Andrius Vaišnys | Vilnius University (original) (raw)

Papers by Andrius Vaišnys

Research paper thumbnail of Redakcinė kolegija ir turinys

Research paper thumbnail of Ir laivas plaukia... (tarp praeities gyvų vaiduoklių)

The review discusses the book “Lietuva 1938–1939 m. Neutraliteto iliuzijos” [Lithuanian in 1938–1... more The review discusses the book “Lietuva 1938–1939 m. Neutraliteto iliuzijos” [Lithuanian in 1938–1938. Illusions of Neutrality] by Algimantas Kasparavičius (Vilnius, 2010). The object of the research of the book is the Baltic neutrality. Its investigation in the context of Europe’s preparation for the war leads to relatively many novelties. Neutrality appears like a submarine in Lithuania’s foreign policy, with vague potential, route, crew and preparation. With regard to Lithuania neutrality is interpreted not as a doctrine or value attitude. The book provides readers with freedom to form a critical opinion as if testing available knowledge. The author consistently analyses and very colourfully reveals Lithuania’s intensive dialogue with Estonia and Latvia on the issues of neutrality and other political events. The book provides information about the activities of diplomatic missions. The rocked “Baltic Entente neutrality ship” sank primarily not due to the Moscow-Berlin axis highlig...

Research paper thumbnail of Problem of information policy of a parliamentary state: towards "project society

Author seeks to analyse the development of Lithuanian information policy in the context of the na... more Author seeks to analyse the development of Lithuanian information policy in the context of the national legislative procedure over last 20 years, since re-establishment of independence in 1990. Over this period, we may make certain, on the one hand, about the freedom of expression and the press (its manifestation); on the other hand, about changeable activities of Lithuanian parties and political inconsistency as well as Russian media which has been currently flooding the Lithuanian information space. Moreover, the following question becomes relevant: Does the legislator have enough ways and forms to speak out in present Lithuania? The author notes that for years the Government has perceived information policy not as the analysis and system, but rather as the creation of short-term image projects in the general context of "project society". The article gives an overview of the development of acts governing information policy; therefore, reference is only made to the aspect...

Research paper thumbnail of Kelios pastabos apie informacinį aprūpinimą politinei lyderystei

Research paper thumbnail of Press and the state : historical aspects of information policy in Lithuania

The Law on Land Reform and the Constitution remain the two underlying works of the legislative in... more The Law on Land Reform and the Constitution remain the two underlying works of the legislative in 1920–1922. The paper discusses how the public authorities of the Republic of Lithuania succeeded in retaining the information relationship with the electorate during the consideration of the principal law of the state, i.e. the draft Constitution of 1922, and how the country’s information policy developed. The text of the Constitution could have depended not only on the parliamentarians, but also on the commission for the drafting of this document, chaired by Christian Democrat Antanas Tumėnas, and the public opinion. Before the Parliament was elected in the Republic of Lithuania, the Government had a rather clear strategy on information policy; this is evident from the establishment of the Press Bureau in Vilnius, publishing of the daily “Lietuva” and the establishment of the Lithuanian Telegram Agency (Elta). Party-oriented periodicals prevailed in the information market at the beginn...

Research paper thumbnail of Tendencies in the development of our periodicals: impositions of bans, avoidance of bans, exerience in the tradition of bans

The report based on the present text was made at a scientific ference (2003) commemorating the 18... more The report based on the present text was made at a scientific ference (2003) commemorating the 180th anniversary of the source of Lithuanian periodicals. It addresses historical features of the mass media and their social factors which determined the maturity of the Lithi public opinion. The analysis of the tendencies (from the 19th to 20th c.) and traditions of the Lithuanian mass media is focused on a historical legal, economic, ethic and academic aspect. All historical leaders of Lithuanian society are closely connected with publishing, publicistic and editting work in newspapers. In the between the 19th and the early 20th century politicians felt the bitterness and price of bans, they possibly even formed their "taste". Despite the fact that in 1904 the right to the Lithuanian press was obtained from the Emperor with the proof in the courts of law of the absurdity and legal irrationality of the bans and of Russian law as contradictory and the Lithuanian publicistic wri...

