winmobiledev - Profile (original) (raw)


Journal created:

on 15 September 2005 (#8298837)


on 25 September 2006


Windows Mobile Development

Posting Access:

Anybody , Moderated

This community is geared towards Windows Mobile & CE developers of all varieties, be it C/C++,VB, Pocket PCs, Smartphones, Mobile ASP.NET, or the .NET Compact Framework.

- No flaming
- Stay reasonably on topic: programming, os, hardware, maybe even opinions on the latter 3.
- NO ADVERTISING, unless it relates to Windows Mobile hardware/software/programming.

.net, .net compact framework, .netcf, c#, embedded devices, pocket pc, pocketpc, ppc, vb, windows ce, windows mobile, windows mobile 2003, windows mobile 5.0