Islamic Moderation (Islam Wasati): The Way Forward To Counter Radicalism (original) (raw)



The terrorist event and the destruction of the sea alms tradition in Bantul recently were quite surprising, because as we know that Yogyakarta is rich in cultural traditions. The phenomenon of violence with greater religious motives also occurred in Indonesia, such as the Bali Bombing on October 12, 2002, and more violent was the September 11, 2001 event at the WTC United States. The question is why does an understanding arise that justifies acts of terrorism in the name of religion? What is the solution offered by Ibrahim M Abu Rabi 'in responding to the phenomenon of terrorism in the name of religion? This paper will explain the thoughts of Ibrahim M Abu Rabi 'about the importance of re-examining the nature of Islamic thought when there are many Western accusations that the teachings of Islam legalize acts of violence and terrorism. Abu Rabi took three approaches in starting his study; (1) starting with the historical development of Islamic modernization, (2) education in ...

Radicalism and the Practice of Violence in the Muslim World

The Canadian Journal for Middle East Studies Vol2 (1) August 2017 , 2017

Religion, politics, society and culture coexist in a melting pot; entwining and clashing amongst one another till the origins of their functions and values are debated much like the chicken and the egg. All occurrences are subject to the questioning of: Is the situation a consequence of the religion or the culture? The political dynamics or societal pressure? Under these circumstances, the inherent spirituality of religions becomes contested as the non-spiritual functions of politics, society, and culture are infused with it. Islam, a historical religion dating back to the 7th century, is under duress as the insurgence and force of radicalism and the use of violence within Muslim nations has strengthened and garnered momentum.

Wasaṭiyyah (Moderation) as the Principle and Objective of the Shariah as a Solution for Preventing Violence and Extremism (Wasatiyyah (Kesederhanaan) sebagai Satu Prinsip dan objektif Shariah adalah satu Solusi Mencegah Keganasan dan Ekstrim)

Journal of Islam in Asia (E-ISSN: 2289-8077), 2018

The Shariah, the foundation of the scheme of life, seems to be the most misunderstood concept of our time. The Shariah is confined to the domain of law in a rigid way and used out of context in an exclusivist manner. This has generated numerous implications to thought and life. It is generally assumed that the violent extremism that we witness in many parts of the world is the result of this misrepresentation of the Shariah. The situation demands a textual and contextual reading of the Shariah’s principles scientifically, especially, the principle of the wasatiyyah as an objective of the Shariah [Maqasid Shariah]. A correct view of the Shariah and the principle of wasatiyyah will help to remove the misunderstandings. It will also help to prevent the violent extremist and terrorist tendencies. This paper, therefore, aims at examining the principle of wasatiyyah based on the textual study of the Principle Sources – the Quran and Sunnah - and determines its scope to counter violence, e...

How Radical Islamism Led to Terrorism and Objectification of Islam

The notion of Islamism is often debatable and questionable on the basis of how this form of activism is implemented in real life. Islamism in general refers to political and social activism in order to guide public and political life by Islamic principles. Islamism is also termed as political Islam with the notion of Islamic revival. However, the purpose of this paper is not to analyze the terminology of Islamism in public and academic context. Rather the aim of this paper is to analyze how the interpretation and implementation of Islamism has changed over the years. Particularly after 9/11, the notion of Islamism has gained much attention among the western orientalist, Islamologist and political scientist. However, after that event, Islamism has moved from its political aim of establishing Islamic state towards establishing " universal Muslim community " based on Islamic law (Roy, 1). This form of establishing individual faith by rejecting traditional Islamic values often carried out by inflicting violence and violation of human rights is referred to as Radical Islamism. This version of radical Islamism is not only influenced by their version of religion but also heavily developed on the basis of anti-western sentiment. That is, the radicals had objection to the modern way of life of the west and believed that, the western cultures are needed to be replaced by Islamic fundamentals. The radical Islamic group are said to be originated from the Global South countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan and Middle East. This religiously influenced activism of rejecting western culture and religion is often mobilized by multifaceted form of violence and terrorism. This violent movement is Hera 1

Construction of the Meaning of Radicalism and Efforts to Prevent the Spread of Radicalism (Study at Al-Azhar Senior High School Medan)

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021

This study aims to determine the Construction of the Meaning of Radicalism and Efforts to Prevent the Spread of Radicalism in Al-Azhar Senior High School Medan. This type of research is qualitative research. The result shows that the teacher understands the concept of radicalism and understands that the concept of radicalism will have a negative impact on the personality of people affected by radicalism, the implementation of Pancasila values is carried out to students in the school environment as an effort to respond to radicalism. The Al-Azhar College School is not yet fully aware of the spread of radical understanding among students, so no special efforts are made to prevent the spread of radicalism, but the Al-Azhar College School already has a system that indirectly becomes an effort to prevent the spread of radicalism in Al-Azhar schools.

Declaration Of Understanding Radicalism To Islam (Critical Analysis of Islamic Religious Educational Materials in Response to Allegations of Understanding Radicalism to Muslims)

Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama, 2021

The purpose of this study is to critically analyze or re-measure Islamic religious education materials in countering accusations of radicalism to Muslims. The term radicalism has become a familiar term attached to a group in Islam. Indicators to call groups in Islam radicalism to include terrorism, anarchists, rebels, and extremists. The research method uses a descriptive type of research. The results of this study are one of the causes of the trapping of elements in radicalism, namely a partial understanding of religion and tends to the nature of fanaticism. This trait then results in a sense of superiority over followers of other religions. Failing to understand the concept of jihad in religion makes someone take a shortcut by spreading terror to innocent people. the logical consequence of this interpretation is the juxtaposition of terrorism as the fruit of radicalism. This hypothesis is reasonable, considering that various terrorist activities in various parts of the world alway...

