Economic Impact of Olam Out-Grower Programme on Rice Farming in Kaambe District of Guma Local Government, Benue State, Nigeria (original) (raw)

v. Shabu, T., Gyuse, T. T, & Abawua, J. I (2011) Economic Impact of Olam Out-Grower Programme on Rice Farming in Kaambe District of Guma Local Government, Benue State, Nigeria. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol. 1, No. 17 Novembe

The research assesses the economic impact of Olam Out-Grower programme on rice farming to help improve rice production in Benue State. A sample size of 184 rice farmers comprising of 116 participating rice farmers of the programme and 68 non-participating rice farmers were randomly selected. Using a 'before' and 'during' project approach the study has determined the change in farm yield and income of rice farmers. The results reveal that there is 30.58% increase in farm yield per hectare and the average income of rice farmers has improved by 60.95% in the area. The research concludes that, Olam Out-Grower programme has impacted positively on the productivity of participating rice farmers, but the farmers do not benefit much from the economic value of their farm output. Therefore, the study recommends that Olam out-grower programme should shift its extensive rice farming approach to intensive rice farming approach in order to improve on value addition of rice farming in the area.

Economics Of Rice Production: A Case Study Of Bauchi Local Government Area, Bauchi State, Nigeria


The study determined the costs and returns of rice production among farmers in Bauchi Local Government Area. Primary data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaires which were administered to fifty (50) purposively selected rice farmers. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, farm budgeting and regression analysis. The study revealed that majority (40%) of the farmers were within the age of 41-50 years with a mean age of 40.5 years. Also, majority of them (72%) were males and 80% had formal education. Furthermore, the result revealed that majority of the farmers (42%) had 1-10 years of farming experience and a mean age of 14.1 years, also 42% had farm size of 1.5-2.4 hectare per farmer with a mean of 2.25 ha . The study revealed that the farmers realized a net farm income of N33, 822.29 per ha. Also the returns on every naira invested as well as operating ratio and fixed ratio were 0.77, 0.45 and 0.14 respectively. The R-square value was 93.1%, Furt...


Journal of Plant & Agriculture Research, 2018

The study analyzed the economic of rice production in Gassol local Government area of Taraba State. Data were collected using structured questionnaires administered to 140 respondents' selected using multi-stage random sampling technique. The analytical tools employed were descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The finding revealed that, majority (70%) of the respondents were male and married. Most (55%) of them were in their prime age and 62% had farming as a primary occupation. The gross margin per hectare of land was N72, 914.1655 implying that rice production is profitable in the study. Multiple regressions result revealed that, the Linear function gave the best fit, and was selected as the lead equation; farm size (X 2), Seeds (X 3), Hire labour (X 6), agro-chemicals (X 5) and Farming experience (X 8) contributed significantly to rice farmers' output in the study area. High cost of inputs, lack of contact with extension agents, poor storage facilities and high cost of transportation were the major production challenges. The study recommended among others; the creation of opportunities for enhanced farmers' accessibility to inputs and as well extension agents should be giving incentive so that they can education farmers' using different mass media communication strategies.


Economic analysis of upland rice production in Ivo Local Government Area of Ebonyi State was done. Data were generated through structured questionnaire and oral interview schedules administered on one hundred and twenty rice farmers, which were selected randomly from the local government area. The data were analysed using Cobb Douglas production function, budgetary system and descriptive statistics. The results showed that Cobb Douglas production function was the lead equation because of highest R 2 = (0.7725) and highest number of significant variables. Thus 77.3% of the variation in rice output is explained by the variables included in the model. The elasticity of rice production showed that all inputs were inelastic since they all have marginal value products less than 1. The return to scale was greater than 1indicating an increasing return to scale. Resource use efficiency showed that the farmers did not achieve optimum allocative efficiency in the use of any of the farm resources. Net farm analysis showed that the total cost of production of rice was N69,280 per hectare with total revenue of N140,460. The net farm income was N71,180, which implies that rice production is profitable in the study area. Most farmers complained of poor access to credit and high cost of labour as major obstacles to rice production. Policies that will enable farmers to employ more of their production resources such as encouraging the retribution and reallocation of resources should be made possible in order to improve farmers, performances. Also, increasing farmers' access to production inpus; (fertilizer, improved varieties and land) were advocated.

Economics of Rice Production in Wase Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria

International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 2021

The study examined the rice farmer's productivity in Wase Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria; the objectives were to estimate profitability of rice farming in the study area and determine the socio economic factors affecting rice farmer's productivity. Primary data were used for this study with the aid of well-structured questionnaire. A multi-stage sampling technique was used in selecting rice farmers in the study area. Three major rice producing districts were purposely selected from the Local Government Area followed by the random selection of the villages from each districts. In all, 153 rice farmers were randomly selected from six village's. Gross margin analysis revealed that the production of rice is profitable with the gross margin of N216,576. The multiple regression estimates for determinant of productivity among rice farmers reveals that the coefficient of age, educational level and farm size were negatively significant at 1% level while the quantity of seed and fertilizer were positively significant at 5%. Based on the findings of the study, recommendations are necessary for more sustainable rice production in the study area.


