Studi Endemisitas dan Epidemiologi Deskriptif Malaria di Kabupaten Purbalingga Tahun 2010-2019 (original) (raw)
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Deskripsi Kasus Malaria DI Kabupaten Purworejo Tahun 2009 – 2013
Buletin Keslingmas, 2015
Malaria is an infectious disease of the blood parasite plasmodium which is transmitted by mosquito Anopheles sp. Malaria cases in Purworejo in 2000 as many as 33 543 cases or API (Annual Parasite Incidence) 43.7 ‰, to 2009 cases continue to decrease the number of cases or API 359 ‰ 0:47.
Pengendalian Vektor Malaria di Daerah Endemis Kabupaten Purworejo, Indonesia
Purworejo is the endemic area of malaria with the highest case increase occurring in 2015 amounted to 1411 cases. Appropriate control can be performed effectively based on vector bionomics. The aims of study were to determine species, behavior, resistance, and control methods of malaria vectors. Methods were larva andmosquitoes collection, breeding place of mosquitoes surveys, resistance of mosquito and evaluation of the effectiveness of vector control. The research was conducted in Sendangsari Village, Bener District, Purworejo Regency The result of the research showed that An. barbirostris sucked blood indoor, outdoor, and cage. An. balabacensis sucked blood indoor and cage. An. maculatus, An. aconitus, An. kochi, An. Indifinitus, and An. fagus were found to suck blood in the cage. An. maculatus showed resistance to insecticide permetrin 0,75% Indoor Residual spraying (IRS) and the use of insecticide treated bed nets were the vector control perfomed in the area of study. The bre...
Jurnal Kesehatan Andalas, 2013
Malaria masih merupakan masalah kesehatan dunia, termasuk Indonesia karena angka kesakitan dan kematian akibat penyakit ini cukup tinggi. Tingginya insiden malaria pada suatu daerah dapat dipengaruhi oleh parasit, hospes, dan vektor. Sawahlunto sebagai suatu daerah perbukitan memiliki risiko tinggi untuk penyebaran dan penularan penyakit malaria. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui insiden dan distribusi malaria menurut spesies parasit penyebab malaria, derajat infeksi berdasarkan hitung parasit, umur, dan jenis kelamin penderita. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap pasien dengan gejala klinis malaria yang berobat ke Puskesmas Sungai Durian dan Puskesmas Talawi dari Oktober 2011 sampai Februari 2012. Data diperoleh dengan pemeriksaan secara mikroskopik sediaan darah tebal dan sediaan darah tipis dari sampel darah tepi yang telah dipulas dengan pewarnaan Giemsa. Hasil penelitian dari 312 sampel terdapat 13 sediaan darah positif malaria. Parasit penyebab malaria yang ditemukan adalah Plasmodium vivax (76,92%), Plasmodium falciparum (15,38%) dan Plasmodium malariae (7,69%). Berdasarkan distribusi derajat infeksi (hitung parasit), semua sampel merupakan infeksi ringan (100%) dan frekuensi tertinggi ditemukan pada umur ≥15 tahun (61,54%) dan jenis kelamin laki-laki (53,85%). Insiden malaria di Puskesmas Sungai Durian dan Puskesmas Talawi dominan disebabkan Plasmodium vivax, semua kasus tergolong infeksi ringan, sedangkan distribusi penderita terbanyak pada umur ≥15 tahun dan jenis kelamin laki-laki. Penelitian ini menunjukkan penurunan kasus dari tahun sebelumnya.
Prevalansi Malaria di Puskesmas Sanggeng Kabupaten Manokwari Periode November sampai Desember 2019
Malaria is a disease caused by parasitic infection, named Protozoa from the genus Plasmodium which is transmitted to humans by the bite of Anopheles mosquito. Manokwari Regency, which is located in West Papua Province, is a high malaria endemic area with Annual Parasite Incidence (API) 22.88 in 2018, this numbers is included in the High Case Incidence (HCI)> 5 category. The aim of this study is to analyze malaria cases in patients who treated at Sanggeng Public Health Center from November to December 2019 based on; the number of cases, patient characteristics (age group and gender) and type of Plasmodium. This research method is descriptive with a laboratory approach, namely microscopic examination of thin and thick blood preparations using a microscope. The results of the study of 730 patients, there were 35 malaria positive blood supplies. The highest prevalence of people with malaria were aged ≥ 15 years (51.42%). Most of the patients with malaria based on gender were women (5...
