Academic Supervision in Integrated Islamic Elementary Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic (original) (raw)

Academic supervision practice: case studies in kindergartens during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Al-Athfaal: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

Academic supervision at TK LKMD Ngambah by the headmaster before the pandemic only completed, the teaching observation step and was carried out directly. With the change in education policy during a pandemic, there is a background in this research. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to explore and describe in-depth information about the implementation of school headmaster academic supervision during the pandemic at TK LKMD Ngambah.The present study employed qualitative research with a case study approach. One headmaster and three teachers participated as the research subjects. Interviews, focus groups, and documentation were utilized to collect the research data. The study used source triangulation and member checks to assess the data validity. In analyzing the data, the Spradley model was completed. The results that the implementation of academic supervision at TK LKMD Ngambah during the pandemic was in accordance with the stages of academic supervision and the implement...

Student Management Before, During, and After the Covid-19 Pandemic at MI Al-Wahdah Sardonoharjo


When a global pandemic in the form of covid-19 hit the world. The impact was also experienced by the world of education in Indonesia. Many academics, starting from teachers, leaders, students, even parents or guardians of students have to adapt. The aim of the research is to analyze the concept of student management, implementation of student management, and student management of classes. This research was conducted to analyze Student Management Before, During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic at MI Al-Wahdah Sardonoharjo, Kec. Ngaglik, Kab. Sleman. This type of research is field research. This research approach uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, documentation, and observation. The technique for determining informants used a purposive sampling technique. Informants are the Head of Madrasah, Educational Staff, and Homeroom Teacher. The results of this study include the concept of Education management at MI AL-Wahdah which shows planning, organizin...

Polarization of Islamic Boarding Schools in Response to Government Policies in The Implementation of Education During The Covid-19 Pandemic from A Crisis Management Perspective

Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2022

This article examines the perspective of crisis management regarding the response of Islamic boarding schools to government policies in handling the transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic, where there is polarization among Islamic boarding schools in carrying out their education patterns, some follow government recommendations in carrying out health protocols and some refuse. This type of research is library research with qualitative methods. Data were collected from library sources with a sociological approach. The theory used is crisis management. The findings of this study are as follows: first, the occurrence of pros and cons of pesantren in responding to change. Second, the Polarization of Islamic Boarding Schools in carrying out education management patterns in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. This research contributes to efforts to improve education management in Indonesia in general.

The new identity of Indonesian Islamic boarding schools in the “new normal”: the education leadership response to COVID-19

Heliyon, 2021

The purpose of this study was to investigate the leadership practices of Indonesian Islamic boarding school (pesantren) leaders, school principals, and teachers in responding to the health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, to ensure the continuation of boarding school education in the "new normal" period. Generated using a moderated focus group discussion with principals and teachers, the findings suggest that principals' and teachers' leadership practices are acceptable in the policy, social support, and financial dimensions but still lack structural and teaching aspects about conducting blended learning. Based on this study's findings, pesantren leaders (kyai) and school principals should pay attention to training programs for implementing blended learning for teachers. The government is encouraged to assist in providing technical facilities pesantren can implement blended learning more effectively.

Problems Implementing Academic Supervision in Pandemic and New Normal Period in Senior High School

Mimbar Ilmu

Implementing academic supervision in schools has yet to be carried out optimally. Supervisors still need to follow up on the results of supervision. This research aims to analyze the problem of implementing academic supervision during the pandemic and the new normal. This type of research is qualitative. The research subjects were school principals and teachers. Data was collected through interviews, open questionnaires, FGDs, and documentation studies. The data analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicate that during the pandemic academic supervision activities could not be carried out due to the problem of unsupported internet access, teachers' ability to operate IT was still low, especially teachers who were age adrift and school principals did not know for sure the mechanisms for implementing online supervision. In the new normal period, the problem with this academic supervision activity was that the preliminary meeting stage ...

urgency of education crisis management based on Islamic boarding schools during the COVID-19 pandemic

Linguistics and Culture Review, 2021

This study examines the urgency of Islamic boarding school education crisis management during the COVID-19 pandemic. This type of research is library research with qualitative methods. Data were collected from library sources with a sociological approach. The theory used is crisis management. The findings of this study are: first, Islamic boarding school-based education is vulnerable to external disturbances, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Second, Islamic boarding school-based education in Indonesia has diverse resilience in overcoming the pandemic, therefore some are carried away by the government's political policies, while others are trying to survive. Third, the pros and cons of Islamic boarding school policies revolve around technical strategies to respond to the pandemic situation as well as in responding to government policies. Fourth, the urgency of crisis management for Islamic boarding school-based education. This research contributes efforts to improve the managemen...

