Abstracts of papers presented at the ninth international symposium on virus diseases of ornamental plants

Phytoparasitica, 1996

The recent past has seen little diminution in the damage caused to crops by viruses. Improved control of some virus diseases is counterbalanced by the increased prevalence of others, fueled in part by international movement of plant material and increased resistance of vectors to pesticides. In contrast, the science of plant virology has advanced rapidly. This progress is illustrated by research on geminiviruses, which are the causes of several recent devastating disease epidemics. Although the circular single-stranded DNA genomes of geminiviruses were not characterized until 1977, the number now completely sequenced exceeds that for any other plant virus family. The origin of DNA replication has been identified recently, functions of the replication-associated protein (AL1) have been demonstrated, and the roles of proteins BL1 and BR1 in transport of viral DNA between nucleus and cytoplasm, and from cell-to-cell, were discovered. The first evidence of distortion of plant nuclear activity is provided by the virus-induced accumulation of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in differentiated cells. Analyses of nucleotide sequences and epitope profiles of whitefly-transmitted geminiviruses have indicated that they evolved differently in different continents, independently of host range. They have also become differentially adapted for transmission by various Bemisia tabaci biotypes occurring in diverse geographical areas.

Bean pod mottle virus Spread in Insect-Feeding-Resistant Soybean

Plant Disease, 2010

Redinbaugh, M. G., Molineros, J. E., Vacha, J., Berry, S. A., Hammond, R. B., Madden, L. V., and Dorrance, A. E. 2010. Bean pod mottle virus spread in insect-feeding-resistant soybean. Plant Dis. 94:265-270.

Ecology and management of whitefly-transmitted viruses of vegetable crops in Florida

Virus Research, 2011

A variety of fresh market vegetables, including watermelon and tomato are economically important crops in Florida. Whitefly-transmitted Squash vein yellowing virus (SqVYV) was first identified in squash and watermelon in Florida in 2005 and shown to cause a severe decline of watermelon vines as crops approach harvest. Florida is most economically impacted by SqVYV, although the virus has been detected more recently in Indiana and South Carolina. The origin and evolutionary history of SqVYV, one of the few members of the genus Ipomovirus within the family Potyviridae, are not known. Sequence diversity of SqVYV isolates collected at different times, from different locations and from different plant species is being analyzed for insights into the origin of the virus. More recently, Cucurbit leaf crumple virus (CuLCrV) and Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV), also whitefly-transmitted, have been detected in watermelon in Florida. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) was first detected in south Florida tomato crops in 1997. Several surveys have been conducted in the region to identify alternative hosts for these four viruses. Cucurbit weeds including Balsam-apple (Momordica charantia), creeping cucumber (Melothria pendula) and smellmelon (Cucumis melo var. dudaim) provide reservoirs for SqVYV, CuLCrV and/or CYSDV. Green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) also can be a reservoir for CuLCrV. No wild hosts of TYLCV have been reported in Florida. The effectiveness of insecticides and silver plastic mulch to manage whiteflies and mitigate TYLCV has been demonstrated and is currently being evaluated for SqVYV, CuLCrV and CYSDV. In addition, potential sources of SqVYV resistance have been identified in greenhouse and field screening of watermelon germplasm. Further studies to refine these sources of resistance are underway. Lastly, a comprehensive map of 33,560 hectares (82,928 acres) of vegetable fields in the three counties comprising the majority of the southwest Florida vegetable production area has been developed to identify 'hot spots' and reservoir crops for viruses and whiteflies, and will be useful in evaluation of management strategies to decrease virus incidence in commercial fields.

