Piotr Cichoracki | University of Wroclaw (original) (raw)
Books by Piotr Cichoracki
LTW, 2007
Książka poświęcona jest trzem najpoważniejszym przypadkom zaburzenia porządku publicznego jakie m... more Książka poświęcona jest trzem najpoważniejszym przypadkom zaburzenia porządku publicznego jakie miały miejsce w latach 30. XX w. Były to: wystąpienia zbrojne na pograniczu Polesia i Wołynia latem 1932 r., napad w 1933 r. na posterunek Policji Państwowej we wsi Nowosiółki powiatu kobryńskiego, oraz zajścia antyżydowskie w Brześciu nad Bugiem, do jakich doszło w maju 1937 r. Zaprezentowano zarówno przebieg wypadków, jak i ich różnorakie konsekwencje. Uzupełnienie stanowią aneksy źródłowe o charakterze archiwalnym i prasowym.
The book is a comprehensive analysis of the social riot phenomenon during the so called Great Cri... more The book is a comprehensive analysis of the social riot phenomenon during the so called Great Crisis period which in Poland occurred within the years 1930-1935. The book recreates the reasons for the social disturbances, their form and course as well as the short- and long-term consequences. We have defined the “social riot” as the people’s group public outbreaks which did not comply with the functioning law regulations and usually generated — to calm them down — forms of ad hoc physical abuse from the state organs. Linking the studied cases to the economic and political situation caused the following incidents to be excluded from the scope of our interest: incidents between particular communities/societies (unless during the course of an event the intervening organs responsible for the internal governance became the object of attacks themselves), cases of political terror/sabotage and outbreaks of a criminal character. The range of observations covered the whole territory of the Polish state, most important groups and social and national classes as well as the main political trends (the ruling camp, socialists, members of peasant parties, nationalists, communists). The study has been based upon all main categories of historical resources for the first half of the 20th century: archives, the press, relations, iconography. The first group of sources has played the most important role. We have used the resources of 26 archives in Poland and of 15 foreign institutions (in Belarus, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, Great Britain).
The study consists of four chapters arranged in a problem frame. Chapter 1 is of an introductory character. It discusses the background of the social unrests of the Great Crisis era. The chapter contains two sub-chapters dedicated to social and economic (1.1) and political issues (1.2). In Chapter 2 we have recreated the most important forms of social riots. In the first five sub-chapters we have taken into account the variety of the distress origins. We have discussed social unrests based upon: strikes (2.1), unemployment (2.2), the resistance against the state policy in rural areas as well their inhabitants’ attitude towards the property right (2.3), political conflicts, understood as clashes between the opposition and the ruling party (2.4) and the opposition against the police activities (2.5). The next two parts present armed actions (2.6) and incidents that did not comply with the accepted classification method (2.7). The last part (2.8) of Chapter 2 contains a characteristics of groups of participants in several incidents (including, among others, the sex, age, material status, education). Chapter 3 discusses the role of the state apparatus. In contains an analysis of reactions of the state institutions to cases of social unrest. The next sub-chapters discuss activities of all levels of political administration subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior (3.1), the police (3.2), tax administration (3.3), courts and the public prosecutors (3.4), self-governments (3.5) and the army (3.6). Chapter 4 presents various repercussions of social riots. We have discussed the problem of the ruling camp elite’s response to the incidents (4.1), described the consequences of the events for the legal system and the shape of political geography (4.2), and have presented changes that occurred within the system of securing the public order (4.3). Separate sub-chapters have been dedicated to echoes of social unrests in public opinion (4.4) and the riots’ long-term effects that chronologically exceed the interwar period (4.5). An integral part of the study is the annex. It contains a catalogue of 830 incidents of social riot that constituted the base for the analysis. It comes in the form of a tabular listing. The annex contains data on the location of each incident, its date (a day date when possible), a short presentation of the incident’s course, an approximate number of participants, a keyword description of the state authorities’ reaction. The catalogue also provides the number of victims: injured and killed. It takes into account both the perpetrators of the incidents and the law enforcement representatives. The book contains a name and geographical index.
The social riot in Poland during the Great Crisis era had its dynamics and regional specificity. It reached its climax in the years 1932-1933, when most spectacular public outbreaks occurred. During that period several armed incidents took place and the social unrest in rural areas involved thousands of peasants. In the years 1934-1935 a significant decrease in the protests’ intensity can be observed. Taking into consideration the whole period 1930–1935, one can conclude that incidents occurred more often in the western part of the country where people of Polish nationality were predominant. In the eastern part incidents took place mostly in rural areas. The events resulted in ca. 170 fatalities and several hundred of the injured. One can assume the unrests involved several hundred thousand people.
In the vast majority of cases the distress took form of singular, short-lived, territory-isolated incidents. They did not provide a pretext for cooperation of main opposition groups, they did not simultaneously involve representatives of various social groups either. They were either peasant (rural) or workers’/unemployed outbreaks. Dispersion of the protests made suppressing them by the ruling parties easier. Yet the success of the authorities did not mean violent protests of the public had been eliminated for long. They intensified again in 1936.
