Is Georgia Safe? Common Concerns & Safety Tips for Tourists (original) (raw)

Georgia’s popularity as a tourist destination has grown exponentially in recent years. Still, many people who are unfamiliar with the region tend to think that travelling in Georgia and the Caucasus is somehow unsafe.

Some of the misconceptions surrounding Tbilisi and Georgia are likely due to the country’s geographic location. Some people assume Georgia is dangerous because of past and present geopolitical struggles.

A lot of it is probably down to the fact that Georgia is still quite unknown on the world stage – and we tend to fear what we don’t understand.

In reality, Georgia is one of the safest countries I’ve travelled to or lived in. I feel safer in Tbilisi than I do in almost any capital city in Western Europe.

This is, of course, my personal opinion. But there is data to back it up.

In this post, I’ll run through a few of the biggest concerns tourists normally have when visiting Georgia for the first time. I’ll also share my top safety tips based on my experience travelling and living here for four years.

I hope this advice will help you make informed decisions during your visit.

Please note: This post contains affiliate links, meaning I may earn a commission if you make a purchase by clicking a link (at no extra cost to you). Learn more.

Update: Is Georgia still a safe country in 2024?

A lot has changed since I moved to Georgia in 2020 – not to mention since I first travelled here in 2017. On the whole, Georgia remains a very safe destination. But there are a few specific things you need to watch out for, which I cover below.

In the 2024 International Crime Index, Georgia ranks 20th in the world in terms of safety behind countries including Croatia, Qatar, Taiwan, Oman, Slovenia, Armenia and the UAE.

This is just one data point (and it is worth noting that Georgia was way up in 4th position in 2020). But it still says something.

Tbilisi, Georgia’s capital, is consistently cited as one of the safest cities in the world (currently 32nd according to the 2024 Safety Index). Having also lived in Batumi, Kutaisi and Gori, I think Georgia’s other major cities are comparably safe for tourists.

Back in 2021, Georgia scored 88 out of 100 in the Gallup Law and Order Index, placing it among the top 20 safest countries in the world (of the 115 surveyed). This poll is interesting because it’s based on people’s perceptions and asked questions such as “Do you feel safe walking alone at night in the city or area where you live?”

The number of reported crimes in Georgia remains low – if you’re interested, you can see the latest crime stats in these monthly Geo Stat reports.

So, is Georgia still a safe country for tourists? I think the answer is a resounding yes. Anecdotally, it does feel like petty crime is becoming more common in Tbilisi, but it’s hard to say whether that’s because of an increasing number of incidents or because people are more likely to report it now.

I have always said that just because the stats say Georgia is safe, you should never drop your guard and not worry about personal safety when travelling in Georgia. Every country has its problems, and there are certainly some things you should be aware of.

Child beggars

Child beggars have only really become a problem in Georgia in the past 24 months. There is a lot of discussion about this on travel forums including Trip Advisor, which is why I’m mentioning it here.

While it is definitely something to be aware of, it is nowhere near the level it is in some other cities such as Athens or Rome for example.

Sometimes kids will approach you for money when you are sitting in a cafe or standing on the street. Once you give them a firm no, they are likely to walk away.

More concerning are incidents of pickpocketing. The ploy is pretty standard: One kid will distract you by grabbing onto your arms or legs while another attempts to pinch your wallet/phone.

Though extremely concerning, these incidents have so far been limited to a few locations in Tbilisi and Batumi. The sidewalk outside Galleria Mall in Tbilisi is a known hotspot, as is the area around Marjanishvili Metro Station, Shardeni Street in the Old Town, and Europe Square near the Bridge of Peace.

I recommend avoiding these areas when possible. If you see a group of child beggars, give them a wide berth. Keep your money and valuables in your bag and not in your pockets.

Because they are minors, the police are apparently limited in how they can respond, which makes incidents like these extra frustrating.

The war in Ukraine

Another recent development that many travellers are understandably concerned about is the Ukraine war. Certainly there have been noticeable impacts in Georgia: Many Russians (and Ukrainians too) have fled here, which has had various knock-on effects.

Most Georgians are resolute in their support of Ukraine. In spring and summer 2022, there were non-violent demonstrations in many cities, but there have been fewer solidarity protests of late.

Anti-Russia sentiment has become amplified. For this reason, I do not recommend speaking Russian in Tbilisi. Most Georgians understandably prefer it if you use English.

