COUNTERING RADICALISM THOUGHT ON ISLAM A Study of Ibrahim M Abu Rabi's Thought (original) (raw)

Religious Radicalism, Global Terrorism and Islamic Challenges in Contemporary Indonesia

Jurnal Sosial Humaniora

Discussing the radicalism of religion and global terrorism is a global challenge that is now a worldwide concern, including for the Islamic community in Indonesia. Research in this paper with an analytical descriptive approach using the documentative method. The general purpose of this research is to understand the root causes of terrorism and religious radicalism in Indonesia? What is the solution of Islam to overcome the problem of religious radicalism and global terrorism? The results of this research show: first, the historical roots of global terrorism and religious radicalism is a very complex portrait of social, political, and economic history. Also, the complexity of local, regional and global problems are interconnected with one another. Second, the Islamic solution to overcome this problem with the Islamic approach to peace for all (rahmatan lil alamin) which prioritizes the path of dialogue and world peace.

Radicalism and the Practice of Violence in the Muslim World

The Canadian Journal for Middle East Studies Vol2 (1) August 2017 , 2017

Religion, politics, society and culture coexist in a melting pot; entwining and clashing amongst one another till the origins of their functions and values are debated much like the chicken and the egg. All occurrences are subject to the questioning of: Is the situation a consequence of the religion or the culture? The political dynamics or societal pressure? Under these circumstances, the inherent spirituality of religions becomes contested as the non-spiritual functions of politics, society, and culture are infused with it. Islam, a historical religion dating back to the 7th century, is under duress as the insurgence and force of radicalism and the use of violence within Muslim nations has strengthened and garnered momentum.

Disputing Radicalism and Terrorism from the Perspective of Monotheistic Religions (With an Emphasis on Indonesian Society

This research is aimed to analyze the factors of radicalism and terrorism action that was happening in Indonesia, it is obviously important because the result can be used by the Indonesian government, civil societies and other countries of the world to prevent the spreading of radicalism and terrorism ideologies. METHOD AND FINDING: In order to get reliable and valid data analysis the Observation-qualitative research methodology has been used to analyze documents, books, articles which relates to the research topic and supported by The Holy Quran Verses and traditions on Religious ethical context. The hypotheses of these research show that there is close relationship between radicalism and terrorism action and the fake teachings. Based on the research, the act of radicalism and terrorism is not the part of Monotheistic Religions teachings, but occurred because of misunderstanding in comprehending the Monotheistic Religions teachings and Quranic verses. Moreover, peace is the main principle of Monotheistic Religions and specially the religion of Islam; because it is rooted in human nature and of course conducting war in Islam is an exception in the case of oppression. CONCLUSION: Several options that can be applied to solve radicalism and terrorism problems in Indonesia society and other countries of the world are by understanding the root of radicalism and terrorism, de-radicalization and de-terrorism of Religions radical follower, the use of counseling method in contradiction of radicalism and terrorism and controlling hoax in social media.

How Radical Islamism Led to Terrorism and Objectification of Islam

The notion of Islamism is often debatable and questionable on the basis of how this form of activism is implemented in real life. Islamism in general refers to political and social activism in order to guide public and political life by Islamic principles. Islamism is also termed as political Islam with the notion of Islamic revival. However, the purpose of this paper is not to analyze the terminology of Islamism in public and academic context. Rather the aim of this paper is to analyze how the interpretation and implementation of Islamism has changed over the years. Particularly after 9/11, the notion of Islamism has gained much attention among the western orientalist, Islamologist and political scientist. However, after that event, Islamism has moved from its political aim of establishing Islamic state towards establishing " universal Muslim community " based on Islamic law (Roy, 1). This form of establishing individual faith by rejecting traditional Islamic values often carried out by inflicting violence and violation of human rights is referred to as Radical Islamism. This version of radical Islamism is not only influenced by their version of religion but also heavily developed on the basis of anti-western sentiment. That is, the radicals had objection to the modern way of life of the west and believed that, the western cultures are needed to be replaced by Islamic fundamentals. The radical Islamic group are said to be originated from the Global South countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan and Middle East. This religiously influenced activism of rejecting western culture and religion is often mobilized by multifaceted form of violence and terrorism. This violent movement is Hera 1


