculture in the satire of Jesuits in the first half of the XVII century

The article analyses how cultural features of local Vilnius town society have been reflected in J... more The article analyses how cultural features of local Vilnius town society have been reflected in Jesuit's and anti-Lutheran in the first half of the XVII centuryVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

Research paper thumbnail of Lietuvos Steigiamajo Seimo (1920-1922 metᶙ) nariᶙ biografinis žodynas', (Didysis Lietuvos parlamentarᶙ biografinis žodynas, T. 2), Vilniaus pedagoginio universiteto leidykla", sudarytojai Aivas Ragauskas, Mindaugas Tamošaitis, Vilnius 2006 ; " 'Lietuvos Respublikos Seimᶙ I (1922-1923), II (1923-1...

Acta Poloniae Historica, 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Sovietinės Lietuvos ir išeivijos istorikų komunikacijos ypatybės (1944-1987)

[Research paper thumbnail of [Генадзь Сагановичь. Невядомая война] : [recenzija]](

Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

[Research paper thumbnail of Umberto Eco romanai : apie vieną masinės elitinės kultūros faktą : [recenzija]](

Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

Research paper thumbnail of AT-AS zodynas (2019 10 05 13 43 51 UTC)

In 2018 Lithuania celebrated their centenary of independence. During that period, an important ro... more In 2018 Lithuania celebrated their centenary of independence. During that period, an important role was played (and is played) by the political elite of Lithuania such as (Presidents, parliamentarians, Ministers, and diplomats) restoring the independence of Lithuania and strengthening of the foundations of statehood. An exceptional role was played by democratically elected Supreme Council-Reconstituent Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (LR SC-RS) in 1990-1992. This authority in March 11, 1990 restored the independence of Lithuania and, within nearly two and a half years of work, adopted important decisions that helped to establish the foundations of statehood for a restored independent Lithuania. Its inhabitants are currently guided by the legal basis created by the LR SC-RS, including the democratic constitution of the country.
In 1990-1992 the Supreme Council of Lithuania is reasonably considered by the Reconstituent Seimas, i.e. the first parliament of the independent state of Lithuania. Although, its deputies were elected in a semi-free country 29 September 1989. The majoritarian election system entrenched in the Electoral Law enters into force of the basis of the recognition of mandates, and not on the basis of the mechanism of oath, but this parliament was democratically elected, had the authority of the people, and therefore is reasonably regarded as representative of the people and society.
Although, recent professional researchers are increasingly focusing on the 20th and the beginning of 21st century to Lithuania’s political elite, still little has been done. In order to fill this gap, the main goal of this project is to focus on the elite of Lithuanian legislative power - MPs working in the LR SC-RS, examining them as one group.
“The Biographical Dictionary of The Members of the Supreme Council’s of The Republic of Lithuania in 1990-1992 is the fourth volume1 of the research project series “The Biographical Dictionary of Lithuanian Parliamentarians “ launched more than 10 years ago (Biographical Dictionary of Members of the Lithuanian Constituent Seym (1920-1922), compiled by Aivas Ragauskas and Mindaugas Tamošaitis in Vilnius: VPU Publishing House, 2006 - 553, [1] p. Biographical Dictionary of Members of the Seym of the Republic of Lithuania I (1922-1923), II (1923-1926), III (1926-1927), IV (1936-1940), compiled by Aivas Ragauskas and Mindaugas in Vilnius: VPU Publishing House, 2007 - 847, [1] p.). It seeks to elaborate more detailed and more precise information about the members of this parliament, their activities, and to present various sections and aspects of the biography of this political group. For a variety of reasons, the publication appears later than planned, but it is highly believed that the publication, as a source of information, will be useful for further developing research on the parliamentary elites of Lithuania, the Baltic States and the European Union, as well as, the representation of the Seimas and the education of the public. It completes the first stage of the project, which was conducted at the Department of Lithuanian History of the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (author of the idea and project manager, prof. dr. Aivas Ragauskas) since 2004.
