E-Assessment: Character of Students in Elementary School (original) (raw)

Digital E-Assessment Technology in Assessing Students’ Tolerance Character

Jurnal Ilmiah Sekolah Dasar

The existence of a digital-based assessment system will support the assessment of student character in the learning process. Character assessment using e-assessment will greatly assist teachers in overcoming paper wastage, streamlining time, overcoming large expenditures and making students more focused in filling out characters. This study aims to analyze the character of tolerance in elementary school students and to determine the feasibility of the product. This research is a development research using 4D development design. The sample of this study was 175 students. Quantitative data from this study were obtained from the validation of media experts and the results of the student tolerance character assessment, while qualitative data was obtained from interviews. The quantitative data in this study were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, while the qualitative data used Miles & Huberman analysis. The results of the descriptive analysis of the charac...

Construction of the Character Assessment Instrument for 21st Century Students in High Schools

European Journal of Educational Research, 2022

The study of character becomes a very important discussion in the 21st century. So that the integration of character values is very important both in the process and in educational assessment. The purpose of this study was to test the validity and reliability of the character assessment instrument for 21st-century high school students. The research approach used was quantitative with a sample of 200 high school students. Data analysis carried out includes validity and reliability tests. The test results of the instrument showed that the construct of the student character assessment instrument was declared valid and reliable. The content validity test shows the value of Aiken's > .80 in the high category. In the construct validation test with EFA, all variables have a loading factor > .5. In the CFA test, the model is declared fit with the estimated standard loading value of .40 and the t-count value > 1.96. Meanwhile, while in testing the reliability of the instrument o...

The Study Of Character-Assessment Book Use In Junior High School

Proceedings of the 3rd ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Humanities (ACPCH 2017), 2018

Character education is a deliberate effort to develop good character based on existing policies. In adolescence i.e. junior high, individuals have a character base so that the school and parent's task is to strengthen the character. The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of assessment books that are filled by parents in strengthening the positive character of students. This research uses qualitative design because it wants to explore a material that is the use of behaviour control book so that it will be a lot of survey data and description from the start of its manufacture until the evaluation of its effectiveness. Subjects in this study i.e. parents, principals and teachers, as well as students of Junior High School UNISMUH as the core subject. Data collection method in this research is questionnaire, observation and focus grouping discus (FGD). Analysis of data used is descriptive quantitative analysis in the form of percentage of the questionnaire filled by parents. Furthermore, qualitative data analysis to describe FGD results in the form of field notes. The results of this study are (1) characters that require reinforcement include discipline behaviour, confidence, courage, and independence, and (2) character appraisal books filled by parents considered less effective in reinforcing the positive character of students due to the lack of parental involvement and less according to the stage of adolescent development.

Instrument Development on Character Value Assessment at Grade IV Elementary School Students

Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Education and Social Science (ACCESS 2020), 2021

This study aims to develop a valid and practical character value assessment instrument for elementary schools. The instrument developed was in the form of an observation guide which consists of 78 items and is based on the five main values of the National Character (Religious, Communal Work, Nationalist, Independent, and Integrity) and the competence of grade IV elementary school subjects. The assessment instrument was developed using the ADDIE model: (1) Analyze, (2) Design, (3) Develop; (4) Implement; and (5) Evaluation. This study involved experts and linguists on character education as well as practitioners or elementary school teachers. The research instrument used was a validation questionnaire for character education experts and linguists as well as practitioners (teachers) and a product practicality questionnaire for teachers. The data obtained in the form of validation data from character education experts and evaluation experts as well as linguists and teachers as practitioners. Finally, it is concluded that the development of the instrument on students' character value assessment resulted in 74 final product items that were categorized as valid and practical. Thus, the product is suitable to use as an assessment tool for students' character value at grade IV elementary school.

OPS Development of Authentic Assessment Instruments Based on Character Education in Elementary School

International Journal of Humanities, Management and Social Science

This study aims to develop an authentic assessment instrument for spiritual attitudes and social attitudes based on character education in grade IV SD Negeri 125138 Pematangsiantar. The research method uses research and development (R & D) with a development model according to Borg and Gall. The development of the thematic average instrument based on character education and equipped with an authentic assessment instrument for spiritual attitudes and social attitudes based on character education has proven to be effective. The pretest learning outcomes of the control and experimental classes, namely the control class were 57.16 while the experimental class was 60.28. After the trial was carried out for 6 meetings, the average posttest score in the control and experimental groups increased to 71.36 and 75.56. The results of the t-test obtained tcount = 6.280 with a significance level of Sig. (2-tailed) 0.002 < = 0.05. The control class students' learning activities reached an a...