Książka omawia dzieje legalnego ruchu politycznego w międzywojennym województwie poleskim, od jeg... more Książka omawia dzieje legalnego ruchu politycznego w międzywojennym województwie poleskim, od jego utworzenia w 1921 r. do wybuchu II wojny światowej. Przedmiotem analizy są zarówno inicjatywy polskie, jak i te będące efektem aktywności środowisk ukraińskich i białoruskich. Nacisk położono na odtworzenie mechanizmów zyskiwania przez nie poparcia wyrażanego zwłaszcza w wyborach parlamentarnych i samorządowych, zaprezentowanie wzajemnych relacji stronnictw i grup politycznych, wreszcie zarysowanie – systematycznie rosnącej – roli administracji państwowej.
Wacław Kostek-Biernacki był jedną z ważnych osób obozu piłsudczykowskiego. W szerszej świadomości... more Wacław Kostek-Biernacki był jedną z ważnych osób obozu piłsudczykowskiego. W szerszej świadomości funkcjonuje przede wszystkim jako komendant wojskowego więzienia w Brześciu nad Bugiem, gdzie w 1930 r. zostali osadzeni politycy antysanacyjnej opozycji. Rola wówczas odegrana, łączona niekiedy z innymi epizodami jego biografii, powodowała, że zazwyczaj prezentowano go jednowymiarowo jako postać zdecydowanie negatywną, symbol stosowania przemocy przez rodzime środowisko polityczne. Tymczasem należy stwierdzić, że życiorys Kostek-Biernackiego był skomplikowany, a i dramatyczny. Na plan pierwszy wybijają się: działalność w PPS doby rewolucji 1905-1907, wieloletnia służba na stanowisku wojewody nowogródzkiego i poleskiego w latach trzydziestych, wreszcie powojenne represje zwieńczone niewykonanym wyrokiem śmierci, orzeczonym w 1953 r.
LTW, 2016
Książka przedstawia dzieje ruchu komunistycznego na terenie województwa poleskiego w latach 1921–... more Książka przedstawia dzieje ruchu komunistycznego na terenie województwa poleskiego w latach 1921–1939. Działalność komunistyczna – m.in. ze względu na swój wywrotowy charakter i inspiracje ze strony ZSRS – stanowiła dla odrodzonego państwa polskiego poważne zagrożenie. Polesie było obszarem o szczególnych ku temu uwarunkowaniach ze względu na stosunki narodowościowe, społeczne oraz ekonomiczne. Opisano najważniejsze formy aktywności komunistów, od podburzania miejscowej ludności do postaw antypaństwowych począwszy, a skończywszy na otwartych wystąpieniach z bronią w ręku.
Zaprezentowano również starania organów odpowiedzialnych za utrzymanie porządku, zwalczające ruch komunistyczny, a także stopień skuteczności tychże działań.
LTW, 2012
Książka poświęcona jest wydarzeniom z drugiej połowy 1924 r., kiedy to w województwach północno-w... more Książka poświęcona jest wydarzeniom z drugiej połowy 1924 r., kiedy to w województwach północno-wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej doszło do spektakularnych incydentów zbrojnych. Były one inspirowane z zewnątrz przez instytucje sowieckie i miały przyczynić się do destabilizacji sytuacji na Kresach. W pracy skoncentrowano się na odtworzeniu okoliczności towarzyszących trzem najgłośniejszym epizodom: napadowi na przygraniczną miejscowość Stołpce [województwo nowogródzkie] oraz dwóm atakom na pociągi pasażerskie - pod Łowczą [województwo poleskie] i pod Leśną [województwo nowogródzkie].
Księgarnia Akademicka, 2005
Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Ossolineum, 2001
edited volumes by Piotr Cichoracki
Księgarnia Akademicka , 2024
he volume is an edition of sources on the history of Poland in the last months of the post-partit... more he volume is an edition of sources on the history of Poland in the last months of the post-partitions period, falling between 1795 and 1918. The main part of the publication contains monthly reports on the situation in the Polish lands, as well as in emigration centres of the Polish population in the Western hemisphere, in the period from August to October 1918. These reports were compiled by the Central Polish Agency in Lausanne and distributed under the common name of „Polish Chronicles”. The Agency was established in Switzerland in September 1915, i.e. about a year after the outbreak of the World War. The initiator of its creation was Erazm Piltz, an important fi gure on the Polish political scene at the time. Piltz had been associated since the beginning of the 20th century with the Party of Real Politics, the most important Polish conservative group of the Russian partition. The Agency’s main task became to inform public opinion in Europe about the situation in the Polish lands. The CAP was intended to be politically neutral organisation. However, both the person of its founder and the affi liations of the vast majority of its co-workers quickly placed it in the constellation of structures representing pro-Allied attitudes (with the Polish National Committee at the forefront). This was refl ected in the choice of content and tone of the studies produced under the Agency’s banner. This also applies to the „Polish Chronicles” published in this volume.
Księgarnia Akademicka, 2011
LTW, 2014
Książka zawiera opracowane pisma autobiograficzne Leona Wasilewskiego - działacza Polskiej partii... more Książka zawiera opracowane pisma autobiograficzne Leona Wasilewskiego - działacza Polskiej partii Socjalistycznej, publicysty i dyplomaty.
