Agama vs Ilmu Agama: Sebuah Pembacaan Teori Epistemologis Abdul Karim Soroush (original) (raw)

Kontribusi Abdul Karim Soroush dalam Mendialogkan Agama dan Sains

Fikrah: Jurnal Ilmu Akidah dan Studi Keagamaan, 2022

This paper explores Abdul Karim Soroush's contribution to the dialogue between religious and scientific knowledge and its consequences for the humanist-anthropocentric development of religious knowledge. Documentation procedures were used to collect the data, which were subsequently examined using content analysis techniques. After doing an analysis, the author draws three conclusions: Soroush first equated religious knowledge and non-religious knowledge. The two are interdependent and will continue to evolve. Therefore, Soroush encouraged conversation so that religious understanding is constantly contextual. Soroush's second argument for the interaction between religious knowledge and science was based on the principle of shrinkage and development. The doctrine of contraction and expansion was inspired by Surah al-Baqarah 245 and the Sufi tradition. Thirdly, Soroush thought religious knowledge would undergo evolution and refinement while conversing with non-religious information. It is anticipated that refining humanist-anthropocentric religious knowledge would bring practical solutions to the human problems from which this religion derives.

Teori Abdul Karim Soroush: Analisis Teori Agama Dan Masyarakat Beragama

Nizham Journal of Islamic Studies

Soroush is a Muslim and comes from a society where political discourse and political debate are still struggling to resolve religious relations with politics and therefore the types of arguments and concerns he gives to secular liberal democracy mainly come from that background. Moreover, the implication of Soroush's political theory is that God was ruled out, not because of social evolution and the ability of human beings to manage their lives based on his own knowledge and collective rational consensus, but by deliberate political decisions to expel him from sociopolitical life.

Pluralisme Agama Perspektif Abdul Karim Soroush: Kajian Teoritis dan Filosofis

As-Syar'i: Jurnal Bimbingan & Konseling Keluarga

Pluralism, in the context of religion, on the one hand is an established term that is understood as a necessity that cannot be denied, but on the other hand, pluralism seems full of misunderstandings because it assumes that all beliefs are true. This debate will not seem to meet a common ground because human thoughts continue to develop and clash with each other. A modern reformist Islamic figure, Abdulkarim Soroush, comes up with arguments that support the spirit of pluralism. His thoughts are interesting because they often contradict other Muslim figures in Iran. This study aims to explore deeply the values ​​of religious pluralism from a figure who is labeled a "liberal Muslim intellectual". This study will then look for its relevance to the context of religious plurality in Indonesia by formulating the components of the formation of a pluralist society resulting from Soroush's idea. His scientific background and the complexity of the Iranian conflict, as...

Pluralisme Agama Perspektif AbdulKarim Soroush

Pluralism has always been a sensitive issue in the dynamics of religious life. One side assumes that pluralism is a misconception as to assume all beliefs are true. On the other hand said that the spirit of pluralism must be enforced by reason of inevitability that can not be rejected. This problem seems to be endless because of the constantly evolving of human thoughts bumping one another. AbdulKarim Soroush as a modern reformist figure, came up with arguments in favor of the spirit of pluralism. His thoughts often criticize conservative Islamic Scholars who seem to distance the public society from the attitude of diversity tolerance. This research was aimed to explore deeply the values of religious pluralism from figures labeled with "liberal Muslim intellectuals" by the westerners, AbdulKarim Soroush. The background of science and the complexity of Iran's conflict are the considerations of the researcher choosing the character. These two factors are considered to have a major effect on AbdulKarim Soroush's thought process. The results of this research indicate that religious pluralism according to Soroush is sunnatullah that must exist in the world, therefore every human must have the spirit to uphold religious pluralism. Keywords: Pluralism, Religious Pluralism, AbdulKarim Soroush

Ketika Agama Menghampiri Sains; Mempertimbangkan Spritualitas dalam Epistemologi Islam

Abstrak: in epistemology, Islam has a concept that is established more in translating science integration. When a Muslim does a scientific activity, than he should depart from the basic intentions and intrinsic motivation that comes out of the deepest conscience to meet guidance of Allah. So that beween science and conscience is a unity and totality that lead to the soul of rabbaniyyat. While we are developing and exploring the concept of theoretical and practical, we must not just stop at the fact but also the fact behind the fact at the time of spiritual or methaphisical sense expressed in each statement of physics.