Research paper thumbnail of The genre of blog in the drama of journalism change

“Moving” of a diary into virtual network at the end of the 20th century has opened up an opportun... more “Moving” of a diary into virtual network at the end of the 20th century has opened up an opportunity to circulate knowledge according to interests, yet it actually does not change the role of journalism as a social institution. Currently, a blog is not only a genre of journalism, but also a mode of professional expression. In this respect, a journalist blog (according to the journalistic professionalism criteria) should be distinguished from the blogs of persons of other professions. The author of the article concludes that a blog has been establishing as a source of social expression, a publication and a genre of journalism; journalist expression of the genre of blog differs from other expressions of this genre when it formally meets the criteria of a journalistic piece of work: selection of social information according to relevance, closeness, recency and reality of facts, reference to sources, truth investigation; a blogger in Lithuania may be and is treated as a journalist, since he is an author of publicised information (it is particularly important in relation to the Parliament, because formally every elector has the right and possibility to observe sittings); a blog as a publication is more than a piece of creation – it reveals cultural identity of the author(s), it helps perceive the psychological portrait and behaviour of a person (or an organisation); therefore, it should be analysed in different social aspects on the web. The analysis of a blog as a source of data is an object worth the attention of journalists; the legislator of the Republic of Lithuania could supplement the definitions of the Law on the Provision of Information to the Public with the concept of a “blog”, yet defining it as a means of information only (next to a newspaper or a journal), since, being a publication, it surpasses the notion of a genre (just like in the case of an interview – as a working method discussed in the article)

Research paper thumbnail of Paskutinės pastabos apie tylų kritiką

Research paper thumbnail of Partija prieš / už žiniasklaidą, arba kai kurie politikos komunikacijos istoriniai ir aktualieji aspektai

Mykolo Romerio universitetas, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Naujoji Lietuvos politikų karta ir istorinis politinės kultūros pamatas

Parlamento studijos, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Iškilmingo posėdžio kalbų problematika ir prasmė

Parlamento studijos, Jun 1, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of PRACTICE The Parliament’s public relations in terms of political journalism

Abstract. While sitting at a place designated for guests in a representative hall of the Lithuani... more Abstract. While sitting at a place designated for guests in a representative hall of the Lithuanian parliament, the Italian President was smiling at the Speaker of Seimas who was sitting right in front of him and quietly waited until the three minutes dedicated to photojournalists and television cameramen under the protocol were over. When the journalists left, his wide smile vanished, and the President confided to the Speaker of the Seimas that he ‘also ’ did not like and even hated journalists but had no other choice than get used to them and be nice because they also ‘were an authority’. He agreed for his words to be translated into Lithuanian and pointed out: “A very powerful authority, unfortunately”. This situation from the end of the 20th century is in no way an exception in terms of the relationship between the media and government even if used in this article as a case example, because the author will present some more of such examples illustrating the issues of public rela...

Research paper thumbnail of Chronicle of research, publications, events

Žurnalistikos Tyrimai, 2020

Tyrimų, publikacijų, įvykių kronika Apgintos disertacijos žurnalistikos ir žiniasklaidos tema