Recenzenci dr Wojciech Marciniak dr Aleksander Srebrakowski Projekt okładki Jacek Świderski Na ok... more Recenzenci dr Wojciech Marciniak dr Aleksander Srebrakowski Projekt okładki Jacek Świderski Na okładce wykorzystano ilustracje ze zbiorów rodziny Bunkiewiczów w posiadaniu Teresy Sobolewskiej Publikacja finansowana w ramach programu Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki pod nazwą "
LTW, 2007
Książka poświęcona jest trzem najpoważniejszym przypadkom zaburzenia porządku publicznego jakie m... more Książka poświęcona jest trzem najpoważniejszym przypadkom zaburzenia porządku publicznego jakie miały miejsce w latach 30. XX w. Były to: wystąpienia zbrojne na pograniczu Polesia i Wołynia latem 1932 r., napad w 1933 r. na posterunek Policji Państwowej we wsi Nowosiółki powiatu kobryńskiego, oraz zajścia antyżydowskie w Brześciu nad Bugiem, do jakich doszło w maju 1937 r. Zaprezentowano zarówno przebieg wypadków, jak i ich różnorakie konsekwencje. Uzupełnienie stanowią aneksy źródłowe o charakterze archiwalnym i prasowym.
The book is a comprehensive analysis of the social riot phenomenon during the so called Great Cri... more The book is a comprehensive analysis of the social riot phenomenon during the so called Great Crisis period which in Poland occurred within the years 1930-1935. The book recreates the reasons for the social disturbances, their form and course as well as the short- and long-term consequences. We have defined the “social riot” as the people’s group public outbreaks which did not comply with the functioning law regulations and usually generated — to calm them down — forms of ad hoc physical abuse from the state organs. Linking the studied cases to the economic and political situation caused the following incidents to be excluded from the scope of our interest: incidents between particular communities/societies (unless during the course of an event the intervening organs responsible for the internal governance became the object of attacks themselves), cases of political terror/sabotage and outbreaks of a criminal character. The range of observations covered the whole territory of the Polish state, most important groups and social and national classes as well as the main political trends (the ruling camp, socialists, members of peasant parties, nationalists, communists). The study has been based upon all main categories of historical resources for the first half of the 20th century: archives, the press, relations, iconography. The first group of sources has played the most important role. We have used the resources of 26 archives in Poland and of 15 foreign institutions (in Belarus, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, Great Britain).
The study consists of four chapters arranged in a problem frame. Chapter 1 is of an introductory character. It discusses the background of the social unrests of the Great Crisis era. The chapter contains two sub-chapters dedicated to social and economic (1.1) and political issues (1.2). In Chapter 2 we have recreated the most important forms of social riots. In the first five sub-chapters we have taken into account the variety of the distress origins. We have discussed social unrests based upon: strikes (2.1), unemployment (2.2), the resistance against the state policy in rural areas as well their inhabitants’ attitude towards the property right (2.3), political conflicts, understood as clashes between the opposition and the ruling party (2.4) and the opposition against the police activities (2.5). The next two parts present armed actions (2.6) and incidents that did not comply with the accepted classification method (2.7). The last part (2.8) of Chapter 2 contains a characteristics of groups of participants in several incidents (including, among others, the sex, age, material status, education). Chapter 3 discusses the role of the state apparatus. In contains an analysis of reactions of the state institutions to cases of social unrest. The next sub-chapters discuss activities of all levels of political administration subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior (3.1), the police (3.2), tax administration (3.3), courts and the public prosecutors (3.4), self-governments (3.5) and the army (3.6). Chapter 4 presents various repercussions of social riots. We have discussed the problem of the ruling camp elite’s response to the incidents (4.1), described the consequences of the events for the legal system and the shape of political geography (4.2), and have presented changes that occurred within the system of securing the public order (4.3). Separate sub-chapters have been dedicated to echoes of social unrests in public opinion (4.4) and the riots’ long-term effects that chronologically exceed the interwar period (4.5). An integral part of the study is the annex. It contains a catalogue of 830 incidents of social riot that constituted the base for the analysis. It comes in the form of a tabular listing. The annex contains data on the location of each incident, its date (a day date when possible), a short presentation of the incident’s course, an approximate number of participants, a keyword description of the state authorities’ reaction. The catalogue also provides the number of victims: injured and killed. It takes into account both the perpetrators of the incidents and the law enforcement representatives. The book contains a name and geographical index.
The social riot in Poland during the Great Crisis era had its dynamics and regional specificity. It reached its climax in the years 1932-1933, when most spectacular public outbreaks occurred. During that period several armed incidents took place and the social unrest in rural areas involved thousands of peasants. In the years 1934-1935 a significant decrease in the protests’ intensity can be observed. Taking into consideration the whole period 1930–1935, one can conclude that incidents occurred more often in the western part of the country where people of Polish nationality were predominant. In the eastern part incidents took place mostly in rural areas. The events resulted in ca. 170 fatalities and several hundred of the injured. One can assume the unrests involved several hundred thousand people.
In the vast majority of cases the distress took form of singular, short-lived, territory-isolated incidents. They did not provide a pretext for cooperation of main opposition groups, they did not simultaneously involve representatives of various social groups either. They were either peasant (rural) or workers’/unemployed outbreaks. Dispersion of the protests made suppressing them by the ruling parties easier. Yet the success of the authorities did not mean violent protests of the public had been eliminated for long. They intensified again in 1936.
