The Implementation of Self-Directed Dialogue to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability (original) (raw)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate i) the improvement of students ’ achievement of speaking and ii) the relationship between s elfconfidence and the student’s achievement in speaking. Speaking tests and questionnaire were used to collect the data in this study. The result of this study showed that there is a statistically significant imp rovement of the students’ speaking achievement after the students were taught through Selfdirected dialogue technique. There was also a statistically significant relationship between students ’ self-confidence and students ’ achievement of speaking. This suggested that self-directed dialogue technique facilitates students to improve their speaking.
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The researcher realizes that speaking ability is difficult to be achieved because it depends on many factors. Sometimes, the student speaks English because the teacher tells them to speak and to get good marks, but they communicate outside the classroom with their mother tongue. , It can be stated that there are only a few students who have ability in speaking English. The problem of this research are: (1) is there an effect of the use of dialogue on the students’ speaking ability in Muhammadiyah University Tangerang, (2) is there an effect of the use of prose passage on the students speaking ability in Muhammadiyah University Tangerang, (3) is the use of teaching speaking through dialogue more effective than the use of teaching speaking through prose passage. Based on the identification of the problem above, the objectives of this study are to investigate: a. There is an effect of the use of dialogue on the students’ speaking ability, b. There is an effect of the use of prose passa...
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