Research paper thumbnail of Parlamento santykis su archyvu

Parlamento studijos, Jun 1, 2011

Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas, kelis kartus patobulindamas valstybės archyvų statusą, tikslindamas ... more Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas, kelis kartus patobulindamas valstybės archyvų statusą, tikslindamas jų funkcijas, veiklos sąlygas, dalį dokumentų palieka už Nacionalinio dokumentų fondo ribų, nes nėra nustatyta, kaip ta svarbi dalis turi patekti į parlamento archyvą. Autorius pastebi šį ypatumą, nagrinėdamas Lietuvos Seimo archyvo statusą ir veiklos aplinkybes, kurios lemia parlamento struktūrų santykį su dokumentu, jo saugojimu ir išliekamosios vertės kūrimu. Straipsnio tikslai-atskleisti archyvo vaidmenį dviem-istoriniu ir politinės kultūros, aspektais ir pateikti rekomendacijų, kaip būtų galima paversti parlamento archyvą nacionalinės reikšmės objektu, kad Seimas Lietuvoje turėtų savo tradicijos dokumentinį pamatą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: archyvas; Dokumentų ir archyvų įstatymas; is torija; parlamentinė kontrolė; Seimas. Įstatymų leidėjas, priimdamas 1995 metais Archyvų įstatymą ir jį pataisydamas 2004, 2006 ir 2010 metais, šio įstatymo atžvilgiu nėra nu matęs sau, kaip pagrindinei sprendimų priėmimo institucijai, svarbių įsi pareigojimų. Šią tezę pasistengsime ne tik pagrįsti, bet ir atsakyti į klausi mą, kodėl nacionaliniam parlamentui reikėtų specialaus santykio ne tik su minėtu teisės aktu, bet ir tiesiogiai su Seimo archyvu. Parlamento studijos 11 | 2011 M o k s l o d a r b a i i n f o r m a c i j a Pirmiausia, išsiaiškindami "Seimo archyvo" sampratą, turime nustatyti jo santykį su dokumentu. Priminsime, jog įstatymo str. 2.2 "archyvas" api brėžiamas kaip "įstaiga ar jos struktūrinis padalinys arba kita sukauptų do kumentų saugojimo vieta" 1. Vieta Seimo kanceliarijoje tikrai nustatyta ir tai verta atskirai aptarti. Kita vertus, esminis žodis čia yra "dokumentas", kurio sąvoka pasaulyje tapo diskusine dar XX a. pradžioje. Lietuvos nacionalinio parlamento atveju būtina įvertinti jo archyvo vaidmenį ir dokumento sam pratą būtent tos diskusijos kontekste 2 , nes dokumentui seniai priskiriama ne tik įrašyta informacija, bet ir objektai, kurie stebimi įvykyje arba išskiriami tam tikromis aplinkybėmis. Išskirtas objektas, skleidžiantis informaciją, sa vaime yra dokumentas, nors nebūtinai-dokumentų vadybos dalykas.

Research paper thumbnail of Paveldo komunikacija Seimo interjere: ženklų atrankos, kūrimo ir pateikimo problemos

Parliamentary Studies

Parlamentarizmo idėja turi ne tik turinį – kaip ir kiekvienos kitos prasmei paliudyti, tradicijai... more Parlamentarizmo idėja turi ne tik turinį – kaip ir kiekvienos kitos prasmei paliudyti, tradicijai atskleisti, reikalinga ir forma. Ten, kur demokratija – kad ir skirtingo modelio – trunka ilgai, parlamentų aplinka jų lankytojams būna įdomi kaip muziejus, nes iš tikrųjų ji „transliuoja“ valstybingumo istoriją, pasakoja apie tradicijos kūrėjus, suteikia galimybę atskleisti visuomenės savimonę ir santykį su demokratija. 1990 metais paskelbus Nepriklausomybę parlamento rūmuose, statytuose 1976–1980 metais, jų aplinkos ir interjero erdvės, kurios paprastai turi skleisti institucijos istoriją ir santvarkos dvasią, kito palyginti lėtai. Pastatas, iškilęs XX a. 9 dešimtmečio pabaigoje, buvo skirtas Lietuvos Sovietų Socialistinės Respublikos (SSR) Aukščiausiajai Tarybai – per metus sušaukiamai 2–3 kartus ir imituojančiai parlamentarizmą. Iš tikrųjų kasdienybėje tai buvo Aukščiausiosios Tarybos Prezidiumo ir jį aptarnaujančio „aparato“ administracinis pastatas. Tad architektų Algimanto ir Vyt...

Research paper thumbnail of Russian propaganda practice affects the theoretical model of communication

The author examines how intensive Russian propa­ganda (both recognisable and unrecognisable) can ... more The author examines how intensive Russian propa­ganda (both recognisable and unrecognisable) can expand any theoretical model of communication. Over the past 15 years, in the context of open military and democratic conflicts where Russia fights against Ukraine and over Ukraine, or over influence in the Middle East by bombarding Syrian cities, and where the European Union is breaking apart after the Brexit vote, informational politics has emerged as one of the most significant factors. The author claims that the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation, adopted in 2000, served as a stimulus to the current expansion of the official propaganda of Russia. The document in ques­tion has to be described as the start of Russian politics built on disinformation. The concept claims that, allegedly, Russia is threatened by the other nations’ desire “to dominate on the global information space” and “push Russia out of the international and domestic information market”; the concept fu...