An-Natiq; Jurnal Kajian Islam Interdisipliner, 2023

The discourse of terrorism, extremism, and fundamentalism movements is not a new issue, but what becomes a public question is why all these actions are always in the name of religion. From various events, the majority of people claim the action was carried out by hardline groups with the face of Islam, such as Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, Abu Sayyaf, and so on. In fact, acts of terror are also carried out by groups with other religious backgrounds, such as the bombings that occurred in Malegaon, Maharashtra, and in Modasa, Gujarat in India on September 29, 2008. The question is, is it true that religions teach their followers to commit violence and justify such acts? What are the factors behind the emergence of religious violence? This research aims to examine religious sects from all religions in the world that often commit violence in the name of religion. In addition, it also wants to know the history of the emergence and movement of fundamentalist sects that become a forum for religious radicalism. Abstrak Diskursus aksi terorisme, ekstremisme, dan gerakan fundamentalisme bukanlah persoalan baru, tetapi yang menjadi pertanyaan publik mengapa semua tindakan itu selalu mengatasnamakan agama. Dari berbagai peristiwa, mayoritas orang-orang mengklaim aksi itu dilakukan oleh kelompok garis keras berwajah agama Islam, seperti Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram, Abu Sayyaf, dan lain sebagainya. Padahal, aksi teror itu juga dilakukan oleh kelompok dengan latar agama lain, sebagaimana

Declaration Of Understanding Radicalism To Islam (Critical Analysis of Islamic Religious Educational Materials in Response to Allegations of Understanding Radicalism to Muslims)

Kamaya: Jurnal Ilmu Agama, 2021

The purpose of this study is to critically analyze or re-measure Islamic religious education materials in countering accusations of radicalism to Muslims. The term radicalism has become a familiar term attached to a group in Islam. Indicators to call groups in Islam radicalism to include terrorism, anarchists, rebels, and extremists. The research method uses a descriptive type of research. The results of this study are one of the causes of the trapping of elements in radicalism, namely a partial understanding of religion and tends to the nature of fanaticism. This trait then results in a sense of superiority over followers of other religions. Failing to understand the concept of jihad in religion makes someone take a shortcut by spreading terror to innocent people. the logical consequence of this interpretation is the juxtaposition of terrorism as the fruit of radicalism. This hypothesis is reasonable, considering that various terrorist activities in various parts of the world alway...

Islamic Moderation (Islam Wasati): The Way Forward To Counter Radicalism

RSF Conference Proceeding series Business, Management and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 2, 2023

This study aims to explain the paradox of the face of Islam known as Rahmatan lil 'alamin on the one hand but indicates with acts of radicalism on the other hand. The rise of violence in the name of religion tarnished the face of Islam, which is famous for its friendship. Islam as a tolerant and peaceful teaching against radical and liberal Islam. This paper aims to reveal the root causes of acts of radicalism in the name of religion and how to solve them. This research uses literature study by searching and formulating several primary texts and supporting texts that rely on the topic, and then we analyze it to conclude the conclusion in the end. From the existing data, the authors found a relationship between religious truth claims and acts of violence that occurred because of them. Then came the discourse of Wasati Islam as a middle way in religion. Therefore, it is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding so there are no misunderstandings in religious thought. Muslims must not be trapped in a narrow understanding and stuck with a model of understanding that makes Muslims undeveloped, even liars who transgress. Muslims must be messengers of mercy to this world with calm and peaceful faces by understanding the Shari'ah framework in implementing it.

Radicalism, Terrorism And The Threat Of Diversity (Case Study of Radical Movement in West Sumatra, Padang, Indonesia)


This paper attempts to see the historical roots of the radicalism movement that led to terrorism in Bukittinggi West Sumatra. The cause of the emergence of radicalism in Bukittinggi comes from internal and external issues. Internal problems stem from a narrow and textual understanding of diversity. Understanding the verses of the gods textually and only take the verse in accordance with the interests of the group to make the flow of this radicalism thrives among grassroots. Then from the external side caused by the high western hegemony against Islam. The traditionalist Islamic group felt the existence of Islam is threatened, and then the intention to break the western hegemony. In counteracting the growing ideology of radicalism and terrorism there are several steps to be taken. First, optimizing the role of FKUB, secondly, optimizing the role of boarding school, third, running the values of local wisdom Bukittinggi West Sumatra, namely custom and religion.

The Role of Muhammadiyah in Preventing Islamic Radicalism in Banten.pdf

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2018

This study examines the role of Muhammadiyah Regional Board of Banten in preventing Islamic radicalism. Banten province is a place where Islamic radicalism has a long history, from NII (Indonesia Islamic Nation), a mastermind in a bomb attack, and even the executant in a suicide bombing. It shows Banten has a great potential in producing any Islamic radicalism movement, and the responsibility on this potential not only in government hand but also in a social community or Islamic community organizations. The study argues that Muhammadiyah, as one of largest Islamic mass organizations in Indonesia has a significant contribution in preventing Islamic radicalism by doing moderation ways as PWM (Muhammadiyah Regional Board) of Banten has been doing in Banten. Muhammadiyah in Banten has been preventing radicalism, among others by way of educational institutions under this organization and da’wah activities. These activities show that Muhammadiyah, particularly in Banten, not only has done their job in protecting the society from any Islamic radicalism movements, but also made a new discourse about how to face radicalism. Keywords: islamic radicalism, muhammadiyah, banten, discourse.