Książka omawia dzieje legalnego ruchu politycznego w międzywojennym województwie poleskim, od jeg... more Książka omawia dzieje legalnego ruchu politycznego w międzywojennym województwie poleskim, od jego utworzenia w 1921 r. do wybuchu II wojny światowej. Przedmiotem analizy są zarówno inicjatywy polskie, jak i te będące efektem aktywności środowisk ukraińskich i białoruskich. Nacisk położono na odtworzenie mechanizmów zyskiwania przez nie poparcia wyrażanego zwłaszcza w wyborach parlamentarnych i samorządowych, zaprezentowanie wzajemnych relacji stronnictw i grup politycznych, wreszcie zarysowanie – systematycznie rosnącej – roli administracji państwowej.
Wacław Kostek-Biernacki był jedną z ważnych osób obozu piłsudczykowskiego. W szerszej świadomości... more Wacław Kostek-Biernacki był jedną z ważnych osób obozu piłsudczykowskiego. W szerszej świadomości funkcjonuje przede wszystkim jako komendant wojskowego więzienia w Brześciu nad Bugiem, gdzie w 1930 r. zostali osadzeni politycy antysanacyjnej opozycji. Rola wówczas odegrana, łączona niekiedy z innymi epizodami jego biografii, powodowała, że zazwyczaj prezentowano go jednowymiarowo jako postać zdecydowanie negatywną, symbol stosowania przemocy przez rodzime środowisko polityczne. Tymczasem należy stwierdzić, że życiorys Kostek-Biernackiego był skomplikowany, a i dramatyczny. Na plan pierwszy wybijają się: działalność w PPS doby rewolucji 1905-1907, wieloletnia służba na stanowisku wojewody nowogródzkiego i poleskiego w latach trzydziestych, wreszcie powojenne represje zwieńczone niewykonanym wyrokiem śmierci, orzeczonym w 1953 r.
LTW, 2016
Książka przedstawia dzieje ruchu komunistycznego na terenie województwa poleskiego w latach 1921–... more Książka przedstawia dzieje ruchu komunistycznego na terenie województwa poleskiego w latach 1921–1939. Działalność komunistyczna – m.in. ze względu na swój wywrotowy charakter i inspiracje ze strony ZSRS – stanowiła dla odrodzonego państwa polskiego poważne zagrożenie. Polesie było obszarem o szczególnych ku temu uwarunkowaniach ze względu na stosunki narodowościowe, społeczne oraz ekonomiczne. Opisano najważniejsze formy aktywności komunistów, od podburzania miejscowej ludności do postaw antypaństwowych począwszy, a skończywszy na otwartych wystąpieniach z bronią w ręku.
Zaprezentowano również starania organów odpowiedzialnych za utrzymanie porządku, zwalczające ruch komunistyczny, a także stopień skuteczności tychże działań.
LTW, 2012
Książka poświęcona jest wydarzeniom z drugiej połowy 1924 r., kiedy to w województwach północno-w... more Książka poświęcona jest wydarzeniom z drugiej połowy 1924 r., kiedy to w województwach północno-wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej doszło do spektakularnych incydentów zbrojnych. Były one inspirowane z zewnątrz przez instytucje sowieckie i miały przyczynić się do destabilizacji sytuacji na Kresach. W pracy skoncentrowano się na odtworzeniu okoliczności towarzyszących trzem najgłośniejszym epizodom: napadowi na przygraniczną miejscowość Stołpce [województwo nowogródzkie] oraz dwóm atakom na pociągi pasażerskie - pod Łowczą [województwo poleskie] i pod Leśną [województwo nowogródzkie].
Księgarnia Akademicka, 2005
Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Ossolineum, 2001
Księgarnia Akademicka , 2024
he volume is an edition of sources on the history of Poland in the last months of the post-partit... more he volume is an edition of sources on the history of Poland in the last months of the post-partitions period, falling between 1795 and 1918. The main part of the publication contains monthly reports on the situation in the Polish lands, as well as in emigration centres of the Polish population in the Western hemisphere, in the period from August to October 1918. These reports were compiled by the Central Polish Agency in Lausanne and distributed under the common name of „Polish Chronicles”. The Agency was established in Switzerland in September 1915, i.e. about a year after the outbreak of the World War. The initiator of its creation was Erazm Piltz, an important fi gure on the Polish political scene at the time. Piltz had been associated since the beginning of the 20th century with the Party of Real Politics, the most important Polish conservative group of the Russian partition. The Agency’s main task became to inform public opinion in Europe about the situation in the Polish lands. The CAP was intended to be politically neutral organisation. However, both the person of its founder and the affi liations of the vast majority of its co-workers quickly placed it in the constellation of structures representing pro-Allied attitudes (with the Polish National Committee at the forefront). This was refl ected in the choice of content and tone of the studies produced under the Agency’s banner. This also applies to the „Polish Chronicles” published in this volume.
Księgarnia Akademicka, 2011
LTW, 2014
Książka zawiera opracowane pisma autobiograficzne Leona Wasilewskiego - działacza Polskiej partii... more Książka zawiera opracowane pisma autobiograficzne Leona Wasilewskiego - działacza Polskiej partii Socjalistycznej, publicysty i dyplomaty.