Research paper thumbnail of Lithuania's Demarcation of Information from Poland's Solidarity Movement in 1980-1981

Studia Medioznawcze, 2021

The aim of the article: Despite the fact that everything we know in Polish history about the emer... more The aim of the article: Despite the fact that everything we know in Polish history about the emergence of Solidarity [Polish: Solidarność], Polish trade unions, in 1980-1981, and the conflict with the communist totalitarian regime is described in sources as ‘the Polish Crisis’, the question remains open about the contemporaneous deepening communication crisis of the communist government in Lithuania, whose history had long – until the middle of the 20th century – been very closely linked to the development of Poland. From 1951 to 1989, Lithuania was separated from Poland by a double barbed-wire Soviet border barrier without any border crossing points. Nevertheless, the author proposes delving into what type of information control measures the Soviet regime used in influencing the Lithuanian people by undermining their interest in the workers’ strikes and the expanding trade union movement in Poland 40 years ago, trying to set Lithuanians against Polish society, and also how the medi...

Research paper thumbnail of Concluding remarks on the Silent Critic. Dedicated to Bronius Raguotis

Žurnalistikos tyrimai

Skiriama Broniui RAGUOČIUI prisiminti,humanitarinių mokslų daktarui, literatūros ir spaudos kriti... more Skiriama Broniui RAGUOČIUI prisiminti,humanitarinių mokslų daktarui, literatūros ir spaudos kritikui, žurnalistikos istorikui, Vilniaus valstybinio universiteto Istorijos fakulteto Spaudos žurnalistikos katedros vedėjui, Vilniaus universiteto Komunikacijos fakulteto Žurnalistikos instituto docentui, Rašytojų sąjungos nariui, Žurnalistų sąjungos nariui, „Žurnalistikos tyrimų“ žurnalo redakcinės kiolegijos nariui ir autoriui.

Research paper thumbnail of Parlamentinės valstybės informacijos politikos problema „projektų visuomenės“ link

Parliamentary Studies

Šia publikacija autorius siekia išnagrinėti Lietuvos informacijos politikos raidą nacionalinės įs... more Šia publikacija autorius siekia išnagrinėti Lietuvos informacijos politikos raidą nacionalinės įstatymų leidybos kontekste. Prabėgus dviem dešimtmečiams galime įsitikinti – viena vertus, žodžio ir spaudos laisve (jos raiškomis), kita vertus – permaininga Lietuvos partijų veikla ir politikos nenuoseklumu bei gožiančia Lietuvos informacijos erdvę Rusijos žiniasklaida. Be to, tampa aktualus klausimas: ar įstatymų leidėjas turi pakankamai būdų ir formų pasisakyti dabartinėje Lietuvoje? Autorius pastebi, kad daug metų Vyriausybė informacijos politiką supranta ne tiek kaip analizę ir sistemą, bet kaip trumpalaikių įvaizdžio projektų kūrimą bendrame „projektų visuomenės“ kontekste. Ar Lietuvos piliečiui svarbu gauti laiku informaciją apie galimą banko griūtį arba būtinų vaistų trūkumą? O gal šios ir panašios grėsmės – kaip naujienų temos paliekamos tiesiog žiniasklaidos pasirinkimui. Straipsnyje apžvelgiama informacijos politiką reglamentuojančių aktų raida, todėl šios tematikos aspektai, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Casus Belli Problem in Publicistic Writings of Vincas Kudirka

The article explores a still topical issue concerning publicistic writings of Vincas Kudirka, a l... more The article explores a still topical issue concerning publicistic writings of Vincas Kudirka, a leader of the 19th century political struggle of Lithuanians and a publicist, characterized by him as casus belli, i. e. a pretext to “instigate war” accusing him of an attack against a certain social stratum. The author of the article presents a fresh look at the most sensitive three themes which don’t stop provoking public resonance produced by V. Kudirka’s diary Bells of Fatherland (which now can be equated with evil), taking into consideration the contents of the publication: the conduct of the Catholic Church, the enterprise of the Jewish community, and the separability of Lithuanian and Polish cultures. The volume of the study of these themes is small, i. e. from 2.6 to 7 per cent in comparison with the amount of the published and commented facts, in the whole work (385 problematic episodes). However, it was not only at the time of its publication that Bells of Fatherland provoked (...

