The History of Eastern Slavic Paganism Academic Research: Review of the Sources After 1917 / История научных исследований язычества восточных славян: обзор литературы после 1917 г. (original) (raw)
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Богословский вестник, 2022
The article continues an overview of the scientific studies on Eastern Slavs’ pagan beliefs, published in the previous issue of Theological Bulletin, no 1 (44), 2022. The author considers a period important for the Russian humanities and related to understanding the essential features of Slavic mythology. The article presents a path of the scientific studies from the 2nd half of the XIX century till 1917. The first scientific attempts (Shchapov, Shchepkin) to identify the origins of archaic ideas are lightened in the beginning of the article. The ideas of the solar-mythological school (Afanasyev) and the usage of the comparative historical method (Sumtsov) are given a general analysis. The author pays attention to the achievements of the historical school (Miller), considers the ideas of diffusionism (Ruzhnetsky, Korsh) and the subsequent dominance of evolutionism (niederle), concluding with an assessment of the scientific contribution of Zelenin, who used an integrated approach to the issues under study. The article reflects the complex path of scientific research in the specified period, with obvious achievements, inevitable mistakes and not always reasonable assumptions. The methodology used by the author takes into account not only the data provided by secular sciences (philology, ethnography, religious studies, folklore studies), but also bases on the theological vision of the phenomena described.
Богословский вестник, 2022
The article presents an overview of the scienti c studies on Eastern Slavs’ pagan beliefs, starting with the earliest works on this topic that appeared in the XVIII century (Frenzel, Lomonosov) and up to the mid-XIX century (Schoeppingk, Hilferding). The approaches to the coverage of the pre-Christian Old Russian religion which characterized the studies of that period are given a general analysis. The study traces the perspectives on pagan beliefs from the emergence of the sentimental-romantic approach, with its clear propensity for the pre-Christian past and an uncritical attitude to the research materials, to the development of the comparative trend and the creation of the school of «desk mythology». The relevance of the topic stems from the growing interest of Russian society in its spiritual and cultural heritage, from the desire of the adherents of modern nativist religious movements to reconstruct not only in theory but also in practice the pre-Christian beliefs and the Eastern Slav religion. The same situation is typical of Ukraine and Belarus. Unlike the previous studies in the eld of Slavic paganism, the author uses the method of complex (historical, religious, and theological) source analysis.
Богословский вестник, 2023
This article completes the series of articles devoted to the review of academic research in the realm of beliefs of the Eastern Slavs published in the issues of Theological Herald, no. 1 (44), no. 3 (46) and no. 4 (47) of 2022. The paper presents an outline of the most notable works published abroad in the 20th-early 21st centuries which explore the spiritual culture of the ancient Slavs (primarily Eastern ones) and examine possible influences of pre-Christian ideas on the everyday religiosity of the people. The most important achievements of the authors are indicated and the main trends of academic exploration are identified. Along with that, an analysis of works on the designated topic in post-Soviet Russian-speaking studies is given. The author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop interdisciplinary research as the most promising one. The methodology used in compiling the review is complex, considering not only the data provided by secular studies (philology, ethnography, religious studies, folklore studies), but also based on the theological vision of the described phenomena.