Recenzenci dr Wojciech Marciniak dr Aleksander Srebrakowski Projekt okładki Jacek Świderski Na ok... more Recenzenci dr Wojciech Marciniak dr Aleksander Srebrakowski Projekt okładki Jacek Świderski Na okładce wykorzystano ilustracje ze zbiorów rodziny Bunkiewiczów w posiadaniu Teresy Sobolewskiej Publikacja finansowana w ramach programu Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki pod nazwą "
Recenzenci dr Wojciech Marciniak dr Aleksander Srebrakowski Projekt okładki Jacek Świderski Na ok... more Recenzenci dr Wojciech Marciniak dr Aleksander Srebrakowski Projekt okładki Jacek Świderski Na okładce wykorzystano rysunek Edwarda Jaroszewicza (ze zbiorów rodziny Jaroszewiczów)
Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze, 2021
Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze, 2020
Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze, 2020
Jan Konopielko’s memoirs of 1906-1956 are a part of Testimonies of the Twentieth Century – a subs... more Jan Konopielko’s memoirs of 1906-1956 are a part of Testimonies of the Twentieth Century – a subseries of the Exiles Library published by the Polish Ethnological Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze) in Wrocław. This publication was made possible through funds from a project financed by the National Programme for the Development of Humanities.
Jan Konopielko was born on February 12th, 1906 in a village called Kolpeya in the Ashmyany poviat of what was back then the Vilnius Province. He was a son of Agata née Leoszko and Wincenty, both of whom came from the local rich and Catholic peasantry. The Konopielko family grew bigger fast. Jan had 9 siblings. During World War I, in 1915, as the fighting was getting closer to their village, the whole family had to flee. For some time they had no roof over their heads, and finally they came to stay with their relatives in Konstanpol’ye. Jan’s parents decided to place him in an okhronka (a kind of a kindergarden or orphanage, usually run by religious institution – translator’s note) for evacuated children in Radoshkovichi. After coming back from okhronka, Jan started going to a Russian primary school in Matsevichi. However, his attendance was irregular, interrupted by periods of cow grazing or rebuilding the house with his father. Jan only went to school for two years, since after the outbreak of the Russian Revolution the school in Matsevichi was closed, and the whole area was occupied by the German army.
In the first year after the war Jan and his family suffered hunger and diseases, such as dysentery (which affected most of the villagers). At the age of 15, Jan started learning to be a shoemaker. In 1922, he went back to school and after graduating, since he truly wanted to continue his education, Jan demonstrated great perseverance in trying to be admitted to secondary school. In 1924 he got in the Teacher Training College in Boruny, where he completed 3 years. It was at that time that he met his distant relative – Helena Wojciul – who would later become his wife. Jan went on to continue his education in a Teacher Training College in Vilnius, where in 1930 he passed his school-leaving exams called matura. He found a job in a public school in Bile near Konvalishki in his home poviat. Apart from teaching, he devoted his time to participating in the community’s cultural life and social work. He also helped his family, and in particular his younger siblings, to get education. He was respected for his social advancement, so difficult to achieve on one’s own, and under such adverse conditions. In 1932 he was transferred to a one-class school in Rudnia, after a few years to a school in a village called Glinno, and then to Halshany. In 1934 he married his young love Helena Wojciul and in 1935 their first son, Mirosław, was born. At that time Jan was also a student of a higher level teacher training course in Warsaw. When he finished it, together with his wife and son, they moved to Sukniewicze, where he was a director of a six-class school.
After the outbreak of World War II, this part of Poland was under Soviet occupation. Jan and Helena suffered a terrible tragedy. Helena’s family, quite wealthy by the standards of those times, were brutally murdered by some bandits, who used the war chaos to break into rich people’s houses in the area. During the Soviet occupation both Jan and his wife continued teaching in the school in Sukniewicze, but after Germany attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941, the school was closed and the Konopielko family moved to a nearby town of Smorgonie. This is where they survived the whole occupation. In 1942 Helena and Jan had their second child – a son named Paweł.
When the Soviets entered the Vilnius Region again, at the end of August 1944 Jan got arrested by the NKVD and put in the Vileyka prison on charges of collaboration with the Germans. He was sentenced to 10 years in a corrective labour colony, and in 1945 he was sent to a camp in the North of the USSR in Molotovsk (now Severodvinsk). In 1946, together with his fellow political prisoners, he was transferred to a special camp near a town called Tayshet, in the Irkutsk Oblast in Siberia (probably, this was the No 7 special camp – Ozerlag). He worked at clearing the taiga and when his health begun to fail he started working as a fireman, canteen worker, and a warehouseman in the lager. In 1953 he was placed in a transit and transmission camp in the Vanino Harbour, from where he was supposed to be sent to the terrifying Kolyma. In the end, he was sent to a camp in Zhezkazgan Region in Kazakhstan. In August 1954 Jan was released from this camp, sentenced to the so-called eternal exile and sent to the E. Thälmann sovkhoz in Karaganda Region (Kazakhstan), where he worked as a builder, but also an accountant and a warehouseman. All this time, he kept on trying to contact his immediate family, who – after his exile – left for Poland and settled in Lidzbark Warmiński. His siblings and other relatives still remained in Belarus. After a year in the sovkhoz, Jan was allowed to settle in Belarus. He went to Smorgonie, where he was reunited with his siblings. At the same time, he did not stop applying for a permission to leave for Poland. It is quite possible that had he stayed in Kazakhstan, he would have returned to his country a few months earlier, since in November and December 1955 the Soviet authorities sent repatriation transports with a few thousand Polish exiles, former political prisoners. Jan, however, managed to get to Poland only in 1956. He joined his family in Lidzbark Warmiński, and started working as a Russian language teacher in a Vocational School in Lidzbark Warmiński, at the same time managing the school’s boarding house. His wife Helena was a teacher in a Pedagogical Secondary School in Lidzbark Warmiński. Jan Konopielko did not limit himself to his professional work, but he also engaged in social and cultural life. His favourite pastime was bee-keeping. He died on December 22, 1985 in Olsztyn. Jan and Helena are buried in Lidzbark Warmiński.