Research paper thumbnail of Redakcinė kolegija ir turinys

Research paper thumbnail of Ir laivas plaukia... (tarp praeities gyvų vaiduoklių)

The review discusses the book “Lietuva 1938–1939 m. Neutraliteto iliuzijos” [Lithuanian in 1938–1... more The review discusses the book “Lietuva 1938–1939 m. Neutraliteto iliuzijos” [Lithuanian in 1938–1938. Illusions of Neutrality] by Algimantas Kasparavičius (Vilnius, 2010). The object of the research of the book is the Baltic neutrality. Its investigation in the context of Europe’s preparation for the war leads to relatively many novelties. Neutrality appears like a submarine in Lithuania’s foreign policy, with vague potential, route, crew and preparation. With regard to Lithuania neutrality is interpreted not as a doctrine or value attitude. The book provides readers with freedom to form a critical opinion as if testing available knowledge. The author consistently analyses and very colourfully reveals Lithuania’s intensive dialogue with Estonia and Latvia on the issues of neutrality and other political events. The book provides information about the activities of diplomatic missions. The rocked “Baltic Entente neutrality ship” sank primarily not due to the Moscow-Berlin axis highlig...

Research paper thumbnail of Problem of information policy of a parliamentary state: towards "project society

Author seeks to analyse the development of Lithuanian information policy in the context of the na... more Author seeks to analyse the development of Lithuanian information policy in the context of the national legislative procedure over last 20 years, since re-establishment of independence in 1990. Over this period, we may make certain, on the one hand, about the freedom of expression and the press (its manifestation); on the other hand, about changeable activities of Lithuanian parties and political inconsistency as well as Russian media which has been currently flooding the Lithuanian information space. Moreover, the following question becomes relevant: Does the legislator have enough ways and forms to speak out in present Lithuania? The author notes that for years the Government has perceived information policy not as the analysis and system, but rather as the creation of short-term image projects in the general context of "project society". The article gives an overview of the development of acts governing information policy; therefore, reference is only made to the aspect...

Research paper thumbnail of Kelios pastabos apie informacinį aprūpinimą politinei lyderystei

Research paper thumbnail of Press and the state : historical aspects of information policy in Lithuania

The Law on Land Reform and the Constitution remain the two underlying works of the legislative in... more The Law on Land Reform and the Constitution remain the two underlying works of the legislative in 1920–1922. The paper discusses how the public authorities of the Republic of Lithuania succeeded in retaining the information relationship with the electorate during the consideration of the principal law of the state, i.e. the draft Constitution of 1922, and how the country’s information policy developed. The text of the Constitution could have depended not only on the parliamentarians, but also on the commission for the drafting of this document, chaired by Christian Democrat Antanas Tumėnas, and the public opinion. Before the Parliament was elected in the Republic of Lithuania, the Government had a rather clear strategy on information policy; this is evident from the establishment of the Press Bureau in Vilnius, publishing of the daily “Lietuva” and the establishment of the Lithuanian Telegram Agency (Elta). Party-oriented periodicals prevailed in the information market at the beginn...

Research paper thumbnail of Tendencies in the development of our periodicals: impositions of bans, avoidance of bans, exerience in the tradition of bans

The report based on the present text was made at a scientific ference (2003) commemorating the 18... more The report based on the present text was made at a scientific ference (2003) commemorating the 180th anniversary of the source of Lithuanian periodicals. It addresses historical features of the mass media and their social factors which determined the maturity of the Lithi public opinion. The analysis of the tendencies (from the 19th to 20th c.) and traditions of the Lithuanian mass media is focused on a historical legal, economic, ethic and academic aspect. All historical leaders of Lithuanian society are closely connected with publishing, publicistic and editting work in newspapers. In the between the 19th and the early 20th century politicians felt the bitterness and price of bans, they possibly even formed their "taste". Despite the fact that in 1904 the right to the Lithuanian press was obtained from the Emperor with the proof in the courts of law of the absurdity and legal irrationality of the bans and of Russian law as contradictory and the Lithuanian publicistic wri...

