Teachers’ Behalf on Language Test Construction (original) (raw)
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The Quality of Teacher-Made Multiple-Choice Test Used as Summative Assessment for English Subject
PRASI, 2020
This study analyzed the quality of multiple-choice test used as middle test made by the English teachers in one school in Singaraja. This study was essential to be conducted since the items of the multiple-choice test must have good quality to be used to assess the students’ achievement levels. This study used content analysis method in analyzing100 items from 3 different instruments. In collecting the data, the checklist analysis form was used to compare the items of teacher-made multiple-choice test with the norms as one of the standards in making a good multiple-choice test, then clarified through interview. From the data that have been obtained, there are 72% of students who got bad scores in the middle test. There is 1% of the items has sufficient quality, 8% of items have good quality, and the rest of the items have very good quality. The most common mistake found is in the punctuation and capitalization. It is supported by the results of the interview, which show that the tea...
Test-Items Analysis of English Teacher-Made Test
Journal of English Education and Teaching
The primary purpose of this study is to find out information about the quality of item analysis on English teacher-made tests related to the difficulty level, item discrimination level, validity, and reliability of the final semester assessment for the twelfth-grade student of SMAN 8 Pontianak in the academic year 2020/2021. The researcher conducted this study using descriptive quantitative analysis with the data obtained from the English teacher-made test, consisting of 40 items with 257 test-takers of twelfth-grade students. The researcher analyzed the test items by using the combinations of Master TAP and SPSS Version 16 applications. Based on the difficulty level, the analysis results show that 22 items were categorized as easy, 14 items as medium, and four items as difficult level. Moreover, the item level of item discrimination shows that 9 items are categorized as poor, 18 items as enough, and 13 items as good index level. The analysis results also show that 23 items as valid...
Item Analysis of an English Summative Test
PEJLaC: Pattimura Excellence Journal of Language and Culture
While almost half of the teachers’ activities are assessing their students, they are not well-prepared with assessment literacy training. Hence, they are unable to produce good tests to measure students’ level of knowledge and skills. This study is aimed at analyzing item difficulty and item discrimination of a test made by an English teacher at a junior high school in Kupang. It was descriptive qualitative research and the instruments of the research were test items, answer keys, and students’ answer sheets. For the difficulty index, it was revealed that more than half of the test items were easy, while only 2% of the test items were difficult. In terms of the discrimination index, it was found that only 10% of the test items were excellent and most of the test items (46%) were poor. These findings indicated that the English test had a poor item difficulty index and low item discrimination index. Hence, it did not fulfill the criteria of a good test and could not measure stud...
Examining teacher-made English test in a language school
LADU: Journal of Languages and Education
Background: Multiple-choice, teacher-made English tests have constantly been popular due to their immediate alignment to classroom instructions. However, ample studies have indicated the need for continuous evaluation of their quality to allow evidence-based feedbacks for sustained betterment of assessment practices. Purpose: This study sought to examine the quality of a multiple-choice, teacher-made English formative informal assessment for four classes of high school students of an English course in Madura, Indonesia.Design and methods: Data were collected from the test results of eighty students and put in an excel document. The data were then analysed with a computer application called Conquest to analyse the responses of each of the students on every item of the test. Based on this item response analysis, it turned out that the test could have achieved a higher credibility if necessary, moderations had been taken. Results: The findings recommend that schools as well as teacher ...
This study aimed at investigating the quality of multiple-choice items test created by teachers of mathematics on the topic of logical mathematic for tenth graders at Pangeran Antasari Senior High School in Medan. The test consisted of 40 multiple-choice items, and the classical theory analysis was carried out. The results turned out that 22 out of 40 items were valid and 18 items were not. The coefficient reliability resulted in 0,88196 meaning that it had higher reliability and consistency over time. Furthermore, the item-difficulty test revealed that 17 items were easy, 4 items were moderate, and 1 item was difficult. The distractor analysis indicated that 21 items were good and 1 item was very good. Of 22 valid items, there were good and tricky items existed. It was reasonable to conclude that 22 out of 40 items created by the mathematic teachers were categorized as good. Preliminary Bruce, Weil and Calhoun (Sumiati and Asra: 2008) states that learning is essentially a complex process (complex), but with the same purpose of providing learning experiences to students in accordance with the objectives. The goal is actually a reference in the implementation of the learning process. To determine the achievement of learning objectives it is necessary to evaluate learning outcomes. According to Tyler (Rashid and Mansour: 2008), the evaluation is the process of determining the extent to which educational goals have been achieved. Broader definition put forward by the other two experts, the Cronbach and Stufflebeam (2000), the additional definition is that the evaluation process is not simply measure the extent to which the objectives are achieved, but it is used to make decisions. One way to evaluate learning outcomes is to use the test results of learning. In order to learn the test results can be used as its function is to measure the achievement of learning objectives, one of the teacher's task is to evaluate the device tests that have been made, such as with the test item analysis to determine the quality of the tests that have been made. But in reality, not many are doing so. Event analyze the test item is an activity that must be done to improve the quality of teachers that have been written test. Darwyan Shah et al. (Arifin: 2009) defines the test item analysis as an investigation or a study of a part of the whole thing must be answered by learners. Nana Sudjana (2009) define that test item analysis or item analysis is assessment test questions in order to obtain a device that has the question of adequate quality. From the definition above can be concluded that the analysis of items that is a process that is carried out to investigate, researching and reviewing the test questions in order to obtain a device that has the question of adequate quality. There are several reasons why the analysis of test items required. According to (Asmawi Zainul, et al: 1997) these reasons, among others: a. To know the strengths and weaknesses of test items, so do the selection and revision of items. b. To provide information on the specifications of items in full, so that will make it easier for device makers in formulating questions about the exam that will meet the needs in the field and a certain degree.