Aside from the pro-Ukrainian flags and slogans you see around the place, there are no other obvious hints that a war is going on.

In terms of personal safety, I am yet to see any compelling evidence of an imminent threat. At the time of writing, official travel advisories classify Georgia as follows:

I recommend following your own country’s travel advice both before and during your trip.

At present, there is no issue with travelling to areas that are close to the Russian border. It is business as usual in places such as Gudauri, Kazbegi, Tusheti, etc.

I do not have any special insights into geopolitics. All I can say is that Ukraine is a long way from Georgia, and on a personal note, I would not still be living here if I thought it was unsafe.

Crime in Georgia

As mentioned, Georgia and Tbilisi both rank very low in terms of crime. Of course petty crime and burglary exist in Georgia, but tourists are rarely targeted.

In Tbilisi, it’s not unusual to hand your wallet over to a stranger so they can swipe your bus pass or to give someone your handbag to hold while you stand on the metro. I regularly see people lay their mobile phones down on the seat next to them when they’re on the train. There is a sense of trust and familiarity here that I think is quite rare.

Even in the bigger cities, there is a prevailing sense of community and a feeling that everyone looks out for each other. Georgian culture, the impacts of communism, the events of the 1990s that forced everyone to come together to overcome adversity – and of course the massive influence of the Orthodox Church – are probably all contributing factors.

As I’m sure you’ve already heard, hospitality is a big deal here. Georgians pride themselves on extending that same neighbourly kindness to guests and strangers.

A group of men pose for a photo at a local market in Tbilisi.

Friendly faces at the Dezerter Bazaar in Tbilisi.

You often see security bars on lower level windows in Tbilisi. These are leftover from the 1990s when crime was a serious problem.

In 2003, things changed with the Rose Revolution. The police force underwent major reform and corruption and bribery were virtually stamped out (on paper at least).

Trust in law enforcement went up, and crime rates went down. As well as improving the quality of life for Georgians, this went a long way to improving Georgia’s reputation internationally. There is a strong police presence in most cities today, and CCTV and security cameras are widespread.

Having said all that, of course I still recommend using common sense. Keep your valuables secure and avoid leaving your things unattended, especially when you’re on the metro in Tbilisi or in a crowded tourist area.

Last summer, there were a few bag snatching incidents in Tbilisi. Be extra careful with your belongings if you’re sitting outside at a bar or a restaurant late at night. Take care at hostels and look for places that provide secure storage. The same applies when using left luggage services.

Lock your doors and windows at night and when you leave your accommodation – even if your neighbours don’t – and avoid being out alone in quiet areas after dark. Do not go hiking or walking in secluded parts of Tbilisi alone.

If you do need to report a crime, police are generally pretty good when dealing with foreigners. English-speaking officers and/or interpreters are available at all police stations.

It’s a good idea to familiarise yourself with these emergency numbers in Georgia:

I also suggest you download the 112 Georgia app. It allows you to contact emergency services directly and send a GPS marker of your location in case something goes wrong.

Touts in Tbilisi

A couple of years ago there were hardly any touts in Tbilisi. Starting from two summers ago, I was shocked at the number of people selling tours and boat trips, advertising casinos and bars – often using mildly aggressive tactics and getting right up in your face.

If you’re walking around Old Tbilisi (especially near Shardeni Street), the Bridge of Peace or the pedestrianised part of Aghmashenebeli Avenue, you are bound to encounter them. It’s far worse in the busy summer months compared to shoulder or low season.

I personally detest this kind of thing and hate having to be on-guard when walking around the city. My advice is to avoid these areas during the middle of the day. If you’re ever approached and you feel uncomfortable, make eye contact and give them a firm no.

Touts are more of an annoyance than a safety issue.

Tourist scams in Georgia

Tourist scams are far less prevalent in Georgia than in most Western European countries. Dual pricing and the ‘tourist tax’ are a reality (especially at markets), but getting scammed isn’t something the average tourist needs to be overly concerned about.

Dodgy currency exchange desks sometimes take advantage of tourists with fake banknotes or by skewing their rates. I recommend avoiding them all together – just use your bank card to withdraw cash at an ATM.

I have heard of people getting scammed in Tbilisi in broad daylight. In one case, a foreign visitor was charged 30 GEL (about $10) for a glass of orange juice. (It was freshly squeezed, but still.)