Research paper thumbnail of The genre of blog in the drama of journalism change

“Moving” of a diary into virtual network at the end of the 20th century has opened up an opportun... more “Moving” of a diary into virtual network at the end of the 20th century has opened up an opportunity to circulate knowledge according to interests, yet it actually does not change the role of journalism as a social institution. Currently, a blog is not only a genre of journalism, but also a mode of professional expression. In this respect, a journalist blog (according to the journalistic professionalism criteria) should be distinguished from the blogs of persons of other professions. The author of the article concludes that a blog has been establishing as a source of social expression, a publication and a genre of journalism; journalist expression of the genre of blog differs from other expressions of this genre when it formally meets the criteria of a journalistic piece of work: selection of social information according to relevance, closeness, recency and reality of facts, reference to sources, truth investigation; a blogger in Lithuania may be and is treated as a journalist, since he is an author of publicised information (it is particularly important in relation to the Parliament, because formally every elector has the right and possibility to observe sittings); a blog as a publication is more than a piece of creation – it reveals cultural identity of the author(s), it helps perceive the psychological portrait and behaviour of a person (or an organisation); therefore, it should be analysed in different social aspects on the web. The analysis of a blog as a source of data is an object worth the attention of journalists; the legislator of the Republic of Lithuania could supplement the definitions of the Law on the Provision of Information to the Public with the concept of a “blog”, yet defining it as a means of information only (next to a newspaper or a journal), since, being a publication, it surpasses the notion of a genre (just like in the case of an interview – as a working method discussed in the article)

Research paper thumbnail of Paskutinės pastabos apie tylų kritiką

Research paper thumbnail of Partija prieš / už žiniasklaidą, arba kai kurie politikos komunikacijos istoriniai ir aktualieji aspektai

Mykolo Romerio universitetas, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Naujoji Lietuvos politikų karta ir istorinis politinės kultūros pamatas

Parlamento studijos, 2004

Research paper thumbnail of Iškilmingo posėdžio kalbų problematika ir prasmė

Parlamento studijos, Jun 1, 2006

Research paper thumbnail of PRACTICE The Parliament’s public relations in terms of political journalism

Abstract. While sitting at a place designated for guests in a representative hall of the Lithuani... more Abstract. While sitting at a place designated for guests in a representative hall of the Lithuanian parliament, the Italian President was smiling at the Speaker of Seimas who was sitting right in front of him and quietly waited until the three minutes dedicated to photojournalists and television cameramen under the protocol were over. When the journalists left, his wide smile vanished, and the President confided to the Speaker of the Seimas that he ‘also ’ did not like and even hated journalists but had no other choice than get used to them and be nice because they also ‘were an authority’. He agreed for his words to be translated into Lithuanian and pointed out: “A very powerful authority, unfortunately”. This situation from the end of the 20th century is in no way an exception in terms of the relationship between the media and government even if used in this article as a case example, because the author will present some more of such examples illustrating the issues of public rela...

Research paper thumbnail of Chronicle of research, publications, events

Žurnalistikos Tyrimai, 2020

Tyrimų, publikacijų, įvykių kronika Apgintos disertacijos žurnalistikos ir žiniasklaidos tema

