The impact of two oil spill events on the water quality along coastal area of Kenting National Park, southern Taiwan (original) (raw)

A novel method to evaluate chemical concentrations in muddy and sandy coastal regions before and after oil exposures

Environmental Pollution, 2021

Oil spills can result in changes in chemical concentrations along coastlines. In prior work, these concentration changes were used to evaluate the date sediment was impacted by oil (i.e., oil exposure date). The objective of the current study was to build upon prior work by using the oil exposure date to compute oil spill chemical (OSC) concentrations in shoreline sediments before and after exposure. The new method was applied to OSC concentration measures collected during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill with an emphasis on evaluating before and after concentrations in muddy versus sandy regions. The procedure defined a grid that overlaid coastal areas with chemical concentration measurement locations. These grids were then aggregated into clusters to allow the assignment of chemical concentration measurements to a uniform coastal type. Performance of the method was illustrated for ten chemicals individually by cluster, and collectively for all chemicals and all clusters. Results show statistically significant differences between chemical concentrations before and after the calculated oil exposure dates (p < 0.04 for each of the 10 chemicals within the identified clusters). When aggregating all chemical measures collectively across all clusters, chemical concentrations were lower before oil exposure in comparison to after (p < 0.0001). Sandy coastlines exhibited lower chemical concentrations relative to muddy coastlines (p < 0.0001). Overall, the method developed is a useful first step for establishing baseline chemical concentrations and for assessing the impacts of disasters on sediment quality within different coastline types. Results may be also useful for assessing added ecological and human health risks associated with oil spills.

Rapid Water Quality Assessment as a Quick Response of Oil Spill Incident in Coastal Area of Karawang, Indonesia

Frontiers in Environmental Science

The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of oil spills on seawater quality along the coastal waters of Karawang Regency. Several laboratories were involved in measuring water quality to get representativeness of the location of the exposed waters both spatially and temporally. The measurement of seawater quality was carried out in situ and in the laboratory. Seawater quality data were compared with quality standards and discussed descriptively. All key water quality parameters (total petroleum hydrocarbon, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, phenol, MBAS, and oil and grease) were below the detection limit of equipment, and a number of metals generally met quality standards. Only shortly after the oil spill in the vicinity of the spill source, the Ni metal exceeded the quality standard. However, after some time, spatially and temporally Ni has met the quality standard. Parameters not related to oil spills such as total phosphate generally did not meet quality standards. This m...

Environmental and ecological effects and recoveries after five years of the Hebei Spirit oil spill, Taean, Korea

Ocean & Coastal Management, 2014

The Hebei Spirit oil spill (HSOS) in December 7, 2007 spilled approximately 10,900 tons of crude oil in about 10 km off the Taean coasts in South Korea. We first summarize and overview, in the present study, the current status of environmental and ecological effects of the HSOS focusing on i) pollution status for surrounding environment (water, sediment, and porewater), ii) biological effects on living organisms, iii) potential toxic effects in vitro and in vivo, and finally iv) human health risk. In particular, ecological impacts followed by the recoveries of coastal ecosystem are intensively addressed. Water quality seemed to be rapidly recovered considering the background levels of oil pollution indices, while oil impacted sediments experienced fairly long history of contamination. Meanwhile, the benthic epifauna mapping in the worst impacted area of Taean indicated that the coastal organisms are fairly recovered after five years of the HSOS. However, it should be noted that residual oils are still found in some inner part of small bays and mud dominant regions in Taean area which would cause the potential toxic effects on coastal organisms. Finally, the current understandings and limitations of such effects from the HSOS are further discussed highlighting, i) long-term effects of residual oils, ii) identification of certain toxic chemicals in residual oils, iii) weathering characteristics of spilled oils, iv) possible effects from the unknown hydrocarbons in oils, and v) recovery of community level responses to the HSOS.