Status and Prospects of Plant Virus Control Through Interference with Vector Transmission

Annual Review of Phytopathology, 2013

Most plant viruses rely on vector organisms for their plant-to-plant spread. Although there are many different natural vectors, few plant virus-vector systems have been well studied. This review describes our current understanding of virus transmission by aphids, thrips, whiteflies, leafhoppers, planthoppers, treehoppers, mites, nematodes, and zoosporic endoparasites. Strategies for control of vectors by host resistance, chemicals, and integrated pest management are reviewed. Many gaps in the knowledge of the transmission mechanisms and a lack of available host resistance to vectors are evident. Advances in genome sequencing and molecular technologies will help to address these problems and will allow innovative control methods through interference with vector transmission. Improved knowledge of factors affecting pest and disease spread in different ecosystems for predictive modeling is also needed. Innovative control measures are urgently required because of the increased risks from vector-borne infections that arise from environmental change.

Virus Vector Relationship of Yellow Mosaic Virus and Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in Soybean


Background: Whitefly is one of the most destructive sucking pest in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world and causing significant crop losses directly by sucking sap from the plants and indirectly through the transmission of viral diseases specifically caused by the genus Begomovirus. The Begomovirus species viz., Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus (MYMIV) and Mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) are causing yellow mosaic virus disease in soybean, which is transmitted by whiteflies. The disease accounts to 30-70 per cent yield loss and increases up to 80 - 100 per cent during severe incidence. Hence, there is a need for development of integrated pest management strategies against disease and whiteflies, for this the knowledge on virus-vector relationship is required. But, the studies on biological relationship of yellow mosaic virus disease and whitefly in soybean are scarce. At this juncture, considering the importance of disease in soybean, the present investigation was...

Effects of Plant Viruses on Vectors and Non-vector Herbivores in Three Different Pathosystems

Lee and all the members of soybean entomology laboratory for their help in carrying out my research projects and their friendship throughout this journey. I am always grateful to the unconditional support of my family members for this academic accomplishment. I owe special thanks to my wife, Shilpa Ghimire, for her love, support, understanding and patience throughout this journey. Last but not the least, my sincere thanks go to the Department of Entomology, all the faculty members, and all my friends for their friendship and company during my graduate studies here at Louisiana State University.

Plant Viruses of Agricultural Importance: Current and Future Perspectives of Virus Disease Management Strategies


Plant viruses cause significant losses in agricultural crops worldwide, affecting the yield and quality of agricultural products. The emergence of novel viruses or variants through genetic evolution and spillover from reservoir host species, changes in agricultural practices, mixed infections with disease synergism, and impacts from global warming pose continuous challenges for the management of epidemics resulting from emerging plant virus diseases. This review describes some of the most devastating virus diseases plus select virus diseases with regional importance in agriculturally important crops that have caused significant yield losses. The lack of curative measures for plant virus infections prompts the use of risk-reducing measures for managing plant virus diseases. These measures have included exclusion, avoidance, and eradication techniques, along with vector management practices. The advent of Next-Generation Sequencing technologies has great potential for detecting unknow...

Effect of Initial Inoculum Level of Cowpea mild mottle Carlavirus on Mottle Disease Development and Yield of Soybean

Proceedings of the International Seminar on Promoting Local Resources for Sustainable Agriculture and Development (ISPLRSAD 2020)

Cowpea mild mottle virus (CPMMV) was reported causing systemic mottling, chlorotic blotch, and leaf malformation on cowpea from several tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and South America. Recently, CPMMV infection was reported from several soybean growing areas in Indonesia with high incidence. The disease tends to spread and develop very rapidly. A field experiment at Bogor was conducted to study disease development caused by CPMMV and its impact on soybean cv yield. Wilis. Soybean field was infested by CPMVV at different infection levels, i.e., 0%, 10%, 30%, and 50%. Virus indexing was done at two weeks interval by symptom observation and leaves collection for virus detection using dot immunobinding assay. Mild mottle symptoms were first shown 14 days after planting. The infection rate decreased with the increasing number of initial inoculums, whereas disease incidence increased with the growing number of initial inoculums. The infection of CPMMV caused a reduction of pods number and seed number, i.e., up to 18.81% and 30%, respectively.