williamblakeoto - Profile (original) (raw)

on 6 March 2006 (#9697572)

Baltimore, Maryland, United States

LiveJournal Community for the DC/MD/VA/PA area served by William Blake Lodge, O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis); includes news, events and conversation. We welcome newcomers to any of our open events. Check out our website for more information.

United States Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis: oto-usa.org

11, 156, 418, 666, 777, 93, aleister crowley, amulets, angels, art, astral travel, astrology, automatic writing, babalon, banishing, book of the law, books, casting circles, ceremonial magick, chakras, degree work, ecclesia gnostica catholica, egc, enochian, esoteric studies, evocation, freedom, freemasonry, gematria, gnosis, gnostic mass, goddess worship, goetia, golden dawn, grail legends, great work, hadit, heaven and hell, hexagrams, hga, holy guardian angel, i-ching, incense, initiation, invocation, irregular masonry, kabbalah, knowledge, kundalini, lbr, liber al, liber oz, liberty, life, light, love, magical weapons, magick, meditation, middle pillar, music, mysticism, nuit, occultism, ordo templi orientis, oto, paganism, parsival, pathworking, pentagrams, philosophy, qabalah, ra-hoor-khuit, reguli, ritual, runes, sacred sexuality, scientific illuminisn, scrying, secret societies, secrets, sex magick, sigils, songs of experience, songs of innocence, spells, spirits, spirituality, star ruby, star sapphire, symbolism, talismans, tantra, tarot, the blake's seven, thelema, therion, trance, true will, william blake, yoga