Analisis Spasial Kasus Malaria di Kabupaten Banyumas Tahun 2009-2018
Malaria is still a public health problem in the Banyumas district. Spatial information can be used as a strategy to control malaria. This study aimed to describe malaria cases using spatial analysis in the Banyumas District from 2009 to 2018 based on environmental conditions. This research was quantitative method conducted by a descriptive spatial approach. Data collected by secondary data which was obtained from various sources such as Health Agency, Statistics Indonesia, Indonesian Ministry of National Development, National Institute of Research and Development, and Office of Public Works of Banyumas. The data analysis implemented was descriptive and processed with ArcGis software. The findings illustrated that the number of malaria cases during the 2009-2018 period in Banyumas district was 1624 cases. The most dominant malaria cases distribution were in Sumpiuh and Tambak Subdistrict. The Trend of API from 2009 to 2018 was getting better, 2009 to 2012 found that there were subdis...
Determinan Kejadian Malaria di Wilayah Endemis
Kesmas: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional, 2014
Kabupaten Lahat adalah salah satu wilayah endemis malaria di Sumatera Selatan dengan prevalensi 16,4% dan Annual Malaria Incidence 22,08. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor risiko lingkungan dengan kejadian malaria. Faktor risiko lingkungan genangan air (breeding place) berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria dengan nilai p= 0,000. Analisis multivariat menemukan determinan utama kejadian malaria adalah breeding place di sekitar rumah responden dengan odds ratio (OR) = 5,034 dan 95% CI = 2,65 _ 9,56. Responden yang tinggal di sekitar breeding place berisiko 5,03 kali lebih besar untuk menderita malaria dibandingkan dengan responden yang di sekitar rumah tidak terdapat breeding place setelah dikontrol variabel jarak rumah ke breeding place, ventilasi rumah, penggunaan kelambu, penggunaan obat anti nyamuk, dan kebiasaan keluar rumah pada malam hari.Lahat district is one of the malaria endemic area in South Sumatra Province with a prevalence of 16.4% and Annual Malaria Incidence ...
ASPIRATOR - Journal of Vector-borne Disease Studies, 2021
The government targets malaria elimination in Java and Bali by 2023. But until 2020, Pangandaran and Pandeglang Regency haven’t received malaria-free certification. This qualitative study was conducted to provide an overview of Pangandaran and Pandeglang malaria control implementation by comparing it to Activity Indicators based on the Indonesian Minister of Health Decree on malaria elimination. In-depth interviews, using thematically interview guidelines, were conducted to 48 key informants such as policyholders and people in charge of health programs and cross-sectoral at the provincial, district, sub-district, and village levels. Thematic analysis was used in the theme of policy implementation, budget, facilities and infrastructures, human resources, and cross-sector cooperation. The result shows that malaria control is implemented according to the decree, but some activities haven’t been done. The analysis on policy implementation theme shows that both districts have carried out...
Studi Bionomik Vektor Malaria DI Kecamatan Kalibawang, Kulonprogo
Jurnal Rekayasa Lingkungan, 2018
The increasing of malaria cases in recent years at Kecamatan Kalibawang has been suspected correspond with the conversion of farming land-use which initiated in 1993. Four years after the natural vegetation in this area were changed become cocoa and coffee commercial farming estates, the number of malaria cases in 1997 rose more than six times, and in 2000 it reached 6085. This study were aimed to observe whether there were any differences in density and diversity of Anopheles as malaria vector between the cocoa and mix farming during dry and rainy seasons. The results of the study are useful for considering the appropriate methods, times and places for mosquito vector controlling. The study activities comprised of collecting Anopheles as well as identifying the species to determine the density and diversity of the malaria vector. Both activities were held four weeks in dry season and four weeks in rainy season. The mea-surement of physical factors such as temperature, humidity and ...
Tindakan Pencegahan Malaria DI Desa Sudorogo Kecamatan Kaligesing Kabupaten Purworejo
Jurnal PROMKES, 2018
Malaria is a parasitic disease that is still a public health problem in Indonesia. Public awareness of the dangers of malaria will aff ect the precautions taken. This study aimed to analyze the measures of prevention of malaria in the Sudorogo village Kaligesing District of Purworejo. This study used a case control approach. Sample of this study consisted of 20 cases and 20 controls were taken using simple random sampling technique. The study was conducted from July 2016 to January 2017. The instrument that used in this research was questionnaires and observation sheets. The collected data were analyzed using simple logistic regression. The results of the analysis, indicated that the society actions are habit to stayed outside home in the evening; conducting environmental health habits; habit of not wearing mosquito repellent during the night; habit of not wearing repellent when outdoors activity at night; and the habit of not wearing long sleeves and long pants when out at night di...