Organizational Changes and Development in Islamic Education Institutions Post Covid-19 Pandemic


The purpose of this research is the importance of organizational change and development in improving the organization's ability to adapt to environmental changes. This qualitative research with a literature approach is sourced from various literatures; journal articles, reference books, textbooks, and related documents. The findings show that organizational change and development in Islamic educational institutions after the COVID-19 pandemic can be designed through three aspects; changing attitudes/values, modifying behavior, and encouraging structural and policy changes. So it is necessary to develop organizational leadership to influence people to behave in accordance with the expectations of the leader, and adapt to the strategic environment of the organization. Post-pandemic, Islamic educational institutions must be oriented to three things; the use of Islamic reasoning based on the Qur'an and hadith, human resources (human needs), and technology. Online learning has a ...

Boarding School (Pesantren) Education During Covid-19 Pandemic at Dar El Hikmah Pekanbaru Indonesia


This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing boarding school education patterns during the covid19 pandemic in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative method of scriptive, with a case study approach that focuses on boarding school Dar El Hikmah Pekanbaru Riau, Indonesia. The source of this research data is the main informant, namely the manager and teacher of pesantren. Data collection is done with structured interviews. The results of this study showed that the pattern of education carried out in boarding school Dar El Hikmah Pekanbaru implemented a limited learning pattern, namely limiting some students to study at home and others doing learning in dormitories. The manager carries out three stages of activities, namely the stage of preparation, implementation and supervision. In the application of formal learning activities are conducted online for students who live at home, using the Google Classroom app, and e-learning. While living in a dormitory, can study offline or face-to-face with teachers, while obeying health protocols. Compliance with the rules of adhere to health protocols is done well by pesantren managers, by putting up appeals through banners, loud speakers, and 24-hour picket officers. In addition, the manager also requires all teachers and students to wear masks, provide hand washing facilities along with handshops, and prepare isolation rooms in anticipation of emergencies. The implication of this research is that pesantren always gets challenged to carry out its role and function as an Islamic educational institution, therefore openness and preparedness in reforming in various aspects of managerial needs to be put forward.

Principal Leadership Strategy in Islamic Educational Institutions During the COVID-19 Pandemic

KnE Social Sciences

Principal leadership is an important factor affecting the quality of Islamic educational institutions, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educators were overwhelmed with the sudden shift to digital and remote learning. Principals as leaders were required to ensure the smooth functioning of the institution and the learning process. As a result, the workload increased and the performance, in most cases, decreased. This article describes the leadership strategy utilized by the principals of the Islamic educational institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. A systematic literature review was conducted against the ongoing theme of COVID-19. The researchers documented and reviewed 30 articles published between 2017 and 2021 that were accessed from Google Scholar, SINTA, and Science Direct. Some studies showed that principals’ leadership in Islamic educational institutions played an important role in schools’ learning activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The principal should cond...

Strategy of the Primary and Secondary Education Council of Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders in Maintaining the Quality of Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic Period in Sinjai Regency

Jurnal Ad'ministrare

Education is a medium or tool to produce human resources into something of higher quality. The purpose of this research itself is to find out how the steps or strategies taken by the Assembly in maintaining the quality of education for students amid the outbreak of the virus and triggering the birth of several rules that suddenly change all old habits. As a benchmark used by researchers by looking at indicators as conveyed by OJ Sumampouw (2015), namely Systematic, Continuous, Dynamic, Accommodative, Integrated and Focused and Simple and Realistic The method used is qualitative research methods and as informants consist of Regional Leaders of the Dikdasmen Council. Muhammadiyah Sinjai district, Principal of MTs Muhammadiyah Sinjai district, Staff and Teachers and Parents of Students and data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data verification, and concluding. The results showed that teaching and...