Strategy Of Department Of Culture And Tourism In TTU Regency To Develop Tanjung Bastian Beach As An International Destination (original) (raw)

TCoastal Tourism: Development Strategy of Loang Baloq Beach in Lombok Island, Indonesiaable of Contents

ASERS, 2022

his research aims to generate a development strategy formulation of tourist attraction Loang Baloq beach in Mataram city. This research is a qualitative study with a survey method and description. Data is collected using observation technique, interview (purposive sampling), questionnaire distribution (acci-dental sampling), and documentation study in the book, articles, and other sources. The data analysis technique uses qualitative description, Likert scale, and SWOT analysis to formulate the appropriate strat-egy for Loang Baloq beach development. This research shows that Loang Baloq beach is in the first quadrant, indicating progressive strategy (grand strategy). It means that Loang Baloq beach is in prime condition. Therefore, it enables maximum achievement for growth and progress. The suggested strategy is the strategy that seizes the opportunity and highlights the strengths. Then, the alternative strategy which is generated is based on S-O strategy, S-T strategy, W-O strategy, and W-T Strategy.

Takisung Beach Tourism Development Strategy in Takisung District, Tanah Laut Regency


The tourism object with the greatest potential to be developed in Tanah Laut Regency is the Takisung Beach which is located in Takisung District. This tourist attraction is one of the largest contributors to regional revenue in the tourism sector. The development of Takisung tourism also advances the community's economy. Therefore there is a need for a tourism development strategy on Takisung Beach so that the application of city branding by developing the tourism sector. It is considered as the fastest to affect regional economy because it involves the community directly, and tourism has the potential to develop economic opportunities through tourism industry by involving the community. The research method used a qualitative research approach and descriptive type. Researchers conducted structured interviews with informants in Tanah Laut Regency Government (Tourism Office), Takisung Beach UPT (Technical Implementation Unit) and parties from tourism awareness groups called POKDAR...


Tulungagung is one of the regencies in the southern part of East Java province, which is geographically adjacent to Indian Ocean. Therefore, Tulungagung has many interesting and excellent beaches. The beach attractions include Popoh Beach, Klatak Beach, Brumbun Beach, Sine Beach and Molang Beach. Some of the beaches are already developed and featured but there are some pristine beaches which are yet to be developed. Tulungagung Regency Government has included the beaches in the Tulungagung Regency Spatial Plan 2010-2029 but in reality there are many beaches which are left unmanaged. The beaches are in the needs of a strategic formulation of coastal tourism potential development thus it can be developed in accordance with the conditions of each beach at this present. The purpose of this study is to identify internal and external elements of each beach attraction and then by employing SWOT analysis formulate coastal tourism development strategies. The method used was a descriptive quantitative method. Research data were collected by observation, field measurements, interviews, and documentations. The results shows that each beach has different conditions based on the location of the quadrant in the SWOT matrix. Quadrant I is the condition of Popoh Beach meaning that Popoh Beach is in Growth condition or using SO strategy. Quadrant III is the condition of Klatak beach and Molang beach, which means the beaches are in a state of Survival or using WT strategy. Quadrant IV is the condition of Brumbun beach and Sine beach, which means these beaches in Diversification condition or using ST strategy.

The Analysis of Wini Beach Development as Coastal Tourism in North Central Timor Regency


This research aims to analyze tourism indicators, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and to determine the right strategy that can be developed in Wini Beach. This research uses combination methods with concurrent triangulation and SWOT. This research took 30 Respondents. Data Analysis gain that the environmental and ecological variables score results is a clash, can be ignored that the understanding of the environment and ecology at Wini Beach was not good enough. The economic and development variables score gain with quite good on average, so it can be ignored that Wini Beach has not implemented this variable. The social and cultural variables score gain and average in the category is quite good, so it can be ignored that Wini Beach has used a strategy on this variable. The variable of tourism value gain is contradictory so that it can be denied that Wini Beach is good enough in implementing this variable. Furthermore, the management and policy variables obtained an average sc...

Beach Development Strategy as Tourism Destination in Tabanan Bali

International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review

The purpose of the study is to: (1). Analyzing the attractiveness of Pasut Beach as one of the tourist destinations in Tabanan Regency. (2). Analyze the strategy of developing Pasut Beach as a tourist destination in Tabanan Regency. The research location was determined by purposive sampling Pasut Beach, located in Tibubiu Village, Kerambitan District, Tabanan on the basis of having a very suitable potential to be developed into a tourist destination. The sample of the study was taken by 49 people consisting of elements from the Government, community leaders and tourism actors. This study uses qualitative qualitative analysis method (giving more detailed reviews and interpretations of the data obtained and SWOT analysis. Furthermore, in the SWOT method the External Strategy Factor Matrix (EFAS) model and the Internal Strategy Factor Matrix Model (IFAS) are used, followed by IFE matrix and EFE matrix to determine the weight, rating and score and to determine the strategy and position ...