Jan Konopielko’s memoirs cover a few time periods, or maybe even eras, in history of Poland in the first half of the twentieth century. The author describes his childhood, which includes years before 1914 and the years of World War I. He also offers a comprehensive account of his youth and the first phases of his career during the Second Polish Republic. Konopielko brings also up, although not always with the same attention to detail, the issue of the Soviet and German occupations in the years 1939-1944. However, the core of his memoirs is the period from 1944 onwards. As a prison and the Gulag camps inmate, he had to learn to live in extreme conditions, and fight for his survival, alone, far from his countrymen. He was hardworking and smart, and he displayed great fortitude – all the traits that had helped him gain education and good social standing, now let him get through almost ten years of Soviet repressions. Konopielko’s memories contain a lot of information about everyday life, work conditions, relations among inmates and between inmates and guards. The author shares also his observations about the Soviet society, which he got to know during his years in exile.
Jan Konopielko’s account is interesting for several reasons. What is of particular interest is that his recollections were written when there was very little chance of having them published. Konopielko continued writing till the middle of the 1980s, almost till the very last months of his life. As his health got worse, he would write some parts of the text in hospitals. When he died at the end of 1985, it was not possible to add any corrections or modifications to it, whether required for a hypothetical publication in the future or resulting from political changes of the end of the 1980s. Interestingly, the author, writing his memories down in the 1980s, made a kind of auto-compilation by using also his earlier text which had probably came into existence at the end of the 1930s and was entitled My life story. He intended his memoirs to be bequeathed to his grandchildren.
Usually, when memoirs are written down years later, different parts of the text contain information of different significance, or – if we look at it in a broader context – of different quality of narrative. This is also the case with Konopielko’s memories. However, it should be emphasized that in each part (as the text can be divided into parts, based on chronological order: time till the end of WWI, interwar period, Soviet and German occupations, Soviet repressions) one can find topics interesting both for a reader who simply is interested in the history of the twentieth century, and for a professional researcher of this time in history.
The printed version of the memoirs was prepared using a typescript which is now kept in the Archives of the Polish Ethnological Society in Wrocław (ref. no.: 127/s). Originally, the text was an entry sent in to a contest for memoirs organized in 1988. Editorial modifications were limited to the absolute minimum, and the text was provided with notes containing additional information to make the memoirs easier to read. An extensive collection of illustrated materials coming from the private archives of the Konopielko family is also an important part of the book.
Tłum. Michał Sikora
Studia Białorutenistyczne , 2024
The European political crisis, which reached its climax in the autumn of 1938, heavily involved t... more The European political crisis, which reached its climax in the autumn of 1938, heavily involved the Polish state. The most important form of the crisis was the ultimatum territorial demands on Czechoslovakia, which led to a sharp deterioration in Polish-Soviet relations.
The citizens of the Second Republic reacted to the situation in diff erent ways. A group of Belarusians stood out among others. The text contains a catalogue of attitudes registered within this national group. It identifi es their determinants, as well as proposes interpretations of the consequences associated with the position voiced by the Belarusians of Poland. The observation covers national circles (originating from the Belarusian Christian Democracy), communist organisations (KPZB), as well as communities that operated outside the infl uence of political structures. The analysis of the sources leads to the conclusion that among a large part of the Belarusian population, sentiments reluctant or hostile to the Polish state prevailed. They treated the political crisis of 1938 as a possible danger and radical changes in their own
situation. For many of them, this meant waiting for a Polish-Soviet armed confl ict that would lead to the separation of the north-eastern provinces of the Second Republic.
Res Historica, 2024
The text reviews the results of research on the activities of part of the central authorities of... more The text reviews the results of research on the activities of part of the central authorities of the Second Polish Republic and is focused on the Government of Prime Minister Sławoj Składkowski at the threshold of World War II and after its outbreak (until the end of 1939). Three periods were analyzed separately: from October 1938 to the outbreak of World War II, during the Polish Campaign of 1939 (until the Government’s resignation), and from 30 September 1939 to the end of that year. Within each of three dedicated sections, the focus is placed on two categories of publications: studies (books and articles) and editions of sources (ego-documents and archives). The fi nal section presents research postulates.
Res Historica, 2024
The text provides an overview of research on the attitudes of Belarusians towards the Polish Stat... more The text provides an overview of research on the attitudes of Belarusians towards the Polish State in 1937–1939. It was made separately for two periods: until the outbreak of World War II and for the Polish Campaign of 1939. Within each of these sections, two categories of publications were focused on: studies (books and articles) and editions of sources (ego-documents and collections of archival documents). The final section presents research postulates.