The Development of Assessment Instrument for the Character Education at the State University of Medan


The aim or this study was to develop a set of instruments to asses.~ the character education in the learning process at the State University of Medan. The study adopted the research and development method by following the principles of instrument development synthesized from instrument development experts. The developed instruments include assessment of the six pillars of character, namely trustworthiness, fairness, caring, respect, citizenship, and responsibility. To assess the instruments developed, qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried out. Qualitative analysis is carried out with the assessment of experts and practitioners which shows that the instruments developed have good content validity in the range of 0.67 to 0.97. Factor analysis was used to test construct validity with results in the range or values 0.528-0.918 which were categorized as good. While the reliability test results show a value of 0.699-0.910 which is categorized as good.Thus it can be concluded b...

Elementary School Students' Character Conditions During Online Learning

Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran

Online learning today was said to be unsuccessful and far from expected. It had a less good impact on the formation of characters where children depend heavily on parents and less interaction with others. This was one reason for research aimed at analyzing the implementation of character value in online learning. This type of research is qualitatively discrete. Data was collected from the principal, two teachers who have been certified who have taught for 15 years after the local content teacher. Data collection methods include interviews and observations. The data analysis used was triangulation. The research results stated that implementing the main character values, namely religion, nationalism, media, teamwork, and integrity, is not carried out in the implementation and evaluation stages because learning is done online. So, in online learning, the central values of religion, nationalism, media, teamwork, and integrity are not done, to overcome this can be done by conducting supe...

The Development of Authentic Assessment Instruments Based on Characters in Measuring Students’ Competence at Primary School

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies (ICSSIS 2018), 2019

This research aims to produce authentic assessment instruments that are comprehensively packaged for students in primary schools. The subjects of this research are: (1) teachers; (2)students; and (3) seven expert validators. This research is conducted in fourth grade students of SDN 104202 and 106811 Bandar Setia. The used method is formative research and development focused on two stages, namely the preliminary and formative evaluation stage. The instruments used are expert validation questionnaires. The research results shows that the authentic assessment instrument is valid, has very high reliability, and gets average score of the competence is 88.03 or high categorized. Another finding shows that authentic assessment instruments can helped the teachers in measuring students’ competence, namely: attitude, skill and knowledge, and also give the contribution in developing the students’ character values. Keywords-authentic assessment, competence, character

Developing Character-based Assessment in Teaching English for the Tenth Grade Students of SMKN 3 Singaraja

Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Indonesia, 2013

This study was conducted by following the design of research and development model (R&D). The purposes of the study were: The data of the study were collected through questionnaire, observation, documentation, expert judgment sheet and test. The results of the study show that: The design of the instruments were developed based on the character values that should be integrated in teaching English stated on the guideline of character education issued by the curriculum center, the language skills and the materials that should be covered based on the syllabus; Based on the content validity analysis and empirical validity analysis that have been conducted, it can be concluded that the developed instruments were valid; The reliability analysis of the instruments showed that the instruments were reliable; Some problems were identified during the implementation of the developed instruments: time consuming, the difficulty in recognizing the students, and the requirement of high concentration.

Determination of Effectiveness of Evaluation Results on School Culture and Character of Junior High School Students Using Character Assessment Instruments with the Local Wisdom of Bali Based on Mobile Phone 1


The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the evaluation results on school’s culture and character’s students of junior high school using instruments of character assessment with Bali local wisdom based on mobile phone.This study was started with the development of mobile phone-based character assessment instruments with local wisdoms by adopting the research model and development of Tigarajan. Assessment instruments that had fulfilled the validity and reliability requirements were then tested for effectiveness with a one-shot case study, involving three classes of SMP Negeri 1 Singaraja. The data about school’s cultures were collected through self-assessment instrument, which was filled by 44 teachers of science and 28 people (one class) at SMP Negeri 1 Singaraja who were involved as a sample. While the data about the character of students were measured by using instrument self-assessment character by involving 28 students of class VII, 28 students of class VIII, ...