we_love_jo - Profile (original) (raw)

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Journal created:

on 15 August 2003 (#1257391)

Posting Access:

All Members , Moderated

She crossdresses.

She strinks.

She is the ultimate Hugo fan (and mun).

She plots. And plots. And plots.

Resistance is futile.

anne mccaffrey, art, box o wine, c s friedman, candle making, cooking, crafts, cross stitch, crossdressing, darts, dave matthews band, dmb, dvds, fan fiction, fanfiction, football, hugo weaving, king arthur, merlin, movies, mp3s, music, painting, piers anthony, plotting, poetry, reading, road trips, s l viehl, smashing pumpkins, strinking, the tea party, tori amos, travel, writing