Jatimalang Beach Tourism Management Strategy, Purworejo District

Jurnal Sosial, Politik dan Budaya (SOSPOLBUD)

The focus of this research is the strategy and development of beach tourism in Purworejo Regency in managing Jatimalang beach tourism objects. The purpose of this study was to determine the strategy of the Purworejo district government in managing the Jatimalang beach tourism object. The method used in this study is qualitative with a descriptive approach using conceptual models of theories related to management and development strategies according to Karyono (1997). The results of the study show that the strategy of the Purworejo Regency Government service in managing the Jatimalang beach tourism object has not been maximized because many of the strategies made are still at the planning stage. The supporting factors in managing the Jatimalang beach are investors who want to work together and the potential for a good beach and the inhibiting factors are unclear land ownership status, budget constraints, and lack of public awareness in caring for Jatimalang beach facilities and infra...

The Tourism Development Strategy of Yeh Gangga Beach to be Competitive Tourism Product at Tabanan Bali

Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism, 2015

This research has a specific purpose: (i) determine the potential of coastal area can be developed as a tourism product, (ii) Knowing constraints are faced in developing the tourism potential, and (iii) determine strategies that can be used in developing the tourism potential of the coast as a creative tourism products Yeh Gangga Beach, Sudimara village, Tabanan Bali. The general objective to be achieved is to improve the performance of the tourism sector in the welfare of society Tabanan through sustainable tourism development by developing creative potential.. The research found that (i) Yeh Gangga Beach has some potential creativity attraction, such as : art market, handycraft,video and photography, music and art performance, scenery, and accomodation; (ii) The main problems encountered are (i)Most strategic land has been switched ownership to investors. The strategy should be applied is (i) Maintain Yeh Gangga Beach as tourist attraction developed Tabanan through local regulatio...

A Development Plan for Tourism Potentials in Coastal Area of Ujungnegoro, Batang Regency


Ujungnegoro is one coastal area in Batang Regency Central Java, which offers a unique environmental setting as well as enormous tourism potentials such as marine resources, aquaculture and plantations. Furthermore, Ujungnegoro has a variety of terrain ranging from plain to hills. Despite these potentials, presently the government faces some problems which hinder the development of tourism in this area, namely limited capital for development purposes, absence of infrastructure, inadequate government assistance in terms of budgeting and technical assistance. This paper analyzes these problems and identifies appropriate planning strategies that may be adopted to promote the tourism industry in Ujungnegoro, Batang Regency. These strategies will hopefully evolve into policies that will develop this area into uppropriate tourist destination. Should this come to pass, this area will provide a greater contribution to the development of the area as a whole.

Tourism Development Strategy in Padang City

Proceeding The First International Conference on Government Education Management and Tourism, 2021

A tourism development strategy needs to be carried out in accordance with two components, namely the condition of the charm of the tourist attraction and its management. This study aims to obtain data or information and analyze in-depth the strategy for developing coastal tourism objects in the city of Padang. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The informants in this study were determined using purposive sampling. The informants in this study are people who live around the location of tourist objects and visitors of tourist objects and the key informants in this study are the managers of tourist objects, the data analysis technique uses data reduction and data display and data validity techniques using an extension of participation, the persistence of observation, triangulation, and inspection. peers through discussion. The results show that (1) The condition of the charm of the beach tourism object is good, seen from the very beautiful natural conditions, but there are several problems that can damage the beauty of nature, one example is the problem of waste that has not been resolved at several locations. (2) The management of beach tourism objects is classified as moderate because there is already a management body formed to maximize management, but there are some irresponsible community elements who even disrupt management activities. (3) The right strategy in developing beach tourism objects in the city of Padang is to establish cooperation between the government, managers, and local communities so that the development of tourist objects can be carried out optimally.

Strategy of Local Government in Tourism Development of Marina Beach in Bantaeng Regency South Sulawesi Province

Open Journal of Social Sciences

This research was focused to analyze strategy of local government in the development of tourism in Marina Beach, Bantaeng regency, South Sulawesi province, and the supporting and inhibiting factors as well as efforts to overcome them. Design used in this research is descriptive qualitative through SWOT analysis concept from Rangkuti, with calculation by Litmus test from Bryson to find the most strategic applicable issue. As for the affecting factors in strategy, there are supporting and inhibiting factors, while inhibiting factors can be overcome by efforts based on mapping of internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats). And therefore, 16 applicable strategies have been formulated, consisting of SO strategies: advancing promotion by employing technology of both electronic media such as website and printed media such as tabloid, brochure and magazine; making regulations on Preservation of Tourism Regions and giving strict sanction to any violation; W-O strategies: reevaluating tourism development programs by providing better supporting facilities and infrastructures; employing technology optimally in the development of tourism object since initial to final phase; S-T strategies: encouraging conducive atmosphere among communities for better security and order to provide secureness for both local and foreign tourists; W-T strategies: preserving unity and integrity to reduce individuality in community and to prevent acculturation and negative influence of foreign culture; placing staff according to their skill, especially the one with competence in the field of tourism.