Developing Project-Based Learning Using Canva Internalized with Religious Moderation (original) (raw)
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This research seeks to determine the process of implementing Islamic Religious Education subject based on Merdeka Curriculum at SMKN 1 Purwosari Pasuruan and the steps. This study was carried out with a qualitative method and descriptive approach. To obtain the datas, the techniques used were: in-depth interviews, observations and documentation. This study indicated that the PjBL in Islamic Religious Education subject at SMKN 1 Purwosari Pasuruan consisted of three main steps: planning step, execution step, and evaluation step. There are six main aspects on project-based learning planning: (1) formulation of learning objectives; (2) students characteristics analysis; (3) learning strategies; (4) making worksheets; (5) designing the need for learning resources; and (6) developing evaluation tools. The implementation of the project-based learning in Islamic Religious Education subject at SMKN 1 Purwosari Pasuruan have met the standards set by the George Lucas Educational Foundation on...
Improving Student Learning Outcomes Through Project-Based Learning in Islamic Religion Lessons
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education
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This study aims to analyze the application of religious moderation values in Islamic education and character subjects at State Senior High School 9 Manado using a qualitative descriptive method. Primary data were obtained from teachers of Islamic Education and Character through interviews and observations, while secondary data was collected through documentation from students' and teachers' books, Lesson Plans, and Syllabus for Islamic education and character subject of 2013 Curriculum. The result showed that teachers' implementation of religious moderation values in Islamic Education and Character subjects is carried out by teachers using an additive approach and developing indicators of achievement of Basic Competencies as outlined in the lesson plan and the syllabus. It is also associated with paying attention to the principles of relevance, consistency, and adequacy. This study also found that implementing religious moderation values is carried out through exemplary examples by teachers in schools and the community.
Implementation of Moderate Islamic Curriculum in the Establishment of Student Character
The religious life of people in Indonesia, especially in religious life, has received the spotlight from various parties, both from within and outside the country. This is inseparable from the emergence of social conflicts with religious backgrounds in society. Starting from cases of religious blasphemy, destruction of houses of worship, hate speech on social media and mutual discredit between one people and another and people who are of the same faith.This research methodology is qualitative with a case study of Moderate Islamic Curriculum Implementation at SD Syafana Islamic School aims to describe: (1) Moderate Islamic curriculum implementation; (2) Implementation of the hidden Curriculum; and (3) The effectiveness of the moderate Islamic curriculum.From the results of interviews, questionnaires and analysis of the research documents, the results are as follows. (1) The moderate Islamic curriculum at SD Syafana School is implemented according to plan because it is supported by te...
Implementation of Religious Moderation Values in the Learning of Islamic Education
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This research is motivated by the need to teach the values of religious moderation at the senior secondary education level as a response to the phenomenon of spiritual understanding of some groups in Indonesian society, which tend to be extreme. Considering that at the senior secondary education level, entering an age vulnerable to influences both from within and outside education. Therefore, it is essential to internalize the purpose of this research, especially in the Madrasah Aliyah (MA) environment. Otherwise, a qualitative approach with a field study research design will gradually lead to national instability. Data were obtained through observation, interviews and documentation of actual conditions and facts that occurred in the field, supported by books, the latest journals and other sources in the form of related information. Data analysis was performed by condensation, presentation and verification. The implementation of religious moderation is pursued in 4 strategies, namely, First, insert moderation content in each lesson. It is second, optimizing the learning approach. Third, organizing specific programs, education, training and debriefing. Fourth, the teacher makes observations simultaneously. The implementation of religious moderation within Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Al-Huda has been running, realized in textbooks of integral and interconnected subjects, starting from regulation to the level of learning.
