Strategic Leadership Newsletter: Volume 3, Number 3 (original) (raw)
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Jefferson Strategic Leadership Newsletter reports information relevant to the Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University) Doctor of Management Program in Strategic Leadership (DSL) and its community including personal and professional events and accomplishments, new practices, research, opportunities, and suggestions
Strategic Leadership Newsletter: Volume 3, Number 1
Strategic Leadership Newsletter reports information relevant to the Philadelphia University Doctor of Management in Strategic Leadership program including personal and professional events and accomplishments, new practices, research and opportunities, and suggestions. You are encouraged to forward the Newsletter to friends and colleagues to expand awareness and to brand yourself as a community member. You are also invited to recommend people or organizations to be added to the mailing list. Contact Strategic Leadership Newsletter by emailing the Editor starrl@philau.ed
Telecommunications companies, over the last decade, have undergone major change in terms of the manner in which they do business. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of change implementation on staff turnover in telecommunications industry by reviewing the following key issues, the effect of change implementation on staff turnover, the implementation of change within the industry, the communication of change initiatives by management in the industry, and the effect of change implementation on employee morale and retention. The rationale of this study was to allow top executives to review their current implementation strategy of change management initiatives in the industry. Thereafter, it provided guidelines for improvements in change implementation for the leaders. Staff turnover can negatively impact service delivery and financial performance of a company, so these recommendations are aimed at improving change management initiatives. The study was descriptive and quantitative in nature, involving the application of a questionnaire, with a sample of staff from all departments in the industry. The questionnaire focused on assessing the impact of the implementation of change management processes on staff turnover in the telecommunications industry and was developed from the literature review. Data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), Version 24 for both descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings show that a significant percentage of respondents were in disagreement with the way management had handled issues related to change implementation, turnover, communication, retention and morale. With this in mind, recommendations on ways to reduce the impact of the key issues on the organization were made. These included the recommendation of lean methodology in order to deal with the first three key issues, namely, communication, implementation, and turnover. Finally, recommendations were made on ways to improve employee retention. The primary issue that has come to light is that although management is, to a certain extent, communicating change implementation, there is a noticeable lack of engagement with employees. The onus, therefore, lies with leadership to lift the levels of engagement with employees, thereby reducing the impact of change implementation on the organization by increasing the level of transparency in the organization. Improving communication would lead to improved trust, which would then result in improved employee morale, ultimately leading to a reduction in the staff turnover rate.
la. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION lb. RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS Unclassified _ 2a. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3. DISTRIBUTION,/AVAILABILITY OF REPORT 2b. DECLASSIFICATIONIDOWNGRAOING SCHEDULE xii * Emerging Leadership Vistas To encourage further scholarship in the leadership area and to recognize the contributions of outstanding individuals, the Ralph M. Stogdill Distinguished Leadership Scholarship Award was established in 1976. Bestowed on an intermittent basis, the award is given to a leadership scholar "in recognition of his or her outstanding contribvion to the advancement of leadership research and for devotion to the development of a new generation of leadership scholars." Thus, the award is intended not only for the scholarly research contribution of the chosen individual but, equally important, for the contribution to the development of others in the field. To date, award recipients have been Ralph M.
On behalf of: Midwest Academy of Management
Conceptions of leadership are conspicuous in their absence from the field of organizational politics. We respond to this timely challenge by considering how cultural values and perceptions of organizational politics influence motivations to lead in a multicultural setting. By combining qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis, we expand the Motivation to Lead (MTL) construct proposed by Chan and Drasgow. In addition, we apply the concept of the work script to the Israeli high-tech industry to predict how cultural values and perceptions of organizational politics combine to shape motivations to lead.
Frye Leadership Institute - A Report
The Frye Leadership Institute is a two-week intensive residential program held at Emory University; 2005 marked the 6 th year of Frye. Fyre's purpose is to mold and shape managers (young leaders) from every department of an institution into the best leaders that they can be. I encourage you to submit an application to Frye. You'll discover that we all share the same issues regardless of institution, and you'll also discover that your department as well as your institution is on the right track, addressing issues that some institutions are still struggling with. During some of the discussions I was happy to share Mr. Murdock's support for professional development, his open door policy, and encouragement for his staff to be innovative and creative in moving the library forward, the open relationship that the library's IT personnel has with the institution's IT personnel, and the transparent approach Pace has taken through chat with the President, open hours with the President and Provost, and the community forum to share various issues that affect the community and how they may be addressed. More important, you come away from Frye exuberant with hope and strength to affect change. Cocoa-Cola Woodruff Foundation funds Frye that helps to keep tuition costs low to 3000;thenormalcostis3000; the normal cost is 3000;thenormalcostis12000 per person. For this year's program, 257 applications internationally were received that were seen by at least 2 reviewers and only 45 were accepted; the requirement of a year-long practicum to explore within own institution, issues and questions raised during the Institute, is a critical requirement of the selection process. It was strongly stated by Brian Hawkins that an applicant can submit a fantastic project but if it lacks collaboration across the departments and the institution on a whole, and the focus it primarily about the applicant's implementation of a project in his/hers own little world, the application gets tossed. COLLABORATION is the key! Throughout the course of the two-week residency, we had twenty-nine (29) presenters each sharing their experiences and providing a wealth of information. I will highlight a few among much information that they communicated. Pat Battin, Consultant (donor of Battin Scholarship of which I was a recipient) ", discussed leadership choices. Develop you own style around a basic component-there's no template, build on your own strengths, listen to your instinct, understand your environment and audiences. It's important to focus on self first and then focus on others you need to influence. You can't make the institution conform to your style, you need to adapt to it. To make substantive change do so in the language of your audience. Leadership entails the ability to conceptualize the vision and
Journal of Management-2011-van Dierendonck-1228-61
Servant leadership is positioned as a new field of research for leadership scholars. This review deals with the historical background of servant leadership, its key characteristics, the available measurement tools, and the results of relevant studies that have been conducted so far. An overall conceptual model of servant leadership is presented. It is argued that leaders who combine their motivation to lead with a need to serve display servant leadership. Personal characteristics and culture are positioned alongside the motivational dimension. Servant leadership is demonstrated by empowering and developing people; by expressing humility, authenticity, interpersonal acceptance, and stewardship; and by providing direction. A high-quality dyadic relationship, trust, and fairness are expected to be the most important mediating processes to encourage self-actualization, positive job attitudes, performance, and a stronger organizational focus on sustainability and corporate social responsibility.