Wrocławskie Studia Wschodnie, 2023
"The concepts and practice of using so-called farming gentry in the domestic policy of the Second... more "The concepts and practice of using
so-called farming gentry in the domestic policy
of the Second Polish Republic’s government
in the later 1930s".
Nationality policies of the Second Polish Republic’s government between 1935 and 1939 were marked by intensified confrontational approaches to non-Polish citizen groups. Among the operations launched by the state authorities at the time was a Polishness campaign targeting the rural population segment regarded as the so-called farming gentry. The article depicts the target group of the gentry campaign, discusses controversies concerning its size and distribution and outlines the Polonisation agenda for this community. The pursuits for enhancing their engagement carried out under the banner of the Związek Szlachty Zagrodowej (Farming Gentry
Union) are described, whereby attention is focused on the Polish-Ukrainian borderland, in particular on the south-western provinces of the Second Polish Republic, which were designated as the priority area by the government for political and social reasons.
Rocznik Centrum Studiów Białoruskich/Гадавік Цэнтра беларускіх студыяў, 2024
"The impact of the Spanish Civil War on the field activity of the Communist Party of Western B... more "The impact of the Spanish Civil War on the field activity of the
Communist Party of Western Belarus and its sympathizers in
The Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) activated many political circles operating in the Second Republic. It also influenced the activity of the communist movement and, after the dissolution of its structures in 1938, its former activists and sympathisers. The article is devoted to the manifestations of the field activity of communist structures and the influence of the Iberian Peninsula conflict on that part of the Belarusian society which favourably received the message formulated by local communists or coming directly from the USSR. Issues such as the propaganda illumination of the war in Spain, the reception of recruitment slogans for the army of the Republic, and the problem of inspiring a financial effort in its favour are addressed. The echoes of the Spanish conflict, considered in the context of the functioning of the KPZB and its supporters, make it possible to conclude that this was an important but not a priority direction in the Communists’ activities. At the same time, they were part of the trend of growing pro-Soviet sentiments observable among the Belarusian community of the Second Republic.
Z Oleandrów ku Niepodległej. Odniesienia, interpretacje, pamięć, 2024
Obóz sanacyjny po śmierci Józefa Piłsudskiego w1935 r. okazał się podatny na tendencje ośrodkowe.... more Obóz sanacyjny po śmierci Józefa Piłsudskiego w1935 r. okazał się podatny na tendencje ośrodkowe. Procesy „dekompozycji” przyniosły przesuniecie się na stanowisko opozycyjne zarówno środowisk o profilu lewicowym (np. Kluby Demokratyczne/Stronnictwo Demokratyczne), jak i prawicowym (np. grupa „Jutra Pracy”). Grupy obu dysydenckich nurtów często korzystały w swoim przekazie z odwołań do historii. Budowano tym sposobem własną tożsamość, a także pozycjonowano przeciwników politycznych. W tekście skoncentrowano się na eksploatowaniu tych wątków, które nawiązywały do dziejów Polski (do 1918 r.) i były stosowane jako element komentarzy poświęconych zagadnieniom wewnętrznym II Rzeczypospolitej: wczesne etapy biografii Józefa Piłsudskiego, okres porozbiorowy, Rzeczpospolita szlachecka.
Trimarium, 2023
Ethnic borderlands were an important part of the national landscape of the Second Republic of Pol... more Ethnic borderlands were an important part of the national landscape of the Second Republic of Poland. They existed in the areas of contact between the Polish national population and the most important national minority groups inhabiting distinct territories: Ukrainians, Belarusians and Germans. Especially in the 1930s, they aroused growing interest in the state administration. The purpose of this article is to outline different policies of the Sanation camp toward "ethnically transitional areas". These policies varied, but their final goal was always unification through the Polonization of the communities inhabiting such borderlands.
Rocznik Centrum Studiów Białoruskich/Гадавік Цэнтра беларускіх студіаў, 2023
Polacy na Białorusi od Powstania Styczniowego do XXI w., Tom VII, 2023
Od rewolucji do perestrstrojki. Transformacje Wschodniej Europy w ostatnim stuleciu, 2022
Zwycięski pokój, czy rozejm na pokolenie? Traktat ryski z perspektywy 100 lat., 2022
Sprawy trudne. Z dziejów stosunków polsko-białoruskich w latach 1918-1945. Geneza, konteksty, konsekwencje, 2013
Wojsko-polityka-społeczeństwo. Studia z historii społecznej od antyku do współczesności, 2013
Przemiany życia społecznego i gospodarczego ludności wiejskiej w Polsce i krajach sąsiednich w okresie międzywojennym , 2022
Rocznik Centrum Studiów Białoruskich/Гадавік Центра беларускіх студыйаў, 2022
Rocznik Centrum Studiów Białoruskich/Гадавік Центра беларускіх студыйаў, 2022
Polacy na Białorusi od Powstania Styczniowego do XXI wieku. Tom VI. Kościół katolicki , 2022
Niepodległość i Pamięć, 2003
Z dziejów walk o niepodległość. Tom 2, 2013
Archeion, 2022
Artykuł jest szczegółową, krytyczną recenzją 7-tomowej edycji dokumentów źródłowych pt. "Wielka W... more Artykuł jest szczegółową, krytyczną recenzją 7-tomowej edycji dokumentów źródłowych pt. "Wielka Wojna-codzienność niecodzienności. Biblioteka pamiętników z I wojny światowej z zasobu polskich archiwów państwowych", wydanej w latach 2014-2021 nakładem Naczelnej Dyrekcji Archiwów Państwowych. Poszczególne tomy serii zawierają opracowane naukowo dokumenty pamiętnikarskie z okresu I wojny światowej. Zarówno diariusze, jak i wspomnienia wchodzące w skład serii łączy wątek wojennych losów ich autorów i obrazu życia codziennego podczas wojny na ziemiach polskich. Autor przeanalizował i ocenił tomy serii pod kątem doboru wykorzystanych źródeł pamiętnikarskich, ich opracowania edytorskiego, układu poszczególnych tomów i aparatu naukowego. Odniósł się ponadto do kwestii opracowania naukowego poszczególnych tomów; zawarł także wiele rekomendacji i wniosków dla wydawcy odnoszących się do poprawy zakresu i jakości przygotowania edytorskiego źródeł pamiętnikarskich do publikacji.
