Ginzburg-Landau phase diagram for dense matter with axial anomaly, strange quark mass, and meson condensation (original) (raw)

Phase Transition in Strange Quark Matter with Density Dependent Quark Mass

International Journal of Modern Physics D, 2007

We investigate the color superconducting phase transition in strange quark matter at zero temperature considering the density dependence of quark masses. At high densities, it is well known that cold quark matter is a color superconductor with favorable phase being the color flavor locked (CFL). We analyze the phase transition between the initially strange quark matter (SQM) and the CFL phases. The quark masses are parametrized with the baryon number density nB in the dense system.

Color flavor locked phase transition in strange quark matter

Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2007

We discuss macroscopic aspects of quark matter phase transition in cold dense stellar matter, considering global charge neutrality and baryonic charge conservation. We determine the critical condition for the phase transition between the strange quark matter, SQM, and the color-flavor locked, CFL, superconducting phase. We also discuss the sensitivity of our results to variations in the gap energy, ∆, and in the current strange quark mass, m s0. The phase transition is calculated taking into account the baryonic density dependence of the quark masses in dense baryonic medium.

Quark condensation, induced symmetry breaking and color superconductivity at high density

The phase structure of hadronic matter at high density relevant to the physics of compact stars and relativistic heavy-ion collisions is studied in a low-energy effective quark theory. The relevant phases that figure are (1) chiral condensation, (2) diquark color condensation (color superconductivity) and induced Lorentz-symmetry breaking ("ISB"). For a reasonable strength for the effective four-Fermi current current interaction implied by the low energy effective quark theory for systems with a Fermi surface we find that the "ISB" phase sets in together with chiral symmetry restoration (with the vanishing quark condensate) at a moderate density while color superconductivity associated with scalar diquark condensation is pushed up to an asymptotic density. Consequently color superconductivity seems rather unlikely in heavy-ion collisions although it may play a role in compact stars. Lack of confinement in the model makes the result of this analysis only qualitative but the hierarchy of the transitions we find seems to be quite robust.

Color Superconductivity in Dense, but not Asymptotically Dense, Quark Matter

Series on Advances in Quantum Many-Body Theory, 2006

At ultra-high density, matter is expected to form a degenerate Fermi gas of quarks in which there is a condensate of Cooper pairs of quarks near the Fermi surface: color superconductivity. In this chapter we review some of the underlying physics, and discuss outstanding questions about the phase structure of ultradense quark matter. We then focus on describing recent results on the crystalline color superconducting phase that may be the preferred form of cold, dense but not asymptotically dense, three-flavor quark matter. The gap parameter and free energy for this phase have recently been evaluated within a Ginzburg-Landau approximation for many candidate crystal structures. We describe the two that are most favorable. The robustness of these phases results in their being favored over wide ranges of density. However, it also implies that the Ginzburg-Landau approximation is not quantitatively reliable. We describe qualitative insights into what makes a crystal structure favorable which can be used to winnow the possibilities. We close with a look ahead at the calculations that remain to be done in order to make quantitative contact with observations of compact stars.

The colour superconducting phase transition in quark matter

Physics Letters B, 1981

The free energy functional for colour superconducting quark matter is constructed including the radiative corrections due to gluon fields in one4oop approximation. The jump in the order parameter and the latent heat at the phase transition are discussed.

Phase diagram of chiral quark matter: Color and electrically neutral Fulde-Ferrell phase

Physical Review D, 2010

The phase diagram of charge and color neutral two-flavor color superconducting quark matter is studied including the homogeneous two-flavor superconductor (2SC) and the inhomogeneous Fulde-Ferrell (FF) phases within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The low-temperature domain T ≤ 5 MeV of the phase diagram contains the FF phase, which borders at high temperatures to the 2SC phase. The critical temperature of phase transition from the 2SC to the unpaired state is in the range 20-30 MeV. We derive the equation of state of matter and its composition and show that matter in mature compact stars should be in the inhomogeneous FF-like superconducting state. We briefly discuss the astrophysical implications of such a phase in compact stars.

Color neutral two-flavor superconducting phase of cold and dense quark matter in the presence of constant magnetic fields

Physical Review D, 2010

The color neutral two-flavor superconducting (2SC) phase of cold and dense quark matter is studied in the presence of constant magnetic fields and at moderate baryon densities. In the first part of the paper, a two-flavor effective Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model consisting of a chiral symmetry breaking (χSB) mass gap σ B , a color superconducting (CSC) mass gap ∆ B and a color chemical potential µ 8 is introduced in the presence of a rotated U (1) magnetic fieldB. To study the phenomenon of magnetic catalysis in the presence of strong magnetic fields, the gap equations corresponding to σ B and ∆ B , as well as µ 8 are solved in the lowest Landau level (LLL) approximation. In the second part of the paper, a detailed numerical analysis is performed to explore the effect of any arbitrary magnetic field on the above mass gaps and the color chemical potential. The structure of the χSB and CSC phases is also presented in the µ c −ẽB plane, and the effect of µ 8 on the phase structure of the model is explored. As it turns out, whereas the transition from the χSB to CSC phase is of first order, nonvanishing µ 8 affects essentially the second order phase transition from CSC to the normal phase.

Chiral symmetry breaking, color superconductivity and quark matter phase diagram: a variational approach

Nuclear Physics A, 2001

We discuss in this note simultaneous existence of chiral symmetry breaking and color superconductivity at finite temperature and density in a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio type model. The methodology involves an explicit construction of a variational ground state and minimisation of the thermodynamic potential. There exists solutions to the gap equations at finite densities with both quark antiquark as well as diquark condensates for the "ground" state. However, such a phase is thermodynamically unstable with the pressure being negative in this region. We also compute the equation of state, and obtain the structure of the phase diagram in the model.