Construction of Religious Moderation in Seyyed Hossein Nasr's Perennial Philosophy Perspective (original) (raw)

Teologi Agama Seyyed Hossein Nasr

Arum Ratnasari, 2023

Seyyed Hossein Nasr seorang pemikir asal Iran yang terkenal dengan pemikiran-pemikirannya yang cemerlang seperti, studi sejarah dan filsafat sains, studi agama, studi Islam, dan filsafat perenial.

Sunnah Ghairu Tasyri'iyyah Yusuf Al-Qardhawi's Perspective and Its Relevance in Building Religious Moderation

Jurnal Living Hadis

This article contains the moderate thoughts offered by Yusuf al-Qardhawi in understanding al-Sunnah. Sunnah is defined differently according to the scientific field emphasized. There is a definition of sunnah according to hadith experts, ushul fiqih experts and jurists. Sunnah in terms of content, there are sunnah qauliyyah, sunnah fi'liyah and taqririyah. The degree of sunnah is second only to the Qur'an. The division of the sunnah into tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyri'iyah had its seeds in the classical period of the history of Islamic law. In the contemporary period the division of the sunnah into tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyr'iyah got its perfect form. One of the scholars who developed the distribution of the sunnah is Yusuf al-Qardhawi. He emphasized a moderate understanding in understanding the sunnah. The trick is to divide the sunnah into sunnah tasyri'iyah and ghairu tasyri'iyah so as not to fall into an extreme understanding, as groups that clai...

Filsafat Perenial dan Dialog Agama: Studi Pemikiran Seyyed Hossein Nasr


Social conflict as something that no longer only stems from the issue of economic inequality and political interests. However, differences in conceptions between religions and religious prejudice against other religious communities are the causes of social conflicts. The important thing that urgently needs to be done is to create and expand religious dialogue. However, the religious dialogue that has been initiated and practiced over the last few decades still needs to be taken more seriously. This study aims to complete a literature review related to how perennial philosophy can be an alternative approach to a more serious religious dialogue. This study focuses on the thoughts of Seyyed Hossein Nasr several of his works that are relevant to discussions related to perennial philosophy and religious dialogue. The research method was carried out by collecting data using library research techniques. After the data has been collected, then data analysis is carried out using historical d...

Moderasi Beragama dalam Prespektif Al-Qur’an dan Hadis

Mimbar Kampus: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Agama Islam

Religious moderation is an attempt in the middle form of various existing religions. Moderation which is the middle of a group that does not really choose right or left. Islamic religious moderation is an effort in the formation of all groups in the Islamic religion which is dotted in the middle or Al-Wasth. This article refers to the Qur'an and Hadith which are the holy books of Muslims which serve as guidelines for Muslims in their daily lives. In this study, we as writers used the library research method. This is a research that collects data by retrieving data from book and journal sources. From the articles that have been presented or explained that the Al-Qur'an and Hadith do not make Muslims to do excessive or excessive extreme violence and to respect one another. Keywords: Moderation, Religion, People

The Ma’Arif Literation Movement Program in Improving Religious Moderation (Wasatiyyah Islam)


The purpose of this study is to describe religious moderation in Ma'arif Literacy Movement program, Nahdlatul Ulama Central Java in the period 2018-2023. This research method is descriptive qualitative by using the techniques of observation, documentation, and interviews to collect the data. The results show that religious moderation through Ma'arif LiteracyMovement program was very effective in forming literate and moderate characters. The religious moderation characted instilled in Ma'arif Literacy Movement comes from Strengthening Character Education, basic principles of Aswaja Annahdliyah, Ukhuwah Nahdliyah, and Mabadi Khaira Ummah. The impact of the program makes teachers and students literate and moderate

Moderasi Beragama Perspektif Al-Qur'an

Pustaka Al-Fadhilah, 2022

Moderasi beragama adalah proses memahami, sekaligus mengamalkan ajaran agama secara adil dan seimbang, agar terhindar dari perilaku ekstrem, baik ekstrem karena terlalu berlebihan yang dapat memicu sikap radikal, maupun ekstrem karena terlalu longgar yang dapat menyebabkan sikap liberal. Keduanya tentu tidak sejalan dengan ajaran agama Islam yang hanif. Akibat tidak memahami moderasi beragama, banyak orang yang terjebak pada praktik keagamaan yang tidak sejalan dengan ajaran dan prinsip agama itu sendiri. Di kalangan remaja, ketidakpamahan terhadap moderasi beragama telah menyeret para siswa kepada perilaku esktrem kanan, sehingga menyebabkan radikalisme dan intoleransi, dan juga telah menjerumuskan mereka kepada perilaku ekstrem kiri yang menyebabkan liberalisme, pluralisme, dan sekularisme. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi sikap dan perilaku ekstrem para remaja tersebut, terutama para pelajar di bangku sekolah menengah atas. Lantas apa sebenarnya yang menyebabkan mereka bersikap demikian? Tidakkah selama ini materi pembelajaran agama di sekolah sudah cukup memadai dan disamakan secara nasional? Adakah kekurangan yang perlu dibenahi dalam kurikulum nasional untuk mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam? Baca terus hingga tuntas buku ini untuk menemukan jawaban dan solusi yang konkrit atas permasalahan tersebut.

Wahdat Al-Adyan: Moderasi Sufistik Atas Pluralitas Agama

TAJDID: Jurnal Pemikiran Keislaman dan Kemanusiaan, 2017

Perkembangan hubungan antara umat beragama ccenderung kehilangan spirit kemanusiaannya yang universal, berganti dengan semangat kelompok dan individu. Isu agama diangkat untuk keepentingan individu, kelompok, dan kekuasaan. Gagasan tentang pembelaan terhadap Tuhan telah menjadi gagasan yang utopis. Iman kemudian tertuju pada institusi agama, bukan kepada Tuhan. Akhirnya penganut ajaran agama lain dianggap bukan peenyembah Tuhan. Secara bertubi-tubi sikap keagamaan tersebut memicu terjadinya peperangan atas nama agama. Berbagai langkah solutif telah coba diwacanakan. Dikalangan pemikir Islam sufistik, jauh sebelum muncul wacana pluralisme agama, terdapat satu gagasan tentang waḥdat al-adyân atau “kesatuan agama-agama”. Pemikir sufistik waḥdat al-adyân menawarkan satu gagasan moderat yang humanis, dan universal dalam konteks relasi agama-agama, mengandung pesan moral yang terkait secara langsung dengan masalah harmoni kehidupan sosial keagamaan. Universalitas konsep waḥdat al-adyân ...