As mentioned above, the purpose of publishing this volume is to provide them with even more detailed and accurate data. As in previous volumes of the dictionary, deputies’ biographies were prepared on the basis of a single questionnaire:
I. 1. Name, surname, (photo);
2. Cadency in the Republic of Lithuania SC-RS;
3. Date of birth;
4. Social origin (peasants, workers, servants, etc.);
5. Nationality;
6. Marital status;
7. Date of death (year, month, day) and place of burial;
II. 1. Education (school, speciality/profession,year of graduation);
2. Professional activity before being elected to the Republic of Lithuania SC-RS;
3. Creative achievements, awards;
III. Public - political activity before becoming a member of the Republic of Lithuania SC-RS;
1. Participation in movements;
2. Participation in political party activities;
3. If was elected as a deputy of the previous LSSR SC or USSR SC;
4. Role in Sąjūdis movement (1988-1990)
5. Belonging to other organizations.
IV. Activities at LR SC-RS;
1. Election to LR SC-RS;
2. Obligations;
3. Participation in political groups, commissions,committees, delegations, interparliamentary commissions, government’s work,
4. Statements on key issues: a. proposed or referred laws; b. personal inquiries or interpellations;
c. contracts, etc.,
5. other political activities.
V. Public - political and professional activities after the parliamentary period
1. Whether they were the members of the Government,
VI. Resources and literature
1. The sources related to LR SC-RS;
2. Sources about the person;
Sources are written according to the chronology.
The number of problems arose while developing biographies and analysing their composition, commissions and fractions based on some indicators of the collective biography. Some of them are poor, such as spelling of personal names. Documents, legal acts, biographies and autobiographies are very diverse because of the spelling of doubled surnames and duplicated names of the deputies of Polish and Russian nationalities. In all these cases, we combined handwriting by choosing historically and linguistically based solutions. Many issues were caused by the determination of the social origin of deputies - an indication or definition.
In addition to the previous volumes of practice,the list of deputies, the composition of the leadership, standing committees and fractions, as well as their compositions and data of the change of deputies’ commissions and political groups are published in this dictionary. These lists were drawn up on the basis of both, the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania in SC-RS and the documents kept by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania - the Presidium of the Republic of Lithuania and the Standing Committees, etc. Unfortunately,
the archives do not systematically accrued the documents of the fractions, therefore only individual manuscripts related to them remained.
It is expected that the dictionary will contribute to the writing of a monograph dedicated to this exclusive group of contemporary Lithuanian parliamentarians. As it was mentioned, the absence of it is a significant gap in the history of the new parliamentary history of Lithuania. The list and the composition of various LR SC-RS, elected, composed and appointed temporary committees, working groups and delegations by the presidium can be established and revised in this book. The group of the researchers is planning not only to prepare this collective monograph, but, also, they are going to make one more large volume of the dictionary for the subsequent, for example, after 1992, Members of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania.