When buying food, drinks or souvenirs from a market, always ask the price before you commit to buy. Never buy something in a restaurant or bar without checking the price on the menu. Never pay your bill without checking the itemised docket.

I also suggest you avoid shopping from street vendors or visiting restaurants in the touristy parts of the Old Town or on the pedestrianised part of Aghmashenebeli Avenue. These are known hotspots.

Colourful street art in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Tourist scams are rare in Tbilisi but they do happen. Be careful with your $.

The bar scam in Tbilisi

If you’re planning to dabble in Tbilisi’s nightlife, one thing you do need to be cautious of is the dreaded bar/nightclub scam. Usually scammers prey on single men via Tinder. But a few years ago this happened to friends of ours (a couple) at a certain bar in the Old Town. It has since closed down, thankfully.

The swindle goes something like this: After a few drinks, a friendly bartender will talk you into buying a bottle of wine or champagne. When it comes time to settle the bill, there are a few more (actually a lot more) zeros on the bill than you were expecting. But you agreed to buy the bottle, and you drank it, so you have to pay up.

When this happened to our friends, they were taken to the nearest ATM and forced to cough up the several thousand laris they apparently owed the bar. They went to the police and managed to get some of their money back, but not all of it.

The good news is that police are cracking down on these scams and in 2022/23, several people were charged.

One giveaway for these dodgy bars is that they aren’t listed on Google Maps. Before you go anywhere for a drink, check to see if the venue is marked on Google. If you meet someone online, set the meeting point yourself. In general, I recommend sticking to bars and clubs that have lots of reviews, like these ones.

Avoid visiting bars and clubs that appear on this list of the worst-rated places in Tbilisi.

Using taxis in Georgia

Taxis are another major pressure point for tourists. Taxis in Georgia are unmetered so if you don’t speak the same language as your driver, things can get very confusing.

Drivers sometimes take advantage of tourists in these situations. This is especially common when travelling from the airport to the city, which is why I recommend avoiding airport taxis at all costs (see my guide on how to get to and from Tbilisi Airport for alternatives).

Instead of using street taxis, I highly highly recommend using a ride-hailing app. Bolt is my top choice. This will completely remove the language barrier and any confusion over directions or price.

If you want to use the app, you will need to pick up a local sim card and a cheap data package when you arrive.

Occasionally people report issues with taxi apps where the driver takes the scenic route on purpose or ‘forgets’ to end the trip, resulting in an overcharge. It has happened to me on occasion. A good tip here is to always make sure the driver completes your trip before you get out of the car (Bolt now gives the passenger the option to manually end the trip as well).

Bolt has great support so if you have any issues, use the app to get in touch with them. I have received a full refund on several occasions.

Bolt is currently only available in bigger cities and towns. Maxim is an alternative app that also works in smaller towns. In rural areas, you should go through your guesthouse – they will be able to advise you on approximate fares and can usually organise taxis for you (most guesthouse owners have at least a few favourite drivers on speed dial).

Road safety in Georgia

Road safety is by far my biggest concern in Georgia and it’s something you really do have to be mindful of. Treacherous mountain roads like the one up to Tusheti are notoriously dangerous. But you have to take care everywhere, even in the city.

The driving style in Georgia could best be described as ‘fast and aggressive’. Overtaking on two-lane highways at high speed is common.

Bad driving isn’t just limited to men, but there is definitely an element of machismo involved. Honestly, it’s one of the things I dislike most about Georgia.

An orange van in a carpark in Tbilisi, Georgia.

Behold the humble marshrutka.

There is a level of risk that comes with road travel anywhere in the world. In Georgia, that risk is amplified by poor road conditions, the prevalence of old and poorly maintained vehicles (and the mix of left and right-hand carriages), lack of regulation around day tour providers, the drinking culture, and the lax approach to road rules in general.

There are well over 5,000 reported traffic accidents here every year, and there’s usually at least one major accident involving tourists every season. I was astonished to learn that the cost of injuries and damage caused by road accidents amounts to 5% of Georgia’s GDP.

The risk is lower for shorter trips or rides around the city. Marshrutka vans are great for travelling between cities, but increased competition in recent years has put immense pressure on drivers. They often cut corners (speed to squeeze in an extra trip) as a result.

Thankfully road fatalities are decreasing and many roads are being upgraded, including the main highway between Tbilisi and Batumi. But there’s still a long way to go.