Proceeding of 2021 CoTEFL, 2021
The problem proposed in this study is what problem found in the USBN multiple-choice test items designed by English teachers? Therefore, the study aims to identify the problems in USBN multiple-choice test items designed by English teachers. Since the research intends to seek information and data that can be used to describe the problems in the USBN multiple-choice test items, descriptive research was applied in this study. The primary data to answer the research questions is question items. The data to be found in the question items as the objective data are the mistakes contained there. There are 240 question items which are then divided into two major groups: right and wrong questions. The parameter of the judgment is based on three categories of materials, construction, and language. In the material category, 39,17% of questions do not conform to the indicator written in the table of specification, and 8,34% multiple-choice test items that the options are not homogeneous. In the construction category, there are 13,75% multiple-choice test items that the length of the options are not relatively the same. In the language category, there are 14,17% multiple-choice items writing that does not follow the English language feature, and 11,25% multiple-choice items that every option repeats unnecessary words or phrases. Keywords: multiple-choice test items, USBN, English teachers
This research was conducted to find out whether the test items are good or weak and need to be revised and the possible cause of why the test items are weak, and to propose the alternative of the revision for the weak items of summative test of second semester of first grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Maiwa for academic year 2018/2019.This research employed quantitative and qualitative method that. The population in this research will be the first grade student of SMP Negeri 1 Maiwa it consist of two classes and the total population are 50 students where automotive Department consists 20 students and Machine-technique department 20 students. The instrument used in this research was the researcher utilizes semi-structured interviews and recorded in qualitative method. The result of this research showed that, for the multiple choice which was consist of 10 items; the index of difficult has the result analysis on average 81.43% of seven items in very easy level, on average 68.75% of two ...
The present study aims to analyze multiple-choice questions obtained from a trial testing conducted in a state junior high school in Indonesia. The study seeks to reveal the level of difficulty, discriminating power and distractor efficiency of the selected test items by employing item analysis. The result of the study discovers that levels of difficulty on the question items are varied. Some question tended to be easy and moderately difficult while the others are difficult to answer. It also uncovers that, in regard to discriminating power, some questions are well constructed while the others are ambiguously worded that can potentially cause the questions to fail to evaluate the students’ ability. The analysis on distractor efficiency presents information how the chosen multiple-choice questions were frequently constructed with less effective distractors that caused more high achieving students to choose wrong answers.
The Analysis on the Items of the English Test Made by the Teacher
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran, 2015
The purpose of this research is to evaluate and to provide information about the quality of English Summative test of grade XI SMA Negeri 5 Pontianak made by the teacher in academic year 2014/ 2015 by measuring the validity which consist of content validity, level of difficulty, discriminating power and the reliability of the test. This research is descriptive study. The test being analyzed are 50 multiple choice items. The data were collected by using a documentary technique. The data were taken from the items of English Summative test made by the teacher for grade XI, answer key, students' answer sheets, and test table of specification. The finding shows that the content validity of the test is 92%, there are 46 test items are good and 4 test items should be revised. The mean of level difficulty of the test is 0.45 (moderate), discriminating power is 0.24 (moderate) and reliability of the test is 0.64 (substantial). From the result, it is concluded that the test items have given a big contribution for the teacher to measure the students' competence. The test items already fulfilled the requirements of good test, but still need some revision on some items.
Preparing Qualified Multiple-Choice Test Items: What Should a Language Teacher Realize?
Testing is inseparable from teaching. Occasionally, a teacher has to write test items by himself. At times, a teacher can adapt existing items for his own context Since testing can give effect on teaming (backwash), qualified items are needed. Even, when adoption of items available is chosen, proper consideration remains significant. Facts show that multiple- choice items play an important role in our EFL assessment. This paper aims to raise teacher's awareness about this increasingly popular type of test items. Good multiple-choice items facilitate learning. Take, for instance, in searching for meaning of new words, the students can be provided with options that include familiar distracters. By doing so, the teacher helps the students find meanings without being nurtured. It also means that the teacher can avoid translation in his effort to help them arrive at meaning. With good multiple-choice items, the teacher gets the students to practice known linguistic items. Qualified multiple-choice items prevent the candidates from disappointment that is likely to result in motivational problem. Imagine when students are suffering from low achievement due to poor items - it's unfair! Though seemingly simple, multiple-choice test type involves the highest risk of ill -construction. Considerations should be made to prepare proper multiple-choice items. In the first place, the options should be equal in length or no option is extremely different. Of course, it is often hard to achieve. In the second, no more than one option is equally acceptable. In addition, the keys should not make a pattern. And, above all, teachers need to conduct item moderation. The latter is also good for promoting the academic atmosphere. To the writer; all those points are the collected wisdom, which is ready to share in the presentation.