Immediate loading with a novel implant featured by variable-threaded geometry, internal conical connection and platform shifting: Three-year results from a prospective cohort study (original) (raw)

A 3-year report from a multicentre randomised controlled trial: immediately versus early loaded implants in partially edentulous patients

European journal of oral implantology, 2013

To compare implant failure, prosthesis failure and radiographic bone level changes of immediate non-occlusal loading versus early loading in partially edentulous patients 3 years after implant placement. A total of 80 patients with partial edentulism were selected for a two implant-supported immediate restoration and randomised to immediate loading (test group) or early loading (control group) after 2 months, 40 patients for each group. To be included in the study, implants had to be inserted with a torque ≥ 30 Ncm. In the test group, implants were provided with non-occluding temporary restorations. In the control group, healing abutments were attached and implants were left to heal nonsubmerged. Definitive prostheses were delivered 2 months after surgery with full occlusal contacts. The outcome variables were implant failure, prosthesis failure, complications and radiographic bone level changes at implants 3 years after loading. The assessor was blinded to group assignment. Eighty-...

Immediate loading of four or six implants in completely edentulous patients

The International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry, 2012

In this retrospective study, 44 patients received screw-retained full-arch acrylic resin provisional prostheses connected on 4 or 6 implants in the mandible or maxilla, respectively. With a mean follow-up of 17.6 months, 3 of 205 implants were lost and replaced successfully. Cosmetic fractures were shown in six patients; one abutment loosening, one abutment fracture, and one implant fracture were also observed. Prosthetic fracture was shown in one patient. Marginal bone loss reached two to five threads on 13 implants (6.4%). The results confirmed that immediate loading of 4 mandibular or 6 maxillary implants with an acrylic resin prosthesis for full-arch rehabilitation is a reliable technique in the short- and midterm.

Computer-assisted implant surgery and immediate loading in edentulous ridges with dental fresh extraction sockets. Two years results of a prospective case series study

European review for medical and pharmacological sciences

The two-stage surgical approach for implant placement first documented in 1977 by Brånemark, represents today the most used protocol for placing implants. Aim of this prospective case series study was to compare the clinical and radiological performance of 12 edentulous jaws treated with of a modified prosthetic and surgical protocol for 3D software planning, guided surgery, immediate loading of implants inserted in edentulous jaws and extraction sockets and restored with Cad-Cam Zirconia and titanium full arch frameworks. This work was designed as a prospective case series study. Twelve patients have been consecutively rehabilitated with an immediately loaded implant supported fixed full prosthesis. A total of 72 implants, Nobel Replace Tapered Groovy; Nobel Biocare AB, Goteborg, Sweden) 26 of which were inserted in fresh extraction sockets, were inserted. Outcome measures were implants survival, radiographic marginal bone-levels and bone remodeling, soft tissue parameters and comp...

A comparison of two implants with conical vs internal hex connections: 1-year post-loading results from a multicentre, randomised controlled trial

European journal of oral implantology, 2017

PURPOSE To compare the clinical and radiological outcomes of identical implants with conical or internal hex connections. METHODS A total of 90 patients with partial edentulism requiring one implant-supported prosthesis were randomly allocated in two equal groups (n = 45) to receive either implants with a conical connection or implants of the same type, but with an internal hex connection at three centres. Patients were followed for 1 year after loading. Outcome measures were implant failures, any complication and marginal bone level changes. RESULTS One patient (2.2%) belonging to the internal hex group dropped out. One implant (2.2%) failed in the conical group. There were no statistically significant differences in implant failures between the two groups (2.2% vs. 0%, difference 2.2; 95% CI: -1.3; 5.7; P = 0.315). Two complications occurred in the conical group and two in the internal hex group (P = 1.000, difference 0.00, 95% CI: -3.1; 3.1). The 12-month peri-implant bone resorp...

Three-year post-loading results of a randomised, controlled, split-mouth trial comparing implants with different prosthetic interfaces and design in partially posterior edentulous mandibles

European Journal of Oral Implantology, 2014

PURPOSE: To compare the clinical and radiological outcomes of two implant designs with different prosthetic interfaces and neck configurations.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-four partially edentate patients randomly received at least one NobelActive implant (Nobel Biocare, Göteborg, Sweden) with back-tapered collar, internal conical connection and platform shifting design, and one NobelSpeedy implant (Nobel Biocare) with external hexagon and flat-to-flat implant-abutment interface according to a split-mouth design. Follow-up continued to 3 years post-loading. The primary outcome measures were the success rates of the implants and prostheses, and the occurrence of any surgical and prosthetic complications during the entire follow-up. Secondary outcome measures were: horizontal and vertical peri-implant marginal bone level (MBL) changes, resonance frequency analysis values at implant placement and loading (4 months), sulcus bleeding index (SBI) and plaque score (PS).RESULTS: No drop-out occurred. No implants and prostheses failures were observed to the 3-year follow-up. MBL changes were statistically significant different with better results for the NobelActive implants for both horizontal and vertical measurements (P = 0.000). After 3 years post-loading, the NobelActive implants underwent a mean vertical bone resorption of 0.66 mm, compared with 1.25 mm for the NobelSpeedy Groovy implants (P = 0.000); the mean horizontal bone resorption was 0.19 mm for the NobelActive implants and 0.60 mm for the NobelSpeedy Groovy implants (P = 0.000). A high ISQ value was found for both implants, and no statistically significant difference was found for ISQ mean values between interventions (P = 0.941 at baseline; P = 0.454 at implantabutment connection; P = 0.120 at prosthesis delivery). All implants showed good periodontal health at the 3-year-in-function visit, with no significant differences between groups.CONCLUSION: The results of this research suggest that in well-maintained patients, the MBL changes could be affected by the different implant design. After 4 months of unloaded healing, as well as after 3 years in function, both implants provided good results, however vertical and horizontal bone loss had statistically significant differences between the two groups (difference of 0.58 ± 0.10 mm for the vertical MBL, and 0.4 ± 0.05 mm for the horizontal MBL), with lower values in the Nobel Active implants, compared to the NobelSpeedy Groovy implants.