Redesign Educational spaces identity and existing city relationship (original) (raw)



Architecture , through the complex phenomenon of living, contributes to the construction of man, as man builds its world through it. After the founding role of architecture of the house, one of the places dedicated to training has the role of interpreting and build the quality of man as a social being, anticipating urbanity and laying the foundations of the ability to live the shared space. Reading H. Hertzberger exemplifies the integration between the pedagogical vision and the architectural design, seen as a training tool.

Towards a new school’s role in the Italian contemporary city

City, Territory and Architecture, 2020

In Italy there is a considerable amount of experience in school constructions from the 60s that have anticipated the Italian national school’s standards with a fair level of quality. Like in other countries this historical patrimony is now obsolete for several reasons of which: prefabrication, asbestos-containing materials, artificial glass fibres. The paper examines the activities carried out by the Italian Mission Structure for School Buildings Struttura di Missione per l’Edilizia Scolastica (SMES) for the coordination and boost in the implementation of the school buildings’ regeneration projects. The SMES was an office led by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, engaged in regenerating and improving school building’s safety between 2014 and 2018.

The School as a Model. Two experimental urban school building in Turin. 1968-75.

FAM, 2021

The heritage of school buildings constructed in the 1970s in Turin is one of the most interesting infrastructures of the public city in terms of extension and capillary diffusion across the urban fabric. The school buildings erected in the expansion areas envisioned by the Popular Affordable Housing Plans, which underwent great demographic changes in the last ten years, can be considered a resource for the present-day city. Through archive documents and the analysis of the relationship between built space and teaching styles, the present article explores this theme by looking at two schools in Turin, both of which were taken, at the time of their construction, as models of the relationship between built space and didactics

The Topic of the School Building in the Milanese Professionalism

Research for Development, 2019

The question of the relationship between modern architecture and civil themes and of technological experimentation takes on a central role in the school building projects in which, between the 1950s and 1960s, Arrigo Arrighetti, Roberto Menghi and Ignazio Gardella, among others, are involved. The Milanese architects often addressed the issue in the absence of a definite place of intervention and work mainly on flexible systems, adopting the pavilion as the main element of the construction, that allow adaptations, expansions and transformations of the functional program. They experienced innovative technological solutions, such as the prevalent use of prefabricated elements, light metal structures, technological details derived from industrial plants.

Creating Places of Public Memory through the Naming of School Buildings. A Case Study of Urban School Spaces in Bologna in the 19th and 20th Centuries

El Futuro del Pasado, 2016

Esta contribución pretende analizar los nombres oficiales de las escuelas italianas en los siglos XIX y XX, teniendo en cuenta estas escuelas como lugares de memoria civil, política y escolar. Estudiando la legislación nacional y en base a la investigación histórica de escuelas específicas en Italia, el trabajo se centra en la denominación de los edificios escolares que se encuentran hoy en la ciudad de Bolonia (Italia), durante el período comprendido entre la Unificación y la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Examinando fuentes de archivo aún inexploradas, el artículo analiza las motivaciones subyacentes a los nombres de las escuelas, los contextos en los que se debatieron y decidieron, las ceremonias de inauguración y los discursos oficiales relativos dados por las autoridades, las piedras colocadas o bustos expuestos dentro o fuera las escuelas y la compleja escenografía establecida para la población local que ofrecen un discurso «pedagógica» y, sin embargo político, como un auténtico patr...

2014_Structural problems in Italian school buildings of the late Nineteenth century: building analysis and proposals for their restore

Camillo Boito is depicted in the history of the Modernist Movement, primarily as a critic although he designed a small number of buildings and restorations. In fact Boito chose his occasions carefully, and his works were highly successful. Details of the schools -in Padua, the Reggia Carrarese (1877-80) or via Galvani in Milan (1886-1890) -were published in magazines and manuals and were models for hundreds of buildings. They were designed for the large student population generated by the extension of compulsory education, and reflected the new and improved educational standards of the "Coppino" Law (1877). Even the typological-structural conception was replicated. He foresaw three floors, with pavilions for stairs and services providing an interruption or end point with thicker division walls to the long buildings housing the classrooms. These were formed by the perimeter walls and a spine wall, which divided a wide corridor from the classroom, with large windows. The perpendicular walls between classrooms, were also load bearing, and ensured a "box-like" behavior. Imitators often simplified the structural system, while copying the distribution and decoration. A significant example is the Realdo Colombo school in Cremona, where the structure is reduced to long parallel walls of the façades and corridors. With little but carefully studied reinforcing and additional transversal frames, seismic safety can be completely assured, leaving virtually intact the bright and dignified façades and interiors. The text illustrates some of the results of research on schools in Northern Italy built between the Nineteenth and Twentieth century and their structural problems, the research was made possible by funding granted in the framework of Art and Culture by the Cariplo Foundation. Research on schools in Milan and Cremona was conducted by Angelo Giuseppe Landi, while Alberto Grimoldi mostly concentrated on the case of Padua.

