webcomics - Profile (original) (raw)

on 10 March 2003 (#941105)

This is a community primarily for the discussion of webcomics and the webcomic community. Certainly, we encourage you to advertise your comics, but even moreso this place was created for the purpose of being a community of webcomic artists, writers, and fans.

Community Rules

1. No trolling, spam, or excessive adult content (violence, sex, gore). Do not pick fights with or flame other members. Keep all your criticism constructive. Do not post anything off-topic. If you are linking to a comic with adult content, please post a warning above the link so that minors and people that are easily offended will not be forced to look.

2. Please refrain from making an advertising post for EVERY comic you make. If you're new to the community and wish to advertise your comic, haven't updated in awhile and are updating again, going on hiatus, or if your comic has started a new storyline that readers should be made aware of, you may advertise your comic. Please keep comic updates in the community to a minimum.

3. If you find you absolutely MUST post your strips directly into an entry, please keep all strips that are greater than 400 pixels in height and 500 pixels in width behind an LJ-cut. If you're posting more than one image put all but the first behind an lj-cut. To use an LJ-cut, type: < lj-cut text="image description" >image< /lj-cut > , minus the spaces inside the less than and greater than symbols. Be sure to include a description of the comic so people know what they're looking at before they click the link.

Make sure to check the memories and tags if you have any questions.
If you have any further suggestions, send the moderator prismaya an email at prismaya@star-road.net .

action comics, action/adventure comics, adult comics, adventure comics, alternative comics, anime, art, cartooning, cartoons, college comics, coloring, comics, computers, drama comics, drawing, fantasy comics, furry comics, gamer comics, gaming comics, horror comics, humor comics, inking, internet, manga, mature comics, mystery comics, parody comics, pencilling, real life comics, romance comics, satire comics, sci-fi comics, science fiction comics, shading, slice of life comics, sprite comics, suspense comics, webcomics