Dampak Kebijakan Impor Dan Faktor Eksternal Terhadap Kesejahteraan Produsen Dan Konsumen Bawang Merah DI Indonesia (original) (raw)
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Pemerintah telah menargetkan swasembada bawang putih di tahun 2021 guna memenuhi permintaan bawang putih nasional. Namun demikian, sebagian besar kebutuhan bawang putih Indonesia masih dipenuhi dengan mengimpor bawang putih dari negara produsen bawang putih. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh kebijakan dan faktor penentu impor bawang putih Indonesia dari Cina sebagai negara eksportir bawang putih terbesar di Indonesia dan dunia. Penelitian ini menganalisis data time series tahunan dari tahun 1996 sampai 2019 menggunakan regresi linier berganda dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS). Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kebijakan penghapusan tarif memengaruhi volume impor bawang putih dari Cina secara signifikan. Harga bawang putih impor, populasi Indonesia, dan harga bawang merah domestik juga memengaruhi volume impor bawang putih Indonesia dari Cina secara signifikan. Sedangkan kebijakan RIPH dan nilai tukar riil tidak memengaruhi impor bawang putih Indonesia dari Ci...
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Forum Agribisnis : Agribusiness Forum/Forum Agribisnis: Agribusiness Forum, 2024
Garlic productivity in Indonesia is still low and fluctuates every year. The productivity fluctuations indicate production risks. This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the productivity and risks of garlic production in Indonesia. The data used in this study is secondary data from the Agricultural Census. Locations of this research were chosen purposively. They are in the three largest production centers, namely Central Java, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara. The total sample is 305 farmer respondents from 333 farmer respondents surveyed by the Statistic Center Agency. The method of analysis used in this study is production function with the Just and Pope model approach. Multiple linear regression analysis for the productivity function is estimated through the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method, whereas, for the production risk function, estimation is conducted using the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method. The results showed that the risk level of garlic production in Indonesia was high. Factors significantly increased productivity, including seeds, labor, the dry season, and climate change. Meanwhile, factors that significantly reduced productivity are organic fertilizers and SP36 fertilizers. The risk-inducing production factor is climate change, while the risk-reducing factors are pest attacks and liquid pesticides. To boost productivity, farmers can cultivate garlic during the dry season, increase the use of high-quality seedlings and labor, and reduce the application of organic and SP36 fertilizers. To mitigate production risks, farmers can enhance the use of liquid pesticides following recommended usage standards.
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Indonesia is the largest garlic importer in the world. The government has implemented a program to reduce importation of this product called the garlic mandatory-planting for importers. Implementation of this policy in the fields faced several chalanges. This study aimed to assess the realization of the mandatory-panting policy on national garlic production enhancement. Specifically, the study was intended to evaluate garlic international trade, to assess mandatory-planting policy, and to examine opportunities and challenges of garlic mandatory-planting. Result of this study concluded that the mandatory-planting had no significant impact as the importers’ planted areas were far below the targets. The mandatory-planting policy was encountered by lack of quality seed, limited land, lack of farmers’ interest for growing garlic, long harvest period, low yield, and not competitive selling price. It is suggested that the Ministry of Agriculture replace mandatory-planting with mandatory-pu...
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Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia
Productivity of shallot in central Java as an area production center has a declining trend from 2013-to 2018. One way to increase productivity is through technical efficiency. However, to increase productivity, the probability of production risk will also be higher. Contract farming is one way to increase productivity and overcome production risks in shallot farming. The objectives of this study were to analyze the effect of contract farming on technical efficiency and perception of risks production between contract and non-contract farmers. Secondary data was used in this study. The research sample consisted of 1.508 (10 contract farmers and 1.498 non-contract farmers) shallot farmers in Central Java. The data were analyzed using the stochastic frontier method to see technical efficiency, and the Likert scale to see farmers' perceptions of production risk. The analysis shows that contract farming affected decreasing efficiency. Meanwhile, there is no difference between both far...
AGRARIS: Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development Research, 2016
A deficiency of shallot seed production causes Indonesia could not meet its own local demand yet and thus imports foreign variety from other countries. However, farmer should choose between local and imported seed variety for their farming business activity. The purposes of the study was to analyze farmer decision and factors that determine farmer decision to utilize local and imported seed of shallot. Logistic regression was used to answer the research questions. Respondents were 60 persons divided into two groups, farmer who utilized local seed and that utilized the imported one. The result showed that the differences in decision making between local and imported farmers were the benefits they sought, while the factors that significantly influence the farmer's decision to use local seed are scale of land area, seed price, income and market. Scale of land area and seed price have negative influence significantly, while income and market give positive influence significantly on farmer decision to utilize conventional seed.
Efisiensi Dan Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Produksi Bawang Merah
Bawang merah merupakan komoditas strategis dan penyumbang inflasi terbesar nomor dua di masa pandemic Covid 19. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efisiensi dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi usahatani bawang merah. Data penelitian menggunakan data primer, dikumpulkan melalui wawancara langsung kepada 40 petani bawang merah di Desa Tawangsari, kecamatan Pujon, Data penelitian menggunakan data primer melalui wawancara langsung ke patani bawang merah. Analisis data menggunakan model regresi Cobb-Douglas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan petani bawang merah sebesar Rp. 48.515.548 per hektar per satu kali musim tanam. R/C Ratio bawang merah sebesar 3,36. Bibit dan pupuk ZA sangat berpengaruh (99% atau p<0.01) dan positif terhadap produksi usahatani bawang merah dengan koefisien regresi sebesar 0,492%, Kenaikan penggunakan bibit 1% meningkatkan produksi bawang merah sebesar 0,492%. Kenaikan pemakaian pupuk ZA 1% meningkatkan produksi bawang merah sebesa...