If it’s within your budget, I recommend using a reputable private driver for longer trips, especially in the mountains. GoTrip is a reliable and well-priced service for this.

Tips for staying safe on the road in Georgia:

If you plan on hiring a car and driving around Georgia yourself, read up on my safety tips first. Familiarise yourself with weather conditions and avoid high-risk roads such as the Military Highway or the road to Mestia.

Hitchhiking and ride-sharing were once common in Georgia, but not so much anymore. Approach these interactions with caution.

Pedestrians also need to take extra care on Georgian roads. Zebra crossings and lights are common throughout Tbilisi and all cities, but never assume cars will stop for you. Turning cars are especially bad when it comes to cutting off pedestrians. I’ve had a few close calls myself.

Never try to cross a major street in Tbilisi if there’s no zebra crossing. Look for an underground passage instead.

Street dogs & mountain dogs

There are a lot of stray dogs in Georgia. According to the latest survey, there are 30,000 street dogs in Tbilisi alone.

In the cities, many dogs have a yellow or green plastic tag on their ear – this means they’ve been de-sexed and vaccinated as part of a government program. They might be strays, but they’re fed and cared for by the community as a collective.

Georgia’s street dogs are generally very sweet and affectionate. Often they congregate around tourist sites because they know they’ll get attention and food. I’ve never seen an urban dog be aggressive towards humans, even when there are snacks involved.

A cute dog sits in the grass in front of Bagrati Cathedral.

A friendly pooch outside Bagrati Cathedral in Kutaisi.

The shepherd dogs you see in the Caucasus mountainsand rural areas are a whole different kettle of fish. These dogs are born and bred to guard their flock/herd from wolves and thieves, and they do so fiercely. It’s their job after all.

If you encounter sheep or cows when hiking or walking in rural areas, be aware that there is probably a dog nearby. The best course is to try and find an alternative route. If that’s not possible, walk at a normal pace and with purpose; show the dog that you’re moving through and you’re not a threat.

If the dog becomes aggressive and starts gnashing its teeth, yell out – oftentimes the shepherd (or a more confident bystander) will be close enough to call the dog off.

If you’re concerned about dogs and you plan on doing a lot of hiking, consider investing in an ultrasonic dog deterrent zapper.

Meeting locals

Interacting with locals is one of the most rewarding aspects of travelling in Georgia. The hospitality here is legendary – but don’t expect to be treated like a king or queen just because you’re a tourist.

In rural areas especially people may feel obliged to share what little they have with you. There’s nothing wrong with this – it’s a beautiful thing – but just be careful not to overstep or take advantage of people’s good will.

Getting invited into someone’s home for food or drink is fairly common, especially in small towns and villages. Exercise common sense in these situations, especially if you’re alone.

Be polite and learn a bit of the language – even just a few basic phrases can make interactions with people a lot smoother.

A smiling woman sits on a daybed in Guria, Georgia.

This is Mari. Like so many Georgians, she completely melted my heart.

Georgia’s ethnic and cultural diversity is one of its greatest strengths. Places like Pankisi Valley offer some of the most genuine and rewarding travel experiences you can find anywhere in the country. It’s important to remember that different communities have their own traditions and customs. Life in the mountains is very different to life in urban Tbilisi.

I always recommend dressing conservatively in rural Georgia out of respect.

Hiking in Georgia

It can be difficult to find accurate information about weather and conditions in Georgia’s remote mountain areas, so it’s important to consult locals and have a backup plan in place when trekking.

The quantity and quality of marked trails is slowly improving thanks to initiatives such as the Transcaucasian Trail, but some of these routes are still very rugged and might not be suitable for inexperienced hikers.

If you’re a solo female traveller, I highly recommend linking up with hiking buddies rather than hiking on your own. This goes for both rural trails and hikes around Tbilisi.

Jozef at Caucasus Trekking is an expert on this topic – I highly recommend consulting his website before you go hiking in Georgia.

Adventure sports

Skiing and snowboarding and all kinds of other adventure activities are available in Georgia nowadays. Safety standards might not be what you’re used to, though.

I do not recommend paragliding in Georgia as the industry is largely unregulated. In 2022, paragliding was temporarily banned in Georgia following a devastating accident in Gudauri.

As of 2024, there are several developments in this area, no doubt connected to Georgia’s EU ambitions. Firstly, new safety standards have been introduced for paragliding operators. And secondly, Professional Liability Insurance will become mandatory for all high-risk tourism service providers in June.