Research paper thumbnail of Parlamento santykis su archyvu

Parlamento studijos, Jun 1, 2011

Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas, kelis kartus patobulindamas valstybės archyvų statusą, tikslindamas ... more Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas, kelis kartus patobulindamas valstybės archyvų statusą, tikslindamas jų funkcijas, veiklos sąlygas, dalį dokumentų palieka už Nacionalinio dokumentų fondo ribų, nes nėra nustatyta, kaip ta svarbi dalis turi patekti į parlamento archyvą. Autorius pastebi šį ypatumą, nagrinėdamas Lietuvos Seimo archyvo statusą ir veiklos aplinkybes, kurios lemia parlamento struktūrų santykį su dokumentu, jo saugojimu ir išliekamosios vertės kūrimu. Straipsnio tikslai-atskleisti archyvo vaidmenį dviem-istoriniu ir politinės kultūros, aspektais ir pateikti rekomendacijų, kaip būtų galima paversti parlamento archyvą nacionalinės reikšmės objektu, kad Seimas Lietuvoje turėtų savo tradicijos dokumentinį pamatą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: archyvas; Dokumentų ir archyvų įstatymas; is torija; parlamentinė kontrolė; Seimas. Įstatymų leidėjas, priimdamas 1995 metais Archyvų įstatymą ir jį pataisydamas 2004, 2006 ir 2010 metais, šio įstatymo atžvilgiu nėra nu matęs sau, kaip pagrindinei sprendimų priėmimo institucijai, svarbių įsi pareigojimų. Šią tezę pasistengsime ne tik pagrįsti, bet ir atsakyti į klausi mą, kodėl nacionaliniam parlamentui reikėtų specialaus santykio ne tik su minėtu teisės aktu, bet ir tiesiogiai su Seimo archyvu. Parlamento studijos 11 | 2011 M o k s l o d a r b a i i n f o r m a c i j a Pirmiausia, išsiaiškindami "Seimo archyvo" sampratą, turime nustatyti jo santykį su dokumentu. Priminsime, jog įstatymo str. 2.2 "archyvas" api brėžiamas kaip "įstaiga ar jos struktūrinis padalinys arba kita sukauptų do kumentų saugojimo vieta" 1. Vieta Seimo kanceliarijoje tikrai nustatyta ir tai verta atskirai aptarti. Kita vertus, esminis žodis čia yra "dokumentas", kurio sąvoka pasaulyje tapo diskusine dar XX a. pradžioje. Lietuvos nacionalinio parlamento atveju būtina įvertinti jo archyvo vaidmenį ir dokumento sam pratą būtent tos diskusijos kontekste 2 , nes dokumentui seniai priskiriama ne tik įrašyta informacija, bet ir objektai, kurie stebimi įvykyje arba išskiriami tam tikromis aplinkybėmis. Išskirtas objektas, skleidžiantis informaciją, sa vaime yra dokumentas, nors nebūtinai-dokumentų vadybos dalykas.

Research paper thumbnail of Paveldo komunikacija Seimo interjere: ženklų atrankos, kūrimo ir pateikimo problemos

Parliamentary Studies

Parlamentarizmo idėja turi ne tik turinį – kaip ir kiekvienos kitos prasmei paliudyti, tradicijai... more Parlamentarizmo idėja turi ne tik turinį – kaip ir kiekvienos kitos prasmei paliudyti, tradicijai atskleisti, reikalinga ir forma. Ten, kur demokratija – kad ir skirtingo modelio – trunka ilgai, parlamentų aplinka jų lankytojams būna įdomi kaip muziejus, nes iš tikrųjų ji „transliuoja“ valstybingumo istoriją, pasakoja apie tradicijos kūrėjus, suteikia galimybę atskleisti visuomenės savimonę ir santykį su demokratija. 1990 metais paskelbus Nepriklausomybę parlamento rūmuose, statytuose 1976–1980 metais, jų aplinkos ir interjero erdvės, kurios paprastai turi skleisti institucijos istoriją ir santvarkos dvasią, kito palyginti lėtai. Pastatas, iškilęs XX a. 9 dešimtmečio pabaigoje, buvo skirtas Lietuvos Sovietų Socialistinės Respublikos (SSR) Aukščiausiajai Tarybai – per metus sušaukiamai 2–3 kartus ir imituojančiai parlamentarizmą. Iš tikrųjų kasdienybėje tai buvo Aukščiausiosios Tarybos Prezidiumo ir jį aptarnaujančio „aparato“ administracinis pastatas. Tad architektų Algimanto ir Vyt...

Research paper thumbnail of Russian propaganda practice affects the theoretical model of communication

The author examines how intensive Russian propa­ganda (both recognisable and unrecognisable) can ... more The author examines how intensive Russian propa­ganda (both recognisable and unrecognisable) can expand any theoretical model of communication. Over the past 15 years, in the context of open military and democratic conflicts where Russia fights against Ukraine and over Ukraine, or over influence in the Middle East by bombarding Syrian cities, and where the European Union is breaking apart after the Brexit vote, informational politics has emerged as one of the most significant factors. The author claims that the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation, adopted in 2000, served as a stimulus to the current expansion of the official propaganda of Russia. The document in ques­tion has to be described as the start of Russian politics built on disinformation. The concept claims that, allegedly, Russia is threatened by the other nations’ desire “to dominate on the global information space” and “push Russia out of the international and domestic information market”; the concept fu...

