wisdom12345 - Profile (original) (raw)
on 15 October 2009 (#23443875)
Inspiring stories and articles, everyone is welcome to write!
This journal, along many others, serve as a small retreat in which seeker after the truth may engage in meaningful and constructive discourses. The main themes are positive thinking, human values, well-being and success techniques, meditation, inspiring thoughts and feeling, issues about wisdom and religions and other related topics. There is no any dominant and focal idea advertised here, but the goal is to have a open forum in which entries written, read and commented by anyone who stumbles in, however, all articles are moderated to ensure the quality.
We encourage the culture of open mindedness, free thinking and criticizing. This journal is open to all.
allah, astral plane, astral projection, astral travel, atman, bhagavad gita, bhagavadgita, bhuddism, bliss, brahman, christianity, concentration, contemplation, divine, divinity, elohim, energy works, god, hindu, humanity, immortal self, inspiring stories, jehova, jesus, lord krishna, love, magic, magick, magik, meditation, mental body, mental plane, occult, prana, pranayama, religion, self, short stories, tao, truth, virtues, wisdom, yhvh, yoga, yogi, zazen, zen
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