wv_loli - Profile (original) (raw)

on 17 February 2010 (#25432689)

West Virginia, United States

For lovers of lolita fashion and other J-fashions living in and around WV.

wv_loli is a community for lovers of lolita fashion and other Japanese fashions living in and around West Virginia. You may post anything that is on the topic of lolita fashion in WV, such as meet-up information, pictures, questions, etc.
Feel free to introduce yourself!

Rules will be added as problems arise.

If you need any help, please contact one of the moderators:


For more information on lolita fashion, please see lolitafashion.org, lolita_handbook, and egl.

angelic pretty, black peace now, btssb, classic, fruits, gothic, h.naoto, innocent world, j-fashion, japanese fashion, kentuky, kera, lolita fashion, mary magdalene, maryland, metamorphose, moitie, ohio, pennsylvania, putumayo, sweet, victorian maiden, west virginia