The article is devoted to the study of the early period of Christianity in Russia in the late XIX - early XX century. Attention is focused on the research faculty and alumni of the Orthodox Theological Academy. Main attention is paid to the 1880-1910-ies. It was the period of the highest rise in the critical study of the early history of the Russian Church. However, for the understanding of the issues and debates of the period, and the author considers the general aspects related to the development of church history preceding years. The article highlighted some key points in the study of this period: the emergence of the 1st part of the 1st volume of the «History of the Russian Church» of E. E. Golubinsky (1880), a celebration of the 900th anniversary of the baptism of Russia (1888) and the celebration of the 900th anniversary of the blessed repose St. Prince Vladimir (1915). Special attention is paid to problems related, on the one hand, to the clarification of disputes of the early period of Christianity in Russia; on the other hand, with the use of critical methods in the church-historical research. Статья посвящена изучению раннего периода христианства на Руси в конце XIX – начале XX в. Внимание фокусируется на исследованиях преподавателей и выпускников православных духовных академий. Основное внимание в статье обращено на 1880-1910-е гг. – период наивысшего подъема в критическом изучении ранней истории Русской Церкви. Однако для понимания проблем и дискуссий этого периода автор рассматривает и общие моменты, связанные с развитием церковной истории предшествующих лет. В статье выделено несколько ключевых моментов в исследованиях указанного периода: появление 1-й части 1-го тома «Истории Русской Церкви» Е. Е. Голубинского (1880), празднование 900-летия крещения Руси (1888) и празднование 900-летия блаженной кончины святого князя Владимира (1915). Особое внимание в статье обращено на проблемы, связанные, с одной стороны, с выяснением спорных вопросов раннего периода христианства на Руси; с другой стороны, с введением критических методов в церковно-исторические исследования.
Петербургские славянские и балканские исследования
Reserve Hortyca and its place in historical memory, 2021
This article is dedicated to the place of the Hortyca reserve in the Cossack myth and the historical memory of Ukraine. The Cossack myth at different stages of its formation, in its post-Soviet-populist version, 144 Петербургские славянские и балканские исследования Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana was successfully integrated into the state policy of memory of independent Ukraine. The article reveals the stages and the historical context of the creation of the Hortyca reserve, shows the lack of a historical base for the «reconstruction» of the Zaporizhisn Sich. Nevertheless, the Cossack movement and the Cossack theme gain an important place in the historical politics of the presidents. The Cossack movement also became participants and organizers of public commemorative actions associated with significant events in Cossack history. The events of the Maidan 2013–2014 added new colors to the Cossack myth. The use of the Hortyca complex for the formation of an artificial place of memory associated with the Zaporizhzhya Sich and the Cossacks is studies. It is shown that there was no historical or archaeological basis for the formation of the memorial on Bolshaya Hortyca. Nevertheless, since the time of N. Yavornitsky, a number of stages in the creation of such a place of memory can be traced. In particular, P. Shelest’s decisions on perpetuating the memory of the Zaporozhian Cossacks. In 1965 was made a decision to create a historical and cultural reserve «Hortyca». One of the key places is the grave of the ataman I. Sirko. The exhumation and further investigation of Sirko’s remains became the subject of a war of memory. Only in 2000, the skull of the legendary chieftain was buried. The reserve itself remained the subject of speculation and manipulation of the Cossack myth, since would not be based on either historical or archaeological data, but it was based on the idea of recreating a certain generalized image. As a result, the complex «Hortyca’s Sich» turned out to be a generalized image of Cossack fortifications with an attempt to reproduce the structure of all eight Cossack sections that existed in the 17th–18th centuries. The complex is actively used by reenactors and folklorists.
Вестник ПСТГУ.Серия II: История. История Русской Православной Церкви.2021. , 2021
В русской академической науке второй половины XIX в., вплоть до закрытия духовных школ, историко-литургические исследования занимают особое место. Рассматривая их в комплексе, можно наблюдать формирование самостоятельного направления, в рамках которого развивалась целая отрасль исторической науки. Плодом этого развития стали формирующееся литургическое источниковедение и становление исследовательской методологии, показавшей свою плодотворность и в последующее время, в ХХ в. Работы пред- ставителей русской школы, в том числе А. А. Дмитриевского, А. И. Алмазова, И. А. Карабинова, архиепископа Венедикта (Алентова), использовали в своих разработках известные специалисты Папского восточного института, последователи так называемой «Школы Матеоса». Историко-литургический анализ последований церковных таинств составлял важнейшее направление в этих работах. Исследования литургической стороны чинопоследований в работах литургистов не конфликтовали с догматическим содержанием церковных таинств, поскольку их авторы увязывали развитие богослужения (в том числе таинств и обрядов) с церковной и общественной историей, как и с развитием богословских идей и концепций.