Internalization of Islamic Moderation Values in Pai Learning at Sma Ma'Arif Nu 1 Banyumas
Al-Qalam, 2021
Schools are one of the right places to spread the sensitivity of students on a different variety. SMA Ma'arif NU 1 Banyuma, as an educational institution, is able to internalize the Islamic moderation values of students through various activities in the school. This research aims to uncover and analyze the internalization of Islamic moderation values in the study of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) at SMA Ma'arif NU 1 Banyumas. The type of research is field research. Data mining was obtained through interviews with informants. The observation was conducted to see PAI learning activities and education in and out of the classroom, as well as PAI learning documentation. Data triangulation was used for the validation of the obtained data. Data analysis techniques were through three steps; data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results of this study are the values of Islamic moderation internalized in PAI learning are the values of al-'adālah, tawāzun, tas...
International Journal of Islamic Education, Research and Multiculturalism (IJIERM), 2020
the discussion in this article refers to the development of a multicultural-based Islamic religious education curriculum as an effort to develop the values of religious moderation in Indonesia that have been implemented. The research method in this article is an observative research on educational institutions in Indonesia from the policy side of government and related educational institutions. The conclusion is as follows: 1). Multicultural-based Islamic religious education learning Model. In developing a multicultural learning model that must be blessed is a truly multicultural-laden learning activity. Learning activities are designed to provide a learning experience involving mental and physical processes through interaction between learners, learners with teachers, the environment, and other learning resources in order to achieve basic competencies. 2). Learning Media of Islamic religious education. Media can also be called tools while commonly used at this time is an audio visual aids, which means audiovisual aids are materials or tools used in the situation to help the writings and words spoken in the transmission of knowledge, attitudes, and ideas in the development of Islamic education be bases multicultural. 3). Sources of educational learning Islamic religion-based multicultural sources of Islamic values as a cornerstone of Islamic education The Foundation consists of the Qur'an and Sunnah Prophet Muhammad SAW that was developed with Ijtihad, Al Maslahah al murincorrectly, Istihsan, Qiyas and so on and from the source of learning it in the Islamic Religious education based multicultural developed with regard to the values of Islam Rahmatan li Al-"alamin that put forward the principles of Islamic Humanist , tolerant, democratic, and accommodating local cultures.
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Research on the internalization of Islamic values in fostering religious moderation against a background of anxiety in the next generation of the nation who is starting to lose Islam as the Indonesian nation due to the invasion of foreign cultures. Vocational high school is a very important level of education in instilling Islam in students. The aim of the research is to foster religious moderation through the internalization of Islamic values. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method. The research subjects were selected by purposive sampling: school principals, teachers and students. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews, and documentation. The research subjects were the head, teachers, and students. Data analysis techniques used data collection, reduction, display, and verification. This research shows that the internalization of Islamic values can create religious moderation. This is evidenced by data verification with a data assessment rubric, tha...
Management of Project-Based Learning Model at Sekolah Alam Junior High School
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
The purpose of this research is to learn more about how project-based learning models are planned, implemented, and evaluated at Sekolah Alam Cikeas Junior High School. This study employed a descriptive method and a qualitative approach. Observation, interviews, and documentation studies were used to gather data. This research shows thatthe management of project-based learning environmental education programs is carried out by the Sekolah Alam Cikeas Junior High School very well.The quality of the learning implementation has exceeded the quality of the implementation of environmentally sound learning when compared to other schools. The implementation of Project-Based Learning at Sekolah Alam Cikeas Junior High School, which focuses on character and moral development, will produce students who can compete in academics and overall quality.Management that has been done in an organised manner makes Project Based Learning implemented in a more measured manner and produces output as expec...
International Journal of Research and Review
Student learning outcomes are influenced by two factors, namely external factors and internal factors, where external factors consist of learning strategies, learning media, learning facilities and infrastructure, while internal factors are student learning motivation and student learning styles. In this case the teacher in carrying out the learning process with the aim of good learning outcomes, it is necessary to consider the selection of learning media and student learning motivation. Current developments allow teachers to create their own learning media according to learning needs by using several applications such as the Canva application. Using the Canva application is very easy for teachers to make learning media. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in student learning outcomes in the control class and the experimental class by considering student learning motivation. This research is a quantitative research with a quasi-experimental research type with a 2 ...