Przegląd Historyczno-Wojskowy, 2018
W 2017 r. ukazała się w Mińsku praca poświęcona jednemu z aspektów sytuacji wewnętrznej wojsk ros... more W 2017 r. ukazała się w Mińsku praca poświęcona jednemu z aspektów sytuacji wewnętrznej wojsk rosyjskiego Frontu Zachodniego w 1917 r. Traktuje ona o ich "stanie bojowo-moralnym". Jest więc przyczynkiem do historii pierwszego etapu przewrotu, jaki dokonał się na terenie państwa rosyjskiego w latach 1917-1921. Autor prezentowanej książki jest doświadczonym historykiem wojskowości, a zwłaszcza armii rosyjskiej okresu I wojny światowej. Wchodzi w skład zespołu Katedry Historii Wojskowości Instytutu Historii Narodowej Akademii Nauk Białorusi 1. W 2014 r. wydał wartościowe opracowanie poświęcone I wojnie światowej na Białorusi, gdzie w dużej mierze skoncentrował się na kwestiach militarnych 2. W kontekście opisywanej publikacji zwraca zwłaszcza uwagę jego wcześniejsze opracowanie pt. Rewolucyjna świadomość żołnierzy Frontu Zachodniego w 1917 r. 3 Najnowsza, omawiana tu praca została opublikowana na prawach rękopisu. Nie podano również jej nakładu, co jest regułą w wypadku wydawnictw ukazujących się za naszą wschodnią granicą. Oznaczać to może wyjątkowo niewielką liczbę wydrukowanych egzemplarzy, a tym samym ograniczoną dostępność opracowania Smoljaninowa. Książka została podzielona na cztery rozdziały, z których trzy (II-IV) mają wewnętrzną strukturę podrozdziałów pierwszego stopnia. Część I została formalnie poświęcona materialnemu i moralnemu stanowi wojsk rosyjskiego Frontu Zachodniego w przededniu rewolucji. W praktyce zawiera skrótowy opis tego zagadnienia od 1914 r. W rozdziale II autor odtwarza wpływ rewolucji lutowej na sytuację Frontu Zachodniego, a zwłaszcza
Przegląd Historyczno-Wojskowy, 2017
Wrocławskie Studia Wschodnie , 2020
Studia Historyczne
Ambicją organizatorów było objęcie polem obserwacji wszystkich najważniejszych dziedzin funkcjono... more Ambicją organizatorów było objęcie polem obserwacji wszystkich najważniejszych dziedzin funkcjonowania II Rzeczypospolitej: kwestii politycznych, aspektów społecznych, spraw gospodarczych, a także szeroko rozumianej kultury. Obrady trwały dwa dni. Pierwszy z nich został poświęcony kwestiom politycznym, tak w ujęciu międzynarodowym, jak i wewnętrznym. Po referacie wprowadzającym w tematykę konferencji, wygłoszonym przez prof. Czesława Brzozę, wystąpili badacze historii dyplomacji II RP: prof. Mariusz Wołos i prof. Marek Kornat. Pierwszy z wymienionych podjął próbę nakreślenia portretu zbiorowego polskich dyplomatów okresu międzywojennego, natomiast drugi zmierzył się z problemem recepcji zagrożeń zewnętrznych przez elity polityczne II RP. Tę część zamknęło wystąpienie prof. Wojciecha Morawskiego, który przyjrzał się meandrom polityki gospodarczej rządów okresu międzywojennego, odnotowując uwarunkowania zarówno sukcesów, jak i porażek. Kolejne dwie części obrad tego dnia zostały zdominowane przez wystąpienia poświęcone sytuacji wewnętrznej państwa polskiego okresu międzywojennego. Wprowadzeniem w tę problematykę stał się referat prof. Arkadiusza Adamczyka, którego zamiarem było odtworzenie geografii politycznej. Wątek ten pośrednio kontynuował prof. Marek Sioma. Przedstawił on realia funkcjonowania świata polityki na poziomie regionalnym, koncentrując się na interakcjach administracji państwowej ze stronnictwami i organizacjami społecznymi. Finalny referat tej części konferencji wygłosił prof. Marek Mączyński, który zarysował przemiany ustroju samorządu terytorialnego II RP.