Research paper thumbnail of Biographical Dictionary of Members of the Constituent Seimas (Parlament) of Lithuania (1920-1922), sudarė A. Ragauskas, M. Tamošaitis, Vilnius: VPU leidykla, 2006.–pp. 554

Summary pp. 549–553. From this: The Dictionary is prepared according to the standardized biograp... more Summary pp. 549–553. From this:
The Dictionary is prepared according to the standardized biographical questionnaire that is being used in modern science of history which enables to effectively use the dictionary prosopographically. The Dictionary is prepared by a team consisting of 15 authors - the researchers of Lithuanian history of XX century who represent the main institutions of science and studies in Lithuania.
"Biographical Dictionary of Members of the Constituent Assembly of Lithuania (1920-1922)" is the first biographical dictionary of such kind not only in Lithuania but also in the Middle and Eastern Europe. It enables to look thoroughly at the biographies and the parliamentarian activity of the members of the Constituent Assembly for the first time and that will help in research of political, social and personal Lithuanian history of XX century. The Dictionary is important both for science, society and state representation and it will help to develop the tradition of Lithuanian parliamentarism and to mature the political culture.
The Dictionary consists of six main parts: I. Preface; II. Introductory article; III. Biograms of 150 members of the Constituent Assembly; IV. Abbreviations; V. Annexes; VI. Indexes of personal names and place-names. According to the set structure of biogram writing the biograms (with photos) of parliamentarians who worked in the Constituent Assembly are being presented in de- tails, the general Assembly's activity is discussed in the introduction and there are presented 9 diagrams, 2 charts and 14 photos illustrating the work of parliamentarians. The annexes include the main documents characterising the work of the Assembly.
During the period of almost two and a half year of its activity 257 plenary sessions (43 sessions of Small Seimas are not included) were held where there were adopted about 300 legal acts - laws, their amendments and adjustments. Not only "Vyriausybės žinios" [Official Gazette] but also other newspapers covered in details Assembly's plenary sessions, published summaries of speeches of chiefs' of political groups both position and opposition. The stenographs of plenary sessions were published in "Works of the Constituent Assembly". The press also covered the backstage of Seimas and secret negotiations of political groups.
The elections of the Constituent Assembly held on April 14-15, 1920 were the first democratic elections during the whole Lithuanian history. The Assembly represented the whole Lithuanian nation, the whole national society and all its social groups. The Christian Democrats won the elections and together with Labour Federation and Farmers' Union took 59 seats. 29 seats were taken by the Peasants' Union and Socialists, 14 by the Social Democrats. The remaining seats were taken by different ethnic minorities: Jews - 6, Polish central election committee - 3 and Lithuanian German committee - 1 seat. In total there were elected 112 parliamentarians.
There were many deserving people for Lithuanian state among the elected representatives. However, the majority of them were not known for the general public. New people came to the arena of political and social life. This showed the strengthening of public spirit and its democratization. There were 15 farmers, 7 workers, 4 tradesmen, 11 priests, 13 educators, mostly teachers, 11 lawyers, the same number of doctors and pharmacists, 7 soldiers, 15 officials, 3 writers, 3 engineers, 3 agronomists and 9 representatives of other occupations. More than two thirds of parliamentarians originated from peasants. The other major part or representatives according to their origin were workers, craftsmen, then noblemen, officials and townspeople. Majority of parliamentarians originated from Uznemune, Kaunas and Northern Lithuania, i. e. the brightest regions and sources of national rebirth, and a small part - from Eastern Lithuania and Samogitia. The relation between parliamentarians' places of birth and election is very clear: they were the same or very close for more than a half of parliamentarians.
The representatives of Lithuanian nationality comprised over 90%, i. e. relatively more than the number of Lithuanians among country inhabitants. Majority of members were Catholics. However, the group of free-thinkers was large enough too - if not all but majority of the Social Democrats and the Social Populists were christened. The education level of parliamentarians who consisted also of peasants, craftsmen and workers was rather high. The Christian Democrats did not have temporal intelligence until World War I and 3I4 of their block in the Constituent Assembly comprised members in high or higher education.
Almost one third of representatives were under 30, over 40% were from 31 to 40 and only 10% were older than 50. Young Lithuanian state was created by young people. In April 1920 there were elected 112 representatives and there were only 5 women. In this point Lithuania did not differ from other European countries.
The Constituent Assembly incurred a big change of its members. During the period of two and a half year even 38 representatives changed, i. e. one third. Some of them changed the work in Assembly to civil or military service, other maybe did not have liability to political activity. Some of them died. According to the Law on Elections to the Constituent Assembly the representative who left was replaced by the person available at the top of the party candidates list.
All Seimas members, except German representative, made political groups. The political groups of Christian Democrats, Labour Federation and Farmers' Union united into the block of the Christian Democrats. Other block included representatives of Lithuanian Party of Social Populists and Lithuanian Peasants' Union. When the Constituent Assembly started its work the situation in Lithuania was complicated: Klaipeda region did not belong to Lithuania and the whole Eastern part with the capital Vilnius was occupied by Polish; the state border was not regulated with any neighbor country. Lithuania was not yet recognized by Antante states, the peace treaty was not concluded with Russia, the relations with other Baltic countries were not tight. Strong communist activity was felt inside the country.
The Lithuanian State fell in June 1940. This national misfortune directly influenced the former members of the Constituent Assembly. Due to occupation the further life of majority of them became tragedy. Some of them were exiled or died in Siberia, the other returned maimed to Lithuania which was occupied by the Soviet Union (occupation authorities were destroying the symbols of Lithuanian statehood and parliamentarism using all possible measures), the another retreated to the West at the end of the World War II.

Research paper thumbnail of Biographical Dictionary of Members  of  the  First  Seimas  (1922–1923),  the  Second Seimas (1923–1926), the Third Seimas (1926–1927), the Fourth Seimas (1936–1940) of the Republic of Lithuania, sudarė A. Ragauskas, M. Tamošaitis, Vilnius: VPU leidykla, 2007.–848 p.