Again, this is not at all my area of expertise – all I can say is do your research, go with a reputable company, and make sure you have travel insurance that covers high-risk activities.

It’s always worth seeking advice from an experienced guide or tour provider if you’re unsure.

Political unrest & demonstrations

It’s important to remember that Georgia is a young democracy and there are ongoing political and territorial issues. In August 2008, for example, tensions with Russia bubbled over into conflict along Georgia’s northern border.

It’s highly unlikely that a territorial dispute would impact tourists, but it’s best to avoid the South Ossetia (AKA Tskhinvali / Samachablo) ‘border zone’ area for this reason.

Georgians are passionate about their independence (who wouldn’t be after everything the country has been through), and people aren’t afraid to raise their voice against injustice, be it related to the borders, local politics, corruption, or something else entirely. As mentioned, many demonstrations have been held across Georgia in the wake of the events in Ukraine in early 2022.

Planned protests and demonstrations often occur in Tbilisi during the summer months. They are almost always peaceful, but things can escalate quickly, so I recommend keeping a safe distance. If you want to show your support, do so from the sidelines.

Travelling to Abkhazia or South Ossetia

Abkhazia is located on western Georgia’s Black Sea Coast. How Abkhazia became ‘separated’ from the rest of the country is a tragic and complicated story. I’m not going to rehash it here, but you can read this if you’re interested.

If you’re thinking of travelling to Abkhazia, you need to be aware that there are separate safety concerns that don’t apply to the rest of Georgia. I know people who have travelled to Abkhazia and had a great time. And I’ve heard some horror stories, too.

The situation in Abkhazia is tenuous. The crossing often closes at short notice, and it can be very difficult for tourists to accurately read the situation.

There is no consular assistance in Abkhazia as far as I’m aware, so if something goes wrong, you’re on your own. Also note that most standard travel insurance policies won’t cover you for travel to Abkhazia.

It is not possible to enter South Ossetia (AKA Tskhinvali / Samachablo) from Georgia. Travellers are advised to give the ‘border zone’ a wide berth.

It is still safe to travel on the highway through Gori and to Stepantsminda/Racha.

Eating & drinking in Georgia

On a lighter note, I often get questions about food hygiene and whether or not you can drink the tap water in Georgia.

I eat out at least 3-4 times a week (more when I’m travelling) and have never once gotten food poisoning in Georgia. Food is generally pretty fresh and additives such as MSG are not used in Georgian cooking.

As always, I suggest eating where locals eat (this list of Tbilisi’s best restaurants is a good place to start) to reduce the risk of a dodgy meal.

A man pours sparkling water from a bottle into a glass.

Borjomi is just one of Georgia’s natural mineral water brands. It’s good for your digestion, too!

Generally speaking, it’s safe to drink the tap water in Georgia. In many parts of the country, tap water isn’t just potable, it’s highly coveted spring mineral water. You should always carry an empty with you when you visit mountain areas so you can bottle some for later.

The only exception is Tbilisi, where the tap water has a high mineral content (this is more due to the old pipes in many buildings rather than the water itself).

Tap water doesn’t agree with everyone, so I suggest starting with small doses and switching to bottled water if you need to.

Is Georgia safe for solo female travellers?

As a female, I always feel safe in Georgia. But I have noticed that when I travel without my partner (or even go around Tbilisi on my own), it’s often a very different experience.

Georgia is a patriarchal society and women here face particular issues. Awkward and unwanted stares from men is the most common complaint, while I have heard of women (expats and tourists) being followed by men in public areas. Harassment and public indecency (being flashed) are more rare, but it does happen.

I know plenty of women who travel and hike in Georgia solo. But as fellow travel blogger Amy says, “there are jerks everywhere.” Even in Georgia.

If you’re a solo female traveller, I recommend being proactive and taking extra steps around personal safety. Don’t walk alone late at night. Make sure your bedroom door has a lock, and always secure the door at night (especially if you’re staying at a guesthouse in a rural area). Avoid staying by yourself in apartments or Airbnbs with shared ‘Italian yards’ as they offer little privacy from the neighbours.

And yes, this also means dressing conservatively – not because I think what you wear should determine how you’re treated, but because Georgia is a conservative society in many ways, and dressing accordingly is a sign of respect (and a way to blend into the crowd more than anything).