Research paper thumbnail of Lithuania's Demarcation of Information from Poland's Solidarity Movement in 1980-1981

Studia Medioznawcze, 2021

The aim of the article: Despite the fact that everything we know in Polish history about the emer... more The aim of the article: Despite the fact that everything we know in Polish history about the emergence of Solidarity [Polish: Solidarność], Polish trade unions, in 1980-1981, and the conflict with the communist totalitarian regime is described in sources as ‘the Polish Crisis’, the question remains open about the contemporaneous deepening communication crisis of the communist government in Lithuania, whose history had long – until the middle of the 20th century – been very closely linked to the development of Poland. From 1951 to 1989, Lithuania was separated from Poland by a double barbed-wire Soviet border barrier without any border crossing points. Nevertheless, the author proposes delving into what type of information control measures the Soviet regime used in influencing the Lithuanian people by undermining their interest in the workers’ strikes and the expanding trade union movement in Poland 40 years ago, trying to set Lithuanians against Polish society, and also how the medi...

Research paper thumbnail of Concluding remarks on the Silent Critic. Dedicated to Bronius Raguotis

Žurnalistikos tyrimai

Skiriama Broniui RAGUOČIUI prisiminti,humanitarinių mokslų daktarui, literatūros ir spaudos kriti... more Skiriama Broniui RAGUOČIUI prisiminti,humanitarinių mokslų daktarui, literatūros ir spaudos kritikui, žurnalistikos istorikui, Vilniaus valstybinio universiteto Istorijos fakulteto Spaudos žurnalistikos katedros vedėjui, Vilniaus universiteto Komunikacijos fakulteto Žurnalistikos instituto docentui, Rašytojų sąjungos nariui, Žurnalistų sąjungos nariui, „Žurnalistikos tyrimų“ žurnalo redakcinės kiolegijos nariui ir autoriui.

Research paper thumbnail of Parlamentinės valstybės informacijos politikos problema „projektų visuomenės“ link

Parliamentary Studies

Šia publikacija autorius siekia išnagrinėti Lietuvos informacijos politikos raidą nacionalinės įs... more Šia publikacija autorius siekia išnagrinėti Lietuvos informacijos politikos raidą nacionalinės įstatymų leidybos kontekste. Prabėgus dviem dešimtmečiams galime įsitikinti – viena vertus, žodžio ir spaudos laisve (jos raiškomis), kita vertus – permaininga Lietuvos partijų veikla ir politikos nenuoseklumu bei gožiančia Lietuvos informacijos erdvę Rusijos žiniasklaida. Be to, tampa aktualus klausimas: ar įstatymų leidėjas turi pakankamai būdų ir formų pasisakyti dabartinėje Lietuvoje? Autorius pastebi, kad daug metų Vyriausybė informacijos politiką supranta ne tiek kaip analizę ir sistemą, bet kaip trumpalaikių įvaizdžio projektų kūrimą bendrame „projektų visuomenės“ kontekste. Ar Lietuvos piliečiui svarbu gauti laiku informaciją apie galimą banko griūtį arba būtinų vaistų trūkumą? O gal šios ir panašios grėsmės – kaip naujienų temos paliekamos tiesiog žiniasklaidos pasirinkimui. Straipsnyje apžvelgiama informacijos politiką reglamentuojančių aktų raida, todėl šios tematikos aspektai, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Casus Belli Problem in Publicistic Writings of Vincas Kudirka

The article explores a still topical issue concerning publicistic writings of Vincas Kudirka, a l... more The article explores a still topical issue concerning publicistic writings of Vincas Kudirka, a leader of the 19th century political struggle of Lithuanians and a publicist, characterized by him as casus belli, i. e. a pretext to “instigate war” accusing him of an attack against a certain social stratum. The author of the article presents a fresh look at the most sensitive three themes which don’t stop provoking public resonance produced by V. Kudirka’s diary Bells of Fatherland (which now can be equated with evil), taking into consideration the contents of the publication: the conduct of the Catholic Church, the enterprise of the Jewish community, and the separability of Lithuanian and Polish cultures. The volume of the study of these themes is small, i. e. from 2.6 to 7 per cent in comparison with the amount of the published and commented facts, in the whole work (385 problematic episodes). However, it was not only at the time of its publication that Bells of Fatherland provoked (...