we_thrive - Profile (original) (raw)

on 24 September 2006 (#11225745)

We Thrive: Plural-Positive PTSD Support

we_thrive is a place for Plurals with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder working towards functionality or already consider themselves functional learning to live their lives in a healthy way after trauma. Please read the rules below before you decide to join.


• We deal with all forms of trauma in this community, from Natural Disasters to Man-Made Violence.
• It is acceptable to discuss ways to improve group functionality, however other topics related to multiplicity itself are discouraged. Because professionals do not agree on subjects such as integration, medication, and as to whether treatment is necessary, this community is to maintain a neutral stance on these issues. Please refer to these communities instead if you have questions or wish to discuss a particular topic unrelated to this community:

multiplicity: for the discussion of multiplicity
plural_living: functional plurality in everyday life
plural_kids: for real kids in plural systems
plural_parents: parents who are multiple
more_than_one: for those who are multiple, soulbonds, or have spirit friends
beyondthegates: for people in multiple systems who want to discuss what is happening in their other worlds
fragmentedminds: a place for multiples, dissociatives, and those who love them.

-On Featuring Other Communities:
If you wish to have a link added to our profile, to a community that you feel contains related material and is beneficial to the members of we_thrive, please email the mods with your request. We will let you know as soon as possible whether we feel that link would be appropriate.

Postings or comments used to attempt to promote another community will be seen as spam, and therefore will be rejected or deleted.

• All members are encouraged to post using their own journals, or if they have a system journal, to please sign their individual names to each post. Any and all of your group members are welcome to post.
• Please respect other groups: their people, origins, and culture.
• We encourage members to give support to their peers, and to give advice if they feel there is any they have to share.
• Trigger warnings are only advised to be given if someone is posting a graphic account of self abuse or trauma. In this case, please put this content under an lj-cut labelled with a short description of what it’s about. If someone does feel ‘triggered’ by the content of a post, members are expected to not ask the poster not to talk about the subject. Instead, we encourage the ‘triggered’ party to explore the way they reacted to the content and learn how to deal with it differently in the future.
• Posts which contain over 500 words of text must be lj-cut.
• If you wish to disclose personal trauma stories, that is acceptable, however keep in mind that this community’s focus is on helping members to cope in the present, so please have consideration of this and keep posts of this sort to a reasonable number.
• If you wish to post your art, poetry, or other forms of creative expression, please do so under an lj-cut.
• We encourage a proactive attitude towards mental health. Educating oneself about different forms of treatment as well as taking into account what professionals say can build a balanced attitude towards recovery. (Possible resource list to be built up over time according to the recommendations of group members)
• The majority of topics discussed are determined by members of the community itself.
• Occasionally the moderators may post a general topic such as: Grounding, The Science of Trauma, Creative Expression, or Empowerment. Members are encouraged to share their experiences and knowledge of these topics.
• This community has a Safe Space policy. That means every member should feel welcome to participate in an empowering, non-judgmental, non-threatening space. If you happen to feel that a poster is currently exhibiting destructive behaviors and attitudes, it is acceptable to address the issue in a responsible, thoughtful way. We also ask members to Friends-lock their posts to help maintain Safe Space.
-If a member discloses that they are abusing a child or an animal, the moderators will report this information to the proper authorities if they are aware of the member’s ‘real-life’ identity and that of the abused party.

• The following things will get you banned:
1. Flaming and trolling
2. Receiving 1 or more Safe Space warnings: Usually you won’t get banned for a single SSW, but the moderators reserve the right to ban you immediately, after making a consensus on it, if they feel that the infraction is severe enough.
3. Victim blaming
4. Being judgmental, mean-spirited, or insulting: There are ways to challenge someone that can be worded in a supportive manner.
5. Threats and/or harassment of other members belonging to this community.

-We ask that if any members are being threatened or continually harassed, that they approach the maintainers/mods of this community with their concerns.

addictions, against eating disorders, anti-abuse, anti-bullying, anti-oppression, anti-torture, anti-violence, anti-war, anxiety, art, awareness, books, breaking the cycle, co-consciousness, co-operation, cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive distortions, community, coping, coping strategies, creativity, disabilities, disability, dissociation, dreams, empowerment, ending self abuse, ending self harm, faith, family, fears, fitness, flashbacks, friends, healing, health, human rights, injuries, inner worlds, journalling, meditation, memories, mental health, multiplicity, music, natural disasters, night terrors, nightmares, other worlds, panic, parenting, plurality, positive, post traumatic stress disorder, prayer, prevention, proactive, problem-solving, psychiatry, psychology, psychotherapy, ptsd, refugees, religion, safety, scars, self care, self-defense, sexuality, solution-focused, soulbonds, spirit friends, spirituality, stress, support, support group, survivor, therapy, treatment, writing, yoga