Confronting the Religious Extremism in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Study between The Concept of Wasatiyyah and Moderate

The emergence of terrorism phenomena especially after the 9/11 tragedy that linked to problem of religious extremism in Islam had managed to draw the attention of scholars to study the Muslim society. In this case, the focus of their studies is the Muslim society in the Southeast Asia that had been called as the second front in facing the religious extremism. Throughout their studies, these scholars especially from the West tried to classify the tendency of thought among the Southeast Asian's Muslims into moderate-extreme dichotomy. Nevertheless, this dichotomy is seemingly problematic as it was biased when it tries to generalize the whole population of society that strives for sharia aspiration as extreme. As the consequence, it promotes islamophobia among the West toward Muslim societies. As the response to this issue, the Muslim scholars had brought forward the concept of wasatiyyahas the equivalent of the moderate concept that is more appropriate within the Islamic perspective. This research will analyse the difference between these two concept and the different that it will bring practically in preventing religious extremism in Southeast Asia. It will compare the methodology and characteristics used between these two concepts in classifying the tendency of thought among the Southeast Asian's Muslim. This research found out that the concept of wasatiyyahis more appropriate and precise to apply in preventing the religious extremism as compared to the moderate concept that was influenced by the islamophobia way of thinking. INTRODUCTION Terrorism had existed back in the early days of human history. The emergence of its concept and term itself had been through evolution in several phases and levels. Among the important event in its development in the late of 20 th centuries are the close relation between terrorism and religious extremism (Lizardo, 2008). Religion, especially Islam is seen as the main factor that promote the terrorism. The rise of Islamic radical movement that marked by the events like the rebellion of mujaheden against the Soviet in Afghanistan, the assassination of Anwar Sadat, and most importantly the tragedy of 9/11 attack only strengthened that assumption.

E-ISSN: 2 22 2 -6990 Light of The Values of Islamic Preaching

Terrorism represents a dangerous contemporary problem deeply rooted in history. Terrorism still forms, today, a great danger to different societies. This terrorism has its causes and the roots that gave rise to it. It has motives that made its protagonists freely allow themselves to do their terrorist actions, regardless of their effects on the lives of individuals and societies; politically, economically, as to security and psychologically. Due to non-Muslims' enmety to Islam, its vocation and its followers, they have been directing accusations of terrorism to Islam and Muslims; as soon as an incident takes place, all people hasten to direct accusations of terrorism against Islam and its mission, as well as Muslims and their faith. From the above discussion, we see the importance of the present research, which has attempted to define the concept of terrorism from the perspective of Islamic vocation and to study its causes and motives and how to face it in the light of the genuine values of Islamic preaching. All these values assert legal values and means and scientific tools(media) that assure for the society a life secure about souls, wealth and honor. The research has resulted in some important results and recommendations , including: asserting that Islamic mission or preaching is not part of the problem of terrorism ; rather it is a forceful basis and an effective tool to remedy its causes and putting an end to it according to the divine criteria through implanting the values of tolerant Islamic preaching. It is far from bigotry {fanaticism} and extremist interpretation that gives texts undue interpretations. Also the philosophy of Islamic vocation aims essentially at building a social structure caring for relating the individual to the society through solidarity, love and belonging in order to keep the stability of the society. Furthermore, terrorism cannot be ascribed only to the religious factor, for there are other factors which may be more important than the religious factor such as poverty, unemployment and misunderstanding the religious calling. Also the research proved that the phenomenon of terrorism is a western phenomenon rather than being related to Islam.


Journal of Islam and Science, 2018

Abstract: This article examines the radicalism that occurs in the world of education and how Islamic education provides solutions to overcome them. This study was conducted to explain the importance of Islamic education in life to counter radicalism, especially in countries with diversity such as Indonesia. This research is a library research in which data is obtained through documents analyzed by content analysis. The results of this study suggest that Islamic education is an appropriate vehicle for building multiculturalism awareness and as one of the important media that can shape the way one's life style or community. This is proven by the Islamic concepts of as-sawiyah (equality), al-'is or justice, al-hurriyah or freedom as well as tasamuh or tolerance which is the basic capital of multiculturalism theology. Keywords: Islamic education, education, radicalism Abstrak: Tulisan ini mengkaji tentang radikalime yang terjadi dalam dunia pendidikan dan bagaimana pendidikan Islam memberikan solusi untuk mengatasinya. Studi ini dilakukan untuk menjelaskan pentingnya pendidikan Islam di dalam kehidupan untuk menangkal paham radikal terutama di Negara dengan keberagaman seperti Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan yang mana data diperoleh melalui dokumen-dokumen yang dianalisis dengan analisis isi. Hasil studi ini mengemukakan bahwa Pendidikan Islam merupakan wahana yang tepat untuk membangun kesadaran multikulkturalisme serta sebagai salah satu media penting yang dapat membentuk bagaimana corak pandangan hidup seseorang atau masyarakat. Hal ini terbukti dengan konsep-konsep Islam tentang as-sawiyah (kesamaan), al-'adalah atau keadilan, al-hurriyah atau kebebasan juga tasamuh atau toleransi yang merupakan modal dasar dari teologi multikulturalisme. Kata Kunci: pendidikan, pendidikan Islam, radikalisme