Strengthening Students’ Character in Akhlaq Subject Through Problem Based Learning Model (original) (raw)
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Modification of character education into akhlaq education for the global community life
The term "character education" appears to be a massive movement around the world as a concern to rise up a generation of children who have strong moral character. All primary and secondary educational institutions socialize character education, including Indonesia since 2010. The Islamic world uses a specific term "akhlaq education". It has taken place throughout the history of Islamic civilization and has succeeded in cultivating Muslim characters. The core of akhlaq education is in the spiritual purification and obedience to God. Research from various Islamic countries show that the model of akhlaq education is not changed much. It is conserved from generation to generation, that make it far behind the sophistication of character education. Muslims seem not to put up with adequate characters to mingle with the global society. The implementation of akhlaq education let students comprehend a peaceful life only in their environment. Due to everyone's use of the Western science and technology, Muslims also adapt to this phenomenon and take a benefit to facilitate their needs. The format of character education as an instrument needs to be modified into akhlaq education, so that students are not locked into a narrow local insight and can take part in the life of the global community. This modification includes 1) adopting the content of character education for 292 IJIMS, Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies, Volume 4, Number 2, December 2014: 291-316 the global community, 2) providing insights for the role of teachers and educational institutions, 3) variety of learning model, 4) involving parents and the community, and 5) accommodating students from various religions.
Character Education Based on Religious Values: an Islamic Perspective
Ta'dib, 2016
Character education in Indonesia has become a necessity that can not be negotiable. Various cases of crime and moral deviations become evident that the character of most citizens already at alarming stage. Therefore, since the beginning, national education is not only aimed at generating human intelligent and skilled, but also of noble character. This is realized through the introduction of 18 characters excel in school (religious, honest, disciplined, tolerance, and so on). In the Islamic perspective character education paired with akhlak (Islamic ethics) education. Among the important characteristics are: it sourced from the Quran Hadith; Prophet Muhammad as a role model; priority-based methods of mental-spiritual (soul management, habituation, exemplary, and healthy environment); are simultaneous in which three education centers, namely schools, families, and communities should play a role in synergy. The government and the mass media also play a role in supporting the education ...
EDUCARE: Journal of Primary Education
This paper aims to explore the supporting and inhibiting factors in the effort to integrate character education in akidah akhlak subjects at MIN 11 Aceh Tenggara. This study uses a qualitative method with a narrative approach and data collection techniques of interview, observation, and documentation; then, the data is analyzed using the methods developed by Miles and Huberman, namely data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. This study shows that the supporting factor for integrating character education in aqidah moral learning at MIN 11 Aceh Tenggara is the availability of learning media in the form of focus and Madrasah residents who work together to supervise all students, both outside and inside the Madrasah environment. The inhibiting factors are the limitations of Madrasah infrastructure in the form of no mosque or prayer room, family support, and social media and games that have an influence on student character. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi fak...
Character Education Implementation Through Tahfidzul Qur'an Teaching in SMPIT Ar Rayyan Surabaya
Jurnal Studia Religia, 2018
Criminal case done by Indonesian children has increased that showed how important character education. In building character values, a school is needed to have an activity program. SMPIT Ar Rayyan has Tahfidzul Qur'an program in character education. This study aimed to discuss how character education is implemented through teaching in SMPIT Ar Rayyan Surabaya, and how Tahfidzul Qur'an teaching has done in SMPIT Ar Rayyan Surabaya, and what character values are growths through Tahfidzul Qur'an teaching in SMPIT Ar Rayyan Surabaya. The method used in this study was descriptive qualitative. In this study, data collection technique used three methods i.e. interview, observation, and documentation. According to study result in SMPIT Ar Rayyan Surabaya, it was found that character education has been well enough implemented in teaching Tahfidzul Qur'an, viz. it was from teaching stages, the teaching method, and the teaching evaluation. Tahfidzul Qur'an teaching implemented in SMPIT Ar-Rayyan used tasmi' and mura ja'ah methods. The character values growth were religious, discipline, hard work, independent, friendly, love to read, and responsible.
Edukasia : Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Islam, 2019
The issue of character education in Indonesia needs to be handled professionally from effective planning, implementation and supervision. This case study using qualitative approach with the phenomenology inductive to find a model of character education in MTs and MA NU Assalam. The technique of collecting data is done by interviews, observation and documentation. Data is analyzed through stages data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the concept of character education in Assalam MTs and MA NU is based on environmental integration by developing academic religious characters namely religious, sincerity, exemplary, and loving the goodness of honesty, discipline, responsibility, communicative, and self control ( 2) System character education planning is based on a systemic-integrative model. The system is implemented in a way formation of a conducive environment (bi'ah), habitualization (habituation), personification...