New Here, First Post (original) (raw)

New Here, First Post [Mar. 10th, 2006|10:32 pm]Planning Parenthood
Previous Entry Flag Next EntryHello everyone, this is my first post here, so let me give you a little background. My name is Lacey and I am 21 years old and I live in michigan, I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16, and have been on a roller coaster with it ever since ! About three and a half years ago, I met the love of my life Jason, lately we have been doing a lot of talking about wanting children, I know it is going to be very hard for us to conceive, because within the three year period we have been together we have never used protection of any kind, and I have never become pregnant. So after giving everything much thought, and especially the fact of how much both of us really want children (I have wanted a baby for as long as I can remember), I have decided to go on a diet, my friend is currently on the six week body makeover diet, and since october she has lost 52 pounds, so I am hoping by joying her on this diet, I too can lose my needed weight, and this will regulate my not so regular cycles, and by this time next year, I will hopefully be able to get pregnant, I am not only doing this because I want to get pregnant, but for many health issues such as diabetes and heart disease is very common in my family, and I am lucky I have not been diagnosed with diabetes yet, I am currently at 274 pounds and am hoping to be around 174 by this time next year, I have faith in myself that I will be able to lose this weight, because now I have something to lose it for ! If any of you have weight loss tips, or anything you would like to share, please leave me comments, I am looking forward to meeting everyone !
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Welcome to the group! I hope your dieting and everything helps you with your baby journey, I know many people including myself that dieting has helped. I lost 40lbs and ended up pregnant one day lol. Of course I had also had it with fertility medications and temping and all that other crap and had decided I was taking a break and BAM here I am about to have our first munchkin in 4 days. Good luck with everything, I won't be around much for the next week with final preparations and then being in the hospital after my c-section (little sucker is breech) but I hope to talk to you soon! Thank you so much for welcoming me, and your story gives me great hope, congrats on the baby, and good luck with everything ! I hope tou hear from you again ! i weigh the same right now, Let me know how your diet goes, and i might get you to tell me EXACTLY what your doing, i need to do something about my body! Welcome!