This study focused on the resource-use efficiency and profitability of ofada rice farming in Ogun State, Nigeria, Primary data were collected from a cross-section of 240 farm households involved in ofada rice production. A multi-stage sampling technique using a combination of purposive and simple random sampling method was adopted to select the respondents for interview using a wellstructured, pre-tested and modified questionnaire. Tools of analysis include descriptive, cost and returns, gross margin and regression analyses. It was observed that literacy level was low among the farmers and majority of them were youths (73%). Most of them (59%) utilized their personal savings for farm operations. Also, about 79% of the farmers operated less than 2 hectares of farmland, and the mean farm size was 1.52 hectares. Average number of parcels operated however decreased as farm size increased. The mean yield of rice increased as farm size increased. Average costs on variable resources constituted about 59% of the total cost of production. The Average Return on Investment (AROI) was estimated at 9.84 while the Rate of Return on Investment (RORI) was 884 per cent, thus suggesting that ofada rice production in the study area is quite profitable. AROI and RORI were higher on sole-cropped rice farms than on rice farms inter-cropped with maize. An average of 66%, 47% and 36% of farmers were technically, allocatively and economically efficient, respectively, in the study area. In other words, a significant allocative and economic inefficiencies exist in ofada rice production in the study area (p ≤ 0.05 ). This suggests considerable room for productivity gains for the farms through better use of available resources, given the state of technology. The inefficient small scale farmers (about 79 percent) still dominate in the production of food for the teeming population. Significant structural changes must be made in the process of modernization & getting agriculture moving. To carry out successfully such structural changes major policy variables are needed to formalize & tinker with current laissez faire operations. From the foregoing, there is need for the various governments to gradually de-emphasize the fact that the inefficient small farmers should be the center piece of food production in the state and in Nigeria in general. Adequate land should be made available to farmers, majority of who do not own the farmland. They should be encouraged and empowered by enhancing their status on land being cultivated; this could be by contractual arrangement whereby government, rather than individual land owners provide the land.

Economic Analyses of Smallholder Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria

Journal of Agricultural, Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2023

Abstract This study examined the economic analysis of rice production in Kebbi State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to identify the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents, estimate the cost and returns, and evaluate the efficiency of resource use. Primary data were used in the study. They were obtained through a questionnaire A total of 160 rice farmers engaged in rice production were investigated. The collated data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, budgetary analysis, and resource use efficiency models. Results from the analyzes revealed that most rice farmers were above productive age, experienced, and could read and write. Empirical results also revealed that rice production is viable with approximately 40% return on investment for every N1 invested in the rice farming enterprise. Resource use efficiency in the study area showed underutilization of seed, farm size, fertilizer, and agrochemicals. It is recommended that the farmers in the study area should be provided with farm input and improved technologies, which could enable them to become more efficient in rice production and further guarantee sustainable growth and food security.

Economic Analysis of Small Holder Rice Production Systems in Ebonyi State South East, Nigeria

Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 2013

189,410.00 NGN (1,222USD) as against 201,166.00 NGN (1,297.85USD) for Swamp rice farmers. The multiple regression (Cobb Douglas) estimates of the determinants of output of upland rice showed that coefficients age, farming experience, farm size, variable inputs and farm income were positively signed at given levels of probability while capital inputs was negative. The Cobb Douglas regression estimates of the determinants of output of Swamp rice showed that the coefficients of education, labour cost, farm size, variable inputs and farm income were positively signed and significant at given levels of probability as well as capital inputs which was negative. The result indicates that net profit from Upland rice cultivation was 92,800.00 NGN (598.71USD) with a Benefit Cost Ratio of N1.55 (1.56USD). The net profit from Swamp rice cultivation was 132,090.00 NGN (852.19USD) and a Benefit Cost Ratio of 1.75 NGN (1.75USD). Access to credit to rice farmers, subsidy on farm inputs, dissemination of improved rice technologies by extension agents and formation of farmer groups were advocated for increased rice production.

Economic Analysis of Small holder Rice Farmers in Kebbi State, Nigeria

International Journal of Applied and Scientific Research (IJASR) , 2023

This study examined the economic analysis of rice production in Kebbi State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to identify the socioeconomic characteristics of the respondents, estimate the cost and returns, and evaluate the efficiency of resource use. Primary data were used in the study. They were obtained through a questionnaire A total of 160 rice farmers engaged in rice production were investigated. The collated data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, budgetary analysis, and resource use efficiency models. Results from the analyzes revealed that most rice farmers were above productive age, experienced, and could read and write. Empirical results also revealed that rice production is viable with approximately 40% return on investment for every N1 invested in the rice farming enterprise. Resource use efficiency in the study area showed underutilization of seed, farm size, fertilizer, and agrochemicals. It is recommended that the farmers in the study area should be provided with farm input and improved technologies, which could enable them to become more efficient in rice production and further guarantee sustainable growth and food security.