wise_tits - Profile (original) (raw)
on 21 August 2008 (#16413874)
This community is made to be an outlet for those who want to share ideas, opinions, and thoughts. Be it about religion, the human mind, philosophy, politics, or other "deep" thoughts we're having, it's a place to have conversation about these things.
Some basic rules -
1.) No unnecessary bashing, trolling, racism, hate posts, flaming etc. We don't need drama.
2.) Nothing that violates LJ Terms of Service, or law.
3.) I prefer that everyone who joins posts an introduction post, so that we all know who we're talking to. Something that includes your first name, your age, maybe why you are joining. Tell us a little about yourself, if there's anything to tell.
4.) Don't post memes, surveys, quizzes and the like - that's what your personal lj is for.
abstract thought, abstraction, acceptance, analyzing, awareness, being human, books, chaos, community, complexity, consciousness, contemplation, criticisms, culture, cynics, destiny, diversity, dreams, ego, emotion, enlightenment, ethics, everything, existence, existentialism, expressionalism, free will, genetics, god, history, human nature, humanism, humanity, idealism, ideas, ideologies, imagination, impulses, intelligence, knowledge, life, logic, masochism, meaning, meaninglessness, music, obsession, opinions, order, people watching, perception, philosophy, poetry, politics, primitive sexuality, psychiatry, psychology, reading, reality, religion, responsibility, revolutions, self expression, sociology, spirituality, superficiality, the human condition, the mind, the self, the soul, theology, theories, theory, thinking, thought, understanding, wisdom, witticisms