Summary pp. 840–847. From this: “Biographical Dictionary of Members of the Constituent Assemb... more Summary pp. 840–847. From this:
“Biographical Dictionary of Members of the Constituent Assembly of Lithuania (1920-1922)” was published in 2006.
The structure of this publication is the same as of the mentioned above. It consists of the following main parts: preface of draftsmen; introductory articles of the First, the Second, the Third Seimas; biograms of 184 members of the First, the Second, the Third Seimas; introductory articles of the Fourth Seimas; biograms of 51 members of the Fourth Seimas; contractions and abbreviations; annexes reflecting the activity of the First – the Fourth Seimas: documents characterizing the work (faxes); commissions, political groups and members of Seimas I–IV; commissions and members of Seimas IV, laws adopted by Seimas I–IV; members of Seimas I–IV: indexes of collective biography. The volume is finished by presentation of the list of illustrations (“introductory” photos and photos of the members of Seimas), indexes of personal names and place-names as well as summary in English language.
The introductory articles consist of four main parts: I. Preface; II. Elections of Seimas; III. Composition of Seimas; IV. Activity of Seimas. Short comments on statistical charts and diagrams reflecting the composition and the activity of all Seimas are presented in the appropriate places of prefaces. The biograms of parliamentarians are prepared according to the unified biogram structure applied for the prosopographic research which was a bit adjusted and renewed considering the experience and the specification of this volume:
I. 1. Name, surname (photo); 2. Term (-s) of office in Seimas; 3. Date (year, month, day by new style (in Lithuanian) and place of birth); 4. Social origin; 5. Nationality; 6. Religion; 7. Marital status (wife, husband, children); 8. Place and date of death and burial place.
II. 1. Education; 2. Job (professional activity during the pre-Seimas period); 3. Other (creative achievements, awards, etc.).
III. Social and political activity during the pre-Seimas period: 1. Participation in social-political and other movements; 2. Participation in the Great Vilnius Seimas, “Petrapilis” Seimas, Vilnius conference; 3. Belonging to a political party; 4. Belonging to other organizations.
IV. Activity in Seimas: 1. Election to Seimas; 2. Position; 3. Participation in Seimas’ political groups, commissions, committees, delegations or the Government activity; 4. Speeches; 5. Other activity in Seimas.
V. Social and political activity during the post-Seimas period.
VI. Sources and literature.
Such structure was caused by some circumstances: this volume publishes the biograms of the members of four Seimas, a part of these members of Seimas were the members of the Constituent Assembly (Seimas) so they had already been described, the members of the special Seimas IV were included into the publication too. That is why it was decided to join the Seimas I–III into one, i. e. to announce the biograms of the members of Seimas I, II and III not separately but together. That enabled not to repeat the same biographical data and to describe in details and to evaluate the political (parliamentarian) activity of the members of Seimas. At the beginning of the biograms there is presented some biographical data, after that in chronological order there is described parliamentarian activity, etc. (see IV structural point of biograms).
The structural problem of transferring the data related to the biograms of former members of the Constituent Assembly (Seimas) was solved this way: from the Constituent Assembly (Seimas) there was transferred the data such as the parliamentarian’s name, surname, birth and death time, term of office in Seimas. In case there appeared any new information about marital status, social or political activity during pre-Seimas and post-Seimas period it was presented as well. Some problems arose due to the controversial evaluation of the members of the Fourth Seimas by historians and lawyers. Considering the decision to present their biograms in this publication, as well as to reveal the specification of this Seimas it was decided to present them separately from biograms of the members of the First-Third Seimas. This position is reflected by presentation of the introductory article by L. Truska separately from other introductions. As the indicators of collective biographies of the members of the First- Fourth Seimas show such halfway decision is reasonable. This Seimas was a lot different from other Seimas, e.g. it had only two members with parliamentarian experience.
Many objective and subjective problems of the end of XIX century – the beginning of XXI century of Lithuanian source literature, historiography and other (see in the preface of “Biographical Dictionary of Members of the Constituent Assembly of Lithuania (1920-1922)”) were encountered while preparing the dictionary for printing. One of the main problems was the nonexistence of the archive of 1918–1940 of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Authors could not refer to the data of the mentioned period collected by the Office of the Seimas so they were forced to prepare the parliamentarians’ biograms referring to other additional sources: press, archival data, and the information given by relatives of the members of the Seimas. In other words there was a risk to put much effort in but not to gain the appropriate result. Parliamentarian activity was described using stenographs of separate Seimas sessions which, except the sessions of 1940 of the Fourth Seimas, are published in separate publications. The work was rather hard due to the poorness of the archives of parliament parties. The archives of other parties, except the Lithuanian Union of Peasants, either did not remain or the information was not available in Lithuania. This is the reason why in this piece of work there had not been referred to the documents of other parties, except National Peasants and the documents of the political group of Social Democrats of the Third Seimas.