You might want to avoid travelling solo in very remote mountain areas. Pairing up with other travellers is never a bad idea. It’s also good practice to have your accommodation organised in advance in these situations, and to be in touch with your guesthouse owner.

For further reading, here is an interview about travelling and hiking in Georgia solo. This website correlates first-hand reports from solo travellers in Tbilisi and is very useful for getting a picture of what it’s like on the ground.

LGBTQ travellers will find some useful insights in this article. I should also point out that in 2023, the Tbilisi Pride event was cancelled following protests that unfortunately turned violent.

While Georgia remains popular with younger travellers and backpackers, more and more families are considering it as a holiday destination. I have encountered families of all sizes and kids of all ages travelling here.

In Georgian culture, children (especially babies) are adored, so you’ll get big brownie points if you show up to a restaurant or guesthouse with a little one.

The biggest thing to be aware of is the lack of safety barricades and rails at heritage sites such as Vardzia, Uplistsikhe and Martvili Canyon. The crumbling walls at Tbilisi’s Narikala Fortress are an accident waiting to happen.

Some hotels and guesthouses similarly might not be set up for kids – it always pays to ask first.

Overall though, Georgia is perfectly safe for kids and there are plenty of child-friendly things to do here.

Do you need travel insurance for Georgia?

I always recommend taking out travel insurance no matter where in the world you’re going. Even though Georgia is a safe place for tourists, I personally wouldn’t consider travelling here without insurance.

From June 1, 2024, it will be compulsory for all international citizens entering Georgia to hold proof of health and accident insurance.

My preferred provider for travel insurance is Hey Mondo. Compare policies and save 5% when you use my referral link.

Final words: Is Georgia safe?

My many and varied experiences travelling in Georgia and living in several different cities have shown me that Georgia is an overwhelmingly safe destination for travellers. I think most other expats and travellers would agree with me.

Road safety should be your main concern, and I recommend taking proactive measures to ensure any road travel you do is as safe as it can possibly be. Risk mitigation is key.

English is widely spoken in Georgia, and people here are renowned for their hospitality and kindness towards strangers. This, combined with the very low crime rate, makes Tbilisi a safe city and Georgia a safe country in general.

Overall, you should exercise common sense when it comes to personal safety in Georgia, especially when you’re on the road or in the mountains.

Solo female travellers need to be on-guard more than other travellers, especially on hiking trails or when visiting remote areas.

Georgia essentials

Here are the websites and services I personally use and recommend for Georgia. Check out my full list of travel resources for more tips.

FLIGHTS: Search for affordable flights to Tbilisi, Batumi or Kutaisi on Skyscanner.

TRAVEL INSURANCE: Insure your trip with HeyMondo, my preferred provider for single-trip and annual travel insurance (get 5% off when you book with my link).

SIM CARD: Magti is my preferred provider, with prices starting from 9 GEL/week for unlimited data. See this guide for all the details about buying a Georgian SIM card.

AIRPORT TRANSFERS: Most flights into Georgia arrive in the early hours. For ease, pre-book a private transfer from Tbilisi Airport to your hotel (from 17)or[fromKutaisiAirporttoTbilisi](−planner/from−kutaisi17) or from Kutaisi Airport to Tbilisi (from 17)or[fromKutaisiAirporttoTbilisi]( with my partners at

ACCOMMODATION: is the most widely used platform in Georgia. Use it to find family guesthouses, private apartments, hostels and hotels around the country.

CAR HIRE: Find a great deal on a rental car in Georgia – use the Local Rent website to book through a local agent (prices start from $20/day).

DAY TRIPS & CITY TOURS: Use Viator or Get Your Guide to browse a range of day trips and city tours. For off-beat programs, I recommend (use the promocode wanderlush for 10% off). For in-depth day trips to Georgia’s wine regions, I recommend Eat This! Tours (use the promo code wanderlush for 5% off).

PRIVATE TRANSFERS: is a terrific service for booking a private professional driver and car for the day. Use it for A-to-B transfers, a customised round-trip itinerary, or a multi-day trip. You can stop wherever you like for as long as you like without the fixed price going up.

NEED SOME HELP?: Need feedback on your itinerary or personalised travel tips? I offer a one-on-one consultation call service for Tbilisi and Georgia. More information and bookings here.

Is Georgia safe? Your questions about safety in Georgia (Europe) and Tbilisi answered, plus my top tips for staying safe in Georgia as a tourist.

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