warrior_icons - Profile (original) (raw)

on 25 October 2003 (#1414632)

**Warrior Icons:**There are a lot of Fandom communities out and about in the LJ world, but Warrior Icons is different. The community does not have a specific fandom for our icon makers to work from, all we ask is that the subject matter of the icons knows how to kick some ass!As a Xena/LoTR/Stargate…etc etc fan myself, its handy to have icons frommy fandoms in one place. Fro example in a single post you could have Buffy next to Mal from Serenity or Joxer standing a couple of icons down from Triple H. The “warrior” could be a top activist, or a female politician, or even someone who campaigns endlessly for human lefts. The possibilities are endless, and its up to the icon makers entirely who they choose.Welcome to Warrior_Icons! Enjoy your stay!
:*: No hot linking!:*: Only post your own made icons, unless you have permission from the original artist to redistribute their work.:*: In the subject header, please list what fandoms you are posting from.:*: Keep examples to a minium of 4 icons and them post the rest behind a LJ Cut.:*: Please post any “Spoiler” icons behind a LJ Cut and give fair warning to others.:*: Icon makers have their own rules regarding their work and what they would like done, please respect this.
A few of our top fandoms are (but not limited to) as follows::*: Xena: Warrior Princess:*: Hercules: The Legendary Journeys :*: Lord of The Rings:*: WWE:*: Buffy the Vampire Slayer:*: Angel:*: Serenity:*: Stargate SG:1:*: Stargate Atlantis.
The layout of this community is from a design by “Amazedxx”The user info is my own design.The makers of the default icons for this community will be credited in key wordsA special credit goes to the original creator of the community: “Rohandove”

amanda tapping, amazons, aragorn, ares, artemis, athena, autolycus, boromir/aragorn, caesar, christopher judge, david wenham, dr daniel jackson, eomer, faramir, faramir/aragorn, gabrielle, greek myths, hercules, het, icons, iolaus, jack o'neill, jack/daniel, jack/janet, karl urban, kevin sorbo, lj icons, lord of the rings, lotr, michael shanks, richard dean anderson, samantha carter, sean bean, sg-1, slash, stargate, teal'c, viggo mortenson, xena