Rekonsiliasi Epistemologi Antara Agama dengan Sains (Telaah tentang Pemikiran Filsafat Seyyed Hossein Nasr)

ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam

Epistemologi, dalam paradigm sains, sebenarnya merupakan cabang filsafat yang secara khusus diminati semenjak abad ke-17 M. Namun, ketika memasuki paroh abad ke 20 ini, epistemologi telah mengalami perkembangan pesat dan b eg itu beragam ke arah berbagai jurusan. Sebab utamanya adalah tumbuhnya cabang-cabang ilmu pengetahuan secara terns menerus tan pa henti. 1 Sebagai ciri khas yang patut mendapat perhatian dalam perkembangan epistemologi pada masa modern adalah munculn ya pandan gan barn mengenai pengetahuan. Pandangan itu dikemukakan oleh Prancis Bacon (I 561-1626) bahwa pengetahuan manusia; Human kncrwledge adalah Human Pcrwer. 2 Pengetahuan baru berarti dan berguna apabila dapat memberi nilai positif manusia dalam penguasaan atas alam. Sebagai akibatnya, ilmu pengetahuan selama masa modern sangat mempengaruhi dan mengubah pandangan manusia dan dunianya.

Liberasi Teologi di Iran Pasca-Revolusi, Telisik Pemikiran Abdul Karim Soroush

Abstraction This paper will disscuse the identity struggle and discourse of thought in the Islamic world, especially in the Islamic civilization and culture of Iran. That is, by trying to explain various religio-philosophical discourse presented by Soroush to restore Iranian civilization from an identity crisis, psychological deterioration, to the ontological dislocation that have obscured the authenticity of existential society. This paper will also explain why Soroush calls for new directions in theology and Islamic political discourse, particularly in Iran, which is supported by various philosophical discourse. By involving the philosophy of science (epistemology) in understanding human religiosity, Soroush philosophical thought also necessitates a new perspective of looking at reality, both the reality of individual, social, or global.

Diskursus Fenomenologi Agama Dalam Studi Agama-Agama

Al-Adyan: Jurnal Studi Lintas Agama

The imbalance in the study of religions not only occurs in the history of its development but also its methodology. Starting from the Western scientists who are not objective in describing comprehensively the development of this discipline that sets aside the contribution of Muslim scientists in it. Which gives an effect on the paradigm that produces a methodology that is very westernized. This knowledge cannot be separated from the role of contemporary Muslim scientists and researchers, by using the method of critical analysis, the author tries to Islamize one of the main methods in the study of religions namely the phenomenology of religion. The goal is to be friendly and can be used by Muslim scientists and researchers. By the concept and method of Islamization of Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas's on science (de-westernization, integration and Islamization), the authors formulated three problematic aspects in the phenomenology of religion, those are paradigms, epoche method and...

SACRED SCIENCE vs. SECULAR SCIENCE: Carut Marut Hubungan Agama dan Sains


Tulisan ini berupaya mengetahui pergumulan yang terjadi antara Agama dan Sains. Hipotesis yang diajukan adalah: Hubungan antara Agama dan Sains mengalami ketegangan dan variasi didalamnya. Ketegangan yang terjadi antara Sains dan Agama disebabkan karena perbedaan perspektif yang digunakan untuk memahami realitas sebagai sumber pengetahuan manusia. Kalau sains mendekati persoalan eksistensi melalui observasi dan eksperimen, sedangkan agama membangun landasan epistemologinya berdasarkan wahyu. Pada abad 19 dan sebagian besar abad 20, gagasan yang dominan adalah sains dianggap mampu memecahkan seluruh persoalan manusia, namun faktanya sains juga telah melahirkan senjata-senjata pemusnah massal dan polusi lingkungan, termasuk merusak keseimbangan aspek spiritual dan material dalam kehidupan manusia. Belakangan muncul para ilmuwan teolog dari beberapa agama yang berupaya mencari jalan tengah untuk menyelesaikan problematika kemanusiaan dan alam dengan menjembatani carut marut hubungan sa...