Sediment contamination, bioavailability and toxicity of sediments affected by an acute oil spill: Four years after the sinking of the tanker Prestige (2002)

Chemosphere, 2008

Sediment contamination and three bioassays were used to determine the sediment quality four years after an oil spill (Prestige, 2002): the Microtox Ò test, a 10-day bioassay using the amphipod Ampelisca brevicornis, and a polychaete 10-day toxicity test with the lugworm Arenicola marina. In addition, bioaccumulation of PAHs was examined in the polychaete after 10 days of exposure. The results obtained from the toxicity tests and bioaccumulation analyses were statistically compared to the sediment chemical data, in order to assess the bioavailability of the contaminants, their effects, and their relationship with the oil spill. The sediments studied were from two areas of the Galician Coast (NW Spain): the Bay of Corme-Laxe and the Cíes Island, located in the Atlantic Island National Park. The results point to a decrease in contamination with respect to previous studies and to the disappearance of the acute toxicity four years after the oil spill. However an important bioaccumulation of PAHs was detected in the organisms exposed to sediments from Corme-Laxe, suggesting that despite the recovery of the environmental quality of the area, effects in the biota might be occurring.


An oil spill is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially marine areas, due to human activity, and is a form of pollution. The term is usually applied to marine oil spills, where oil is released into the ocean or coastal waters, but spills may also occur on land. Oil spills may be due to releases of crude oil from tankers, offshore platforms, drilling rigs and wells, as well as spills of refined petroleum products. The research is on How has oil spillage affected the lives of aquatic animals in Obunku community of Oyigbo L.G.A, Rivers state. This was done through investigating the physic chemical parameters of water quality; such as PH value, dissolved oxygen, Turbidity, Exchangeable cations -; Calcium (Ca+), Magnesium(Mg2+), Sodium(Na+), Potassium ( K+) Anions Nitrate(NO3-), Sulphate (SO42-), Phosphate(PO4 2-,) Chloride(Cl-) Heavy metals Iron(Fe2+), Lead(Pb2+), Dissolved Oxygen Demand( DO), Dissolved Carbon dioxide (CO2). The result shows that the water samples are toxic to aquatic lives and also When exposed to oil, adult fish may experience reduced growth, enlarged livers, changes in heart and respiration rates, fin erosion, and reproduction impairment. Oil also adversely affects eggs and larval survival.

Fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in a mangrove swamp in Hong Kong following an oil spill

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2002

The fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in a mangrove swamp (Yi O) in Hong Kong after an oil spill accident was investigated. The concentrations and profiles of PAHs in surface sediments collected from five quadrats (each of 10 m  10 m) covering different degrees of oil contamination and the most contaminated mangrove leaves were examined in December 2000 (30 days after the accident) and March 2001 (126 days later). The concentrations of total PAHs in surface sediments ranged from 138 to 2135 ng g À1 , and PAHs concentrations decreased with time. In the most contaminated sediments, total PAHs dropped from 2135 (30 days) to 1196 ng g À1 (120 days), and the decrease was smaller in less contaminated sediments. The percentage reduction in sediment PAHs over three months (44%) was less significant than that in contaminated leaves (85%), indicating PAH in or on leaves disappeared more rapidly. The PAH profiles were very similar in sediments collected from quadrats Q1 and Q2 with benzo[a]anthracene and pyrene being the most abundant PAH compounds, but were different in the other three quadrats. The proportion of the light molecular weight PAHs to total PAHs increased after three months, especially phenanthrene. Results suggest that physical and photo-chemical weathering (tidal washing and photo-oxidation) of crude oil in surface sediments and on plant leaves were important processes in the first few months after the oil spill. The PAH contamination in Yi O swamp came from both petrogenic and pyrolytic sources. The petrogenic characteristic in the most contaminated sediment was confirmed with high values of phenanthrene to anthracene ratio (>10) and low values of fluoranthene to pyrene ratio (0.3-0.4).

Oil Pollution in the Marine Environment II: Fates and Effects of Oil Spills

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