Rappresentazione, percezione e wayfinding. L’architettura per l’università del passato e del presente / Representation, Perception and Wayfinding. University Architecture of the Past and Present


Il contributo nasce nel contesto di un più ampio studio sui rapporti tra percezione, wayfinding e rappresentazione dell'architettura. In questo articolo abbiamo sviluppato il confronto tra due architetture accomunate dalla stessa funzione come sedi di studio universitario. Si sono sperimentate metodologie qualitative e quantitative per verificare come la percezione visiva permetta di individuare alcune modalità di riconoscimento dei luoghi e di orientamento all'interno di essi. La prima architettura, il palazzo dell'Università di Genova di origini secentesche, è studiata attraverso il metodo di analisi degli spazi visibili da un punto di osservazione (isovista) con l'ausilio di un algoritmo (Grasshopper) capace di individuare l'impronta planimetrica di tali spazi e della loro trasposizione in forma tridimensionale grazie al confronto con la fotografia nodale a 360°. Il secondo esempio, la Facoltà di Architettura dell'Università di Porto costruita tra il 1985 e il 1996, è composto da un complesso di edifici che evidenzia immediatamente l'evoluzione del rapporto tra spazio di studio e fruitori. Quella che nel palazzo secentesco era la manifestazione di una gerarchia monumentale che enfatizzava le funzioni rappresentative e celava quelle private, peraltro composte in una originale formula architettonica, si trasforma, infatti, in una volontà di individuazione dei singoli elementi, grazie alla ricerca di una caratterizzazione geometrica all'interno di categorie comuni. Parole chiave percezione dell'architettura, wayfinding, università, collegi gesuiti, Alvaro Siza.

Creating Places of Public Memory through the Naming of School Buildings. A Case Study of Urban School Spaces in Bologna in the 19th and 20th Centuries, in "El futuro del pasado”, 7, 2016, pp. 441-458.

Summary This contribution sets out to analyse the official names of Italian schools in the 19th and 20th centuries, considering these schools as places of civil, political and scholastic memory. Studying national legislation and based on historical research into specific schools in Italy, the work focuses on the naming of the school buildings found today in the city of Bologna (Italy) during the period from Unification until the Second World War. Examining as-yet unexplored archive sources, the study investigates the motivations underlying the school names, the contexts in which they were debated and decided, the inauguration ceremonies and the relative official speeches given by the authorities, the stones laid or busts displayed in or outside the schools and the complex scenography set up for the local people offering a "pedagogic" and yet political discourse, as an authentic educational heritage of "public memory" and political pedagogy for the generations of the time and those to come. This study also shows some interesting surprises concerning famous and less well-known figures and personalities pointed out in the local school memory but legible on many levels of historical and educational interpretation. This work has confirmed that officially named of Italian school buildings are authentic places of memory assigned from birth to play a civil and public function for national education and cultural memory, as well as the literacy of the new generations.

Hercz, M - Sántha, K. (2010): How Pedagogy and Architecture Meet in Pedagogical Spaces

This research concentrates on an important, however, barely examined question of pedagogy, the question of how schools’ inner spaces comply with the European Union’s idea of „the school of the future”, what spaces it should have to actualize pedagogical functions and to enable the optimal development of children. The research is based on English and German studies. The first step of our long-term, complex research is a micro research, in which a qualitative method, namely the reflective diary writing was used. The numerous terminologies made it necessary to revise the concepts and precisely define pedagogical space and pedagogical architecture. In the reflective diaries, an idealized picture of the school is seen, showing all those needs that students today find necessary for a school with a developing role. As a result of the research, the students’ harmonic development of personality is shown, as well as the world of pedagogical spaces that helps to adopt the modern methods of learning and teaching. It is also aimed to introduce the relationship between pedagogical architecture and pedagogical functions of the school. Those who follow the changes of educational policies, hope that there will be more and more people committing themselves to a reform. One of the main elements of the multi-factored system of reform is location, which prepares and socializes children for the culture of knowledge. Schools of all-time should reflect the child-image and expectations of society both in content and architecture as well. Pedagogical spaces determined in such way should occupy numerous functions, to enable a consonant student development. The content of these functions have to be determined by pedagogy and its offside sciences, while the form of the functions need to be appointed by architecture, all in close co-operation. Therefore, pedagogical space in our study is interpreted as a concept within the collective systems of architecture and pedagogy

An idea of Architecture: Schools of Architecture

AGATHÓN - International Journal of Architecture Art and Design, 2018

In the face of the changes in recent years that have characterized world architecture and its transmissibility, this paper poses certain questions to seek an answer in the analysis of some schools of architecture which have been able to defend themselves from that liquid horizon and from those changes caused primarily by the social penetration of technologies thanks to having a strong identity and a well-defined cultural project. Four schools have been compared: the Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño (PUCV) of Valparaíso; the Cooper Union of New York; the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP); the School of Civil Architecture of the Polytechnic University of Milan-Bovisa.