The Relationship Between Jean Watson's Theory of Helping Trust with Patient Satisfaction (original) (raw)
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The nurse-patient relationship in healthcare has become essential to ensure quality healthcare. The relationship between nurse and patient is at the core of every nursing practice. Nurses have an obligation to build and maintain these key relationships by utilizing the necessary nursing knowledge and skills, applying caring attitudes and behaviours in a patient-centred approach to care. The purpose of this study was to determine the patient's perception of the nurse-patient interpersonal relationship in the inpatient ward of Meuraxa hospital, Banda Aceh. This descriptive study used a cross-sectional approach, and the population consists of all nurses who work at Meuraxa Hospital, Banda Aceh. The sampling technique used in this study was the convenience sampling technique, which included 109 respondents. The data was collected through the Nursing Care, Interpersonal Relationship Questionnaire (NCIRQ) with a reliability value of 0.970 for the Indonesian version and analysis of the data in univariate analysis. The majority of respondents, 60 respondents (55.1%), found the nurse-patient interpersonal relationship to be in the high effectiveness category. The nurses at Meuraxa Hospital in Banda Aceh are described as friendly, respectful and immediately responsive to the patient's health needs. The patient feels happy when he meets the nurse, feels that the nurse understands the patient's illness and situation. The patient feels calm with the nurse's contact as well. Whenever necessary, the nurse always asks the patient for permission first.
Prime nursing services are services provided to patients based on quality standard to meet the needs and wants of patients so that patients can get satisfaction (Qingwei, 2012) The purpose of this research is to know the description of Patient Satisfaction Level on Nursing Service in Inpatient Room of RSUD dr. Drajat Prawiranegara Serang 2018. Variables in this study are attitude, action, attention, responsibility, ability, appearance. The research method used is descriptive with the number of samples 92. Sampling technique used is a quota sampling technique. The results of each variable were satisfied with attitude result (80,4%), action (57,6%), attention (48,9%), responsibility (79,3%), ability (75,0% ), and appearance (65.2%). Suggestion from researcher expected RSUD dr. Drajat Prawiranegara can improve the reliability and quality of nursing services in order to achieve excellent service for patients.
Therapeutic communication is one of the important keys in providing patient care in hospital. Nurses who have the skills to communicate, not only will be easily establish a relationship of trust with the patients, but also preventing illegal businesses, as well as increase patient satisfaction in hospitals. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between therapeutic communication nurse with patient satisfaction inpatien in hospitals massenrempulu enrekang. The research is an analytic observational study with cross sectional design. The population in this study were all patients in the inpatient Hospitals Massenrempuluinstallations in 2017 with the number of patients as many as 6575 people. Sampling technique in this research used accidental sampling method with a total sample of 226 patients. Datawas collected by questionnaire interviews. Data were analyzed using chi square test and multiple logistic regression. The results showed that the majority of respondents age 40-49 years (29.2%), female (58.8%), junior high school education (36.3%) and working as farmers (35.4%). The analysis showed that there was a relationship of openness (p = 0,040) empathy (p = 0,036) supportive attitude (p = 0,036) positive attitude (p = 0,001) and equality (p = 0,000) and patient satisfaction. Multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regression showed that the most dominant variable associated with patient satisfaction was equality (Exp B = 33.041). As conclusion that the therapeutic nurse communication is related to patient satisfaction.
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