Research paper thumbnail of Ekonomisto Michaelio Brouno Ayre knyga apie škotus Kėdainiuose ir Lietuvos Didžiojoje Kunigaikštystėje Michael Broun Ay r e. The Scottish Community in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 1630–1750. Vilnius: Humanitas, 2019. ISBN 978-9986-586-07-4

Research paper thumbnail of Viduramžių individas Aarono Gurevičiaus požiūriu, Knygų aidai, 2001, Nr. 1, p. 10-14 p.

Review: Aaron Gurevich "The Origins of European Individualism" (1995)

Research paper thumbnail of A. Ragauskas, V. Stancelis, Didelio Lietuvos knygotyrinės biografistikos darbo pradžia, Knygotyra, 2005, t. 44, p. 283-291

Review: Lietuvos knygos veikėjai: Biografijų žodynas. Vyr. red. Domas Kaunas, sud. Osvaldas Janon... more Review: Lietuvos knygos veikėjai: Biografijų žodynas. Vyr. red. Domas Kaunas, sud. Osvaldas Janonis. Vilnius, 2005 (CD ISBN 9986-680-27-1)

Research paper thumbnail of Генадзь Сагановичь, Невядомая война:1654-1667, Мiнск, 1995, Lituanistica, 1995, Nr. 4 (24), p. 110-115.

Research paper thumbnail of Review: Robert Darnton "The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History"/"Valstiečiai seka pasakas..." ir kiti socialinės kultūrinės istorijos epizodai, Knygų aidai, 2003, Nr. 3, p. 28-33

Review: Robert Darnton "The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History"

Research paper thumbnail of Review: Umberto Eco novels "The Name of the Rose", "Foucault's Pendulum" and "The Island of the Day Before"/Umberto Eco romanai. Apie vieną masinės elitinės kultūros faktą, Knygų aidai, 2002, Nr. 2, p. 32-42.

Review: Umberto Eco novels "The Name of the Rose", "Foucault's Pendulum" and "The Island of the D... more Review: Umberto Eco novels "The Name of the Rose", "Foucault's Pendulum" and "The Island of the Day Before"

Research paper thumbnail of One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? Regarding the Publication of the Vilnius Council Book of Acts of 1657-1662 / Žingsnis pirmyn, du atgal? Dėl 1657–1662 m. Vilniaus miesto tarybos aktų knygos publikacijos, Istorijos šaltinių tyrimai, sudarė Artūras Dubonis, Vilnius, 2013, t.4, p. 231–260.

The article offers a closer look into the publication of the Vilnius Council Book of Acts of 1657... more The article offers a closer look into the publication of the Vilnius Council Book of Acts of 1657-1662 (XVII a. vid. Maskvos okupacijos Lietuvoje šaltiniai, t. 1, 1657-1662 m. Vilniaus miesto tarybos knyga, compiled by E. Meilus, prepared by M. Ciurinskas, A. Kaminskas, E. Meilus, Vilnius, 2011). The said book is stored at the Russian State Archive of Early Acts in Moscow. It is an important though not sensational source of information shedding light and weightily contributing to the history of Vilnius covering the period from 1657 to 1662.
The publication can be identified as a quasi-transliteration as its preparation principles coupled with the apparent inconsistency in transcription restrain it from reaching the status of a transliterated text. Although in principle the source was transcribed correctly, inconsistent and pseudo-authentic orthography (punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, etc.) of the texts deters from referring to this publication as critical. Compared to the works of Vytautas Raudeliūnas, Romualdas Firkovičius, Algirdas Baliulis and other renowned Lithuanian palaeographers this publication can be regarded as a significant step back.